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The Wheel Has Turned....

Samhain Greetings and Happy Celtic New Year!

WELCOME to the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy. 
Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

We are located at: 701 E. Pike St, corner of Boylston Ave., just two blocks west of Broadway, on Capitol Hill.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store.

Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 9pm.
Call: 206-PAN-1999

Note: To see a graphics version of this newsletter, please go to:

We are also now on Facebook:
Become a Fan; post your event on the discussion page!


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays,
Saturdays, and Sundays!

Classroom/Ritual Space is available-- please call for details!





Date: November 13, 2013
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Price: $10.00

Astrology is getting to know the myths of the Gods & Goddess and how they play out in our lives. It is a road map to both our inner & outer life. It is a guide of self discovery on our greatest adventure, our own life. It is a tool of self-empowerment.

It can help us understand & answer the questions:

"Why is this happening to me?"
"Why am I here, what is my purpose?"
"Who am I?"

In this introductory class we get an understanding of how astrology can help us in our own lives. Learn about the mystical dance of the Gods & Goddess through our lives.

Diana Lynn of Waning Moon Magick has over 40 years of astrology studies and helping others to empower them selves with astrology.

Email Diana Lynn at  with your Birth Date:
Date of Birth:
Time of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Your Birth/Natal chart will be there when you come to class.



Date: November 20, 2013
Time: 7 pm to 8:30 pm
Cost: $10.00
Have you ever wondered why we ask Deity for help. It is because they have been through the same thing. They have experienced great love and great loss. They have been asked to do the impossible and have done the impossible. If we ask for their help and trust them, they can be the best guide in how to succeed. The Goddess and Gods are outside of us, and they are also within us, a part of us. Come along with Diana Lynn as we explore their stories, and in exploring their stories find ways to empower ourselves.
In the first class, we will visit with Demeter. She is known as Goddess of the Harvest. She teaches us why Gratitude is so important in one’s life. Many of us were raised in a world where owning and dealing with our loss, our dark nights of the soul is wrong. So we just ignored them, and hopped they went away. Somewhere inside of us those losses are still growing, they didn’t go away. Demeter’s great gift is teaching us how to let go, and letting us know we are safe while doing so. With the letting go and healing comes empowerment.
Diana Lynn of Waning Moon Magick started working with Goddess and Gods 47 years ago. They have been her best friend and helped her through many dark and happy times. She feels blessed in being able to share how they can help you as well.

PSPRG : The Puget Sound Pagan Resource Guide
"Are you a Pagan in the Puget Sound area? Find groups, shops, events, classes, makers of thinks, officiates, healers, readers and more!"
About the Puget Sound Pagan Resource Guide
    The scope of this project is limited to doing a few things very well, aimed a connecting the wider Puget Sound Pagan community.  The site will serve two main functions… first to act as a community calendar, second to act as a pagan "yellow pages".  It is, and always will be, free to all. 


Note: all prices are subject to change without notice.

Regaining the Spirit of the Pagan Horned God
By Fredrick Thomas Elworthy , Raven Grimassi (Editor)
Paperback: 280 pages
Publisher: Weiser Books (October 1, 2013)
List Price: $19.95

For the modern Pagan and Witchcraft community, horns play a major role as a symbol of fertility, power, and protection and yet there are few books that discuss the significance in a way that makes sense to a practicing Pagan.

In Horns of Honor, neo-pagan scholar and award-winning author Raven Grimassi updates one of the few classic texts on horns, Frederick Thomas Elworthy's classic 1900 text, Horns of Honor. Grimassi has added a new introduction, footnotes, and commentary to make this extensive overview of animal horns in cultures across time, accessible to the Pagan community.

Horns of Honor examines the religious and ritualistic significance of horns in many cultures, the ancient reverence for horned gods, and the horn as a positive symbol.

This revived classic is sure to be welcomed by all in the Pagan community.

About the Authors:
Fredrick Thomas Elworthy (1830 - 1907) was a noted scholar, folklorist, and antiquarian. His other books include The Evil Eye (1895).

Raven Grimassi is a neo-pagan scholar and the author of 17 books about witchcraft and the occult. He is an avid researcher on folklore and folk magic practices, particularly in European cultures. He is currently the co-director of Elder of the Ash, Birch and Willow System of Old World Witchery. Visit him at


Understanding the Elementals and Faeries
By Victoria Hunt
Paperback: 100 pages
Publisher: Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. (September 1, 2013)
List Price: $12.00

Do you know the difference between elementals, faeries and elves? In Kiss the Wind: Understanding the Elementals and Faeries, this usually ignored difference is explored and revealed. These separate species impact the Earth in a way that is normally unseen to human eyes, but work together as a whole to keep our planet healthy and functioning smoothly.

Kiss the Wind combines ancient history, myth, folk lore and personal experience to explore this subject.

About the Author:
Victoria Hunt lives in California and has a background in metaphysics, druidry, and the psychic realms of the Second Sight which gives her the knowledge and grounding needed to explore and write about these subjects on an intimate level. Victoria has another book, Animal Omens, which is published by Llewellyn Worldwide Publishing.


Discover Who You Really Are
By Karen Curry 
Paperback: 376 pages
Publisher: Hierophant Publishing (October 1, 2013)
List Price: $21.95

The Owner's Manual for Your Life!

Founded in the twentieth century by the late spiritual teacher Ra Uru Hu, Human Design is often called the "new Astrology," and the "intersection of science and spirituality." Your Human Design chart is formulated by taking your birth date, time, and location and extrapolating specific personality traits and life paths from this convergence. A Human Design chart offers an astonishingly accurate guide to your personality, as well as direction and counsel on how each individual can deal with challenges in their life.

Previously, Human Design charts have been notoriously difficult to interpret and decipher, usually taking a dedicated expert to read and translate them into plain English. At least, that used to be the case--until now.

In Understanding Human Design: The Science of Discovering Who You Really Are, author Karen Curry walks you through the sometimes complex and intimidating Human Design chart with simple, direct language. You will learn about each level of Human Design, from the most basic elements of the chart to the deeper, more nuanced insights Human Design offers, all in an approachable and interesting way. Understand how every line, intersection, and symbol correlates to a personality trait that can directly affect your life with an experienced guide by your side.

Your personal Human Design Chart can reveal your strengths, your weaknesses, and perhaps most importantly, your potential. Prepare for repetitive difficulties that you might encounter throughout your life, and embrace the opportunity to grow as you understand your personal Human Design strategy. With author Karen Curry's assistance and knowledge, you have a path to overcome these difficulties simply by following the directions set out in your Human Design chart, the "owner's manual" to your life.

About the Author:
Karen Curry is a Human Design specialist and founder of the Human Design For Everyone Training Program. She has been teaching people how to wake up to their magnificence and discover who they truly are since 1985. Please visit for information on upcoming events and tips on activating your abundance blueprint.


By Erynn Rowan Laurie
Paperback: 150 pages
Publisher: Hiraeth Press (October 31, 2012)
List Price: $15.95

Fireflies at Absolute Zero is a map of a life, written in location and longing, its calligraphy the surreal moments between dream and waking. The poems are shaped by myth, the Gaelic poetic tradition, dream worlds, personal history, and the grey-green landscape of the Salish Sea. From snowfall in the Hoh rainforest to the sensuality of a lover's touch, the poems span decades of a life in motion, finally finding a home between the mountains and waters of the Pacific Northwest.

About the author:
Erynn Rowan Laurie is a professional madwoman who has been fascinated by Gaelic and other Celtic cultures for over two decades. Her occult interests started when she was just a kid and she's been doing astrology and tarot since about the age of 12. Poet, writer, feminist, musician, interfaith activist and disabled veteran, Erynn is one of the founding voices of the Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan movement and the author of Ogam: Weaving Word Wisdom and A Circle of Stones.  

Born in Rhode Island and raised in Connecticut and western Massachusetts, Erynn currently resides in western Washington, loving the mountains, forests, and water beyond all logic or reason. She enjoys hiking, backpacking, and camping when she's able, and records the minutiae of her daily life and her spiritual and political ramblings on her blog.


Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends
By Sandra Kynes  
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (November 8, 2013)
List Price: $19.99

The Ultimate Guide to Mixing, Matching, and Making Essential Oils

Choose the best essential oils for your creative and magical mixing with this straightforward, hands-on guide. Through step-by-step instruction on how to measure, mix, and assess blends, you’ll move beyond following others’ recipes and into creating your own oil combinations.

Mixing Essential Oils for Magic offers everything you need to understand not only how to blend but also why specific blends work together. Learn how to mix oils by botanical family, scent group, and perfume note. Discover an encyclopedic listing of essential and carrier oil profiles, as well as thorough cross-references for the oils and their magical associations. With guidance on the historical and present-day uses of essential oils, you’ll make personal blending an integral part of your spiritual and magical practices.

About the Author:
Sandra Kynes is an explorer of Celtic history, myth, and magic, and is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. Her curiosity has taken her to live in New York City, Europe, England and New England. Spiritually, her inquisitiveness has led her to investigate the roots of Pagan belief and study ancient texts such as the Mabinogion. In addition to leading healing circles and women's rituals, she is yoga instructor, massage therapist and Reiki practitioner. Sandra’s writings have been featured in Llewellyn's Magical Almanacs, Spell-a-Day and Witches Calendars under the name Sedwyn. Her books include: Gemstone Feng Shui (2002), A Year of Ritual (2004), Whispers from the Woods (2006), and The Altar: Place of Meditation and Transformation (2007).


Learn About & Communicate With Nature Spirits
By Alexandra Chauran 
Paperback: 216 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (November 8, 2013)
List Price: $13.99

Explore the magical world where nature spirits dwell…

From sprites to will-o'-the-wisps, this practical beginner's guide introduces you to a wide assortment of wild and wondrous creatures. Discover how to attract faeries and elementals to your home and garden, as well as how to befriend them. Along with step-by-step instructions for safely finding and interacting with these powerful creatures, you'll also learn how to:

      Identify faeries and elementals associated with each of the four classic elements—air, fire, water, and earth
      Perform rituals, meditations, and exercises that help you connect with nature spirits on a personal level
      Request help from faeries and elementals for healing, protection, getting a job, attracting love, and more
      Determine what roles nature spirits play in folklore and magic throughout the world

About the Author:
Sandra Kynes is an explorer of Celtic history, myth, and magic, and is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. Her curiosity has taken her to live in New York City, Europe, England and New England. Spiritually, her inquisitiveness has led her to investigate the roots of Pagan belief and study ancient texts such as the Mabinogion. In addition to leading healing circles and women's rituals, she is yoga instructor, massage therapist and Reiki practitioner. Sandra’s writings have been featured in Llewellyn's Magical Almanacs, Spell-a-Day and Witches Calendars under the name Sedwyn. Her books include: Gemstone Feng Shui (2002), A Year of Ritual (2004), Whispers from the Woods (2006), and The Altar: Place of Meditation and Transformation (2007).


By Patricia M. Lafayllve 
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (November 8, 2013)
List Price: $16.99

Asatru Then and Now…

From its pre-Christian beginnings to its contemporary practitioners, Heathenry has long fascinated people from every corner of the world. Written from the unique perspective of a Heathen gythja, or Godwoman, A Practical Heathen’s Guide to Asatru shows how to bring the beliefs and traditions of this ancient faith into your life today. In this complete guide to Asatru, you will discover:

The mythology, folklore, and historical sagas of Northern European Heathens
      How to conduct rituals for birth, naming, entry into adulthood, weddings, divorces, funerals, and holy days
             Practical techniques for meditation, trance-work, prayer, and working with runes and charms
      Heathen perspectives on the nature of time, creation, worship, ethics, oaths, and hospitality
      An in-depth glossary, index, pronunciation guide, and bibliography for further study

About the Author:
Since 1996, Patricia M. Lafayllve has lectured and performed rituals throughout the United States. She is a member of Two Ravens Kindred and The Troth, where she has served as Steward, High Steward, Godwoman, Rede member, and Steerswoman. Patricia is the founder of The Troth’s Lore Program and served as its Provost. She lives in Southeastern Connecticut. Visit her online at


Practical Spirituality for Every Day
by Alaric Albertsson 
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (November 8, 2013)
List Price: $15.99

Inspiration and Ideas for a Holistic Pagan Lifestyle…

Live fully as a Pagan every day of the year, not only on full moons and holidays. With practical tips for integrating earth-centered spirituality into every aspect of life, To Walk a Pagan Path shows you how to:

·         Cultivate a meaningful Pagan practice by following seven simple steps.

      Develop a sacred calendar customized for your beliefs, lifestyle, and environment.
      Make daily activities sacred with quick and easy rituals.
      Reclaim your place in the food cycle by producing a portion of your own food—even if you live in an apartment!
      Express Pagan spirituality through a variety of craft projects: candles, scrying mirrors, solar wreaths, recipes, and more.
      Create sacred relationships with animal familiars.

About the Author:
Alaric Albertsson (Pennsylvania) is a founding member of Earendel Hearth, an Anglo-Saxon inhíred, and served as vice president and was on the Board of Directors of the Heartland Spiritual Alliance. He is currently a member of the Druidic organization Ár nDraíocht Féin and serves as the Anglo-Saxon Vice Chieftain for the ADF Germanic kin, Eldr ok Iss.

Albertsson first embraced polytheism in the summer of 1971. At this time he had the opportunity to talk with rural people in the Ozark Mountains about traditional moon lore, weather lore and folk beliefs and was strongly influenced by spiritist traditions. Over the past four decades, Albertsson's personal spiritual practice has developed as a synthesis of Anglo-Saxon tradition, country folklore, herbal studies and rune lore.


Sex Magick, Vol. III
By Aleister Crowley , with an introduction by Lon Milo DuQuette
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Weiser Books (November 1, 2013)
List Price: $18.95

The Equinox, in print from 1909-1919, was a magical journal published by Aleister Crowley and included Crowley's own A...A... laws, rituals and rites, reviews, and magical works by other important practitioners. Published as ten volumes, much of the material remains out of print today. Now, for the first time since Israel Regardie's selections Gems from the Equinox (1974) renowned scholar and U.S. Deputy Grandmaster General of the O.T.O. Lon Milo DuQuette presents readers with his own selections from this classic publication, The Best of the Equinox.

Volume III of the series presents perhaps the most titillating of esoteric subjects, Sex Magick. Once he grasped the fundamentals of sexual magick, Aleister Crowley understood it to be the key that unlocks the secrets of the universe. He dedicated the entire second half of his life to exploring its mysteries. This volume presents the bulk of Crowley's written works on the subject and includes The Gnostic Mass, Energized Enthusiasm, Liber A'ash, Liber Chath, and Liber Stellae Rubeae.

About the Author:
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was the most widely read author in 20th-century occultism. He single-handedly redefined magic as a field of inquiry and endeavor through his books and the order that he led--the A.A. and the O.T.O. He is the author several books including The Book of the Law, 777 & Other Qabalistic Writings, and The Book of Thoth.

Lon Milo DuQuette is the author of 15 critically acclaimed books on Magic and the Occult including Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot. An authority on tarot and ceremonial magic, he is one of the most respected writers and lecturers in the field of the Western Mystery Traditions. Visit him at:


Sado-Magical Techniques for Pleasure, Pain, and Self-Transformation
By Stephen E. Flowers and Crystal Dawn Flowers 
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Inner Traditions; Original edition (September 21, 2013)
List Price: $16.95

BDSM sexuality as a powerful tool for self-transformation and the realization of magical and spiritual aims

• Details how to combine the 6 major types of S&M stimulation with sexual stimulation for magical and transformative purposes

• Explores sado-magical workings from both submissive and dominant perspectives

• Traces the roots of the BDSM tradition from ancient pagan and shamanic rituals to historical figures such as the Marquis de Sade, Aleister Crowley, and Anton LaVey

Sex magic allows us to tap in to the most abundant power source available: sexual energy. Magicians, shamans, and fakirs throughout history have used physical stimulation and ritual to harness sexual energy, unlock inner states of consciousness, and activate the ability to influence their surroundings. While pleasure is often the focus of this stimulation, pain is just as effective, if not more so.

Combining both pleasure and pain, the sadomasochistic practice of Carnal Alchemy offers a powerful tool for self-transformation and the realization of magical and spiritual aims. Authors Stephen and Crystal Dawn Flowers explain the sado-magical workings of Carnal Alchemy from both the perspective of the submissive partner as well as the dominant. They detail the 6 major techniques of sadomasochistic stimulation--bondage, flagellation, piercing, penetration, clamping, and heat/cold--and how they can be combined with sexual stimulation for magical purposes. They trace the roots of the BDSM tradition in ancient pagan rites of passage, in indigenous shamanic rituals, and through historical figures who used this form of sexuality in their magic and philosophy, from the Marquis de Sade to more modern exemplars such as Aleister Crowley, Ernst Schertel, and Anton LaVey.

This guide also covers specialized furniture and tools and the decor of “the Chamber” to trigger states of consciousness in which the Sado-Magician can effectively express his or her will.

About the Author:
Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D., and Crystal Dawn Flowers, husband and wife of more than 30 years, are the former heads of the Order of the Triskelion, a magical order dedicated to the practice of Carnal Alchemy. Stephen is the author of several books, including Lords of the Left-Hand Path, and translator of Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons. He is the director of the Woodharrow Institute for Germanic and Runic Studies. The authors live near Austin, Texas.



·         Every first Sunday of each month--SEATTLE CHAOS MAGIC
We meet at 3:33 pm. on the first Sunday of each month, at Edge of the Circle Books, 701 E. Pike St., Seattle, WA 98122.  Anyone practicing, curious about, or otherwise interested in Chaos magic is welcome to attend.

·         Every 1st Monday of each month CELTIC RECONSTRUCTIONIST GROUP 7-9PM


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!
We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.
Need Spell advice? Just ask!


Tarot readings by Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler
"I've been reading Tarot for more than thirty years, and reading professionally at the Edge for a decade. My belief is that Tarot is best used for putting you in touch with your own subconscious, allowing you to make healthy decisions that can change your life for the better. My readings tend to be rather commonsensical. They are often geared toward helping the client deal with the often self-imposed obstacles in their lives in a healthy, self –affirming way, so that they can achieve their goals and fully enjoy the fruits that life has to bring."

Please inquire about Tarot Parties, classes and other events.
Available every day except THURSDAYS-- 12:30-8.30PM.
Sundays 12:30-8:30 PM


This concludes our Newsletter for this month.
Look for us again December 1st, 2013!
Raven, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter



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