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NEW BOOK: THE SERPENT AND THE EAGLE: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ELDER RUNIC TRADITION By Chris Travers Signed Copies: Paperback $15.95 BOOK BLURB: The Serpent and the Eagle is the most transparent and accessible book on Runes available today. By exploring the rich lore from Germanic mythical sources as well as comparative studies, this work provides a solid basis of understanding the Runes as well as fruits of the author's own research unavailable elsewhere. The first part of this book is a basic overview of most important elements of Germanic cosmology. In this work, the structure of the World Tree, space, time, and social order are explored in detail as they relate to the Runes. The second part explores the structure and meaning of the Elder Futhark using a variety of methods. The meanings of the Runes are made accessible and enough information is provided to help the seeker explore this subject further. The third part of this book explores practice. Here one wil...