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Showing posts with the label Events at Edge

Open Circle: Lammas Ritual

The Aquarian Tabernacle Church will present a Lammas Ritual at 7Pm on Friday, July 31st at Edge of the Circle Books 701 E. Pike St. in Seattle . This Ritual is open to the general public. The ATC will provide all items needed for the Ritual.


RAVEN DIGITALIS AT EDGE OF THE CIRCLE BOOKS Raven Digitalis, author of Goth Craft and the forthcoming Shadow Magick Compendium (Llewellyn, September 2008) will be signing copies of his books at Edge of the Circle Books on Friday, September 12 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. Please stop by to meet Raven, and/or have your book signed by the author. For more information call: 206.PAN.1999.

Saturday, August 2nd, at 2pm, Mysteries of Isis Workshop

THE ISIS MYSTERIES Join James Jacob Pierri of in discovering the past, present and future of the faith of the Eternal Goddess Isis. Isis has been the everlasting hope to generations, evolving with the times in all cultures and still holding sway over her followers today under various names and faces. Now come face to face with her Mysteries. James Jacob Pierri is a devout follower of The Goddess and has shared his experience and knowledge worldwide. Una Quai es Omnia Dea Isis. Saturday, August 2nd, at 2pm $10.00 per person at Edge of the Circle Books 701 E. Pike St., corner of Bolyston Ave., two blocks west of Broadway, Capitol Hill Seattle, WA 98122 phone: (206) 726-1999, that's (206) PAN 19-99