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We at Edge of the Circle Books are pleased to announce that we have procured the following new titles: BALKAN TRADITIONAL WITCHCRAFT By Radomir Ristic List Price: $15.95 Paperback: 326 pages Publisher: Pendraig Publishing (July 21, 2009) BOOK BLURB: Published in English for the first time, this groundbreaking book by Radomir Ristic is a compilation of historical data, anthropological studies, and the authors own experiences and interviews with the Witches of the Balkans. Covering both theory and practice, the book gives a complete system of Balkan Traditional Witchcraft. Balkan Traditional Witchcraft is an ancient system from humanity’s dawn that has survived into modern times due to the unique history of the region, and its practice can be applied to any culture, state or region in the world. Translated into English by Michael C. Carter, Jr., this book – a bestseller in its native Serbia – is an incredible look into the world of the Balkan Witch, covering ritu...