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By Karl Stone
Imaginary Book Co., MMXII [2012].
First Edition Hardcover. 8vo. [VI], 232pp, plate. Original sky blue cloth with silver titling to spine and device to upper board, patterned endpapers, colour frontis, colour and b&w plates, bibliography and index. Illustrated bookmark. Edition strictly limited to 418 signed and hand-numbered copies. Illustrated by Stafford Stone. NEW book. Fine in fine dust jacket.
List Price: $120.00

Very rarely does a genuinely original occult book appear: this work, "The Moonchild of Yesod" (subtitled "A Grimoire of Occult Hyperchemistry, or Typhonian Sex Magick"), is just such a book. With an extraordinary use of language, the author builds on the work of Mme. Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, and Kenneth Grant to construct a Magickal Mirror that opens a genuine Gateway to Beyond. Covering both practical and theoretical aspects, the eleven chapters are titled Hierophantism, The Mystical Veil, The Outer Garment of the Mind, Elemental Invocation, The Key of Tarot Dynamics, The Metaphysic of the Tarot Keys and the 93 Current, Occult Anatomy, The 50 Gates of Understanding, Hierogamy, The Sexual Ritual of the Sepher Yetzirah and A Sabbatic Sexual Working.

"For the use of the practising occultist and hyperchemist, giving in a compendious form a full description of obscure rites and practices, and a complete explanation of metaphysical matters, hallucinatory vortices, tentacled antheridial gateways to other worlds, the dislocation of the mind, and the deep penetrative insight that arises from these territories, arranged in an entirely novel and interesting manner."

"Oracular gnosis, is the hypostatic precipitation of phantasma within the non-spatial stellar dimensions of the initiate. Traffick with praeter-human intelligences are received as a concussion of 'shadow signatures' which colour (Kalas) the magickal mirror experientially as a Somatonoësis.
Magickally, the crystallisation of this phantasma is a Lunar sexual operation. It occurs within the oneiric womb of Yesod, which receives the praeter-human spermatozoon via the lens of Daäth (The gateway to the 'Outer Ones'). Within this siderialised amnion, the spectral tinctures undergo a form of hyper-chemistry, whereby the colours (Kalas) out of space arouse a convolvulus within the 'Astral Light', manifesting an antheridial embryonate, the Moonchild (Homunculus), which consolidates it's prescience upon the substrate of the terrestrial sphere. The Moonchild is the vehicle of the Magickal Will i.e. making the word, flesh.
This grimoire is both a Theoretical and Practical exegesis of initiation, sexual magick, qabalah and sorcery. It elucidates the tangential and oblique method, whereby contact with the subtle occult forces are amplified from the deep soundless recesses of non-spatial stellar loci as a physicality (Somatonoësis). Such transmissions are approached indirectly and inferred by the magickal engine of the qabalah, whereby their gateways are represented as tauroid gestalts (Sephira) to the 'Outer Ones'. Such traffick can be used for mystical or magickal operations depending upon how the practitioner utilises these subtle intrusions (Kalas) of phantasma inspissated within the alembic of the adept’s occult anatomy as a Somatonoësis."

On the Outer, Karl Stone is a discordian episkopos, Bone Setter, Tibetan medical practitioner, occult mycologist, and hyperchemist of the Trans-Himalayan system. He serves as a Hyadean emissary of The Cult of The Yellow Sign. The adepts of this Order are always masked and hidden in plain sight. They receive transmissions from the Hyades, which coalesce through the planes somatonoëtically into that Star Stone, the immortalised star crystal of the astral light, otherwise known as the Lapis Exellis (Stone of Lucifer).

Published on Lughnasadh 2012, in a strictly limited edition of 418 copies, this book is beautifully designed to reflect the Golden Age of Victorian publishing, bound in pale blue buckram with silver foil blocking, printed on Favini Alga Carta White 120gsm, and features full-colour illustrations by Stafford Stone (no relation). Each copy is signed and numbered by the author, and comes with a specially designed bookmark.
"This publication removes much of the long established vagary and obfuscation about the actual process involved in sex magickal/alchemical work... These writings are a great service to anyone sincerely attempting to broach these mysteries. It's a great irony that the great sex magickal secrets can be shouted from the rooftops yet the work is completely self protecting. Not through any form of intellectual elitism that occultists might proffer but simply the fact that the 'magical engine' must be constructed correctly at each stage. This book gives some of the clearest explanations of the means to construct the 'magical engine' that I've come across in recent years."  Amodali Zain

"... anyone interested seriously in the work of Kenneth Grant, sex magick and processes of establishing contact with zones of praeternatural consciousness needs to take notice of this book."  Stephen Dziklewicz


A Tourist Guide to the Nightside
By Jan Fries
Hardcover: 212 pages
Publisher: Mandrake (June 1, 2012)
List Price: $40.00

Nightshades is the record of one remarkable magician’s exploration of the inverse regions of the Tree of Life. Aleister Crowley’s Liber 231 provides the map and Kenneth Grant’s Nightside of Eden a travelogue. “Liber 231, apparently started life as a text within the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, as an exercise to develop astral and trance abilities or perhaps in other more elaborate rites. The nightside aspect requires some care and alertness in case of accident. The correct attitude is said to be one of self or ego-less witness. Or maybe it’s just one needs the use of an all-embracing rather than a limited kind of identity and self-identification” (mmm)

“The Nightside is always with us. It’s so much older than the Dayside. Before the light began to shine, the night was there. Some assume that we are dealing with a simple polarity. On one hand the radiant world of colours and forms, more or less thinkable, reasonable and meaningful. Like the pretty picture of the Tree of Life it has its scenic cites, its hotels, restaurants, shopping opportunities and highways in between.
On the other hand the chaotic world of uncertain and incomprehensible mysteries. Both of them connected by the voidness that makes them possible. It looks symmetrical. But when you reach the Nightside it doesn’t work like that. The Nightside is not simply a reflection of the dayside with a few confusing and spooky bits thrown in.
The Dayside is a tiny island of experience in a huge ocean, the Nightside, full of currents, island chains and continents of the possible and impossible. All and Nothing are present everywhere. Our island is not the opposite of the world-ocean, it is simply a tiny and comprehensible part of it.” (jf)

Jan Fries’ Nightshades comprises 72 intense drawings prefaced by an explanatory essay detailing the background and genesis of this ultimate magical adventure.

Jan Fries is a German occultist freestyle shaman. He is a musician, artist, magician and author of several books.
He lives in Frankfurt near the Taunus Mountains.
Fries is credited with coining the term "freestyle shamanism"[1] in reference to a style of magic that emphasizes trance and closeness to nature, but instead of roots in a shamanic tradition, draws from individual experience in a way akin to chaos magic. He notes the Zos Kia Cultus, Maat Magick, Taoism and Thelema as his chief influences.[2]
Although Fries is a native German speaker his books have all been written and first published in English.
Visual Magick: A manual of freestyle shamanism (Mandrake of Oxford, 1992, 2001)
Helrunar: A manual of rune magick (Mandrake of Oxford, 1993 & 2002)
Seidways: shaking, swaying and serpent mysteries (Mandrake of Oxford, 1996)
Living Midnight: three movements of the Tao (Mandrake of Oxford, 1998)
The Cauldron of the Gods: manual of Celtic magick (Mandrake of Oxford, 2003)
Kali Kaula: manual of Tantric Magick (Avalonia, 2010)


A Guide to Angelic Beings and How to Walk With Them
By Judith Page, Aaron Leitch (Preface)
Paperback: 220 pages
Publisher: Mandrake (September 21, 2012)
List Price: $24.00

"The visualizations here draw their imagery from classical grimoires and Qabalistic philosophy. Plus, they have a specific and useful goal. Each visualization takes you on a journey into the symbolic realm of an archangel, where you are introduced to the entity's sigils and symbols and other sacred imagery before encountering the archangel himself. Each visualization builds upon those before it, until the aspirant has been led through the seven circles of heaven and has established a personal link to the archangel that governs each one. At the end, the aspirant will have learned to recognize the images, seals and symbols they will encounter in the Solomonic and other advanced systems of angel summoning. Such guided visualizations are certainly absent from the medieval texts about angels. So, why should I urge anyone who wishes to work with angels - even Solomonic practitioners - to follow the instructions in this book? Simply put, this book is based upon the same principle I described above: safely establishing first contact. It accomplishes this without resort to the full-fledged summoning ceremonies intended to call the angel down to the physical plane - an advanced practice the grimoires tend to jump into without preamble. This book even includes simple rituals by which you can submit petitions to the archangels in times of need - and these rituals are not entirely removed from the methods of the grimoires. Therefore, working through the steps outlined in this book can serve as a wonderful bridge between "square one" and the fully adept practices of angelic summoning." : From Aaron Leitch's Preface—


Issue Number Five
Carl Abrahamsson, editor
Price: $46.95
Stockholm: Edda Publishing, 2012. Limited to 500 copies, hand-numbered. A FINE QUALITY PAPER EDITION, hand-numbered and limited. This volume, the fifth, contains material by Jason Louv, Patrick Lundborg, Gary Lachman, Timothy O’Neill, Dianus del Bosco Sacro, David Griffin, Philip Farber, Aki Cederberg, Renata Wieczorek, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Ezra Pound, Gary Dickinson, Robert Pudgorski, Stephen Ellis, Mel Lyman, Hiram Corso, Frater Nagasiva, Peter Grey, Vera Mladenovska Nikolich, Kevin Slaughter, Lionel Snell, Phanes Apollonius, Lana Krieg and Carl Abrahamsson, on topics as diverse as the psychedelic William Shakespeare, secret societies, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, neurological interpretations of magic, the esoteric gardens of Quinta da Regaleira, Italian witchcraft, Pierre Molinier, Derek Jarman, the I Ching, Geomancy, the logic of evil and vice versa, Rémy de Gourmont, Aleister Crowley, Liber AL vel Legis, Macedonian vampires, Satanism, Goethe’s Faust, and the creation of a “mega Golem” within the context of developing a contemporary magical terminology. Octavo.
Edited by Carl Abrahamsson. Cover art by Fredrik Söderberg.

Carl Abrahamsson – Editor’s Introduction
Jason Louv – The Freedom of Imagination Act
Patrick Lundborg – Such Stuff as Dreams are Made of
Gary Lachman – Secret Societies and the Modern World
Tim O’Neill – The War of the Owl and the Pelican
Dianus del Bosco Sacro – The Great Rite
Philip H Farber – Entities in the Brain
Aki Cederberg – At the Well of Initiation
Renata Wieczorek – The Magical Life of Derek Jarman
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge – A Dark Room of Desire
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge – Kreeme Horne
Ezra Pound – Translator’s Postscript
Stephen Ellis – Poems for The Fenris Wolf
Hiram Corso – Mel Lyman
Mel Lyman – Plea for Courage
Gary Dickinson – The Daughter of Astrology
Robert Podgurski – Sigils and Extra Dimensionality
Frater Nigris – Liber Al As-if
Peter Grey – The Abbey Must be Built
Vera Mladenovska Nikolich – A Different Perspective of the Undead
Kevin Slaughter – The Great Satan
Lionel Snell – The Art of Evil
Phenex Apollonius – The Quintessence of Daimonic Ipseity
Phanes Apollonius – Infernal Diabolism in Theory and Practice
Anonymous – Falling with Love: Embracing the Infernal Host
Lana Krieg – Sympathy with the Devil: Faust’s Infernal Formula
Carl Abrahamsson – State of the Art: Birthpangs of a Mega-Golem
Carl Abrahamsson – Hounded by the Dogs of Reason



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