to the th 71st edition of the Edge of the Circle
Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out
to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are
based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our
store. I've got great plans for this newsletter. Hopefully, as time
goes by, it will only get bigger and better. Without further ado,
welcome, and enjoy.
Regards, Erica (Raven)
Branch-Butler, Editrix
Edge of the Circle Books
is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to
provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a
bit of networking.
We are located at: 701 E.
Pike St, corner of Boylston Ave., just two blocks west of Broadway, on Capitol
Edge of the Circle Books
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Nicolaas Gillingham, for the article, “A Pagan Viewpoint: On
Assisted Suicide and Disease”.
Pagan Viewpoint: On Assisted Suicide and Disease:
By: Nicolaas Gillingham; Ordained
High Priest Kemetist (Egyptian Worshiper), Pagan Author and Poet
I was reading an article within
newspaper about the Tony Nicklinson case which is occuring in
Britian. To begin with Tony Nicklinson suffers from "Locked-in
syndrome" and he asked Britian's High Court to rule on the case
and change the law. In an 40 page High Court decision rejected Tony's
right-to-die plead which would enabled others to help him end his
life. This article got me thinking and asking myself these questions:
- What is the general prescriptive of the Pagan and Wiccan community on Euthanasia in general?
- Is there an Pagan thealogy of Assisted Suicide and Right To Die within the Pagan Community itself?
- Does the Pagan/Wiccan community as a whole view this issue as Immoral like the Christians?
Before I could even begin to answer
these questions constructively I had to do some research. And I
found to my dismay that while this is an controversial issue there
didn't seem to be any hard views other than individual opinions. Now
there is nothing wrong with opinions, I'm the most opinionated person
out there! But where is the fundation for this issue? This thought
pattern of course gave me another question:
What were the views of the Ancient
Pagans and their societies on Assisted Suicide and fatal diseases?
Authors within the Hellenistic time period indirectly talked about willing self sacrifice, and apart from Hiippocrates, many of the other philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato indirectly dealt with the issue of euthanasia.
The ancient Dramatists also spoke of euthanasia an example of this would the tragedian giants of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. An example of each one of these Tragedians in regards to euthanasia is as follows:
Aeschylus writes in his classic drama Prometheus Bound about his character Eos, who became desperately entrenched with psychological problems and said: "It were better to die once and for all than to drag out my lingering days in anguish" so the earliest Tragedian Aeschylus was in support of euthanasia.
Sophocles however was very against euthanasia. He had the high esteem of his fellow citizens and had a profound respect for the Gods. In his play Antigone, Sophocles states "nobody is so silly as to wish to die, who prays to die is mad." And in another play The Woman of Trachis Sophocles directly refers to the dilemma of assisted euthanasia. When his protagonist Heracles who is suffering from unbearable pain asks his son Hyllus to help him end his life. His character Hyllus compains that if he helped Heracles to do so that he would become an murderer and would be showing disrespect to the Gods. this is enacted in the following statement: "Father, father, how can you? You are aksing me to be your murderer, polluted with your blood." And Heracles replies "No. I am not. I ask you to be my healer of my sufferings, sole physician of my pain."
Euripides who believed that an mortal man is responsible for his actions spoke of individuals seeking euthanasia in his tragery Iphigeneia in Taurica. Where his character Orestes who suffers psychologically ends his own life by starving himself to death. "Fasting before his shrine I cast me down and swore to snap my life threat, dying there I." However Euripides admired life and was against euthanasia.
What the Philosophers I meantioned earlier said on euthanasia was the following:
Plato said that Asclepius, the God of healing and medicine beleieved that in specific cases where no feasible effective treatment and when life expectancy was short that then the physician could refuse to administer any sort of treatment, because to do so would be of no benefit to the person or to society. However Plato was against what we would call active euthanasia and even called for the death of doctors that committed the act. And for general suicide he felt that the individual should be buried in unmarked graves in deserted areas. This rings similar to the later Christian concept of burial of those that died by their own hand not being granted burial in Christian graveyards. However Plato seems to be tolerant of individuals themselves who are suffering from insurmountable pain and states in his Laws IV that there should be some alleviation for these individuals. So he was accepting of passive euthanasia.
Pythagoras and those that followed his philosophry held that the human being had a transmigrational soul that was based upon an combination of philosophical and theological concepts of life and they were against any form of voluntary end to life and even were against surgical procedures as well.
Aristotle like his teacher Plato dealt indirectly with euthanasia and wrote about it in two books Eudermian Ethics IV and Nichomacheon Ethics V. In Nichomacheon Ethics V he stated the following: "The base among mankind, by toil o'ercome conceive a love of death." And in Eudemian Ethics IV he wrote: "But to seek death in order to escape from poverty, or pangs of love or from pain or sorrow is not the act of courageous man, but rather of a coward." He viewed it as an injustice to commit suicide. Aristotle didn't even agree with euthanasia in an passive sense because he proposed that the it should be an criminal offense and thatt it should be an captial offense on the same ground legally as treason and temple robbery. He continued that it was not the individual but the society that has been unjustly treated by the person that commits suicide or an doctor helping one to end his or her life. And for this reason alone the person should be punished by death and burial in disgrace.
The Philosopher Epicurus was also very much insistent that suicide unreasonable. He sited that an motive that caused someone to do so was not physicological. However in regards to euthanasia, Epicurus states "that each of us is free to put an end to our life if we are suffering from unbearable pain, provided this misfortune is neither brief nor intermittent. Cicero wrote that Epicurus sued to say the following: "I quit life's theatre when the play has ceased to please us."
The Philosopher Hippocrates who was influenced by the Pythagorean philosophers was against active euthanasia and sites in his well known Hippocratic Oath that no drug that could result in death should a doctor give nor give such a drug to anyone that asked for such a drug. Again however even Hippocrates seems in favor of passive euthanasia for gravely ill patients and suggests that a physician should not trate a person who has an incurable diease. It is believed that Hippocrates either an deep respect for the inviolable nature of life or was trying to protect the medical profession from failures in treatment.
So on the general concept of legal active euthanasia both the ancient Philosophers and the Dramatists were against its mandate. Neither of them speak of euthanasia in the religious context leaving the arguement open. And at least passively they could foresee cases were at least passively euthanasia was acceptable. They do defer the difference between suicide and euthanasia in their expressions. Now having researched to the best of my ability the ancient throughts on this topic I've come full circle. While there is no true concreate evidence of pro or against in this controversial issue which has remained open ended for the last 3000 years. So I will give an opinionated answer to my questions. Starting with the first:
What is the general prescriptive of the Pagan and Wiccan community on euthanasia in general?
Answer: What I have discovered is that this answer isn't all enclosing religiously/spiritually wise. It's often taken down to the individual person's preseceptive on the spirituality of life in itself. So given that both Pagan and Wiccan sects seem to don't offically sanction
euthanasia they have taken the stance of their forebearers and left it to the individual which is more than the ancient philosophers and dramatists have done.
I personally think that this should be addressed offically by Pagan and Wiccan originizations thou I definitely can understand why they don't take a stance offically due to the verbal and physical attacks they endure just for being Wiccan and Pagan.
I would try to answer this complex question with my own viewpoint; let's give two examples:
1: A person's child is suffering from an incurable and painful disease (for example the child is under 19). Should an parent with aid from the medical community ask for Euthanasia on either an offical or passive euthanasia?
Answer: There are pro's and con's to this. Remember that the Euthanasia Act passed in Germany in the 1930s and carried out by Drs in hospitals was fully sanctioned by Adolf's Hitler's government (this is the main reason why in most modern western countries today both forms of Euthanasia are illegal). Then the Euthanasia Act which was passed in their dicatatorable Reichstag (Government Congrass Building) was furthered to include both Alcholics and the Mentally and Physically handicapped. The biggest cause to get this passed was Cost per patient. Unfortunately this cost hasn't gone away and this is particularly an "sliding slope" Now the pro to this is that Euthanasia in all its forms can be strictly regulated; in other words it would be difficult in say the United States for an parent to insure a child with an life insurance policies then claim euthanasia reasons because most Dr's won't go along with parents in this sort of situation.
2: A person who is an adult and who has a painful and fatal disease like MS for example. Ask for Euthanasia from the medical community for either offical or passive forms of Euthanasia?
Answer: Using the Living Will System this is in effect already done on the passive level; for example no life saving measures acts, no putting on machines, etc. Offically this isn't called Euthanasia even thou anyone with intelligence knows that it is.
Now in both these questions one would notice that spirituality never plays any part even when those who have asked the High Courts to decide the matter they never put forward the religious arguement. This I particularly find very intresting because the religious arguement is often used for such topics as Abortion.
Personally on a religious level; I believe in personal direction of one's fate and that its only the Gods that can see into and judge (if they do judge in our terms) us mortals. So I will answer the two questions I posted above in an spiritual way.
On the first Question; because we control our lives spiritually we should let nature take its course in the case of the child and should be done so as pain-free as possible but neither Passive nor Offical Euthanasia should be sanctioned. I personally take the very very guarded viewpoint handed down to us by the ancients.
On the second Question; An adult being of course of legal sound mind should have the right to both Offical and Passive Euthanasia forms. Because in social terms by the age of 19-20 we are deemed "adults" with rights such as smoking, drinking or any other behavior which is considered adult behavior (this is not a discussion on weather smoking or drinking is good or bad in society or to the individual).
Euthanasia will continuely be an issue for western society as long as the three monolistic faiths bear the deciding factor on the spirituality front which affects what Pagans/Wiccans and Atheists do with their lives like their interference in our lives sexually they will continue to interfer with individuals rights on life itself and weather they (the individual) has the right to end their lives and cross the veil into the Underworld.
Futhermore in my opinion it is not my personal right or expression to decide the fate of anyone else well bodied or strucken with an fatal disease. These sort of descions should be made first by the individual and by those close to him or her only. And this article is not condoning an "For" or "Against" expression for this question. If you are Pagan/Wiccan and faced with this actuality then I would suggest speaking to your Priestess, Coven, Family and not to isolate yourself.
2: Is there an Pagan Thealogy of Assisted Suicide and Right To Die within the Pagan Community itself?
Answer: Avoidance, there is technically no Thealogy on either Passive or Offical Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide. Moral arguements both for and against seem not to be voiced among established Wiccan Covens and Established Pagan Originizations.
3: Does the Pagan/Wiccan community as a whole view this issue as Immoral like the Christians?
Answer: Because both Practicing Pagans and Wiccans don't recognize "Sin" as a moral compass like the Christians do there doesn't seem to be an issue as regards weather one who takes their life due active and passive Euthanasia. Most Pagans and Wiccans who I have posted the question to say its the person's individual choice and only about 1 in 10 say that they would never assist someone even in a situation of a painful fatal disease to end their own life. For purposes of this article however I did not pose the question of refering to a person's child having an fatal/painful disease/disorder and going the euthanasia route. I suspect that would unify people's viewpoint on this issue.
To Sum Up:
I have to say the research and discussions I have had with Wiccans/Pagans on this specific issue have been interesting. The research on this issue has been frustrating! And in general I would go as far as saying for the whole Pagans/Wiccans are more open to specifically Passive Euthansia and they would pause more at Official Euthanasia. Unlike their Christian, Muslim and Jewish counterparts this isn't done out of judgement socially nor spiritually. Pagans and Wiccans for the most part seem to be more open minded and none judgmental on this specific issue but they are ready to give their opinion on the issue.
Article By: Nicolaas Gillingham; Ordained High Priest Kemetist (Egyptian Worshiper), Pagan Author and Poet
A Historical Study of the Toad-Bone
Its Forms, Functions And Praxis In
Popular Magic.
By Andrew D. Chumbley
Publisher: Three Hands Press, 2012
Trade paperbound — $16.95
"You ketch a hopping toad and
carry that in your bosom till that's rotted right away to the
back-boon. Then you take and hold that over running water at midnight
till the Devil he come to you and pull you over the water… and then
you be a witch and you kin dew all mander of badness to people and
her power over 'em."
So spoke Tilly Baldry of Huntingtoft,
an English wise-woman of the 19th century, describing the ritual of
obtaining the witches amulet known as the toad-bone. Known to rural
folk magicians and secret societies such as the Society of the
Horseman's Word, the exacting ritual of killing a toad to obtain the
bone of power has been documented in various forms and cultural
milieus for two millennia, though its origin is likely far older.
Focusing on extant forms in Britain and Europe, Chumbley traces the
metamorphosis of the toad-bone amulet from its beginning as a
talisman for controlling animals to its ultimate manifestation as a
conduit of diabolic power of the 'Toad-Witch'. The first academic
study of this little-known aspect of folk magic, The Leaper Between
is here presented in unabridged form, newly typeset in several fine
bindings worthy of its fascination. It will be of interest to
students of comparative religion, magic, and folklore alike.
Andrew D. Chumbley (1967-2004) was a
British author, scholar, and sorcerer. His first book Azoetia: A
Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft, first published in 1992 (Xoanon
Publishing, republished 2002), a highly original vision of the arcane
traditons of Essex and Welsh witchcraft he had been initiated into,
apprehending their diverse magical practices via the hidden lore of
the Oneiric Sabbat. His second book Qutub, published by Fulgur
Limited for Xoanon in 1995, concerned the power of the Opposer and
Crooked Path Sorcery, a term Chumbley advanced to describe the
transgressive ethos underlying traditional systems of magic
integrating right and left-hand path ritual disciplines. In 1999 he
wrote One: The Grimoire of the Golden Toad, published by Xoanon in
2000, a personal account of the Toad-bone rituals of East Anglia and
other British counties. Additionally, his articles appeared in a
number of occult periodicals from 1990-2004. Mr. Chumbley was also,
at the time of his death, a PhD candidate at the University of London
studying dream-incubation ritual in the ancient Near East.
Xoanon Publishing-
Limited to 740 copies
only. Bound in natural linen with special color dust jacket. Octavo.
EIKOSTOS, a Greek word
meaning ‘Twentieth’, is a complete historical bibliography of the
first two decades of Xoanon Limited. Fully illustrated in color and
black and white, it details the history, specifications and arcana of
each Xoanon title. The text draws upon previously unpublished images,
texts and correspondence to embody the patterning of magical
emanation crucial to the manifestation of the XOANON corpus. Also
included are notes on critical reviews, rare and privately published
magical volumes, ephemera, and forthcoming works by the initiates of
the Cultus Sabbati. As a scribe bearing witness to time, EIKOSTOS
unfolds the witch-gnosis of the Sabbatic Current as manifest through
the bound pages of the enchanted book.

Commemorating Fulgur
And Xoanon, 1992-2012
Xoanon Keepsake
Exhibition Catalog (Staplebound Booklet)
From The Bound By Intent
Exhibit At The 2012 Esoteric Book Conference
Please call for inquiry.
Josephine McCarthy
Paperback: 262 pages
Publisher: Mandrake
(September 21, 2012)
List Price: $24.00
"...This is the state
where the Inner Traditionalist becomes the Ritualist and the
Ritualist sees the power behind the words. Magical acts become like
riding on top of a speeding train of words, and gestures towards your
spiritual destination . . . it is vital for people practicing the
Ritual Tradition to read and understand this book and bring back to
their systems the techniques that are contained within it." Nick
Farrell Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea Rome Magical Knowledge III
- The contacts of the Adepts is a book that is a springboard for
those who are immersing themselves in the depths of Western Magic.
Working at an adept level means working in depth in the inner worlds
and bringing that work out into the physical world through ritual,
utterance and focused thought. This book facilitates these actions
and bridges connections between the inner interface of magic and its
outer manifestations. The book looks in depth at magical methods used
in various ancient temples, the inner mysteries of the Abyss, the
workings of the Metatron Cube, the magic of Fire, the power of
Utterance and the contacts of ancient deities.”
“I have been teaching
and writing on occult/ Western Mystery themes in the USA and UK for
the last two decades, and involved in magic/occultism for 35 years. I
was birthed out of the cooking pot of my bizarre family (and trust
me, by anyone's standards, it is bizarre), and the magical city of
Bradford complete with its ritual lodges, Theosophical Society,
Golden Dawn Temple and strange population.
In the past I have been,
among other things, a classical ballet dancer, coach and
choreographer, college teacher, stand up poet, arts officer,
exorcist, occultist, waitress, cleaner, gardener, director of a
federal parrot rescue, Indian Rez bar tender, prep cook in an
Haitian/Cuban cafe/bar and tree planter/forestry worker for the
Salish And Kootani tribal forestry division in Montana. I now live
back in the UK in a wee Dartmoor village and spend my time writing
and working on projects with my partner Stuart Littlejohn.”
By Christopher
Price: $21.99
330 pages
Copper Cauldron Publishing (February 10, 2012)
roads - one destination: that alternate state of consciousness
associated with magick and witchcraft. In The Gates of Witchcraft,
award-winning author Christopher Penczak looks at twelve different
"gateways" of trance and gnosis, twelve different paths for
changing our consciousness to go deeper and get more in touch with
the magick within. From meditation and breath-work to dance and
music, sacred space and sacred vestments, to the Lonely Road of
isolation or the Path of Poison working with herbal allies, The Gates
of Witchcraft, presents theory, practices, exercises, and rituals for
exploring the different paths to power in the Craft. Learn the
various aids to help you along the path and take heed of their
dangers and shadow-sides. Whether you are an experienced practitioner
or a novice finding your way, you will find something to help you
along. Step onto the path and open... The Gates of Witchcraft!
Sexual Practices For
Magical Power
By Paschal Beverly
Randolph , Maria de Naglowska , Donald Traxler (Translator,
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Inner
Traditions; Reprint edition (August 27, 2012)
List Price: $16.95
A step-by-step guide to
the occult science of sex magic
• Based on the practices
of P. B. Randolph, occult rival of H. P. Blavatsky
• Reveals how to perform
sex magic rituals for specific real-world results, such as greater
strength or enhancement of the senses
• Explains how to create
magical talismans, such as rings with specific planetary forces, how
to enliven a painting, and how to charge an effigy
Conceived by Paschal
Beverly Randolph, Magia Sexualis has been heralded as the most
influential book about sex magic ever written, surviving to the
present day solely through Maria de Naglowska’s French translation.
Published more than 50 years after Randolph’s death, the authorship
of this “translation” has been repeatedly called into question:
While the greater part of the content can be traced to Randolph’s
known works, a very significant portion cannot--leading to the
conclusion that this work was supplemented by Naglowska’s own sex
magic work and extensive occult teachings.
Magia Sexualis explains
Randolph’s meticulous science of sex magic, practiced by the
Brotherhood of Eulis and the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. Beginning
with exercises to develop essential skills, the book explains in
step-by-step detail how to perform sex magic rituals for specific
results, such as greater strength or enhancement of the senses, how
to charge and use a “volt”--an effigy of a specific person you
want to influence or protect, how to enliven a painting in order to
influence those around it, and how to create magical talismans with
specific planetary forces, using what Randolph calls “fluid
condensers.” This work from two great occult minds shows that true
power of the spirit is acquired in conjunction with the power of
sex--affirming that “sex is the fundamental force in every being,
the most powerful force in Nature, and the most characteristic
evidence of God.”
From the Inside Flap
Conceived by Paschal
Beverly Randolph, Magia Sexualis has been heralded as the most
influential book about sex magic ever written, surviving to the
present day solely through Maria de Naglowska’s French translation.
Published more than 50 years after Randolph’s death, the authorship
of this “translation” has been repeatedly called into question:
While the greater part of the content can be traced to Randolph’s
known works, a very significant portion cannot--leading to the
conclusion that this work was supplemented by Naglowska’s own sex
magic work and extensive occult teachings.
Magia Sexualis explains
Randolph’s meticulous science of sex magic, practiced by the
Brotherhood of Eulis and the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. Beginning
with exercises to develop essential skills, the book explains in
step-by-step detail how to perform sex magic rituals for specific
results, such as greater strength or enhancement of the senses, how
to charge and use a “volt”--an effigy of a specific person you
want to influence or protect, how to enliven a painting in order to
influence those who view it, and how to create magical talismans with
specific planetary forces, using what Randolph calls “fluid
condensers.” This work from two great occult minds shows that true
power of the spirit is acquired in conjunction with the power of
sex--affirming that “sex is the fundamental force in every being,
the most powerful force in Nature, and the most characteristic
evidence of God.”
(1825-1875) was an African American doctor, Rosicrucian, and
occultist who introduced sex magic to North America. The founder of
the Brotherhood of Eulis and a known occult rival of H.-P. Blavatsky,
he authored several books, including Eulis: The History of Love.
MARIA DE NAGLOWSKA (1883-1936) was a Russian occultist, mystic, and
founder of the Brotherhood of the Golden Arrow. Her conferences in
Paris in the 1930s were attended by many now famous avant-garde and
notorious writers and artists, such as Julius Evola, Man Ray, and
André Breton. She is the author of The Light of Sex, Advanced Sex
Magic, and The Sacred Rite of Magical Love.
The Clan Of Tubal Cain
Today: The Legacy Continues
By Shani Oates
Hardcover: 204 pages
Publisher: Mandrake; Large
type edition edition (June 21, 2012)
List Price: $40.00
Following on from the
groundwork of the first volume prepared by Evan John Jones, the
thread continues through expansion, evolution, and return to the
Weaver Herself. Experiential research bears fruit, en-fleshing the
seeds planted by previous workers of the lineage. Guided and inspired
by tradition, prompted by oracular observation, intellect and mental
detective work. Concepts and core principles of our Mythos and Praxis
reveal a shift of awareness and a 'Perennial Philosophy'. This is an
ecumenical gnostic current that has revealed a deeper understanding
of our work and its obligations, both to ourselves and to our
ancestors. Discussed here are subtle treasures unearthed within a
rich heritage of folklore, myth and legend. Overarching paradigms
that include the Egregore, Clanship, Mysticism and Luciferianism.
These essays build upon
the former volume, expounding a vibrant dramatic aegis.
Here, find a new voice to
herald the eternal paean, the Song of the Beloved: Promethean gnosis
of the Star Crossed Serpent.
The Ring Troth of Cain
Archer's Song
Brimstone & Treacle
The Faith of the Wise
The Stang
The 4th Nail
Dark Aegipan and Pale Leukothea
Cain and Craft Diversity
Cain, Clanship and the Egregore
Patterns of Transformation: the Alchemy of Being
The Poison Chalice Epilogue
A Complete Guide To The
Rituals And Practices
By Ócha'ni Lele
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Destiny Books
(August 22, 2012)
List Price: $16.95
The first book to explore
the history, methods, and thinking behind sacrifice in the growing
Santería faith
• Explains the animal
sacrifice ceremony in step-by-step detail
• Shares the ancient
African sacred stories that reveal the well-thought-out metaphysics
and spirituality behind the practice of animal sacrifice
• Chronicles the legal
fight all the way to its 1993 U.S. Supreme Court victory to establish
legal protection for the Santería faith and its practitioners
Tackling the biggest
controversy surrounding his faith, Santería priest Ócha’ni Lele
explains for the first time in print the practice and importance of
animal sacrifice as a religious sacrament. Describing the animal
sacrifice ceremony in step-by-step detail, including the songs and
chants used, he examines the thinking and metaphysics behind the
ritual and reveals the deep connections to the odu of the
diloggún--the source of all practices in this Afro-Cuban faith.
Tracing the legal battle
spearheaded by Oba Ernesto Pichardo, head of the Church of the Lukumi
of Babaluaiye, over the right to practice animal sacrifice as a
religious sacrament, Lele chronicles the fight all the way to its
1993 U.S. Supreme Court victory, which established legal protection
for the Santería faith and its practitioners. Weaving together oral
fragments stemming from the ancient Yoruba of West Africa, the author
reconstructs their sacred stories, or patakís, that demonstrate the
well-thought-out metaphysics and spirituality behind the practice of
animal sacrifice in the Yoruba and Santería religion, including
explanations about why each animal can be regarded as food for both
humans and the orisha as well as how sacrifice is not limited to
Shedding light on the
extraordinary global growth of this religion over the past 50 years,
Lele’s guide to the sacrificial ceremonies of Santería enables
initiates to learn proper ceremony protocol as well as gives
outsiders a glimpse into this most secretive world of the santeros.
From the Back Cover
“. . . this book is an
absolute must-read! You will find here secrets never before revealed
to the outside world . . . you simply cannot ignore this book.”
--Aaron Leitch, author of
Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires
“. . . very useful to
students of religion, history, and folklore, as well as general
readers eager to know more about this complex religion. It will be a
welcome addition to academic and public libraries.”
--Cynthia Duncan, Ph.D.,
professor of Hispanic studies at the University of Washington Tacoma
and author of Unraveling the Real: The Fantastic in Spanish American
Tackling the biggest
controversy surrounding his faith, Santería priest Ócha’ni Lele
explains for the first time in print the practice and importance of
animal sacrifice as a religious sacrament. Describing the animal
sacrifice ceremony in step-by-step detail, including the songs and
chants used, he examines the thinking and metaphysics behind the
ritual and reveals the deep connections to the odu of the
diloggún--the source of all practices in this Afro-Cuban faith.
Tracing the legal battle
spearheaded by Oba Ernesto Pichardo, head of the Church of the Lukumi
Babalu Aye, over the right to practice animal sacrifice as a
religious sacrament, Lele chronicles the fight all the way to its
1993 U.S. Supreme Court victory, which established legal protection
for the Santería faith and its practitioners. Weaving together oral
fragments stemming from the ancient Yoruba of West Africa and from
their descendants who were forcibly relocated to Cuba via the slave
trade, the author reconstructs the sacred stories, or patakís, that
demonstrate the well-thought-out metaphysics and spirituality behind
the practice of animal sacrifice in the Santería religion. The
patakís explain why each sacrificial animal can be regarded as food
for both humans and the orishas as well as how the theme of sacrifice
is central to this Afro-Cuban religion.
Shedding light on the
extraordinary global growth of this religion over the past 50 years,
Lele’s guide to the sacrificial ceremonies of Santería enables
initiates to learn proper ceremonial protocol and gives outsiders a
glimpse into this most secretive world of the santeros.
Ócha’ni Lele has been
immersed in the underground culture of orisha worship since 1989. He
made Ocha in 2000 and was crowned a priest of Oya. His other books
include Diloggún Tales of the Natural World, Teachings of the
Santería Gods, The Secrets of Afro-Cuban Divination, Obí: Oracle of
Cuban Santería, and The Diloggún: The Orishas, Proverbs,
Sacrifices, and Prohibitions of Cuban Santería. He lives in Winter
Park, Florida.
Weaving Connections
With The Enchanted Realm
By Emily Carding
Paperback: 360 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn
Publications (October 8, 2012)
List Price: $18.99
Faery Craft offers a
glittering introduction to the Fae and the people who love them.
You’ll find nearly 200 beautiful photographs and illustrations, and
simple yet effective ideas on how to engage with this wondrous realm.
This gorgeous guidebook explores all things Faery, from the amazing
variety of magical beings to natural gateways to the Faery realm.
Discover how to practice Faery spirituality and magic, create altars,
and find a Faery ally. Brimming over with practical advice, Faery
Craft features an original Faery zodiac, guidance on Faery etiquette
and prohibitions, and instructions on how to find your own unique
gifts and place in the Faery world.
Those already enchanted by
Faery beings will love the book’s original art, meditations, and
poetry, as well as interviews with Faery authors, artists, and
musicians, including R. J. Stewart, John and Caitlín Matthews, Brian
and Wendy Froud, Linda Ravenscroft, S. J. Tucker, and Charles de
Emily Carding (Cornwall,
United Kingdom) is an author, priestess, and artist. An initiate of
Alexandrian Wicca and a member of the Starstone network, Carding has
been working with inner world Faery contacts since childhood. She has
been trained in techniques of Celtic shamanism by John and Caitlin
Matthews, and has worked with renowned Faery teachers R. J. Stewart
and Brian and Wendy Froud. A respected and active member of the Faery
and Tarot community worldwide, Carding’s work has received
international recognition. Visit her online at ChildOfAvalon.com.
A Down-To-Earth Guide
By Deonna Kelli
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn
Publications (October 8, 2012)
List Price: $15.99
Popular shows like Ghost
Hunters have inspired legions of fans to hunt ghosts on their own.
This smart, in-depth guide—packed with insider knowledge—shows
how to become a real-life paranormal investigator.
First, explore the
fascinating history of paranormal investigation and today’s
distinct approaches: client-based, spiritual-based, adventure-based,
and research-based. You’ll learn how to build a team wisely,
organize an investigation, and find your first case. Unlike other
books, this essential guide details how to conduct historical
research and properly document your findings. There’s guidance on
using the latest ghost-hunting gadgets, such as instrumental
trancommunication (ITC) devices, in addition to crucial advice on
legalities, ethics, and safety.
Deonna Kelli Sayed
(Greensboro, NC) is a Muslim-American paranormal investigator with
Haunted North Carolina (HNC). She lectures on many
issues, from women in
Islam to the paranormal, and has lived and conducted studies
throughout Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.
She is the host of "Think
Tank," a forum on LiveParanormal.com.
All You Need For A
Magickal Year
By Deborah Blake
Paperback: 360 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn
Publications (October 8, 2012)
List Price: $18.99
Amplify your wishes and
manifest positive change all year long with Deborah Blake’s
inspiring collection of simple rituals. These empowering
ceremonies—for new moons, full moons, sabbats, and rites of
passage—will help you find love, build courage, boost creativity,
achieve balance, and deepen your faith.
Witches of all levels will
appreciate these easy-to-perform rituals that require only common
tools and ingredients. With down-to-earth sensibility and warmth,
Deborah Blake explains basic ritual elements, timing for success, and
the importance of each ritual step. You’ll also learn how to
customize rituals, adapt them for solitary or group work, and work
with a familiar.
By (author) Barbara
Moore, Illustrated by Grzegorz Krysinski, Illustrated by Simone
By: Lo
Specs: Boxed
Kit | 9780738735078
| 160 pages | 5 x 8 x 2 IN
Date: September 2012
powerful tarot is lovingly crafted upon Wiccan beliefs and practices.
On this magical journey, you’ll encounter beautiful gods and
goddesses, joyous Sabbat celebrations, spell-weaving rites, and vivid
scenes central to Pagan spirituality. From the suits—represented by
air, fire, water, and earth—to the major arcana, the tarot’s
overall structure is built upon Wiccan themes. Barbara Moore’s book
introduces Pagan/Wiccan concepts, offers practical guidance on using
the deck, and provides spreads.
Book of Shadows Tarot Kit features one deck, Volume 1: As Above, and
is designed to hold a second deck, Volume 2: So Below, to be released
in 2013.
kit (5 1/4 x 8 1/4) includes Volume 1: As Above deck (78 full-color
cards) and full-color, 160-pp book
By John Matthews
(Author), Wil Kinghan (Illustrator)
160 pages
Tuttle Publishing; Book and Kit edition (September 10, 2012)
Price: List Price: $15.95
1994 a researcher working in the Italian National Library in Rome
discovered a manuscript containing 80 mysterious paintings, believed
to have been devised by the mysterious prophet Michael de Nostredame,
better known as Nostradamus. The manuscript, never published in his
lifetime, was handed down to his son who later presented it to Pope
Urban VIII. After that it remained forgotten and neglected.
brief glance at these extraordinary images shows how heavily they
draw on the symbolism of Tarot. It is the belief of Tarot experts,
Matthews and Kinghan, that Nostradamus was designing his own set of
cards, drawing upon the visionary
insights gleaned from his prophetic writings and visions. Now this
Tarot has been brought to fruition by two modern experts and its
secrets revealed for the first time.
artist Wil Kinghan and New York Times best-selling author and
longtime student of Tarot, John Matthews have devised a deck which
incorporates Nostradamus' own images, fully updated to make what will
surely be judged one of the most important decks of this age.
October 6th, Chris Penzack from 7—9pm
Thursday 11th , Blacksun (pagan Author) 6pm--Book Signing
Wednesday: Irish Language Drop in Class-7-9PM
(first Sunday of each
We meet at 3:33 pm. on the
first Sunday of each month, at Edge of the Circle
Books, 701 E. Pike St.,
Seattle, WA 98122.
Anyone practicing, curious
about, or otherwise interested in Chaos magic is
welcome to attend.
(Every 1st Monday of each
For More Information:
REMINDER: We buy used
Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays,Thursdays,
Saturdays, and Sundays!
We also have
classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.
Need Spell advice? Just
readings by Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler
" I've been
reading Tarot for more than thirty years, and reading professionally
at the Edge for a
decade. My belief is that Tarot is best used for
putting you in touch
with your own subconscious, allowing you to make healthy
decisions that can
change your life for the better. My readings tend to be
rather commonsensical
(hence the name) and are geared toward helping the client
circumvent the often
self-imposed obstacles in their lives, so that they can
achieve their goals and
fully enjoy the fruits that life has to bring."
Please inquire about Tarot
Parties, classes and other events.
Available every day except
THURSDAYS-- 12:30-8.30PM.
Sundays 12:30-8:30 PM
Daughter of the Ancients
Psychic, Healer, Muse...
Thursdays at Edge of the
Circle Books 2-8:30pm
This concludes our
Newsletter for this month.
Look for us again
November 1st , 2012!
Raven, Editrix, Edge of
the Circle Books Newsletter