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 Welcome to the 44th edition of the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. I've got great plans for this newsletter. Hopefully, as time goes by, it will only get bigger and better. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.

Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler,


Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

We are located at: 701 E. Pike St, corner of Boylston Ave., just two
blocks west of Broadway, on Capitol Hill.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be everything that you could want in a Magical Pagan store.

Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 9pm.
Call: 206-PAN-1999
Note: To see a graphics version of this newsletter,please go to :

We are now on Facebook:

Become a Fan, post your event on the discussion page!


We have some lovely new designs , including Brian Froud Tanks, t-shirts and and Dresses, and new Faery and Green Man T-shirts now available.

We are proud to present Paul Borda's FREYR and TYR statues, now available!

Fine, handcrafted incense and aromatics made with natural resins, essential oils and herbs with love and intent.

Incendiary Arts uses no synthetics or animal products. Incendiary Arts Aromatics was conceived within the fires of Sowelo. From the concepts of inspiration and wisdom, the roots of the spring of Mimir, comes this lore, this wild love. Incendere - from Latin, to 'set on fire', Candere - to set alight, to kindle, to inspire!

Some of the blends are as follows, Odhin, Wealth, Mars/Thor, & Wellness. 

By Sam Webster
Kat Lunoe (Illustrator)
Paperback: 132 pages
Publisher: Concrescent Press (February 2, 2010)
List Price: $19.95

Over a decade in development, Tantric Thelema develops author Sam Webster's Pagan Dharma work uniting Pagan, especially Thelemic spirituality with Buddhist wisdom and ritual technology. It gives a complete method for learning a Mahayoga Tantric technique for invoking the primary deity of Thelema, Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Forty-seven practices are described in fine detail with clear theory to enable the reader to advance spiritually. For the first time ever the Initiatory and Couples practices are published, along with a practice to prepare for Death.

Sam Webster, M. Div., Mage, has taught magick publicly since 1984. He graduated from Starr King School for the Ministry at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley in 1993. He is an Adept of the Golden Dawn and a cofounder of the Chthonic-Ouranian Templar order, as well as an initiate of Wiccan, Buddhist, Hindu and Masonic traditions. His work has been published in a number of journals such as Green Egg, Reclaiming Quarterly, Mezlim, and Gnosis. He founded the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn in 2001 (, and serves the Pagan community principally as a priest of Hermes.

by James A. Eshelman
Hardcover: 302 pages
Publisher: College of Thelema (September 22, 2008)
Price: $49.00

“Previously, so comprehensive a guide book has not been readily available.”

Initiation is a reality. Humanity has a potential to grow far beyond its native state of consciousness and capability. This growth is a spiritual growth. Its fruits inform and empower every facet of human, mortal expression, while disclosing to each of us our own inherently immortal natures.

On this spiritual growth, more than any other thing, the future welfare and progress of humanity depends.

For thousands of years, Adepts have known how to unlock or awaken this growth – how to mature it and unleash genius at will. Beginning in 1906, two such Adepts, Aleister Crowley and George Cecil Jones, organized and made public the mystical and magical disciplines by which any motivated person can achieve this spiritual maturity and have direct experience of realization, liberation, union with God, or cosmic consciousness.

They called their system A .'. A .'. Its methods are those of empirical science; its aims, those of devoted religion.

This book explores, step-by-step, the mystical and magical system of the A .'. A .'. For many in the West, it is a strange thought that spirituality can be drilled in the same way that a muscle is strengthened. Yet, an ear trained to listen to music detects wondrous subtleties that the untrained ear misses. The same is true of the palate trained to distinguish fine food and wine, or the eye trained to discriminate nuance in any of a thousand areas.

The same is true of spiritual experience. The stages of its unfolding are distinct: the discovery of one’s True Will (or who one is in the Universe), and the practical means of expressing this in the world; the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel (or conscious union with the Divine); and the continued advance toward and through that vast gulf, or Abyss, which lies between humanity and Divinity.

The author, in more than 20 years of experience of the mystical and magical system of the A .'. A .'., has derived enormous value from it. This book is the clearest, most complete presentation of the system ever written.

“Never before have the inner pathways of this Journey been so finely mapped, nor the Way so clearly marked. To you, dear children of the Light, do we deliver freely what has been given to us. May the Way be opened for all who would walk it, proudly, joyously, serenely – with strength, wisdom, love, and the LIGHT which informs them with Beauty.” – from Chapter 11 of the Mystical and Magical System of the A .'. A .'.

By the name “A .'. A .'.” we designate that One and Eternal Order that Paul Foster Case and Kenneth Mackenzie called the “True and Invisible Order,” and Karl von Eckartshausen titled the “Interior Church” or “community of light.”

Existing throughout history, silently guiding humanity’s cultural and spiritual evolution, it is the Holy of Holies wherein that Sacred Ark rests inviolate. Every legitimate magical order, mystery school, fraternity, or religion disseminating some portion of Wisdom has been an Outer Vehicle of this Inner Fellowship of Light.

There is THAT within each of us, immortal and infinitely creative, which truly gives us birth. Something in us knows, instinctively, that we must (each in our own ripe time) seek this, embrace this, and surrender to this as we would to the most overpowering and fulfilling love. And then we must give it expression in our lives and our work, pouring forth the very essence of ourselves into that which we love most. It is this inner Truth-of-Self – this True Will, or central, guiding spiritual principle of our lives – that the mystical and magical system of the A .'. A .'. unveils and awakens from within each of us.

Aleister Crowley summarized the nature and purposes of the A.'. A.'. as follows:
In all systems of religion is to be found a system of Initiation, which may be defined as the process by which a [person] comes to learn that unknown Crown. Though none can communicate either the knowledge or the power to achieve this, which we may call the Great Work, it is yet possible for initiates to guide others.

This book describes the methods of the A .'. A .'., step-by-step, in each of its grades from Probationer (0=0) through Exempt Adept (7=4). Often called, by its readers, “a user’s guide to THE EQUINOX,” it provides comprehensive description of a course of study that allows you to employ effectively the methods of Scientific Illuminism. Never before have the pathways of the Inner Journey been so finely mapped, nor the Way so clearly marked!

JAMES A. ESHELMAN has been a writer and teacher of occult and metaphysical subjects for over 35 years, originally in the field of astrology and then in magick, mysticism, Qabalah, tarot, occult psychology, and related Hermetic subjects as well. He was admitted to the A.'.A.'. as a Probationer in 1979, and to full initiation as a Neophyte in 1981. During thirteen years of membership in Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), he served in numerous capacities, including Deputy Grand Master General. He resigned from O.T.O. in 1992 to devote his full energies to other responsibilities. He accepted ordination in the Gnostic Catholic Church (Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica) in 1979, publicly celebrated the Mass for eleven years, and was consecrated a bishop in the Vilatte succession in 1985. Mr. Eshelman is presently Deputy Executive Director and a faculty member of the College of Thelema, from which he earned a Master of Arts degree in Skeptical Theurgy in 1992. He is also Editor of, and a regular contributor to, the collegeÂ’s biannual journal, Black Pearl.

He serves as a Grand Chief of the Temple of Thelema, which he co- founded in 1987 with Anna-Kria King and Phyllis Seckler. He is a former Grand Chief of Fraternitas L.V.X. Occulta (Fraternity of the Hidden Light). He lives in Los Angeles, California, with his cat, Ares.

by James A. Eshelman
Hardcover: 208 pages
Publisher: College of Thelema; Standard Edition edition (March 19, 2010)
List Price: $49.00

Have you ever tried to use Liber 777 (really use it!) to design and implement magical ritual? Can you read it without your glasses? Can you read it with your glasses? Can you pronounce the Hebrew names and words in 777 once you can read them? Can you find your way around its tables quickly and efficiently? (Can you answer yes to any of these questions?)

Aleister Crowley's Liber 777 remains one of the most important occult references of the 20th Century, demonstrating the interrelationships of diverse philosophical, religious, mystical, and magical systems from around the world. One of Crowley's finest contributions to both practical and theoretical philosophy was this correlation of numerous world traditions, of East and West alike. Yet it has never been very handy for the practicing magician.

Now, this extraordinary compilation by James A. Eshelman, titled 776 1/2, is designed exclusively to support the practice of ceremonial magick. According to its author, 776 1/2 is not quite 777. 776 1/2 contains 182 tables of the most useful practical ceremonial information. Although much of this comes originally from 777, most of the tables have been supplemented and expanded. The Hebrew and other letters are large, clear, and readable. The columns have been reorganized into a more useful sequence. Additionally, almost every Hebrew word or Name in the entire work is also transliterated into English to assist the practitioner in pronunciation. Numerous typographical and other mistakes from 777 have been corrected.

New tables have been added on such topics as: The Genii and Averse Spirits of the 22 Paths from Liber Arcanorum and Liber Carcerorum; the Thelemic, Scandinavian, Assyro-Babylonian, Celtic, Voudoun, and Santeria pantheons; Psychological Attributions of the 32 Paths; use of the Unicursal Hexagram; the Enochian alphabet and three models of its enumeration; and more. Practical correspondences of animals, plants, precious and semiprecious stones, magical weapons, incenses, magical powers and mystical states, and others have been expanded. And that's just the first half of the book!

Supplementing these extensive lists is a new essay on Ritual Construction (which is also a partial study guide to Crowley's Magick in Theory & Practice) and ten sample magick rituals for such purposes as generating magical force, prosperity, obtaining angelic guardians, remapping your character patterns, the highest spiritual attainments, and The Thelemic Mass.

This third revised edition expands the already popular 1995 edition with new tables and additional data. The instructional essays have been significantly expanded and updated to incorporate new teaching approaches. A new Appendix contains instructions for frequently used small rituals of banishing, invoking, and energizing including the never-before-published Liber Pleiades. In this new edition, 776 1/2 has grown so much, it should be renamed 776 3/4!

JAMES A. ESHELMAN has been a writer and teacher of occult and metaphysical subjects for over 35 years, including astrology, magick, yoga, Qabalah, tarot, occult psychology, and related Hermetic subjects. He is currently Chancellor of College of Thelema (from which he earned his M.A. in Skeptical Theurgy in 1992) and serves as Prolocutor General of Temple of Thelema, which he co-founded in 1987 with Anna-Kria King and Phyllis Seckler (Soror Meral). He was editor of, and a major contributor to, C.O.T.'s biannual journal, Black Pearl for its six-year run 1997-2002.

His many writings include The Mystical & Magical System of the A.'.A.'.. Mr. Eshelman was admitted to the spiritual order A.'.A.'. by Soror Meral in 1979. They collaborated for nearly 25 years. Soror Meral designated him as "my successor in the Jane Wolfe branch of A.'.A.'., who is to take charge of College of Thelema and Temple of Thelema upon my death." He was formerly Deputy Grand Master General of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) and Grand Imperator of Fraternitas L.V.X. Occulta (Fraternity of the Hidden Light). He accepted ordination in the Gnostic Catholic Church in 1979 and celebrated the Mass for 11 years. He was consecrated a bishop in the Vilatte succession in 1985. He lives in Los Angeles, California.

by Hugh Bowden
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Princeton University Press (April 4, 2010)
List Price: $39.95

This is the first book to describe and explain all of the ancient world's major mystery cults--one of the most intriguing but least understood aspects of Greek and Roman religion. In the nocturnal Mysteries at Eleusis, participants dramatically re-enacted the story of Demeter's loss and recovery of her daughter Persephone; in the Bacchic cult, bands of women ran wild in the Greek countryside to honor Dionysus; and in the mysteries of Mithras, men came to understand the nature of the universe and their place within it through frightening initiation ceremonies and astrological teachings. These cults were an important part of life in the ancient Mediterranean world, but their actual practices were shrouded in secrecy, and many of their features have remained unclear until now.

By richly illustrating the evidence from ancient art and archeology, and drawing on enlightening new work in the anthropology and cognitive science of religion, Mystery Cults of the Ancient World allows readers to imagine as never before what it was like to take part in these ecstatic and life-changing religious rituals--and what they meant to those who participated in them. Stunning images of Greek painted pottery, Roman frescoes, inscribed gold tablets from Greek and South Italian tombs, and excavated remains of religious sanctuaries help show what participants in these initiatory cults actually did and experienced.

A fresh and accessible introduction to a fascinating subject, this is a book that will interest general readers, as well as students and scholars of classics and religion.

Hugh Bowden is senior lecturer in ancient history at King's College London. He is the author of "Classical Athens and the Delphic Oracle" and general editor of ""The Times" Ancient Civilizations" (HarperCollins). 

by Claudia R. Dillaire
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Foulsham (February 2005)
Price: $16.95

Today we confuse love with sex and it is a wonder that anyone finds real love at all. The Egyptians understood better than us that love is the most important life force. Theirs was an eternal concept of love - love transcending death. My reflection on the story of Isis and Osiris reveals this perfectly. It is a concept that will bring you comfort and satisfaction.

Let me share with you my knowledge of how to connect with the deities and how to perform their love spells. I will share my passion for Egyptian magic and its wonderful feelings of peace, serenity, solace, hope and love.

Egyptian magic is spontaneous and uplifting. It is vital, passionate, exciting and less restrictive than other traditions. It does not require special knowledge or study and I am sure you will find it most rewarding.

CLAUDIA R. DILLAIRE is a practicing pagan and experienced spell-caster who has intensively studied Egyptian magic for more than ten years. She is also the author of “Egyptian Revenge Spells”. She lives in Mesa, Arizona.



By Lucy Cavendish (Author), Selina Fenech (Illustrator)
Deluxe large-format set. Features 47 cards and 188 page guidebook.
Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing; Cards edition (May 28, 2009)
List Price: $25.95

You are invited to enter the realm of Faery!

The Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle is your doorway into the magickal realm of the Faery. Each gloriously illustrated card is brimming with secrets, messages, insights and guidance directly from the most helpful and wise of nature s guardians, delivering clear messages and direct and loving guidance. Easy to read, yet deep, mystical and rich, the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle includes an in-depth guidebook revealing the secret lore of the Faery realm as well as clear lessons on how to connect, create and nurture deep relationships with your own Faery guardians and allies. The included card layouts allow you to give powerful, insightful and accurate readings for yourself and others.

When you connect with the Fae, their powerful natural magicks can assist with healing and enhancing your health, activating vivid psychic abilities, gaining insight and direction within your relationships and awakening your innate connection to abundance. Your life then becomes an inspirational experience, full of meaning and joy. Your own ability to see, sense and feel the Fae accurately will grow stronger and clearer each time you work with this enchanted, inspiring deck, steeped in authentic, deep Faery magicks.

Lucy Cavendish works magic every single day of her life, embracing it as a creed for personal fulfillment and happiness, and as a belief system that sees us as part of nature, and thus gives us all the motivation to respect and revere and delight in our unique experience here on Planet Earth.
Lucy is also the author of The Oracle Tarot, Magical Spell Cards and White Magic, all of which are published by Hay House.
Apart from regular television and radio appearances, she is a feature writer for Spellcraft Magazine, Spheres, and has appeared in anthologies like Disinformation s Pop Goes The Witch! In 1992, Lucy created Witchcraft magazine, which she edited for five years.
She is a classic book witch and adores writing, reading and creating enchanted workshop experiences. Lucy Cavendish currently lives in Sydney with her pixie-like daughter and her beautiful Labradoodle dog.
Lucy's first release for Blue Angel Gallery is the stunning Oracle Of The Dragonfae.

JUNE 21st 7-9PM 



(first Sunday of each month)
We meet at 3:33 pm. on the first Sunday of each month, at Edge of the Circle Books, 701 E. Pike St., Seattle, WA 98122.
Anyone practicing, curious about, or otherwise interested in Chaos magic is welcome to attend.

(Every 1st Monday of each month)
For More Information:

(Every 4th Thursday of each month)

(Every 4th Monday of each month)
For the past 30 years, we have been teaching the basics of Wicca, lecturing at festivals, writing articles and books on Paganism, and acting as priest and
priestess of StarWyrm Coven. We are now starting a new series of meetings for the those sincerely interested in Wicca, open to all seekers. If you are seriously considering making Wicca your own brand of spirituality but wonder what you might be getting into, this is a great starting point. This is NOT a recruitment or any sort of proselytizing device. The aim of these meetings is to give information and trade perspectives so you may make up your mind.
Blessed be,
Blacksun and Shadowhawk



Tarot readings by Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler
“ I've been reading Tarot for more than thirty years, and reading professionally at the Edge for nearly a decade. My belief is that Tarot is best used for putting you in touch with your own subconscious, allowing you to make healthy decisions that can change your life for the better. My readings tend to be rather commonsensical (hence the name) and are geared toward helping the client circumvent the often self-imposed obstacles in their lives, so that they can achieve their goals and fully enjoy the fruits that life has to bring.”
Please inquire about Tarot Parties, classes and other events. Available every day except Thursdays, 12:30-8.30PM.
Sundays 3:30-8:30 PM

Every Thursday from 12:30-8:30 PM

“I've been reading cards for 20 years and doing readings professionally for nine. I've been reading cards at folk life and Bumbershoot for nine years along with various fairs and festivals on the west coast.

I believe the tarot works as an interpersonal growth tool that on some levels works like the childhood game of "broken telephone." Everyone of the 78cards in a tarot deck have a central meaning. Depending on where they fall in a spread, how they are dignified, and any colloquial non-sequiturs that happen to come out of my mouth create a personalized story of what's going on in ones life. The cards are great about "speaking" of the past and present. They can pick up on energies that are starting to manifest in ones life but ultimately after a reading is over everyone has free will and it is their choice how they deal with those energies. My job as a reader is multifaceted, from channel to help alleviate blocks; to sounding board as a listener. I've found that I get a wonderful thankful response from people I've given readings to.” 

Sundays from Noon—3:30pm.

Poet-Priestess, Tarot Reader, Spiritual Counselor. Specializing in working with the healing and empowering energies of the Divine Feminine.

Offering Respect, Presence, Experience, Insight and a Playful Spirit.

This concludes our Newsletter for this month. 
Look for us again JULY 1st 2010!
Happy MIDSUMMER!!!!!!
Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter


Thanks, Y'all. I appreciate the comments!
I thank you for the massage you shred with us but of all am more interested in love spell and hope you bring the one talks about black magic love spell if you can

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