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by Frater Acher, with illustrations by José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal 

Publisher: Scarlet Imprint 

8vo (240 × 165 mm)

272 pp

Illustrations by Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal

Available in two Editions:

Standard Edition cloth hardcover: 

Limited to 1000 copies 

Bound in fine golden yellow cloth stamped with the heart flame device in gold and black, grey endpapers, and black ribbon. Printed on 150gsm paper. 

List Price: $98.95

Paperback Edition: 

Sewn paperback printed on 120gsm paper, with yellow card covers printed in black with gold foil. 

List Price $42.95 




I  On Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagite and the Mystical Path of Unknowing   

II  A Most Daring Operation: The Heart Prayer

III  Being in Both Worlds at Once

Intermezzo – The Granum Sinapis

IV  Theologia Germanica


V  The Call 

VI  The Olympic Spirit

VII  The Rite of the Olympic Spirit



Holy Heretics is the third and final volume of the Holy Daimon cycle. Blending occult philosophy, magic and mysticism, Frater Acher guides the reader through the centuries with a series of practical exercises and rites which ultimately restore the powerful Olympic spirits to their original magical context.

Frater Acher identifies certain techniques of mysticism as a prerequisite for the work of magic, as the often missing element in the development of a serious practice. The advanced magical rites Holy Heretics contains are built from the foundations of simple practical exercises. These are provided and carefully explained. When performed, these rites form a luminous chain for the student who wishes to attain to adepthood and the mastery of empty-handed magic.

Holy Heretics offers a challenge to magicians who have reactively rejected Christianity, and a challenge to Christians who are unaware of the heretical tensions that run throughout Christian mysticism. As Acher writes, ‘I am very aware that searching for such a path among the very people who for centuries tried to usurp and control or deform and kill the Western magical tradition is a big ask. On such an expedition to find the narrow path we’ll soon be crawling through the bones, blood and ashes of our ancestors. And yet, at the same time we’ll also encounter beauty and genuine practice, true grace and deep spiritual power.’ The mystic and magician is always a threat to spiritual orthodoxy, and Acher navigates us through that difficult space. As a guide, he approaches the Christian material fairly, is generous when appropriate, and unapologetic when describing its worst excesses. The work draws extensively from manuscript sources and texts that are not available in English, illuminating a hitherto neglected world. All is done with the aim of extracting the spiritual gold of our own heart prayer, rather than imbibing the poison of orthodoxy.

In Book I of Holy Heretics we are taken on a mystical tour de force, beginning with the Desert Fathers and the austerities forged in the wilderness. From Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite we discover mystical prayer as a method to bypass the cognitive mind, and then enter into the inner stillness of Hesychasm. We stand with Symeon the New Theologian at the edge of the Abyss, and witness the remarkable visions of Hildegard of Bingen. We watch the potential of the mustard seed unfold, and encounter the radical this-worldliness of the Theologia Germanica, a manifesto for the gnostic practitioner that threatens the supremacy of the Catholic Church itself by directing the individual to seek their own illumination. 

In Book II, Frater Acher turns his attention to magic, as an art of symphonic harmonious co-creation. The nature of the magical call is described, and the use of the magical bell introduced with historical examples. Next Acher considers Paracelsus, giving a full English translation of his little known Arcanum arcanorum, a celestial rite to summon both one’s holy daimon and the seven Olympic spirits with such a bell. The rite is expertly deciphered, from its use of alchemical tincture to its astrological timing, by following clues across the Paracelsian and Pseudo-Paracelsian corpus. The work culminates with Frater Acher’s restored version of the Ritual of the Olympic Spirit, opening the gates of the seven spirits and uniting them into one greater Olympic Spirit. The final act thus draws on all the lessons that Holy Heretics has laid out and the flame burning in our hearts.



Pillars of Gladness, or, A Geomancer’s Angelical Psalter of Calls, containing vessels 19 with which to water the Earth

By Alexander Cummins 

Publisher: Hadean Press,  Published September 2022. 96 pages.  

Available in two Editions: 

Hardcover- List Price: $56.95   

Paperback- List Price: $13.99

The production of the hardcover straddles the line between a fine and deluxe edition, with the first print run limited to 300 copies. This is a smaller book at 129 x 198mm but its pages are powerful. Text has been printed on Munken Pure white 100gsm paper, and the book itself is a sewn bound hardback covered in Suedel Luxe Alaska, with printed marbled endpapers, white head and tail bands, and silver foiling on the front and spine. The cover artwork was provided by S. Aldarnay to Dr Cummin’s specifications. The cover shown here is the paperback edition.


Nazarth is a treasurehouse of geomantic incantations. Its nineteen keys were received and wrought through a combination of spirit communications, dream incubation, ritual cut-up, and judicious co-editing alongside tutelary shades and attendant spirits. 

This Angelical psalter offers prayers for opening and closing rituals of geomantic divination, as well as for clearing the potentially dangerous miasmas of “halted” shield charts, and presents calls for directly working with the spirits, virtues, and materia of each of the Sixteen Figures of Renaissance European geomancy – to remediate deleterious conditions, transmute obstacles, stir and direct spirits, and galvanise blessings. 

It offers the enterprising diviner-sorcerer resources to explore the Adamical roots of the so-called Enochian language, as well as imagery and spiritual landscapes to engage with the oracle of geomancy through more visionary lenses. It also presents an approach to Angelical charms for practical sorcery, spiritwork, and spellcraft that welcome further experimentation and individuation by practitioners. 

“This new offering from Al Cummins and Hadean Press, titled Nazarth, is a series of poems centered around geomantic images, but extended in more practical, magical, and mystical directions. Dr. Cummins does this using the “Angelical speech” recorded by Dr. John Dee in 1583 during his experiments with angelic communication. Thus he celebrates traditional geomancy alongside the Enochian revelations, merging and transforming them in important ways. I believe his approach can help harness the unfamiliar to induce subconscious vigilance, allowing us to experience the Wondrous by countering our tendency to go into auto-pilot mode when surrounded by the familiar.”

— Joseph H Peterson


0.  On Angelical Geomancy 

A gladdening welcome 

I. Erm Iadnah – The Ark of Knowledge 

A prayer for opening divination 

II. Noromi Salbrox – Sons of Live Suphur 

 A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Puer 

III. Drilpa Yarry – Great Providence 

 A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Fortuna Major 

IV. Maasi Prge Aldi – Stored Fires of Gathering 

 A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Acquisitio 

V. Abaivonin – Stooping Dragons 

 A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Cauda Draconis 

VI. Iadnah Iadnahmad – Knowledge of Pure Knowledge 

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Albus 

VII. Yarryvonin – Providence Dragons 

 A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Fortuna Minor 

VIII. Ors Od Ohio – Darkness and Woe 

 A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Tristitia 

IX. Pabs de Pabliar – Daughters of the Places of Comfort 

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Puella 

X. Zna De Graa – Motion of the Moon 

 A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Via 

XI. Graa Miam – Moon’s Continuance 

 A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Populus 

XII. Drix Cnila – Cast Down Blood 

 A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Rubeus 

XIII. Dorphal Iehusoz – Looking with Gladness Upon God’s Mercies 

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Laetitia 

XIV. Comselh Bransg – Circle Guard 

 A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Carcer 

XV. Sibsi Piamo – Covenant at the Balance of Righteousness 

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Conjunctio 

XVI. Panpir Monons – Pouring Out the Heart 

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Amissio 

XVII. Momao de Vonin – Crowns of the Dragon 

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Caput Draconis 

XVIII. Micmax-Ulx-Quasbx – Beholding-Ending- Destroying 

A three-part prayer for addressing halted shields 

XIX. Oecrimi Gah Od Pir – To Sing Praises of the Spirits and Holy Ones 

A prayer of gratitude for closing divination 



by Sara L. Mastros 

Publisher- Hadean Press, Published October 2022.

290 pages

Available in two Editions: 

Hardcover- List Price: $69.95 

Paperback-List Price: $28.95 , 

The hardcover edition is printed on 90gsm Munken Pure, covered in purple-blue Dubletta cloth with Wibalin recycled quartz endpapers, white head and tail bands, and white foiling on front and spine. 300 copies.


In Orphic Hymns Grimoire, Sara L. Mastros transforms the devotional hymns of Orpheus, the oracular hero of ancient Greece, into a functional, working grimoire for contemporary magicians. The Orphic Hymns have inspired generations of poets, musicians, and playwrights as exemplars of archaic mytho-poetry. In her bold translations, Mastros stays true to the original intent and beauty of the hymns while adding her own contemporary flair. In addition to the new translations, this book also contains fascinating historical and social commentary on the hymns from a feminist, pagan viewpoint, as well as spells and devotional practices for votaries of the Greek gods, and brilliant color-your own-ikons. This second edition includes new commentary and more than eighty ikon illustrations. Additionally, Mastros provides many ideas for deploying the ikons in spellcraft as well as spells that use the ikons themselves. 


Introduction to the Second Edition: My Role as Hermeneutes 

How to Use this Book

What are the Orphic Hymns?

A New Hymn for Orpheus

The Hymns of Orpheus

Appendix I: Writing Original Orphic Hymns

Appendix II: Working with Ikons 

Appendix III: Ritual of Orphic Self-Initiation

Appendix IV: Offering Cookies 

Bibliography & Further Reading



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