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by Peter Hamilton-Giles 
List Price: $86.95 

Standard Edition Hardcover: The Standard Edition will be made available for pre-order from the 15th July until the scheduled release date whereupon the pre-order will be lifted. Comes with a printed cover of artifacts found amongst the author’s ritual space (photography by Daniel Yates). Will have head and tail bands and book ribbon. Please note: THIS DOES NOT CONTAIN THE TIP IN FOUND IN THE SPECIAL STANDARD EDITION.


The topic of ritual space is something that many of us are involved with, we may feel entrenched, or that we have succumbed to unspoken forces, we may on the other hand use it to express belonging while at the same time propitiating our sense of Otherness, and yet dynamics informing how we apprehend ritual space have for the most part gone unnoticed. Especially within the occult and esoteric world the notion of ritual space continues to be largely overlooked, assumed, or taken for granted, without there ever being a mention of it as a viable interface for encouraging contact with the unknown.

Crooked Path Beyond contends that we are all in our own way members of the crooked path, that the notion of eclectics and truth are integrally based around how we sustain existence by comprehending prevalent disconnections.

For my part, I consider this to express a fundamental principle of sorcerous practice because the path is not set but twists and turns according to our current fascinations. In a sense, the Crooked Path distorts the known and thereby preferences internal dimensions of time that have no true physical equivalent. Unbound and unblemished by the known, Ritual Space and the Crooked Path Beyond requests a reset on how to establish a point of communication through understanding.

This work is particularly helpful for those currently involved in the Black Dragon Series and the Baron Citadel series of volumes. But understand this, in no way is this open discussion designed to foreclose on other possibilities and expressions, instead the book intends to expose our comprehension of matter and anti-matter and all that dwells between and beyond by debating the extent of our consciousness of time.



& Sepher Aiwass Deck 
by Frater Iehovah Angelus Meus a.k.a. David Allen Hulse 

Clothbound hardcover book and 26-card oracle deck 

Publisher: Hell Fire Club Books 

List Price: $64.95 

Abrahadabra edition limited to 418 sets

300-page clothbound book

‘Sepher Aiwass’ oracle deck

26 marble backed cards

complete with a 36-page descriptive oracle booklet

and housed within a black box inscribed

with the ancient magical ‘stator’ square 

lettered in Enochian.

The symbol to the front of the book is the ‘ABRAHADABRA’ triangle in Enochian with Eye of Horus, and on the back of the book is the Sator square in Enochian.


David Allen Hulse is a lifetime student of the occult sciences and in particular of the relationship between ancient languages, number codes and the mysteries within sacred texts such as ‘The Book of the Law’ dictated to Aleister Crowley in Cairo, Egypt during three days in April 1904.

         ‘When any person, an individual or even a prophet, attains a realisation it sometimes leaves a physical residue, a knot in the fabric of space and time, perhaps some ethereal production imbued with the original force to which that individual, even the rest of humanity, looks for guidance and a pathway back to those sublime heights. A sacred book, poetry, art, sublime philosophy, these are the familiar productions resulting from such experiences, but how often do we seek signs of the same sublimity in mechanics, in physics or mathematics? Mostly such discoveries remain concealed, their brilliance hidden from us, their language mute like the statues of an ancient temple. Yet these mute books, based as they are on the science of number, may yet be read.’

From the introduction to ‘ABRAHADABRA’

Using his extensive knowledge and experience of this text, David Allen Hulse embarked upon a 40 year study of its secret codes and their relationship to other ancient occult ciphers from the western and eastern occult systems, Hebrew, Greek, Celtic tree alphabet, Latin, Enochian, Rosicrucian, Egyptian, classical Greek, Tantric, Tibetan, and Sanskrit.

Originally conceived in 1979 and continuously updated with fresh discoveries, the book ‘ABRAHADABRA’ is the single most extensive work in this field, taken together with the hieroglyphical deck ‘Sepher Aiwass’ they constitute the only experimental occult tool of their kind.

This book, together with its deck of hieroglyphical divination cards, oracle cards if you will, sets a new precedent in the study of the philosophy of language, of esotericism, of spiritual occultism, and the application of that study to initiation in higher dimensions of space and time. Together, the deck and the book ‘ABRAHADABRA’, they constitute a record of an experiment in the psychology of mystical experience, both the authors and your own. Even as you are reading these words ideas spanning dimensions form within your mind, such connections as these follow intimately the very structure of matter, of space and time.

The deck reproduces the author’s original designs without varnish, like the first equations describing an advanced mathematical theory they are direct and uncompromising representations of dynamic ideas, ideas capable of causing great change in one’s understanding of the universe.

Esoteric systems using the visual or symbolic method such as the Tarot are widely used today, the notion that such symbolic systems may call forth information stored subconsciously, or that they may serve to aid in the discerning of patterns in behaviours and in the divining of future events is a common feature of occulture, the field of arts and literature deriving from a study of and interaction with occult forces. Though the symbols in some decks appeal to one’s intellect, far too many divinatory decks are merely examples of the decorative arts, offering us nothing in terms of a next step in occult science. Such ‘occulture’ pretends to challenge us but does so only within the limits of what we are already willing to accept.

The finer more exacting use of such an esoteric system as we see here, one looking to enter more directly into the activity of destiny, not in terms of personal powers or agents, but in terms of its governing mechanics is truly very rare. The ancient Chinese system of the I Ching could be said to be one such method of wedding together the subtle aspects of the mind with the very mechanics of circumstance, the manipulation of space and time within consciousness. In general, the divinatory sciences derive their confirmation from information received or channeled through a faculty of the mind susceptible to fluid change, the language of imagery connected to historic culture, past lives, intuitional stirrings. In such a case the possibility of ‘proof’ such as it is, depends upon an innate sense of correctness, of personal confirmation. With the cards here before you, a new form of proof may be possible.

Number, the basic building blocks of the various dimensions of the universe, lies at the heart of this new method. The root of language, not language as words but as ‘facts’ that is as the fundamental structure of meaning, lies in the power of number and the manner in which numbers describe being.

A brief sketch of the larger philosophical-mystical implications of this may be found in the ‘Naples Arrangement’ and also ‘Liber Trigrammaton’ by Aleister Crowley, an early attempt to fix a definite system of mystical and magical attributes for the root of thought as language.



Here in our cards, the hieroglyphs are pure sound, pure number, closer to that core structure within the human brain that defines meaning, 

that defines the universe.

Divination is primarily a ‘working with the divine’, the divinity at work within things, within yourself

 at the moment of the act.

What has been achieved, with the set of cards before you now, is a precise tool which delves deeper than ever before into the relationship between the appearance of facts, the sense of meaning, and the occult powers of 

nature and the human mind.

Traditional Tarot cards and their spreads offer us some initial guidance to the use of the ‘Sepher Aiwass’ in so far as they teach us to listen intently to our intuition- they can offer a psychologically fluid method by which the inner world may be navigated. 

The precise relationship between that inner world and the worlds of space and time by which we ascend to higher states of consciousness requires a greater focus. Such a focus is achieved not only with the deck but also by following the golden thread woven by the relationship between two other forces: the prophetic energies within ‘The Book of the Law’ and the apparently accidental circumstances at work within our own life.

The ‘Sepher Aiwass’ with its 26 cards intimately woven together with the text of ‘The Book of the Law’ and the quantum processes by which prophecy, magickal initiation, and the True Will actually operate, transcends 

anything previously conceived.

A physical card spread, being only a two-dimensional arrangement of complex inter-dimensional activity, can give only the barest hint at the potential one can unleash, one remains a viewer only. The cards reflect energies that are both numerical and aeonic, each number being itself a universe (‘Every number is infinite’), there opens up to the inner eye an ever-expanding series of universes, one within another. The prime ‘aeons’ of this path of initiation are the dynamic characters within ‘The Book of the Law’: appearing as the terrible ‘Beast’ and ‘The Scarlet Woman’, each successive aeon an unfolding of the being just as the Aeons of Isis, Osiris and Horus 

are an unfolding of the history of man.

Taking the cards in the patterns suggested by the ciphers of the book opens one directly to the forces governing reality itself: all actions, ritual, and ritualized behaviours, are manifestations of processes deeply seated in the structure of the brain itself. Unlocking the code between apparently chance actions in space and time, number, and the roots of our language is the prime objective of this new work ‘ABRAHADABRA’.

The first steps towards interacting with the magical energies of the cards, the powers of the ‘Book of the Law’ and the occult universe they describe, could be taken following the patterns of the symbol known as the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and the symbols of the pentagram and hexagram upon whose elevenfold marriage the system of ‘ABRAHADABRA’ is based. The true patterns governing your own Universe wait to be revealed!

Entering or going within the various dimensions of the cards, the powers of ‘The Beast’, ‘Nuit’, ‘Ra-Hoor-Khuit’, and so on, this intra-dimensional journeying and identification with powers beyond the human constitutes a gnostic and 

initiatory process.

No adopted pattern will give you entry to this world, rather the number of your name, the very cipher of your own being will open the door to a world of powerful and challenging synchronicities. The student must work intensely to identify their own unique numbers and interior connections to the magickal universe, the appearance of even one will be more precious than gold.

This new understanding, these new dimensions for ‘The Book of the Law’ and for mankind, bring a light into the world speeding the evolution of the 



THE BEAST 666 – LTD 111:

The Secret Life of the Wickedest Man in the World
by John Symonds

Publisher, Hell Fire Club Books

List Price: $90.95

Full red leather, marbled endpapers, limited to 111 copies

Quarter leather with black cloth, black endpapers

limited to 220 copies

618 pages with colour plates, Crown Quarto: 250mm x 180mm


Reincarnated from an ancient Egyptian Priest, Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, self-proclaimed prophet of the modern age of fierce war and individual freedom, world-class mountaineer, novelist, psychologist, sexual revolutionary, artist, mystical poet, black magician, liar, cheat, murderer, spy, a living demon and god entwined.

         The strange and extraordinary life of the infamous Aleister Crowley includes all the great and terrible things which he actually accomplished, as well as those he either dreamed of, claimed to be, or was accused of. Aleister Crowley defied description, embraced contradictions and sought to identify himself with every deity and demon, every godlike and dreadful thing of which the human mind can conceive until his ultimate attainment of the title ‘The Beast 666’.

         Living without limits, without the borders or constraints of social, religious or moral controls, he expanded every aspect of his mind and consciousness to the highest heavens as well as the lowest hells.

         Within the life of this one man can be seen the form of an age striving to be born: a modern age of power, limitless possibility, the arising of man and woman as gods on earth and the tearing down of false ideals, false moralities: the pillars of hypocrisy and corruption upon which the old world is always founded.

         ‘Every man and every woman is a star’: to him every human being, regardless of colour, ethnic origin, age, sexuality or any other aspect of their human condition, was as divine and daemonic as each other, there is no difference!

         His radical philosophy of ‘Do what thou wilt’ taught generations of young people to throw aside the trappings of society and embrace their own destiny, to regard themselves and the fulfilment of their own desires as the ultimate good.

         In his black magic mantra of ‘Love is the law, love under will’ is hidden the key of his vast occult knowledge: that every being contains the power to take control of themselves, their environment, society and the world itself by the channelling of a mysterious sexual force which exists in all creation.

         Throughout his life Aleister Crowley both experienced and experimented with the sexual energies of the human body, engaging in hundreds of ‘sex magick’ rituals in order to refine his understanding of this occult process. His writings on the subject of sex, and on the subject of the effect of drugs in religious experience, are amongst the most detailed and accurate ever produced.


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