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Happy New Year!!!!

 WELCOME to the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.

Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store.

Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 8pm.

Call: 206-PAN-1999

We are also now on Facebook:

Become a Fan, post your event on the discussion page!

Also on Facebook: THE SEATTLE PAGAN, OCCULT AND METAPHYSICAL RESOURCE BOARD has been created in order to facilitate networking throughout the Pacific Northwest.

If you have a Magical Group, Ritual Group, Pagan Church or organization, Druid Grove, please feel free to post your events and classes here.

Meet-ups, talks, book signings, public rituals, etc—all are welcome here.

We'd prefer no advertisements for Professional Readers, Reiki practitioners, etc. However, if you are teaching a class, or giving a workshop or talk, feel free to post your event.

This group is specifically for sharing events of interest to the local community, it is not meant for discussing magical paths and traditions, or asking general questions about magick or paganism. Please remain civil, do disparaging posts about groups or individuals. Off topic posts WILL be moderated...and check out the Edge’s new TUMBLR Page

REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!


No charge if your class or event is free!


Prices subject to change without notice.



By Nicholaj & Katy de Mattos Frisvold 

Publisher: Troy Books  

Paperback Edition; Gloss laminate cover

Size; All editions are 156mm x 234mm.

Pagination; 264 pages.

List Price: $26.95 


We are pleased to welcome Nicholaj & Katy de Mattos Frisvold to Troy Books, with their new title The Canticles of Lilith.

In The Canticles of Lilith we meet a power that adorns herself in absence, whose true persuasion consist in the cult of reverence and self-deification where this terrible, amoral force finds its apotheosis as the stellar and cosmic root of movement in itself and from this the shadow of all things visible and tangible. Raphael Patai pointed out the remarkable spiritual evolution of Lilith, how she went from being a malevolent storm goddess and a failure in the eyes of Adam, to the bride of Samael, the Queen of Zemargad and Sheba, this she-demon rising to be the consort and secret word at par with God in the Kabbalistic age.

The Canticles of Lilith is focused in following the Lilithian theme with a focus on her ‘atmosphere’ or ‘constellation’ where she is analysed as a vampiric spirit, a Satanic muse, the witch-mother and the very vibrant and erotic word of creation, the holy spirit herself. This wide web of Lilithian analysis gives way for her cosmic dimensions and her various manifestations astrologically, Luciferian, Satanic, as a spirit of illness and of the erotic. The Canticles of Lilith casts a wide web in order to understand this force who rejects worship and thrives in the mystery of gravity and anti-matter.




Lilith: The Witch-Icon


The Lilithian Constellation

Holy Dove of Cosmic Shadows

Lilith and Clerical witchcraft

Lilith and Natural Witchcraft

The Erotic Lilith

The Vampyric Lilith

The Satanic Lilith

The Spirit of Absence


The Atmosphere of Lilith

The Babylonian Witch-wind

The Queen of Nightly Desires

Viscous Beauty and the fascination of disease

The Path of Ecstatic Devotion

The Luciferian Lilith

Via Combusta or the burned path

The Black Moon Lilith in Astrology

Lilith in the Tarot

The Mirror of Lilith 


The Rites of Lilith’s Basilica

The Way of the Black Moon

Evocation of Lilith

A Mirror Ritual

The Rite of Lilith

The Rite of Levanah Keshpah

A Petition unto Mater Nigrum Matera

The Ritual for Breaking the Wings

The Rite of the Horned Moon

A Call unto She who dwells apart

A Call unto Ishara Venus

Opening the Veins of the Viperous Queen


Selected Bibliography





Techniques in Traditional Magical Arts

By Kerry Wisner

Troy Books     

Paperback Edition: gloss laminate cover.

Size: All sizes – Royal 234 x 156mm.

Pagination: 281 pages, 90gsm cream paper stock, plus 16 pages of black and white photographic plates, plus line drawings and figures by the author.

List Price: $28.95 


"Following on from The Willow Path – Witchcraft, Hermetics & The Hidden Wisdom of the Magical Arts We present to you here Horns of the Moon – Techniques in Traditional Magical Arts…"

“By hare and hound

“By hare and hound

By fish and otter,

By grain that falls for the hen to devour.

With dragons red and white,

We climb the mountain in the night!”

So begins an enchantment drawing the Witch into realms seldom experienced by most people. Horns of the Moon is the second book in The Geassa trilogy, describing techniques in Traditional magical arts.  Procedures designed to bring one in contact with other worlds not normally perceived, and with the beings who inhabit these.

Horns of the Moon, presents detailed instructions and ritual practices that continue the training of the Traditional Witch.  Beginning with the differences between the ‘natural Witch’ compared to those who need to cultivate their abilities we examine the importance of training; working solo as well as with others; to learning the art of merging and becoming.  Beyond this the book discusses:  

• Traveling in Spirit, Sending Forth the Fetch, and how to enter different realms and realities at will.

• How to interact with otherworld beings and spirits tied to one’s locale;

• Cycles of time weaving in patterns of power that influence magical practices, including the twenty-eight Ladies of the Moon;

• Basque and Strega Moon Water, as well as the Witches Condenser from traditional sources;

• The use of sound, enchantments and Words of Power in the Art;

• Ritual possession, as “the Mare”, in Traditional Witchcraft, and much more.

Drawing from Traditional Witchcraft, Hermetics and Ancient Egyptian sources Horns of the Moon represents a blend of techniques in use today as a practical system in the Magical Arts.


Chapter One – To Travel the Willow Path

Chapter Two –   Between the Horns

Chapter Three – Bones of the Crow

Chapter Four – Horns on the Horizon

Chapter Five – Charms of Words

Chapter Six – Corn and Barley

Chapter Seven – Whiskey in the Glass

Chapter Eight – Hearth and Mirror

Chapter Nine – Dwellers in the Forest

Chapter Ten – Calling the Sídh

Chapter Eleven – The Dream of Nuada

Chapter Twelve – The Wheel Weaves, the Thread Spins

Chapter Thirteen – Through the Mist

Chapter Fourteen – The Ladies of the Moon

Chapter Fifteen – Alive with Potion & Flame

Chapter Sixteen – The Hollow Hills

Chapter Seventeen – My voice rings through all Worlds

Chapter Eighteen – Silver Circle

Chapter Nineteen – Mare to the Gods

Conclusion – A Star in the Well

Table of Sigils






Lucidarium Artis Nigromantice attributed to Peter of Abano: Including a new translation of his Heptameron or Elements of ... and commentary by Joseph H. Peterson 

By Joseph H. Peterson 

Ibis Press , December 21, 2021

Hardcover with dust jacket– ‎ 320 pages

List Price: $55.00  


Since it first appeared over 500 years ago, the Elucidation of Necromancy (Lucidarium artis Nigromantice) and the closely related Heptameron have become essential guides for individuals seeking to call on angels and other supernatural beings for help. Countless amulets and pendants have been made with its designs, and elements have repeatedly been adapted and incorporated into other manuals of ritual magic. In spite of this, neither a critical edition nor a translation has been previously published. In particular three manuscripts of Lucidarium have come to light recently, which provide a clearer and fuller ritual than the printed Heptameron. For example, they add critical instructions for making the seven angel sigils, which have become so widely known. Together they bring to life this important current of esoteric tradition, showing how it has been repeatedly adapted and used by different individuals for centuries.

About the Author: 

Joseph H. Peterson has translated many esoteric and religious source works. He has amassed a large collection of rare and occult tracts for comparative research from the British Library and other institutions, which he shares on his award-winning websites and Peterson’s published works include John Dee’s Five Books of Mystery, The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, The Secrets of Solomon: A Witch’s Handbook from the Trial Records of the Inquisition.




By Sara L. Mastros

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Weiser Books (December 1, 2021)

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 288 pages

List Price: $24.95  



“A masterwork of botanical lore." --Amy Blackthorn, author of Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic


The Big Book of Magical Incense is an invaluable hands-on guide to the vast world of magical incense. It provides tried-and-true recipes, advice on how to create your own formulas, and instructions on how to use incense in all sorts of magical practice.

While the book requires no prerequisite knowledge, it is also appropriate for experienced magicians and learned pagans. The chapters are scaffolded, teaching about basic ingredients and skills, both practical and magical, in early chapters, and gently leading the reader to develop their own recipes, spells, and ritual practices as they move through the book.

Presented in a paradigm-agnostic way, the book should appeal to people on numerous paths.

Ceremonial magicians and sorcerers will appreciate the planetary incense recipes and translations from the Greek magical papyri and other classical magic texts.

Folk magicians will appreciate the many magical incense formulas, such as Go Away! and Money Magnet.

Animists will love the focus on ingredients native to the United States, and the instructions for working with the dead and the spirits of the land.

Devotional pagans will find recipes for a variety of gods, particularly those of the Eastern Mediterranean traditions, some of whose chapters include original translations of the Orphic hymns and other devotional poetry.

Chaos magicians will be excited about the flexibility to mix and match practices and recipes throughout the book.



A Pagan Guide to Divine Relationships  

By Stephanie Woodfield  

Llewellyn Publications (January 8, 2022)

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 216 pages

List Price: $16.99    


Build a Relationship with the Gods at Every Level of Devotion

On any spiritual path, we seek a strong connection with the gods. But do you know how to truly develop a relationship with them? This book guides you in serving the divine on three meaningful levels that go beyond just petitioning the gods for magical or personal support.

Dedicant, Devotee, Priest provides down-to-earth explanations of what it means to venerate a deity, how to know when one is trying to get your attention, and more. Stephanie Woodfield expertly guides you through three distinct paths: devotion (fostering a relationship), dedication (formalized agreement to serve a particular deity), and priesthood (facilitating others’ bond with the deity in addition to tending your own). This book serves as a road map for your own unique journey and even includes full rituals to help enrich your spirit and set the tone for the divine relationships that you desire.



Energy Magic Simplified 

By Frater Barrabbas  

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Llewellyn Publications (January 8, 2022)

Language ‏ : ‎ English

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 264 pages

List Price: $18.99  



-Bring Element-Based Ceremonial Magic into your Modern Witchcraft

What was once only available to ceremonial magicians can now be yours with this guide to advanced elemental energy work. Frater Barrabbas presents a ritual system that uses the forty qualified powers as well as the sixteen elementals―paired elements, such as earth of water, that create a more articulated expression of magical power. A companion to Spirit Conjuring for Witches, this book covers working with your own energy, uncrossing mechanisms that remove internal blocks, and a variety of magical tools, including sigils, pentacles, and crystals.

Featuring numerous illustrations and diagrams, Elemental Powers for Witches teaches you how to use specialized ritual energy patterns that are more effective than the regular witch's circle. Frater Barrabbas walks you through exciting new rituals he has developed over the years, including the eight-node magic circle, invoking and banishing spirals, Western and Eastern gateways, the Rose Cross Vortex Rite, and more. From using the tarot as a Book of Shadows to calling upon elemental spirits, this book helps you enhance your practice while staying true to your primary tradition of the Craft.




A Guide to Living a Magickal Life Through the Elements (The Pentacle Path, 1) 

By Heron Michelle, Timothy Roderick (Foreword)

Book 1 of 1: The Pentacle Approach

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Llewellyn Publications (January 8, 2022)

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 480 pages

List Price: $27.99  


Build Your Best Practice in Alignment with the Elements

Begin your Witchcraft journey on the Pentacle Path, a wholly unique system of magickal practice that incorporates ritual magick, journey work, and spellcraft to help you fully engage with the elements. Featuring dozens of illustrations and more than fifty rituals, spells, and meditations, Elemental Witchcraft combines esoteric thought with practical activities, allowing you to create an empowering and authentic practice.

Heron Michelle first teaches you Witchcraft's foundations―including the heavy influence of Hermetic philosophy. Then she guides you in understanding the elements and how they correspond to both the Wheel of the Year and the five points of the pentacle that represent your mental, emotional, will, physical, and spiritual bodies. This comprehensive book also explores astrological timing, auras and chakras, elemental tools, sacred space, the Witch’s Jewel of Power, and more. Designed over a decade of coven practice and teaching, this book's system works as a roadmap to your own Great Work.

Foreword by Timothy Roderick, author of Wicca: A Year and a Day



Illuminating Your Path with the Wisdom of the Gods 

By Gypsey Elaine Teague  

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Llewellyn Publications (December 8, 2021)

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 256 pages

List Price: $18.99 



Journey into the Norse Pantheon to Uncover the Secrets of Your Past, Present, and Future

Reveal your life's path in a brand-new way with Norse Divination, the only book designed around the Nordic gods themselves rather than the Futhark. Through concise yet enlightening analyses of these deities and their relationships to each other, you'll unlock answers to your deepest questions and find more happiness and success.

An excellent primer on Norse mythology, this book teaches you how to easily create your own thirty-six-piece divination set and use it to explore the gods and goddesses' beliefs, customs, loves, and deaths. Each deity, along with important mythological items, has a dedicated chapter outlining who they are, what their role is, and how they can help you divine the best course of action in any scenario. Featuring clear and thorough instruction on how to read all thirty-six pieces in their past, present, and future positions, Norse Divination helps you harness hidden knowledge and forge a unique practice.




Rituals and Teachings 

of the Aicme Ailim Vowels and the Forfeda 

By Sharlyn Hidalgo

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Llewellyn Publications (December 8, 2021)

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 224 pages

List Price: $17.99    


Gain Greater Wisdom, Stronger Magic & Deeper Healing with the Last Ten Ogham

Build a powerful connection to nature and explore the mystical teachings of trees with this illuminating book of rituals that focus on the last ten ogham of the Celtic Ogham tree alphabet. Filled with meditations, stories, activities, and correspondences, this easy-to-use guide introduces you to the spiritual lessons and magic of the aicme ailim vowels and the forfeda. You'll also discover how these Celtic ceremonies fit into the Wheel of the Year so you can access tree energy year-round.

A follow-up to Celtic Tree Rituals, which covered the first fifteen ogham, this book acts as your doorway into the sacred wisdom of not only trees, but also totems, guides, and deities. Each chapter presents step-by-step instructions on preparing and performing the ogham's ritual as well as associated keywords, holidays, songs, chants, and more. From guided journeys to altar blessings, Celtic Tree Ogham's activities help you live well and stay connected to nature and your authentic self. These tree teachings encourage you to live out your role as a steward of this planet and supports you to create a spiritual practice that honors and protects mother earth and the web of life.





By Francesca Matteoni (Author), and Simone Pace

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Red Wheel (January 3, 2022)

(78 Cards and Guidebook)

List Price: $24.95  


"In the 22 cards of the Major Arcana are witches that may be famous or that we may be meeting for the first time. They are goddesses, spirits, great enchantresses, woodland creatures, creatures of the oceans, and of other worlds that can be perceived on the edge of our own. But they are also mortals, considered witches because of traditions and the time they lived in. They have advice for us that they are willing to reveal if we will heed them; and although the witches represented here are all female, we wanted to leave a certain amount of ambiguity in the Minor Arcana so that everyone can identify with them. After all, women are not the sole proprietors of female power." - Francesca Matteoni

In the fascinating world of tarot, this complete package has something special to offer both beginners and advanced practitioners.

The Major Arcana is transformed as each card introduces readers to famous witches throughout history, literature, and mythology. They encompass sage crones, ancient fairies, and historical women who spoke out and stood their ground. In the Minor Arcana, witches, their tools, and magical animals are divided into categories that correspond to the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth.

Samples include:

I The Magician – Circe

V The Hierophant – Saraswati

VIII Strength – Joan of Arc

XXIII Death – Baba Yaga

XVIII The Moon – Hekate

XIX The Sun – Bastet




By Samantha West 

Published by Rockpool Publishing

Coffin-Shaped Box with Normal Rectangular Cards & 128 Page Guidebook 

List Price: $34.95  



Are you ready to embrace everything that lives in the shadows? Step into the darkness and release Your fears.

The Macabre Tarot is a deck designed for shadow work, the exploration of the sides of yourself you’d prefer others not to see. Many shadow workers allow themselves a safe space to explore their own darkness. Tarot is a great tool for opening yourself up to your shadow, as it asks you questions you wouldn’t otherwise consider. Shadow work happens when you stop pushing out the dark, intrusive thoughts born of anger, sadness and disgust that sneak in when you’re trying to fall asleep at night and take the time to get to know them. Knowing your true, authentic self is only possible when you work to understand all of your sides.

About the Author:

Samantha West was born and raised in New Jersey, USA. She grew up with a love of art and creating things with her hands. Her mother encouraged her to pursue any avenue that interested her, and that led to her experimenting with all forms of art. She was gifted her first tarot deck when she was 15, and her journey as a witch grew from there. Artwork became interwoven with her spirituality.

As she got older, she received a Master's degree in Interior Architecture, but always felt called back to more free forms of artwork. She found her calling when she began working on her first tarot deck in 2018, and has continued creating and helping others bring their visions to life ever since. She is now a full-time illustrator who teaches a course on tarot deck creation. When she isn't drawing, she can be found knitting or making candles with her husband and baby girl. Sam is the creator of the Macabre Tarot and The Rainbow Moon Tarot.




In Search of Faery Gold 

By John Matthews, Art by Charles Newington

80-card deck with 176-page guidebook,

Watkins Publishing, (December 14, 2021)

List Price: $29.95


An outstanding new Tarot from John Matthews inspired by the Victorian poem Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti, beautifully illustrated by the renowned artist Charles Newington. The only Tarot to explore fully the whole world of faeries, including its more shadowy aspects – the goblins.

This is a faery tarot with a difference, uncompromising in its portrayal of faeries as they really are: sly, frequently cruel, cleverer than humans and full of secrets, rather than the whimsical, sweet-natured creatures beloved of the Victorians and the New Age. It's the world of Christina Rossetti's The Goblin Market, a place where all denizens of the Otherworld come to buy and sell, to mingle and exchange gossip. It is a place unsafe for humans. But imagine if you could look through a window onto the scene, as Christina Rossetti does in her poem? Imagine the beings you would see there ... 

Here is a tarot of wit and wickedness, of challenge and uncertainty, of wonder and truth. This 80-card deck with 176-page guidebook offers as the Major Arcana a gallery of strange and wonderful creatures, from the Faery Queen to the Wiseman, plus intriguing motifs from the poem, such as the Secret Way and the Fallen Tree. Minor suits represent magical implements, fruits, flowers and elements. Enter a haunted, magical world – an enchanting landscape of falling towers, crumbling walls and tangled woods, of streams tumbling amongst mossy stones, of fallen trees and bones threaded with vines and spiked roses. Prepare to be enspelled ... and to discover the answers to your questions and dilemmas.




By Bragelonne Games,  November 23, 2021

With Artwork by Førtifem - 

The Duo of Jesse Daubertes & Adrien Havet  

Book Written by Maxime Le Dain , Designed by François Vesin 

This complete tarot contains 78 illustrated cards, including 22 major and 56 minor arcana.

All decks will be packaged with a 32-page booklet that will help with the interpretation of each card.

Published by Cernunnos - an imprint of Abrams Books  

List Price: $30.00  


Divine the future with the ancient forgotten gods of Lovecraft!

Established by H.P. Lovecraft in the span of a few short stories, the Cthulhu mythos has been incorporated into popular culture and contemporary fantasy production, most recently in HBO’s hit series Lovecraft Country. Made by connoisseurs and lovers of Lovecraft, Abrams is honored to present the first tarot deck solely dedicated to this special universe.

This complete tarot contains 78 illustrated cards, including 22 major and 56 minor arcana.

All decks will be packaged with a 32-page booklet that will help with the interpretation of each card.

The illustrations of the Cthulhu Dark Arts Tarot were made by Førtifem. First entirely drawn by hand, each illustration was scanned and then colored using a computer. To ensure that the finished product honors the quality of the illustrations, as well as the greatness of the Cthulhu Mythos, they are printed on high quality paper.

The format (3.35" x 6.50") chosen for this Cthulhu Mythos-inspired tarot is much larger than the usual divinatory tarot decks, including the Tarot of Marseille. This format is close to one of the oldest tarot decks, the "Visconti-Sforza" created by the artist Bonifacio Bembo between 1428 and 1447.


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.

Need Spell advice? Just ask!

We have Seattle's best Psychic Readers, in house, 7 days a week, from 2pm—8pm.


This concludes our Newsletter for this month.

Look for us again FEBRUARY 1st, 2022!

Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter

Credits and Attributions


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