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(March 21 - Ostara, Spring Equinox)

WELCOME to Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.

Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store.

Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 8pm.

Call: 206-PAN-1999


We are also now on Facebook:

Become a Fan, post your event on the discussion page!

Also on Facebook: THE SEATTLE PAGAN, OCCULT AND METAPHYSICAL RESOURCE BOARD has been created in order to facilitate networking throughout the Pacific Northwest.

If you have a Magical Group, Ritual Group, Pagan Church or organization, Druid Grove, please feel free to post your events and classes here.

Meet-ups, talks, book signings, public rituals, etc—all are welcome here.

We'd prefer no advertisements for Professional Readers, Reiki practitioners, etc. However, if you are teaching a class, or giving a workshop or talk, feel free to post your event.

This group is specifically for sharing events of interest to the local community, it is not meant for discussing magical paths and traditions, or asking general questions about magick or paganism. Please remain civil, do disparaging posts about groups or individuals. Off topic posts WILL be moderated.

..and check out the Edge’s new TUMBLR Page!

REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!


No charge if your class or event is free!

Prices subject to change without notice.



Celtic Goddess of Inspiration

by Kristoffer Hughes

Publisher : Llewellyn Publications (March 8, 2021)

Paperback : 352 pages

List Price: $21.99


An Authentic Guide to the Welsh Magical Bard Tradition~

The witch goddess Cerridwen is the focus of devotion and reverence amongst witches and Pagans around the world. This book traces Cerridwen's roots through layers of history and myth, and it provides hands-on exercises and visionary rites to help you realize her immeasurable power in your own magical practice.

Based on years of intensive research by celebrated Welsh Druid Kristoffer Hughes, this wonderful work shows you how to evoke the magic of ecstatic poetry and song as you join the lineage of magical bards who have explored the secrets of Awen and Cerridwen's cauldron of inspiration. You will also discover first-ever English translations from ancient Welsh manuscripts as well as Kristoffer's powerful approach to contemplative journeying, working with sigils, and creating an altar. With rituals for initiation, affirmation, and clarity, this deeply poetic book explores the transformative energies of the goddess of witches.

Praise for Cerridwen:

"As a first language Welsh speaker, Hughes's intimacy with this original, Middle Welsh source material has enabled him to speak with authenticity and authority about a Goddess who has been both misunderstood and misrepresented for a millennium."–Liz Riley Jones, author of the Hiraeth Trilogy

"A thrilling and deep immersion into the mysteries of Ceridwen and the Bardic tradition that has the power to transform the reader with its inspiration and its scholarship."–Philip Carr-Gomm, author of Druid Mysteries

"An extraordinary, breath-taking experience channelling Cerridwen's solicitous energy–a journey for the mind and soul."–Caryl Bryn, award-winning author of Hwn ydy’r Llais, tybad?

"Kristoffer brings Cerridwen into the present where she touches not only the world around her, but also those who reach out to her."–Jean (Drum) Pagano, Archdruid ADF

"While taking care to present the historical sources, Kristoffer Hughes has also conveyed his own deep insight into this ancient, yet perpetually new, mythology. Read it, learn from it, and enjoy it."–Dr. Gwilym Morus-Baird, Celtic scholar

"As a first-language Welsh speaker, a native of Anglesey and a practicing druid with over twenty years of involvement with Taliesinic mysteries, Hughes offers a unique perspective and a vision that is simultaneously profound and accessible."–Will Parker, author of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi

"Magic lies within this book. With every page you will walk in the footsteps of the Bards who knew Her, and know Her still. Then, seated before the great Cauldron, you will meet with Cerridwen Herself–Muse, Goddess, Keeper of the Cauldron, Inspirer of Bards and Mother of Awen."–Damh the Bard, Pagan musician and Pendragon of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids

About the Author:

Kristoffer Hughes (Wales) is Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order, a Mount Haemus Scholar, and a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. He is a teacher, writer, workshop leader, and guest speaker at Pagan conferences, camps, and festivals throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, and North America. Hughes has also contributed to Welsh and English television and radio. He's the author of four books and the creator of the Celtic Tarot.

Hughes is also a Death Services Professional for Her Majesty's Coroner service. He hosts frequent Amicus Mortis/Friends Death, Death Midwifery and Mortality Salience courses in person and online. Visit his Facebook page for news and events.



From Indo-European Origins to Modern Practices

(2nd Edition, Revised Edition of The Sacred Cauldron)

by Teresa Cross and Stephen E. Flowers Ph.D. (Foreword)

Publisher : Inner Traditions; 2nd Edition, Revised Edition of The Sacred Cauldron)

Language : English

Paperback : 256 pages

List Price: $19.99


A guide to the history and practices of the Druids and the Celtic faith~

  • Reconstructs the Druidic faith from surviving remnants, parallels with other Indo-European traditions, and dedicated study of scholarly sources

  • Details magical rites and ceremonies, methods for consecrating an outdoor temple, and customs for celebrating important festivals such as Beltaine and Samhain

  • Discusses rules for fire-craft, making offerings to deities and spirits, and the ancient Coligny calendar, including the names of the months in old Gaulish

Druids and their magic, lore, and rituals have fascinated all those who encounter them, from the ancient Greeks and Romans onward. Even today, the mere mention of their name evokes pictures of standing stones, mistletoe, golden sickles, white-robed priests, and powerful sorcerers. But were they really as we picture them?

Drawing on comparative mythology and linguistics, archaeological evidence, and etymology, Teresa Cross offers readers a comprehensive course in the history and development of the Celtic spiritual tradition and its lore, reconstructing the Druidic faith from the remnants that have survived and dedicated study of scholarly sources. She also reveals parallels with other Indo-European traditions, such as the similarities between Celtic and Vedic Hindu beliefs and practices. She chronicles the ethics and spiritual teachings of Druidism and the Celtic faith and examines what happened to these beliefs during centuries of Christianization.

Moving from history to practice, Cross details magical rites and ceremonies as practiced by modern-day followers of Druidactos. She explores the structure of the Touta, which roughly corresponds to “tribe,” methods for consecrating a nemeton, the outdoor temple that offers the optimum sacred space for the meeting of heaven and earth, and the rites and customs associated with important festivals such as Beltaine and Samhain. She also explores the rules of firecraft, the sacred art of giving to the cosmos, making offerings to deities and spirits, sacred food and beverages, and the ancient Coligny calendar, including the names of the months in old Gaulish.

Offering an authentic handbook for starting your own Celtic group led by Druids, Cross reveals the meanings and metaphysics behind the Celtic and Druidic customs and traditions, reuniting the fragmentary remains of long-lost Druid culture with the still-living practices of the Celtic faith.


From Chapter Nine: THE NEMETON

It has long been a cliché that our Celtic ancestors worshipped rocks, trees, and other “senseless” things, or that the druids (as if they were a separate people) were wistful old wizards who either pined mystically in the misty glades or butchered everyone who wandered into their gruesome groves. Of course, these are all popular misconceptions and most people should know better, but we still hear of “neo-druidic” organizations who call their small groups “groves” as if they were somehow the “Druidic” counterpart to a temple, church, or mosque. This is a significant misconception as well. Sacred grounds or places are common to most religions, and there is no exception with our Celtic forebears.

The sacred ground was called a nemeton in Gaulish and Brythonic, and the word simply meant “sacred place,” related to the PIE root *nem-, “to measure out,” as in a sacred plot of ground.

Nemetons came in two basic shapes, quadrangular or circular. Rectangular nemetons were sacred to the Gods, and it is believed that the circular ones must have been sacred to the toutal Goddess who represented the land and was a sort of totem of the touta. This is because the circular shape symbolizes the middle world of the manifest world or the earth, while the square or rectangular shape symbolizes the four corners of heaven (see Chapter 3).

The nemeton of the Celts somewhat resembles in its dimensions and size the Norse (Germanic) vé and the interior of their temples, and its set-up matches closely the Vedic Indian devayajana, which was their counterpart to the nemeton. In the Vedic devayajana, we find that the shapes of the fires symbolized the three main levels of the multiverse, with the round fire for the domestic operations and the square ones for cooking.

From Chapter Twelve: PUBLIC RITES

Setting Up the Nemeton

This first ritual needs to be done before most any of the other rites can be done, but, once it is set up, one need never do it again. This is one of the things that sets Druidiactos apart from most Neo-Pagan traditions. Since we do not use the rituals of cabalism, commonly called “ceremonial magic,'' we do not need to consecrate and reconsecrate our sacred ground like most of the others.

The Site

A nemeton should be a sacred ground in a natural setting. A clearing in an oaken forest, on a hilltop, or near a natural body of water are ideal spots. This, of course, means that your touta will need property for this use. It is best to use a rural and secluded spot away from the noise and traffic of the mundane world.

The natural features of the site are of paramount importance. Oak trees are symbols of the high Gods in particular (Taranis, Taran, or Torannan). It is not necessary that your oak trees be the exact species of quercus robor, the “English oak.” A great variety of oak trees grow both wild and cultivated in in North America and Europe, and all of them are indeed sacred.

The nemeton should be a plot of ground anywhere from the size of a small garden or back yard to that of a football field. The central area of it should be about nine paces long by three paces wide. It must be clear of all grass, weeds, twigs and other debris. The soil should be flat and pounded down, with a small, level mound in the center. A square pit should be dug to the east and a round one to the west. These pits should be about one yard in diameter or one yard square. This rectangular enclosure should be laid out with its long axis running east-west.

The whole nemeton site should be clean of any pests and cleared of high weeds and any rubbish found in the area. Trees surrounding the area should be decorated with bird feeders to attract the delicate creatures that sing their beautiful songs and cast omens.

Your nemeton may be decorated with flower gardens, but it should also be surrounded with a bank and ditch. This ditch should be dug about one or two feet deep, with an embankment surrounding the entire lot. This surrounding boundary is called an airbe druad [awr-rib-eh droo-a].

The pits will be used for building the sacred fires, and the whole nemeton area should be open to the sky. Surround the fire pits with gravel and rock and cover them with iron grills which may be lifted without difficulty. The round fire pit symbolizes the domestic fire, the home, and the middle world or mediomagos at the sacred center. The square fire pit is the fire of the heavens, symbolizing the world of the Gods and the sun in the sky. The round fire is used for cooking the sacrificial meal. It is a sort of holy barbecue pit or campfire. The square fire is where the offering of the adbertos is placed, that is, a portion of the food is actually burned on it. Additionally, the round fire symbolizes not only the hearth and home, but also the land of the touta and the Goddess of that land. This is why this hearth is used for cooking.

During the adbertos, the square flame becomes the focal point when the offering is placed upon it. The flames eating away at the food, fuel, and incense become the visual image on which all gathered fix their attention and upon which they meditate. Everyone should gaze at the burning fire or embers for at least ten to fifteen minutes, closing his or her eyes and attempting to retain a mental image of the flame or flames. It is very important that these fires be built up very carefully with attention to safety and the proper materials.

A semicircular fire pit should be dug to the southeast of the domestic firepit. This semicircular shaped hearth is called the dexouiotenia DEKHS-so-wee-oh-TAYN-yah], “south or right-hand fire.”


. . . a refreshing stream of information flowing from an enormous reservoir of research and experience. For twenty-first-century readers desiring knowledge of historic Celtic spirituality or wishing to follow the rites and ways of this ancient path, this book is an indispensable resource.” ― Kenneth McIntosh, author of Water from an Ancient Well

A thoughtful and well-researched reconstruction of archaic Celtic tribal spirituality.” ― John Michael Greer, author of The Druidry Handbook

This fascinating account of the Druids--from ancient to modern practice--provides a comprehensive history of the tradition as well as everything one needs to know to practice this vibrant path of healing and magic.” ― Martha Shideler, author of Caitlin: Priestess of the Goddess and editor of The Independent Celt

. . . a fantastic guide on modern Celtic polytheism. Filled with important information on history and modern, practical takes on rituals, this book is a must for the aspiring polytheist. An engaging and thought-provoking read from start to finish--I loved it!” ― Domhnall Irvine, Druid of Sylvan Celtic Fellowship

Secrets of the Druids has been updated and expanded, strengthening some its best features, such as its detailed linguistic resources. I heartily recommend it to anyone interested in Celtic culture and spirituality or the ancient world in general.” ― Mark DeFillo, Druid Belenios Ategnatos of Kredenn Geltiek Hollvedel

About the Author:

Teresa Cross has been a Celtic scholar since 1982 and was a member of numerous Celtic cultural organizations, including the Scottish Society of Dallas, Southwest Celtic Music Association, Clan MacKenzie Society, and the Irish P.E.C. She is the author of The Truth about the Druids and a frequent contributor to The Independent Celt. She lives in Kingman, Arizona.



Spinning Old Heathen Magic in the Modern Day

by Cat Heath and Patricia M. Lafayllve

Publisher : Llewellyn Publications (March 8, 2021)

Language : English

Paperback : 352 pages

List Price: $21.99


Weave the Threads of Ancient Heathen Magic into Your Life~

Journey into the fascinating depths of Heathenry with this tremendous source of history, inspiration, and practical information. Based on decades of research and experimentation, Elves, Witches & Gods provides explanations and hands-on techniques for galdr, seidr, fiber magic, herb craft, journeying, going under the cloak, and connecting with deities and elves.

Working with authentic source material, Cat Heath has carefully pieced together and recreated Heathen magic techniques, and she shares the theories, skills, and tools you need to begin or deepen your own practice. This book introduces you to deities such as the Spinning Goddess, the Spear God, Odin, and Ingvi-Freyr. You will discover recipes, spells, and prayers, as well as learn how to work with specific oils and charms. Whether you are interested in using magic to influence your fate or you want to take a deep dive into the craft of the helrune and the völva, this book's guidance will help you take the next steps on the Heathen path.

Includes a foreword by Patricia M. LaFayllve, author of A Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru.


"Travel with me now, from the history of Heathen magic, to snowy mountain top shrines and the sacred thread that connects goddesses of the spun fiber. Elves, Witches, and Gods is a gripping journey that blends scholarship, with stories of the Gods and those that seek them with ritual practice to deepen your connection to the Gods and looking within yourself. Brilliantly written, I can't wait to see what Catherine Heath brings us next."―Amy Blackthorn, author of Blackthorn's Botanical Magic and Sacred Smoke

"The Elder Heathen lived in an Animist world of spirits, ancestors, elves, magic, rich lore, and living Gods and Goddesses. Cat Heath teaches a real system of magic steeped in that elder world with all the real experimentation required to bring it to life today. She gives you a no-nonsense, practical step-by-step method to understand the lore, connect to these powers, and begin your magical journey in a way so few have explored in rich detail. Here you find the guidance and wisdom to become a Helrune."―Lonnie Scott, coauthor of Elhaz Ablaze: Compendium of Chaos Heathenry and host of Weird Web Radio

"In Elves, Witches, and Gods, Heath surpasses the sum of all components of her research, magical work, and community efforts. Here in one book, Heath shares her knowledge she has attained of the deities and wights. Heath's descriptions are unique in that they include not only what to do when working with various beings or deities; they also provide cautions and warnings about what not to do. This book is a tremendous source of inspiration, insight, and information for Heathens of all tradition and experience levels."―Robert Schreiwer, author of First Book of Urglaawe Myths

About the Author:

Cat Heath is the founder of the Cult of the Spinning Goddess and cofounder of the Open Halls Project. She holds membership in the Shenandoah Valley–based Great Valley Kindred as well as the Troth. Cat has led ritual and taught classes both locally at in-person events, online, and as a co-presenter on the 2018 Land Sea Sky "Travel Hiddenfolk, Witches, and Elves" tour of Iceland. Cat hails from Lancashire, England, and has come to call Maryland home after a decade and a half of magical and mundane adventures across three continents.



Connecting to the Fae in the Modern World

by Tara Sanchez

Publisher : Llewellyn Publications (March 8, 2021)

Paperback : 224 pages

List Price: $19.99


Develop Relationships with the Fae for a Lifelong Journey of Magick~

Meet dozens of faeries that have adapted to the modern world and can be found in the most unexpected places. Urban Faery Magick introduces you to these mystical beings, providing tips and techniques for interacting with them as you travel your own spiritual path. Author Tara Sanchez explores dozens of case studies and shares her own personal stories of fae encounters, uniquely associating each faery with one of the elements from Eastern or Western traditions. You will learn about the Zaragoza goblin, Jon the Rust Spirit, Jenny Green-teeth, the Santiago Park Pixie, and many more. This book also includes dozens of hands-on exercises, including traditional Celtic practices, chants, invocations, breath work, dowsing, scrying, and interpreting signs as you discover the important lessons the fae can teach us.

Faeries are no strangers to the cities of the world. They walk the streets and live their lives in the forlorn alleys, waterways, nooks, and crannies that are often overlooked. Urban Faery Magick shows you how to connect with these misunderstood creatures and experience their energy.

The fae are increasingly adapting to the urban world. This book teaches you how to develop relationships with them for a lifelong journey of inspiration and magic. Urban Faery Magick introduces you to dozens of faeries and offers tips and techniques for interacting with the fae and receiving their blessings and help on your own piritual path.

Author Tara Sanchez explores modern-day case studies of fae encounters associated with each of the elements, as well as her own experiences in working with specific faeries.

You will learn about:

  • The Zaragoza Goblin
  • The Santiago Park Pixie
  • John the Rust Spirit
  • The Washer at the Ford
  • Jennie Greenteeth

And many more...

You will also explore dozens of exercises for finding and communicating with the fae, including breathwork, trance, chants, invocations, protection, scrying, and interpreting signs as you discover the important lessons the fae can teach us.

About the Author:

Tara Sanchez (Cheshire, UK) is initiated in Alexandrian and Gardnerian Wicca and is an Awenydd of the Anglesey Druid Order. She speaks regularly at moots, camps, and conferences, such as the Hekate Symposium, the Mercian Gathering, PaganCon, and PantheaCon. Tara is the author of The Temple of Hekate and she contributed to the anthology Hekate: Her Sacred Fires (Avalonia). Her writing has been published in several periodicals, such as The White Dragon and The Oracle Magazine, and she's maintained a widely read blog for more than ten years.



Exploring the Mysterious World of the Afro-Cuban Religion

by Sophia Kelly Shultz and Tata Rodriguez

Publisher : Red Feather; Illustrated edition (January 28, 2021)

Language : English

Hardcover : 112 pages

List Price: $16.99


Palero Tata Rodriguez is your guide through this exploration of Palo Kimbisa, an Afro-Cuban religion where nothing is as it seems: elements of nature become spirits that speak to the Tata and initiates, clay pots become miniature sacred groves, and a chef becomes a Tata—a counselor, protector, and teacher. Palo goddaughter Sophia Kelly Shultz experiences and relates Tata Rodriguez’s practices through anecdotes, firsthand accounts, and exquisite pen-and-ink illustrations. Special passages bring life to concepts represented by each Spirit; others highlight important facets of the palero's beliefs and practices. Stories invite anyone, from future initiates to those who simply wish to know more about this religion, to get a feel for the rules and practicalities—and the magic—of Palo.

Please Click to Enlarge


Pamela Colman Smith's


Presented in Soft New Colors

78-Card Deck with 36-Page Booklet

Publisher : U.S. Games Systems Inc. (November 27, 2020)

List Price: $21.95



RWS Tarot Deck™ presents the beloved 1909 artwork of Pamela Colman Smith in a refreshing new palette of soft, subtle colors framed with elegant ivory parchment borders.

Staying true to Pamela’s original creation, this authentic reproduction deck features her hand-lettered titles.

Minor art flaws have been left untouched to preserve the antique appearance of the deck.

78-card deck includes a 36-page booklet of tarot meanings with Introduction by Stuart R. Kaplan.


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.

Need Spell advice? Just ask!

We have Seattle's best Psychic Readers, in house, 7 days a week, from 2pm—8pm.

This concludes our Newsletter for this month.

Look for us again APRIL 1st, 2021!

Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter



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