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The Veil Between the Worlds Grows Thin...

ELCOME to the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.

Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store. Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 8pm.

Call: 206-PAN-1999

From the Seasons Of The Witch: Samhain Oracle. 

We are also now on Facebook:

Become a Fan, post your event on the discussion page!

Also on Facebook: THE SEATTLE PAGAN, OCCULT AND METAPHYSICAL RESOURCE BOARD has been created in order to facilitate networking throughout the Pacific Northwest.

If you have a Magical Group, Ritual Group, Pagan Church or organization, Druid Grove, please feel free to post your events and classes here.

Meetups, talks, book signings, public rituals, etc—all are welcome here.

We'd prefer no advertisements for Professional Readers, Reiki practitioners, etc. However, if you are teaching a class, or giving a workshop or talk, feel free to post your event.

This group is specifically for sharing events of interest to the local community, it is not meant for discussing magical paths and traditions, or asking general questions about magick or paganism. Please remain civil, do disparaging posts about groups or individuals. Off topic posts WILL be moderated.

..and check out the Edge’s new TUMBLR Page!

REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!


No charge if your class or event is free!

Prices subject to change without notice.



by Philip Heselton

Paperback : 316 pages

Publisher : Fenix Flames Publishing Ltd (September 1, 2020)

List Pride: $25.00


In 1954 a book was published which claimed that witches were not just some historical oddity but that the author, retired civil servant, Gerald Gardner, had been initiated into a witch coven in the New Forest, Hampshire, England in 1939.

Many dismissed his claims, but Philip Heselton, who has been investigating the story for over 20 years, is convinced that what Gardner wrote about the witch coven was essentially true.

The coven which Gerald Gardner joined has now been proven to exist, thanks to Philip Heselton's twenty years of assiduous research. He tells the tale of the famous New Forest Coven, not a fiction, but a real collection of real people. He has found that the New Forest coven was started by a group of esoteric students in the early part of the 20th century who believed in reincarnation and that they had been witches in a previous lifetime. We meet Rosamund Sabine, Ernie Mason, Irene Lyon-Clarke and more, as well as learning more about Dafo, a remarking witch and Gerald's first working partner in the Craft.

Philip Heselton has uncovered the likely membership of the coven and has brought them to life as never before.



Ancestral Visions of the Afterlife and Other Worlds

by Claude Lecouteux

Paperback : 320 pages

Publisher : Inner Traditions (September 15, 2020)

List Price: $24.99


An extensive look at the cartography and folklore of the afterlife worlds as seen by our ancestors

Examines how ancient European cultures viewed the beyond, including the Blessed Isles of early Greek and Celtic faith, the Hebrew Sheol, Hades from Homer’s Odyssey, Hel and Valhalla of the Norse, and the Aralu of Babylon

Shows how medieval accounts of journeys into the Other World represent the first recorded near-death experiences

Connects medieval afterlife beliefs and NDE narratives with shamanism, looking in particular at psychopomps, power animals, the double, the fetch, and what people bring back from their journeys to the spirit realms

Charting the evolution of afterlife beliefs in both pagan and medieval Christian times, Claude Lecouteux offers an extensive look at the cartography and folklore of the afterlife worlds as seen by our ancestors. Exploring the locations and topographies of the various forms taken by Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, he examines how ancient European cultures viewed the beyond, including the Blessed Isles of early Greek and Celtic faith, the Hebrew Sheol, the pale world of Hades from Homer’s Odyssey, Hel and Valhalla of the Norse, and the Aralu of Babylon, the land where nothing can be seen. The author also explores beliefs in Other Worlds, lands different from our own that are not the afterlife but places where time flows differently and which are inhabited by fantastic or supernatural beings such as fairies or dwarfs.

Sharing medieval tales of journeys into the beyond, Lecouteux shows how these accounts represent the first recorded near-death experiences (NDEs) and examines how they compare with modern NDE narratives as well as the work of NDE researchers like Raymond Moody. In addition, he also explores tales of out-of-body experiences, dream journeys, and travels made by a double or fetch and connects these narratives with shamanism, looking in particular at psychopomps, power animals, and what people bring back from their journeys to the spirit realms.

Analyzing the afterlife beliefs of the Middle Ages as a whole, Lecouteux concludes with a collection of medieval afterlife-related traditions, such as placing polished stones in the coffin so the departed soul can find its way back to friends and family at those times of the year when the veil between the worlds grows thin.



Ancient Greek Magic for the Modern Witch

by Oracle Hekataios

Paperback : 310 pages

Product Dimensions : 5.2 x 0.8 x 7.9 inches

Publisher : Llewellyn Publications (October 8, 2020)

List Price:$18.99


Bring the magic of ancient Greece into the modern world with this powerful book full of Strix, Hellenic Polytheist, and Iatromantis practices. Featuring wisdom that used to be only available to scholars, Strix Craft presents Greek magic in a concise format with contemporary ideas and hands-on practices.

Oracle guides you through the many compelling facets of the Strix, from its relationship with Greece and Thessaly to how it approaches herbal, healing, and erotic magic. Meet the deities and spirits of Greek magic. Explore how to commune with the dead. Discover the mythology, tools, and festivals of the Strix. This engaging book shows you how to apply ancient magical traditions to everyday life, from performing rituals to working at an altar.


POETICA: Chapbook Edition

by Daniel Yates

Publisher: Photophrenic 2020

A6 chapbook format

54 pages

29 images

List Price: $12.95


Poetica is a trinity of poems that serve to guide the reader into a state of orison, to detach from the now and to connect to the other.




The Witches' Almanac 50 Year Anniversary Edition:

An Anthology of Half a Century of Collected Magical Lore

by Theitic

Paperback : 288 pages

Product Dimensions : 6 x 0.75 x 9 inches

Publisher : The Witches' Almanac; Anniversary Edition (September 15, 2020)

List Price: $15.95


Elizabeth Pepper founded The Witches’ Almanac in 1971 as a means to provide a source of good information to the quickly growing magical communities in the United States and Canada. Elizabeth, whose own Basque witchcraft tradition was rich in lore and myth, knew that witchcraft was at a crossroads that the paltry amounts of literature needed remedy. The community immediately embraced The Witches’ Almanac’s wit, conversant, and sophisticated style, with it appealing to general readers as well as hard-core Wiccans. Andrew Theitic―Elizabeth’s literary heir, as well as a prominent member of the New England community―has continued, as well as expanded, the mission of The Witches’ Almanac’s. For both of the publishers The Witches’ Almanac’s has been a labor of love.

The Witches’ Almanac 50 Year Anniversary Edition is an anthology of articles spanning the five decades that the almanac has been published. The table of contents is inclusive of several articles for each of the years that the almanac has been published. The reader will find material that has been drawn from numerous world cultures, spanning a variety of age groups. The spells, myth, folklore, and mystical poetry present the reader with new and classic perspectives that are timeless. This is the first time such an expansive collection of articles about witchcraft, magic, herbalism, charms, spells, and related topics is being presented in a single volume, and it will surely be treasured as occult memorabilia immediately upon its release.


Pagan Portals


Encountering the Goddess of Love & Beauty & Initiation

by Irisanya Moon

Paperback : 104 pages, Series: Pagan Portals

Publisher : Moon Books (September 1, 2020)

List Price: $10.95


Aphrodite is an often misunderstood goddess, one who is easy to relegate to the love goddess role, but she is a goddess who also shows up as an initiator and, some might say, troublemaker. In this book, we seek to explore the complexity of a goddess who was born on sea foam and who inspires beauty and love, all the while offering a hand toward each one of us to celebrate our full hearts.



by Waldete Tristao and Caco Bressane

Paperback : 40 pages

Publisher : Llewellyn Publications; Illustrated Edition (October 8, 2020)

List Price: $8.99


This beautifully illustrated exploration of Afro-Brazilian spirituality introduces you to the gods of the African diaspora known as the Orishas. Presented in a fun and easy-to-understand format, Knowing the Orishas provides brief descriptions of twenty important deities, highlighting their talents, characteristics, and customs as well as where they live, how they dress, the foods they like to eat, and more.

Meet Omolu, the god of health and life. Share secrets with Iyewa, goddess of beauty and mystery. Ask Oshoguian, the warrior of peace, for protection. A vital reference to each Orisha, this book helps you identify and build relationships with them as you travel on your own spiritual path.




Harness the Intuitive Power Of the Year's Most Magical Night

by: Juliet Diaz and Lorriane Anderson

Published: Sep/20 (AU/NZ), Sep/20 (US), Oct/20 (UK)

Paperback : 180 pages

Publisher : Rockpool Publishing (October 26, 2020)

List Price: $21.95


~Unlock of the power of Samhain energy every night of the year through these stunning cards and engaging guidebook, co-created by Juliet Diaz, author of The Witchery.

Samhain is one of the most enigmatic and magical pagan nights of the year for performing divination, ritual and spells. Our ancestors have known this for centuries, taking advantage of the night's potent energy to gain clear insight into the past, the present and the future. Now you can experience the magic and electric energies of this sacred night all year long with Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle.

This is a beautifully designed book and card deck set. Each of the forty-four cards will connect you to the spirit realm to bring healing, understanding, protection, and guidance. Discover the banshee's wrath, meet your sacred animal familiar, greet the nature spirits, or visit the graveyard with your coven to seek protection in the witching hour.

The accompanying guidebook features original poetry from Juliet Diaz of November Sage that doubles as invocations for magick and ritual. Evocative guidance from Lorriane Anderson of Spirit Element guides you through your readings and the history and lore of Samhain celebrations, complete with spells and recipes. And the cards allow you to unlock secret insights to make the most of Samhain energy!



Sacred Wisdom to Enrich Your Life

by Cherry Gilchrist

Paperback : 144 pages

Product Dimensions : 5 x 0.75 x 7.75 inches

Publisher : Eddison Books (September 1, 2020)

List Price: $26.95


This oracle is based on the ancient Kabbalistic map of creation that dates back at least a thousand years in the Jewish mystery tradition. The Tree of Life is a sacred symbol in many cultures of the world, but here it is used as a path to knowledge linking the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet with the twenty-two paths of the Tree of Life and the astrological houses.

Each resulting word forms a rich and powerful wheel symbol that reflects a segment of the tree, depicted on a card in the oracle deck. Follow the reading sheet to lay the cards in the zigzag line of creation, and consult the guidebook to receive guidance on any life issue. Both the oracle and the tree are highly structured, and from this framework of harmony comes wisdom that you will value forever.



by Stanislav Reshetnikov

Cards : 176 pages

Publisher : Red Feather/ Schiffer (September 28, 2020)

List Price: $34.99


This original Tarot deck highlighting the practical insight of "depth psychology," which examines the unconscious--exploring dreams and archetypes--looks deeply at the Self, Shadow, Heavenly Fool, Inner Child, and other important aspects of humanity. Have you ever noticed that the world around us is just a decoration of "consensus" reality? And that the most interesting things are behind the scenes--in our subconscious, where the true puppet masters reside? In this exciting

78-card Tarot deck of fully illustrated Majors and thematic Minors, you will find that structural and logical methods represent the answer to these questions and help readers modify behaviors to best suit successful encounters with real-life situations. Created by a student of C. G. Jung philosophy, a pathway to clear divination messages, meditation, and psychological practices will resonate with readers everywhere.


WE'MOON 2021:

Gaia Rhythms for Womyn - THE WORLD, 40th Edition

Datebook—astrological planner and moon phase calendar

Founder: Musawa, Special Editor: Bethroot Gwynn

Spiral Bound (Mother Tongue Ink) English

List Price: $21.95


We'Moon is an iconic astrology planner, moon phase calendar, and visionary collection of art and writing submitted by creative women.

We'Moon 2021: The World, celebrating our 40th anniversary in print, honors deep mysteries of the natural world, women's paths toward spiritual transformation, and heartfelt actions for reparative justice!

This edition highlights the diversity of the world’s many peoples, opens us to imaginative community, and praises the Earth in all Her many guises. The World beckons to us with urgency: "Rise Up! Work your elemental magic! Conjure with all your might, a vibrant, life-affirming future!”

Highlights of our desk-top datebook include information for every day in week at a glance format:

  • Cover image of We'Moon 2021 spiral bound astrological moon phase planner

  • Astrological data in Pacific Standard Time

  • Moon phases depicted for every day

  • Notation of when the moon changes signs

  • Void of Course Moon date, time and aspects

  • Notation of when the Sun changes signs

  • Astrological predictions for every sun sign in the zodiac

  • Holiday / Holy Day writings about each of the wiccan / pagan celebrations days

  • Over 100 images of fabulous feminist art and over 100 righteous writings by amazing poets and storytellers. All of these works are submitted by women from all over the world

  • The planner is laid out in a week-at-a-glance format

  • Month-at-a-glance moon phase calendar pages in the appendix

  • Year-at-a-glance calendars with full and new moons for both the current and following year, so you can schedule your full and new moon circles well in advance

  • Full Ephemeris located in the back of the book with retrograde periods highlighted for every planet

  • Bylines for the hundreds of contributors whose work is included in the day planner

  • Information about how you can contribute your creative work for possible publication

  • Intro articles about astrology, Chinese astrology, herbs, the wiccan / pagan holidays, eclipses and mercury retrogrades that are coming up for the year, and more

  • Appendix articles on how to understand the various influences of the planets and signs, a veritable feast of Astrology 101

  • ...And So much more!

You need daily inspiration and beauty in your life, right?

And in this busy world, you need find ways to stay organized, too, yeah?

We'Moon brings all of this together in a week-at-a-glance planner.

Brimming with information and beauty

    • With over 30 informative articles, brilliant art features and provocative poems and prose,

    • this week-at-a-glance date book will provide an entire year's worth of motivation, inspiration and companionship.

You can read your horoscope for the year, get inspired about celebrating seasonal changes,

use it as an impromptu divination tool, and record your appointments.

Daily Astrological Info, Moon Phases and Signs

We've included the astrological information for every day, as well as the moon phases and signs,

so you can quickly reference the galactic influences as you go through your days.



by Kinuko Y. Craft (Author/Illustrator, Amber Lotus Publishing

Calendar : 28 pages

Publisher : Amber Lotus Publishing; First Edition (June 19, 2020)

List Price: $14.99


From mythical archetypes to historical figures, women have inspired great literature, poetry, and, above all, magnificent works of art. Among contemporary artists inspired by ladies of legends, none shines brighter than Kinuko Y. Craft. In this elegant calendar she presents 12 opulent and richly detailed portraits of enchantresses, goddesses, brave warriors, and fairy-tale princesses, each weaving a spell of breathtaking feminine beauty.

  • 12" x 12" wall calendar (12" x 24" open).

  • A year of Kinuko Craft's exquisite artwork on your wall.

  • An extraordinary fantasy art gift.

  • We Plant Trees — Amber Lotus Publishing, an independent carbon-negative US company, has planted ONE MILLION trees since 2008 to offset our carbon footprint and resource usage.

  • High-quality printing on premium paper stock.

  • Printed on paper sourced from a combination of sustainably managed forests and recycled materials.

  • Features US and Canadian legal holidays, phases of the moon, and important observances of the world's major religions.

Craft is one of the world's most widely respected and well-known contemporary fantasy artists. She has published eight major illustrated fairy-tale and mythology hardcover picture books, including The Twelve Dancing Princesses and Cinderella. She has illustrated many children's books, and her work has graced more than 100 book and magazine covers. Craft is a storyteller, and her paintings reveal new layers of wonder with each viewing. Her work can also been seen in prestigious galleries and museums.



REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.

Need Spell advice? Just ask!

We have Seattle's best Psychic Readers, in house, 7 days a week, from 2pm—8pm.


This concludes our Newsletter for this month.

Look for us again NOVEMBER 1st, 2020! BLESSED SAMHAIN!!!!!

Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter



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