Inferni facsimile edition.
by A.D. Mercer
specifications:115 grams bonewhite
softtone color paper bookblock, 50 pages total. Full color printed
internal layout design, Leather bound hardcover, Black endpapers,
23ct. gold foil sigil stamped to the front cover. Strictly
limited edition of only 180 exemplars. MOST of the copies are
numbered. SOME are not. ONLY 180 copies were printed in total.
List Price:
contents of this book:
- An
Introduction written by A.D. Mercer covering the historic aspects of
the works within this book.
- An essay
written by JCB on Archangel Metatron and his divine and infernal
aspects amd darker Qliphotic counterpart spirits.
- A short
text by A.D. Mercer on the Four Demon Kings.
- Then what
follows is the actual facsimile edition of the Clavis Inferni.
- An
English translation of the original Latin language Conjurations by
A.D. Mercer.
- And
placed at the end of the book is the Credits & Copyrights page.
internal lay-out design is printed in full color entirely and also
has the defoliated page just like the original book.
Cyprianus: Clavis Inferni (translated Key of Hell) is a late
18th-century book for the purpose of the practice of black magic. The
aim for the publication of this book is to make it available to
students and practitioners who are interested in researching the
grimoires of the Solomonic & Goetic Tradition. The text in the
original version of the Clavis Inferni was written in a mixture of
Latin, Hebrew and a cypher alphabet called 'Transitus Fluvii' or
"Passing through the River" by C. Agrippa.
of the Introduction text by A.D. Mercer.
Despite the
title of the manuscript, it is important to establish that there is
no possibility that the present text is by the (in)famous St.
Cyprian. Due to his supposed magical dealings, prior to his
conversion to Christianity, St. Cyprians name has become attached to
a wide range of magical tracts and works. Note that this is not the
classic St. Cyprian, the Bishop of Carthage from the 3rd century, but
the supposed Bishop of Antioch, however there is no recorded Bishop
of Antioch by that name. Nevertheless the name has been linked to
magical practises around the world, most notably magic from Spain and
Portugal and, in particular, their respective former colonies in
South America. Cyprian also features in some magical traditions in
Scandinavia where he plays a central role similar to that of Faust in
Germany and Central Europe, with tales of pacts with the devil etc.
as well as being the supposed author of other magical tracts......
manuscript itself may well fit into the Solomonic cycle of magical
Grimoires as it is chiefly influenced by Agrippas Three Books of
Occult Philosophy (where the author has used the Passing the River
script found in Agrippas book) and by the Heptameron, which contains
conjuration spells that are similar to the ones found in the present
manuscript. There are also signs of influence, or at least evidence
that the author had access to,other texts including The Grimoire of
Pope Honorius and The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses, both of which
appear to be the source for the particular spellings of the names of
Demon Kings used in the Clavis, indeed the use the word Clavis itself
points the Solomonic cycle. Thus confirming that this is a classic
grimoire for that tradition.
of the essey On Metatron by JCB.
This book
is intriguing not only because of the mystical feeling one gets when
looking upon the illustrations, symbols, text and glyphs so richly
inscribed upon its pages, but also because of its captivating title:
Clavis Inferni sive magia alba et nigra approbata Metratona, which
translates to Key of Hell with White and Black Magic approved by
Metatron. By this title, the author clearly states that the workings
of magical practice herein, with their formulas and words of magical
significance, have had their effectiveness tested and proven under
the supervision and with the blessings of none other than the
archangel Metatron himself.
to the Babylonian Talmud, Metatron is the highest-ranking angel and
the supreme ruler over all who reside upon our Earthly material plane
as well as over those in the Heavenly realm. As such, he is the angel
closest to God and is closely associated with God as the Lesser YHVH.
In the Kabbalah, Metatron is named the ruler of Kether (the Crown),
the first and highest Sephirah of the Tree of Life, representing
Heaven or Paradise, with its associated planetary body being Pluto.
The lowest Sephirah, Malkuth, representing the material, Earthly
realm the furthest from Heaven and positioned at the bottom of the
Tree of Life, is represented by planet Earth and is ruled by
Metatrons twin brother, Sandalphon........
* *
By G.
De Laval
List Price: $74.95
Specifications: Standard edition cloth bound hardcover, Silver foil
sigil printed to the front cover, Silver foil lettering printed to
the spine, A full color printed internal bookblock, 90 grams softtone
bonewhite paper bookblock, Black endpapers, Black silk head/tail
bands, 218 pages total page count, Strictly limited edition of only
300 exemplars. Each copy hand-numbered and stating its exact
Rites of
Nullification comprise a detailed exegesis and expansion of a
passage, in the book Black Magic Evocation of the Shem ha Mephorash,
under notes for the demon Lekabel, which enumerate the four
Qliphothic worlds of negation set in antagonism against the four
Kabbalistic worlds of creation.
written and released in truncated form as the thematic and lyrical
underpinning of, and accompaniment to, the four-song album,1557:
Rites of Nullification, by Swedish black metal ensemble Mephorash, it
quickly became clear that the material therein cried out to grow into
a more complete initiation, which is exactly what Aeon Sophia Press
will be releasing: a full-praxis version of these ceremonies.
grimoire enumerates and constructs a carefully and mathematically
rigorous gnostic ceremony of the wedding of the Bride of Chaos using
as its base structure a four-dimensional contemplative manifold
formulated from permutations of the sacred binary, over which are
overlaid a set of commonly used occult symbols to create a ritual
space for the transformation of consciousness. These tools allow for
that primordial differentiation, which gives rise to the possibility
of experience itself, to be methodically disassembled. Using the
book, the witch is given the opportunity to use demonic energies
arranged carefully to deconstruct her own personality as if it were a
scripture, giving rise to the possibility of new consciousness beyond
the horizon of her reality tunnel, as she perforates it by marrying
it to chaos.
In short,
Rites of Nullification is an extremely detailed and exhaustive
self-initiation that takes the practitioner on a deep dive into
ritual and mystical Satanism, beginning with a betrothal to the Devil
and commencing in the ur-gnostic bridal chamber itself.
- The
Sacred Quaternary
- Shaktipat
- The Four
Elemental Voids
- Atziluth:
- Beriah:
- Yetzirah:
- Assiyah:
- Final
Notes on the Worlds of Creation and their Qliphothic Nemeses
Construction of the Universe
- The Steps
of the Ladders of Descent into Negation
- Amulet of
- Hex
- The
Breath of the Hydra of Negation
- The Four
Sacrificial Witnesses
- The
Sacrificial Witnesses
- The
Sacrificial Witness of the Debasement of Atziluth
- Sikh
- The
Sacrificial Witness of the Destruction of Beriah
- Sethurian
Esssence of the Witness of Aerial Negation
- Nazav
- The
Sacrificial Witness of the Malformation of Yetzirah
- Sethurian
Esssence of the Witness of Watery Negation
- Tazak
- The
Sacrificial Witness of the Dissolving of Assiyah
- Sethurian
Esssence of the Witness of Earthy Negation
- Chayiv
- Master
Tables of Elemental Voids
- A Pact
with Satan
- Summoning
the Devil
- Grimoiric
Names of 36 Spirits of Necromantic Satanism
- The
Grimoire Spirits Overlaid onto the Kamea of Saturn, the Sphere of
Invocation of the Water Spirits
Invocation of the Earth Spirits
Invocation off the Aethyrial Spirits
- The
Gnostic Ceremony of the Bride of Chaos
- Locate
the Dragon
- Select a
- Construct
the Altar
- Abag Dehu
Zachaa Tarot Configuration
- Abeg Dali
Khettaa Tarot Configuration
- Abbeh
Velay Mena Tarot Configuration
- Eggeh
Zalak Mesa Tarot Configuration
- Prepare
the Mirror of Conjuration
- Prepare
the Amulets
- Amulet of
the Future Universe
- Prepare
the attire
- Choose
the Time
- Prepare
the Circle
- Altar
Configuration of Chayiv Buddeton
- Transcode
the Incantation for the Dragon to be Summoned
- Perform
the Procedure
- Wear the
Amulet of the Future Universe for Nine Days
- The
Future World
- The
Alchemical Precipitate of Aethyr from the Elemental Universe in
- The
Cosmic Androgyne
Baphometic Androgynders
- The
Future Universe
- The Hymns
of Nullification
- The Hymn
of Berberioth
- The Hymn
of Cheidolun
- The Hymn
of Phezur
- The Hymn
of Riphyon
Luciferal Cipher
By G.
De Laval
Edition: Sacerdotium Umbrae Mortis by G. De Laval (author of Black
Magic Evocation of the Shem ha Mephorash, The Explicit Name of
Lucifer and Sefer Yeroch Ruachot).
specification: Blood red Italian linen, cloth bound hardcover, Gold
foil sigil stamp printed to the front cover, Gold foil lettering to
the spine, Black endpapers, 207 pages, 120 grams internal bonewhite
colored paper bookblock.
List Price:
A colorful
study of a passage from the Masoretic text wherein are enumerated
eleven tribes of Canaan, a land and people targeted by the God of the
ancient Israelites for invasion and systematic extermination. As a
result they symbolize in the context of these folk stories a sort of
"Anti-Israel" in the sense that they are an "Un-Chosen"
people, providing an adverse literary complement to the idea of
ancient Israel as the "Chosen" people. In Sacerdotium
Umbrae Mortis I search out and study various
poetic and esoteric
resonances from the original text and use this basic toolkit of
synthetic mythemes to construct a fully coherent esoteric system,
including rituals and ceremonial implements, and its own catalog of
classes of spirits, with their rulers, who can be employed using
classical techniques of Western mysticism, including those outlined
in Black Magic Evocation of the Shem ha Mephorash.
book is a complete system of initiation and ascension in the grades
of The Priesthood of the Shadows of Death, an order of predatory
sorcerers who specialize in the practice of energy vampirism and in
the necromantic conjuration of revenant phantom shades from the
eleven hells of the Qliphoth.
system is based on meticulous research into the eleven tribes of
Canaan, enemies of the Right-Hand Path who esoterically represent
eleven classes of hostile, predatory vampiric shadowforms who emanate
from hells of black magick and the anti-world of death. Multiple
levels of correspondences and esoteric enumerations are given as well
as conjuration sigils and numerous seals and illustrations so that
the initiate can ritually evoke not only these necromantic shades,
but their ruling princes.
grimoire, when studied and used properly, allows brave magicians to
ascend in exotic spheres of consciousness and power by communion with
and transmogrification by these venomous Lords of the Abyss. Included
are various lists of attributes of vampirism, the four stages of
initiation, four grades of mastery, tables of days, hours, and
elemental and planetary correspondences suitable for infernal
conjuration, and complete descriptions of the panoply, implements and
rites of vampiric necromancy that comprise the order of Sacerdotium
Umbrae Mortis."
Jose Gabriel Alegria Sabogal
specifications: Standard edition cloth bound hardcover. Full winered
linen cover material, Gild lettering to the spine and gild
illustrations printed to the front and back cover. 120 grams
bonewhite paper book block. 120 grams black endpapers. silk
head/tailbands. 148 pages. Finished large size format: width 210mm x
height 297mm, full color photography by the artist. Full color and
black/white illustrations by the artist. Introduction, essays and
explanation text by the artist. Esoteric prose text by the artist.
limitation: 200 exemplars.
List Price:
A Second
Nature is a book that compiles three years of artistic production. An
introduction and reflections upon the subjects are included in order
to let the reader recognize the different motifs and symbolic
elements as they combine through the works. However, the focus is
evidently letting the works speak by themselves and among themselves
as they create a book of images.
The first
nature implies the sensible world and the second nature, the
invisible or the world of ideas. Art can somehow become a bridge
between the two. It is also said that habit is a second nature. In
the present work that second nature is the habit of drawing. Drawing
is here approached as a way of insight. Any form of praxis can serve
such a purpose, and that is an aspect that theory often seems to
Table of
two natures page 11
The power
of books, the power of images, and a book of images page 12
Angels or
Manifestations: the beheld page 14 Metamorphosis page 16
Death and
imagination page 17
page 20
Bone Works
page 26
A Second
Nature page 47
page 143
Index of
images page 144
Excerpt of
Introduction: the two natures.
The title
is inspired in an early theological debate upon the nature or of the
Christ, the Nestorian controversy. If Christ was both divine and
human in one body, as wine and water, or if these natures were
divided, as oil and water in one cup.
The “first”
nature is the sensible world, so long perceived in the west as
inferior. The second nature is divine nature or the world of ideas.
Is there a unity beneath this great polarity? That is not to be
answered in theory.
It is also
said that habit is a second nature. Something that has been so
thoroughly rehearsed that feels almost like a new instinct. In the
present work that second nature is the habit of drawing. Drawing is
here approached as a way of insight. Any form of practice can serve
such a purpose, and it is the aspect that theory often seems to
This work
is composed by two kinds of drawings. Some serve as ways to register
visualizations, that are otherwise impossible to be expressed in
verbal form. Others serve as ways for the learning and appropiation a
concept, it is therefore here believed that drawing as an action
brings a practical understanding of the depicted form.
This work
compiles two years of drawings, selected and arranged into a
narrative progression.
The book is
divided into three sections, signalized by three obeliscs, an emblem
taken from the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. If put together, their
letters form three names of god. These, at the same time, are three
letter names. But, as stated by the maiden Logistica, “no mortal
could perfectly discern or see simultaneously two sides of this
figure, but one at a time, and that is the present.”
About the
Gabriel Alegría Sabogal. Born in Berlin, lives and works in Lima,
Perú. Studied painting at PUCP (Pontifical Catholic University of
Perú) and a while in the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Currently
studying a Master in the History of Art at PUCP.
His visual
work makes use of the line-technique of renaissance copper plate
engraving but applied to direct drawing. Both the themes and their
treatment are essentially anachronistic and follow the initiative of
developing a symbolic language that aspires to a timeless nature.
His works
have been published by Aeon Sophia Press (Netherlands), Anathema
Publishing Ltd. (Canada) and Mount Abraxas (Romania).
He has also
developed the visual concept for several musical albums by bands from
America and Europe, amongst them Whoredom Rife (Norway) and Inferno
(Czech Republic).