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Circling the Compass
[Octavo Series]
Edited by Gabriel McCaughry, , from Anathema Publishing.
Edition Specifications:
Standard Edition (Limited To 550 Copies):
6.5 x 9.5 inches. 200 pages. Hardbound 90pts, Tele Legatoria “Cialux Dark Gray” fine Italian bookcloth, mirror/silver foil stamp on rounded spine and on the cover, blind deboss on the back, colour interior, and Periwinkle ‘Persian Blue,’ ‘Burnished leather finish’ endpapers. Fine typography, illustrated thoroughly throughout by various artists, printed on Cougar Natural 160M archive-quality paper.
List Price: $72.95

The magic circle is part of the general heritage of magical practice, which is world-wide and of incalculable age.” -Doreen Valiente, The ABC’s of Witchcraft

To step into the Circle,
To circumambulate the Compass,
To leave it all behind,
And yet to invite the All inside,
Such is the boon and the task,
Of the committed and inspired Seeker.

The Circle, the Compass, or the Sacred Space (whether within or without, ontological, metaphorical or ceremonial) acts as a catalyst to bring together seemingly disparate elements of experience and dissolves their boundaries. No small wonder, then, that it is often the tool or practice of choice for the Mystic, Witch, and the Magician alike.
In casting the Circle, aims may differ and intent may vary, and yet the fact remains that contemplation, action, and devotion are indeed close cousins; all are bound by common thread… Which is often the lamenting of the loss of the Mystery Tradition, and the coeval desire to see it restored.
What is the appeal, or the existential dilemma, that brings one to try to reconnect the ‘many-pasts,’ consult and congregate with the spirits, and bring the epiphanic pieces into the still-Now, to better elevate individual consciousness? Thusly do seekers attempt to understand and assimilate in their alchemical vessel the many important occult teachings and texts that may be construed as obsolete and decrepit to the eyes of the uninitiated, the archonized, dishonest, or the cynical pessimist.
And so, we come to the Theme of the next volume of PILLARS: “The Circle & The Compass,” along with the many interpretations and allegorical insights that come with it. We want to inspire potential contributors (both authors and artists) to approach the topic from numerous angles. How will you unearth the reason, or impetus, behind individual or group praxis of either traditional ceremonial magicians or of contemplative mysticism? How will you attempt to bridge the divide, to discover why (or how) there appears to be no more formalized Mystery Tradition(s) out there (and if there are, why have these not yet risen back to the surface?).
But what is the Mystery Tradition, standing somewhere between Religion and Magick? What symbolism and allegory exist within these ‘living’ Temples, and in the divine rites of passage? Who are these Seekers willing to live a life in accordance with age-old principum passed down through the generations?
These so-called ‘Mystery Traditions’ are possibly the underlying basis and foundational reality behind most contemporary esoteric structure, and yet they are either purposely or casually shunned and dismissed by many practitioners and adepts.
By “Circling the Compass,” is the Seeker indeed participating (or somehow resuscitating) in the Traditions of old, or are these disciplines truly lost under the sands of Time?
This is a very large subject indeed, and it is precisely why PILLARS would be the perfect arena to explore such a complex ‘Mystery.’

A very special ‘Thank You’ to Alexander Eth (of the Glitch Bottle Podcast), and by direct extension, Dr. Stephen Skinner, for the core questioning and inspiration for the Theme of this upcoming issue of PILLARS.

Abby Helasdottir
Victor F.
Arnett Edward Taylor III
Clint Marsh
Daniel Bran Griffith
David Zibert
Douglas Kincaid
Helene Arts
John Hope
Frater Theodbald
Lukasz Grochocki
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
PT Mistlberger
Shani Oates
Stephen Skinner
Gabriel McCaughry
Blial Cabal
Daniele Valeriani
Geraldine Lambert
Glyn Smyth
Jim Pavelec
Lia Vé
Oliver Liebeskind
Daniel Yates


Ɠưinn Grƭmnir
by Shani Oates, from Anathema Publishing.
Edition Specifications:
Paperback Edition:
Format: 5.25 x 8.5 inches. 208 pages. German Binding. Velvet Matte (Scuff Free) finish, and Bronze Foil Stamp on cover and backcover. Thoroughly illustrated throughout by Chris Undirheimar (Blood & Fire Ritual Art), Ornamental page (1) in full color printed on glossy paper, Fine typography, printed on Rolland Opaque Natural 160M quality paper.
List Price: $32.95

Challenging former atrophied or outdated knowledge regarding Ɠưinn’s acquisition of the runes and the mead of poetry, this extensive and intense study revisits HĆ”vamĆ”l, VĒ«luspĆ”, SkĆ”ldskaparmĆ”l, GrĆ­mnismĆ”l, Heimskringla and Ynglinga Sagas specifically, to unravel and reconnect crucial factors that collectively reveal a magical formula for rebirth and resurrection. These kennings have preserved the threads of mysteries pertaining to RĆŗnar entrenched in Taboo. Ɠưinn’s quest of discovery takes him through three historically attested trials as Rites of Passage that find parallel forms in other animistic traditions. His ordeals of Mound, Tree and Sacral Kingship together with an articulation of the role of Hamingja are hitherto connected.

Using a multi-disciplinary approach that includes forensic and ethno-anthropology, mythology, archaeology, folklore and etymology, previous speculations regarding Ɠưinn’s associations with sacrifice, penal codes and shamanism are shown to be flawed. Instead, for the first time, personal experience is combined with intensive research that provide plausible solutions to age-old puzzles, solving anomalies surrounding Scandinavian lore. A clear Cultus is revealed of a hidden elite totally focused on surviving RagnarĒ«k via the application of arcane magics. New insights present the real location of ValhĒ«ll, and explain Ɠưinn’s ancestral relationship with wolves.

Sacred cows are culled in a controversial re-interpretation of Yggdrasil, Sleipnir and MĆ­mir based entirely within information drafted from obscure or overlooked texts. Original extracts interject the text, adding substantial weight that fully support the conclusion offered. Songs and charms, giants and dwarves, cauldrons and manna, totemic beasts, burial customs, fear of the dead, their propitiation and the dead that walk, slaying, sacrifice and tribal mothers feature in this expedition into the past to discover real identities for its key players, and real purpose in their deeds. By sorcerous enchantments, Ɠưinn traversed a magical pathway to ‘overcome Fate,’ his mastery of runic sorcery and necromancy is finally given cause.

CONTENTS: Introduction / The HƔvamƔl Cultus / Gold Mead: Elixir of Forbidden Enchantments / Of Mounds and the Dead that Walk / Yggdrassill: Dread Steed of the Damned / Riding the Gallows: Sorcerous Covenants / Appendices / Bibliography.

VISUAL PIECES BY: Chris Undirheimar (Blood & Fire Ritual Art)  



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