by Jack Grayle
Ixaxaar Publications
Regular edition: Hardbound book bound in grey cloth, 368 pages. 6 full-page illustrations, 28 sigils, and a dozen photographs of ritual tools and items. The first edition published in an edition of 850 regular copies.
List Price: $95.50

Directly inspired by Mediterranean myth, classical literature, and the sorcerous workings of late antiquity (to include the Greek Magical Papyri and related material), The Hekatæon is a unique compendium that fearlessly sets forth a treasure-trove of magical and devotional tools by which the devotee may ally herself with the chthonic spirits that grant the power, protection, and gnosis of Hekate.
The Hekatæon was created as an act of devotion and is meant to be used as such. To that end it contains four sections which allow the Reader to enter Hekate's service by enlisting the aid of three spirit allies, creating nine sacred tools of art, learning the arcane meaning of Hekate's twenty-seven epithets, and accessing the latent powers of the Titans, the dead, and the earth itself through the workings of thirty-three spells.
Once opened, the book leads each reader inexorably down the Forked Path, gradually initiating those walking its serpentine roads into increasingly complex workings which involve the formation of pacts with intermediary spirits, the consecration of god-filled idols made from the skulls of dogs, serpents and goats, and the evocation of beings such as the chthonic solar daimon BAXYXSYXYX (the "Son-of-Darkness-Soul-of-Darkness") to perform various sorcerous workings of nocturnal, Ophidian and even baneful nature — and much, much more.
by David Herrerias
Atramentous Press
Standard Edition:
Natural Terracotta cover with central insignia, printed spine, natural heritage blue endpapers, paper: 150 gsm ‘Munken Rough’, with full-colour printing. 1st Press Limited Edition of 333 copies. Approx. 120 pages.
List Price: $68.50
The Book of Q'ab iTz is part of a series of books that Atramentous Press is producing on the subject of the Dragon's Column, this being the cohort who contributed towards the work that eventually became The Dragon Book of Essex by A. D. Chumbley.
It is in light of this that The Book of Q'ab iTz should be considered as having both a talismanic and telesmatic application.

Emerging as a record of his work, this being based on Andrew Chumbley's Dragon Book of Essex, Qutub and Azoetia, as well as the work of Spare such as The Zoetic Grimoire of Zos and The Book of Pleasure, it places this particular book at the pinnacle of contemporary artistic spirit-possessed expressionism. Yet this offers something more to the reader. By manifesting only part of a greater living spiritual interaction with daemons and familiars, Herrerias manages to produce an evolved emanation of these previous masters.
Combining his Mexican cultural background with the western occultism, The Book of Q'ab iTz presents an opportunity to engage with a pantheon of tricksters, familiars, Gods and Goddesses through the dream state. And while it acknowledges the influence of others, it is not a simple reflection of the past, but rather marks the evolution of the mysteries based on individual endeavour. All things must return to the vessel so that they can be sacrificed in the mid-winter light.
The Book of Q'ab iTz marks a new chapter in crooked path sorcery. With over sixty pieces of artwork as well as the written workings and insights from David Herrerias, this book should appeal to all those who are interested in understanding the power of the oneiric experience and the ophidian current, as encapsulated by Chumbley's Dragon Book of Essex.
This is, after all, a truly unique expression of a work which is happening Now. To be perfectly frank, there are few who have shown the capacity of being able to capture the spirit, yet through word, deed, and art The Book of Q'ab iTz has accomplished this with distinct aplomb.