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Graphic by Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler
Spring Equinox-
Alban Eilir 
(Light of the Earth)
The Spring Equinox 2019 is on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 (in 18 days).

WELCOME to the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.
Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store.
Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 8pm.
Call: 206-PAN-1999

We are also now on Facebook:
Become a Fan, post your event on the discussion page!

Also on Facebook: THE SEATTLE PAGAN, OCCULT AND METAPHYSICAL RESOURCE BOARD has been created in order to facilitate networking throughout the Pacific Northwest.

If you have a Magical Group, Ritual Group, Pagan Church or organization, Druid Grove, please feel free to post your events and classes here.
Meetups, talks, book signings, public rituals, etc—all are welcome here.
We'd prefer no advertisements for Professional Readers, Reiki practitioners, etc. However, if you are teaching a class, or giving a workshop or talk, feel free to post your event.
This group is specifically for sharing events of interest to the local community, it is not meant for discussing magical paths and traditions, or asking general questions about magick or paganism. Please remain civil, do disparaging posts about groups or individuals. Off topic posts WILL be moderated.

..and check out the Edge’s new TUMBLR Page!

REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

No charge if your class or event is free!

Prices subject to change without notice.

A Medieval Treatise on Astral Magic
Translated with an introduction by Dan Attrell and David Porreca
(Part of the Magic in History Series)
384 pages, Hardcover Edition, 31 b&w illustrations
2019, Penn State U Press.
List Price: $39.95

The Picatrix, of Arabic origin, is the most complete handbook of the theory and practice of magic of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Here is a very welcome English translation of the Latin version that was read by Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, and Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. Porreca and Attrell have made the text a pleasure to read and have provided useful notes to explain everything that is obscure or exotic.” —Charles Burnett, Professor of Arabic/Islamic Influences in Europe, Warburg Institute
A manual for constructing talismans, mixing magical compounds, summoning planetary spirits, and determining astrological conditions, Picatrix is a cornerstone of Western esotericism. It offers important insights not only into occult practices and beliefs but also into the transmission of magical ideas from antiquity to the present. Dan Attrell and David Porreca’s English translation opens the world of this vital medieval treatise to modern-day scholars and lay readers.
The original text, Ghāyat al-įø¤akÄ«m, was compiled in Arabic from over two hundred sources in the latter half of the tenth century. It was translated into Castilian Spanish in the mid-thirteenth century, and shortly thereafter into Latin. Based on David Pingree’s edition of the Latin text, this translation captures the spirit of Picatrix’s role in the European tradition. In the world of Picatrix, we see a seamless integration of practical magic, earnest piety, and traditional philosophy. The detailed introduction considers the text’s reception through multiple iterations and includes an enlightening statistical breakdown of the rituals described in the book.

Framed by extensive research on the ancient and medieval context that gave rise to the Latin version of the text, this translation of Picatrix will be an indispensable volume for students and scholars of the history of science, magic, and religion and will fascinate anyone interested in the occult.


A Sourcebook of British Magic
by Daniel Harms and James R. Clark
Hardcover: 360 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (February 8, 2019)
List Price: $65.00

For a Spirit that Walketh And Dozens of Other Spells from an Unknown Cunning Man~

A magical miscellany from the collection of an anonymous benefactor received in Oxford's Bodleian Library in 1634.

Discovered among the antiquarian stacks of the Bodleian Library, this authentic work of seventeenth-century English magic has been meticulously transcribed and annotated by Daniel Harms and illustrated by James R. Clark, who previously collaborated on the bestselling Book of Oberon.

With a comprehensive introduction, annotations, and more than one hundred figures and illustrations, this beautifully reconstructed historical work is filled with never-before-published rituals for calling forth demons, fairies, elementals, and other spiritual beings. This elegantly bound book provides new insights into a fascinating tradition, where a sorcerer or cunning man was paid to perform magic for uncovering theft, combating witchcraft, hunting for treasure, healing, or bidding a spirit to fulfill one's commands. Additionally, the unknown scribe who created the manuscript included brief excerpts from other important magical sources as well as several lists of spirits, some of which specify spirits not mentioned in other published materials. As an additional feature, this deluxe edition retains the red type found in the original manuscript to emphasize keywords. With more than fifty spells and extensive annotations and appendices for contemporary practitioners and collectors, this is an essential work of magic from a unique and compelling source.

A breathtaking work of English magic with scholarly annotations and vibrant reconstructions of the original art.

This edition of an essential seventeenth-century manuscript, thought to be a practical grimoire that was used by a working cunning man, includes fascinating commentary that situates the material in the context of its time. With detailed notes on Thomas Allen and other key figures who actively collected and preserved priceless occult manuscripts, this introductory material also explores the genesis of the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the cultural rifts that resulted from the state's break with Catholicism, and a unique explication of the customs and mores of the era's intellectuals. Readers will also gain valuable insights into how this grimoire compares to other works of magic from the seventeenth century, detailed commentary on the period's cosmological and theological views, and a description of the attitudes toward demons, angels, fairies, and other spirit entities. These annotations by one of the foremost experts in the field provide nuanced perspectives on the milieu in which the original manuscript was created and used, a welcome addition for those who are interested in the enigmatic provenance of such an important work.


Enochian Magic and Modern Occulture
(SUNY series in Western Esoteric Traditions)
by Egil Asprem
Series: SUNY series in Western Esoteric Traditions
Paperback: 230 pages
Publisher: SUNY Press (January 2, 2013)
List Price: $26.95

An exploration of John Dee’s Enochian magic of angel contact, its reinterpretation over the years, and its endurance to the present day.

This fascinating work explores John Dee’s Enochian magic and the history of its reception. Dee (1527–1608/9), an accomplished natural philosopher and member of Queen Elizabeth I’s court, was also an esoteric researcher whose diaries detail years of conversations with angels achieved with the aid of crystal-gazer Edward Kelley. His Enochian magic offers a method for contacting angels and demons based on secrets found in the apocryphal Book of Enoch.

Examining this magical system from its Renaissance origins to present day occultism, Egil Asprem shows how the reception of Dee’s magic is replete with struggles to construct and negotiate authoritative interpretational frameworks for doing magic. Arguing with Angels offers a novel, nuanced approach to questions about how ritual magic has survived the advent of modernity and demonstrates the ways in which modern culture has recreated magical discourse.


(SUNY series in Western Esoteric Traditions)
by Christopher McIntosh
Series: SUNY series in Western Esoteric Traditions
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: SUNY Press; Revised ed. edition (January 1, 2011)
List Price: $31.95

A searching study of Eliphas LĆ©vi and the French occult revival.

This classic study of the French magician Eliphas LĆ©vi and the occult revival in France is at last available again after being out of print and highly sought after for many years. Its central focus is LĆ©vi himself (1810-1875), would-be priest, revolutionary socialist, utopian visionary, artist, poet and, above all, author of a number of seminal books on magic and occultism. It is largely thanks to LĆ©vi, for example, that the Tarot is so widely used today as a divinatory method and a system of esoteric symbolism. The magicians of the Golden Dawn were strongly influenced by him, and Aleister Crowley even believed himself to be LĆ©vi's reincarnation. The book is not only about LĆ©vi, however, but also covers the era of which he was a part and the remarkable figures who preceded and followed him – the esoteric Freemasons and Illuminati of the late 18th century, and later figures such as the Rosicrucian magus JosĆ©phin PĆ©ladan, the occultist Papus (GĆ©rard Encausse), the Counter-Pope EugĆØne Vintras, and the writer J.-K. Huysmans, whose work drew strongly on occult themes. These people were avatars of a set of traditions which are now seen as an important part of the western heritage and which are gaining increasing attention in the academy. Christopher McIntosh's vivid account of this richly fascinating era in the history of occultism remains as fresh and compelling as ever.


by Israel Regardie, Lon Milo DuQuette, Christopher S. Hyatt (Editor), Delfina Marquez-Noe (Illustrator)
Perfect Paperback: 244 pages
Publisher: New Falcon; 1st edition (October 31, 2018)
List Price: 29.95

The Wisdom of Israel Regardie, Volume I, is filled with the rich wisdom and deep knowledge of the world famous occultist who was the personal secretary to Aleister Crowley for four years. This book contains the best of Regardie s introductions to his and other author s books spanning the decades of his career. It also has some of Regardie s best forewords and prefaces. This never before published compilation allows the reader to gain breadth and depth into many of Regardie s writings, thoughts and philosophies in one amazing book.

About the Author:
Israel Regardie (1907-1985) is a crucial figure in the development of modern occultism. At the age of 21 he traveled to Europe to work as Crowley's secretary, a period he writes about in his perceptive and sympathetic biography of the Beast, The Eye in the Triangle. This work describes (and is written despite of) their dramatic falling out which culminated in Crowley writing anonymously to every one whom Regardie knew or might come into contact with alleging all manner of extreme personal faults, no doubt intended to be as hurtful as possible. Regardie's commitment to magic and spiritual advancement continued unabated. He joined the Stella Matutina, a continuation of the Golden Dawn. As the operations of this group faltered Regardie came into possession of the Order's papers, starting in 1937, published them so that the system would be preserved forever. Hand in hand with his magical activities Regardie explored Freudian, Jungian and Reichian psychoanalysis, and became practitioner. For Regardie, magickal endeavour had to interface with spiritual awakening and psychological development. Regardie authored nearly a dozen original books including such substantial works as the Tree of Life, Garden of Pomegranates, The Philosopher's Stone and the Middle Pillar all of which were first issued in the 1930's. He worked to make the Golden Dawn system available and understandable to a new generation with new revised editions of the Golden Dawn and original works drawing upon the system in the 1960's, 70's and 80's. But his transmission of the Golden Dawn system went beyond just communication of information about the system, he also acted as ritual initiator permitting others the reactivation of the Order. Regardie did far more than publishing Eye in the Triangle to bring Crowley to the public eye. He made those parts of the Equinox relevant to magical instruction available in Gems from the Equinox, as well as having a hand in new editions of many of the most important writings such as 777, Law Is For All, Magick Without Tears, Legend of Aleister Crowley, AHA, Book 4, Holy Books, and World's Tragedy. A young occultist for whom Regardie acted as mentor/therapist/initiator was Alan Miller (1943-2008), better know by his pen name Christopher Hyatt. The younger man founded the Israel Regardie Foundation and did much to assist the older man in his retirement. He went on to operate a Golden Dawn temple and become a member of the Sanctuary of Gnosis of the O.T.O. His books were widely and enthusiastically received and he founded New Falcon books, a very important publisher of both classic occult works and new wave occulture. Its list featured works by Crowley, Regardie, Jack Parsons, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Lon Milo DuQuette, Pete Carroll, Phil Hine, Richard Kaczynski, Joseph C. Lisiewski, Stephen Mace, Stephen Sennitt etc etc.


by Israel Regardie, James Wasserman, Christopher S. Hyatt (Editor), Delfina Marquez-Noe (Illustrator)
Perfect Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: New Falcon; 1st edition (October 31, 2018)
List Price: $29.95

The most important thoughts of Israel Regardie lie within the pages of this book. This unique compilation of essays and commentaries span his early career right up to his passing thru the veil. Every student and master will find The Wisdom of Israel Regardie, Volume II, both valuable and fascinating. Israel Regardie was a fascinating figure and larger than life philosopher, capable of kindness and humor while defending truth and justice. His writings capture his capacity for both intellectual rigour and a refreshing sensitive insightfulness. This is the very best of Regardie, an instant classic, and a must read for the esoteric student.


An Introduction to Gaulish Celtic Polytheism
by SegomĆ¢ros Widugeni, Manny Tejeda-Moreno (Editor)
Paperback: 143 pages
Publisher: ADF Publishing, Inc; 1 edition (August 17, 2018)
List Price: $14.95

Ancient Fires is a seminal text by one of the foremost figures in Gaulish Polytheism today. The book is one of the most complete attempts to explore Gaulish devotion practices and extends effectively our current understanding of the spiritual underpinnings of the Gaulish polytheistic revival movement. The book explores not only the hearth culture prevalent in Gaul but also introduces the reader to Gaulish deities and modern devotional practice. SegomĆ¢ros Widugeni is one of the best known figures in Gaulish Polytheism, having been practicing for almost two decades, and in other related communities for more than 30 years.

About the Author:
SegomĆ¢ros Widugeni is one of the best known figures in Gaulish Polytheism, He is also the author, under the pseudonym Aedh Rua, of the book Celtic Flame, on Irish Polytheism. He holds two Master’s Degrees, one in 20th Century German History and the other in Library Science. He speaks two Celtic languages.


Reciprocity and the Gods
by Kirk S Thomas, Manny Tajeda (Editor), Cathy Wayman (Editor), Yung Pham (Illustrator)
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: ADF Publishing; 2 edition (December 9, 2015)
List Price: $14.95

In Sacred Gifts: Reciprocity and the Gods, Rev. Thomas, Archdruid of Ɓr nDraƭocht FƩin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF), explores the development of personal relationships with Gods and Spirits. He describes the subtle and complex integration of personal commitment, devotion and reciprocal offerings that begin and sustain with the Gods and Spirits. Sacred Gifts is all about reciprocity (the give and take of life) and how the religions of the ancient world relied upon this gift exchange to even exist. Just as people give to each other in life, so may we give to the Gods and Spirits, expecting blessings in return. The book researches the history of reciprocity across various ancient Pagan cultures and organizes the common nature across them. Sacred Gifts explores this timeless way of looking at our dealings with the Gods mirrors how our own society holds together even today. We give love and aid to our friends and family, and they return the favor. And we can give love and aid to the Spirits so that They can return the favor to us. I give so that you may give. We give so that They may give.

About the Author:
Rev. Kirk S. Thomas is a Senior Priest and the Archdruid of Ɓr nDrĆ­aocht FĆ©in, A Druid Fellowship. Born in Richland, Washington (state), he first discovered Paganism in the late 1960’s through Sybil Leek’s book, Diary of a Witch. He is a graduate of the University of New Mexico with a BFA in Theatre Arts (1975), has a Diploma from the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London (1985), and completed his MA in Celtic Studies from the University of Wales, Trinity St. David (2011). He is also past President and current member of the Board of Directors of Cherry Hill Seminary, a Pagan institution that exists to train folks in the skills of Pagan Ministry. His present passions include the priesthood, Celtic studies, Indo-European cosmology and sacrifice, ADF liturgy (written and performed), primal ecstatic trance work, magical healing, Harner Shamanism, singing, teaching, and Pagan festivals.


Uthark, Adulruna, and the Gothic Cabbala
by Thomas Karlsson
Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: Inner Traditions (February 12, 2019)
List Price: $30.00

Reveals the occult wisdom and multidimensional layers of meaning hidden in the Nordic Rune stones

Explores the practice of the Uthark divination system encoded within the traditional exoteric Futhark system of reading the runes

Traces the relationship between the rune stones and numerology, the Cabbala, alchemy, Gothicism, and sigil magic

Examines the history of the runes and the ancient spiritual mysticism of Odin

Uncovering the dark side of the Nordic rune stones hidden beneath their traditional interpretation, Swedish scholar and runologist Thomas Karlsson examines the rune work of Swedish mystic and runologist Johannes Bureus (1568-1652) and professor Sigurd Agrell (1881-1937), both of whom devoted their lives to uncovering the secret uses of rune stones concealed from all but the highest initiates.

Karlsson begins by examining the Uthark system of divination--the Left Hand Path of the runes--that lies hidden under the traditional Futhark system. According to the lore of Uthark, a cryptographic ruse was used to make it impossible for the uninitiated to know the true order of the runes. Exploring Agrell’s decryption of the Uthark system, Karlsson reveals similarities between the numerology of ancient mystery cults and the Runic tradition. He explains the multidimensional meaning of each rune from the Uthark perspective, their relationships with the nine worlds of Norse cosmogony, and the magical powers of rune-rows and the three aettir rune groupings. He details how to create your own magically-charged runes, direct and activate the force of the runes, and use them for rune meditation, divination, sigil magic, galders (power songs), and rune yoga.

Karlsson also examines the secret dimensions of the 15 “noble” runes, the Adulrunes, based on the theories of Johannes Bureus. Using his knowledge of the Cabbala and alchemy, Bureus created magical symbols with the Adulrunes as well as one symbol containing all 15 Adulrunes, which Bureus called the “Adulruna.” Karlsson explains Bureus’ spiritual system of initiation, the Gothic Cabbala, revealing the connections between old Norse wisdom and the Cabbala. He explores Bureus’ Adulrune practices and explains how Bureus outlined seven levels of meaning for each rune, with those initiated into the highest rune levels able to conjure spirits and raise the dead.

Covering more than just rune practices, Karlsson’s exploration of the dark or night side of the runes provides a comprehensive guide to Norse spirituality and the ancient spiritual mysticism of Odin.


Embodying Ancient Beliefs and Practices from Antiquity to the Present.
Vol I. Deities and Kindred Beings
by Randy P Conner
Series: Pagan Heart of the West (Book 1)
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Mandrake of Oxford; Deities and Kindred Beings ed. edition (January 21, 2019)
List Price: $28.00

The Pagan Heart of the West challenges current academic notions that paganism died when Christianization occurred; that the transition from paganism to Christianity was a fairly easy, nonviolent one; that persons once pagan were happy to accept the new religion because it fulfilled them or because they viewed it as superior - as if the Inquisition never happened; and that all things pagan are in fact Christian prior to the mid-twentieth century, even though they demonstrate little or no connection to the Christian New Testament. Likewise, Pagan Heart challenges narrow conceptions of "the West."

Applying Indigenous and decolonial theories, together with Michel Foucault's conception of subjugated knowledges, Pagan Heartsuggests that instead, paganism should be explored as an ancient and indigenous set of common beliefs and practices, at once ubiquitous and local, that includes the reverence of deities; the veneration of nature; rites celebrating the seasons and the life cycle; practices of healing, divination, and magic, often guided by ritual specialists; and arts and philosophies giving expression to pagan figures, concepts, and narratives.

In this first of five volumes, Pagan Heart focuses on the utilization of theories that contest absolutist language supporting the so-called death of paganism; and on the worship and veneration of ancient deities and kindred beings. Like the other volumes, this volume demonstrates that paganism has not only persisted over the course of millennia, but that it has also undergone metamorphosis and innovation.

Most importantly, Pagan Heart emphasizes that the ancient gods did not die when Christian authorities forbade their worship and sought, in N. Scott Momaday's terms, to commit deicide, but instead that they continue to exist and thrive.

  • pagan/paganism
  • indigenous
  • gods
  • goddess
  • subjugated knowledges
  • earth-centered
  • Isis
  • Thor
  • ritual specialist
  • fairies


by Etteilla (Author), Lorambert , Julius Laisne, Lo Scarabeo
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications; Limited edition (January 8, 2019)
Boxed deck includes a 78-card deck and instructional booklet. Limited-Edition, Numbered Deck.
List Price: $34.95

Also known as the Tarot of Princesses, this is one of the most beautiful decks inspired by Etteilla, the 18th century French occultist who was one of the most popular tarot readers of his time. The French style of art and symbolism blends in with an Egyptian and classical style, while the cards follow the insightful meanings that the French tarot readers gave to them. This limited-edition, numbered deck is part of Lo Scarabeo's Anima Antiqua series (Ancient Soul), and has been scanned and printed with the utmost care from originals found in the greatest collections of rare tarot decks.


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.

Need Spell advice? Just ask!

We have Seattle's best Psychic Readers, in house, 7 days a week, from 2pm—8pm.



We are NOW located at 1307 NE 45th St., between Brooklyn Ave NE and University Way NE, next to the Neptune Theatre, in the University District.

This concludes our Newsletter for this month.
Look For Us Again, APRIL 1ST, 2019!!!
Raven, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter



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