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WELCOME to the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.
Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store.
Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 8pm.A
Call: 206-PAN-1999

We are also now on Facebook:
Become a Fan, post your event on the discussion page!

Also on Facebook: THE SEATTLE PAGAN, OCCULT AND METAPHYSICAL RESOURCE BOARD has been created in order to facilitate networking throughout the Pacific Northwest.

If you have a Magical Group, Ritual Group, Pagan Church or organization, Druid Grove, please feel free to post your events and classes here.
Meetups, talks, book signings, public rituals, etc—all are welcome here.
We'd prefer no advertisements for Professional Readers, Reiki practitioners, etc. However, if you are teaching a class, or giving a workshop or talk, feel free to post your event.
This group is specifically for sharing events of interest to the local community, it is not meant for discussing magical paths and traditions, or asking general questions about magick or paganism. Please remain civil, do disparaging posts about groups or individuals. Off topic posts WILL be moderated.

..and check out the Edge’s new TUMBLR Page!

REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

No charge if your class or event is free!

Prices subject to change without notice.


A Guide to Traditional Witchcraft, the Six-Fold Path & the Hidden Landscape
by Christopher Orapello and Tara-Love Maguire
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Red Wheel Weiser Conari (December 1, 2018)
List Price: $22.95

Regional traditional witchcraft is an animistic form of witchcraft that moves away from the religious harvest festivals and fertility-minded practices associated with the more common Wiccan form of witchcraft. Very few of us in this age are farmers or dependent upon crops and harvests. Regional traditional witchcraft teaches people to find their craft in their own backyards, in the uncultivated land or urban cityscape alike, and in their ancestors rather than in ancient foreign deities or in a neopagan-styled religious form of witchcraft. It's not about where you're from but where you are.

The material is adaptable to any region in which the practitioner lives. Although the lack of deity worship and holy days is a significant part of the authors' nonreligious approach, this book presents a complete system of practice utilizing ritual, chant, trance, the six paths of witchcraft as defined and explained by the text, and the practices associated with traditional witchcraft.

About the Author:
Christopher Orapello is an artist, witch, and animist with a background in Western occultism, ceremonial magick, and Freemasonry and has been on his journey for over 20 years. He cohosts the podcast Down at the Crossroads with his partner, Tara Maguire, and is a signature artist with Sacred Source, a leading producer and distributor of ancient deity images in North America. After a growing desire for a more locally based form of witchcraft, he and Tara founded the Blacktree Coven in 2014 and set out to forge a modern approach to traditional witchcraft for a new era of praxis.


Daily Rootwork, Mojo & Conjuration
by Stephanie Rose Bird
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (December 8, 2018)
List Price: $19.99

Hoodoo is a bold spiritual tradition that helps enhance your well-being and solve everyday problems. This practical, do-it-yourself guide shows you how to use spells, rites, recipes, mojos, and curios to enrich your life and be ready for whatever comes your way.

365 Days of Hoodoo starts by providing the basics of Hoodoo, and then gradually builds your knowledge day after day. Discover the essential components for your practice, how to master the parts of your life that seem out of control, and the various ways Hoodoo can improve love, prosperity, protection, and much more. This impressive book also features lore, prayers, potions, altars, baths, and meditations.

About the Author:
Stephanie Rose Bird, is the author of five books: The Big Book of Soul: the Ultimate Guide to the African American Spirit: Legends and Lore, Music and Mysticism and Recipes and Rituals, (2010, Hampton Road Publishers), A Healing Grove: African Tree Medicine, Remedies and Rituals ( 2009, Chicago Review Press), Light, Bright, Damn Near White: Biracial and Triracial Culture in America and Beyond (2009, Praeger Press) Sticks, Stones, Roots and Bones Hoodoo, Mojo and Conjuring with Herbs (June 2004, by Llewellyn Worldwide Publishers) and Four Seasons of Mojo: An Herbal Guide to Natural Living (Llewellyn, 2006). Her first work of fiction, "No Barren Life" is a paranormal young adult fantasy novel. A second novel, "Out of the Blue" is in the works, as is a new magickal guide to be published next year.

She holds a BFA cum laude from Temple University, Tyler School of Art and a MFA from University of California at San Diego where she was a San Diego Opportunity Fellow. She was a professor of fine art at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for many years. She has also taught at the Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago Botanic Gardens and Garfield Conservatory. Bird works as an artist, herbalist, aromatherapist and sole proprietor of Almost Edible Natural Products. Her product line features herbal soap, incense, potpourri, bath salts, sachets and dream pillows.

She has been a professional member of the Handcrafted Soap Maker's Guild, for whom she wrote a column "Soap Worts: Useful Herbs for Soap Makers." Bird has been a member of: the American Botanical Council's Herb Research Foundation; the American Folklore Society, the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy and the International Center for Traditional Child-rearing.

Her writing on herbalism, natural healing, complimentary therapies, herbal lore, goddesses, rituals and ceremonies are featured in "Sage Woman Magazine" "The Beltane Papers,",, "International Journal of Aromatherapy," "Aromatherapy Today," "The Oracle," "Herb Quarterly," "Herb Companion," "The Llewellyn Magical Almanac," "The Llewellyn Herbal Almanac" "Enlightened Practice," E-pregnancy and "Spell-a-Day." You can also find her work archived on, where Bird wrote numerous plant profiles for natural hair care.


by Storm Faerywolf
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (November 8, 2018)
List Price: $22.99

Draw on your inner darkness and unlock the secrets of the Hidden Kingdom

Whether your demons are ancient spirits or demons of your own making, you must confront them in order to reclaim the power they have stolen. Guiding you through enchantments, demonic rituals, divine possession, necromancy, and occultus maleficum, this book helps you cultivate and explore your forsaken shadows.

When you peer behind the veil of comfort and face your most powerful fears, you can truly begin to refine and strengthen your own magical will. 

In Forbidden Mysteries of Faery Witchcraft, you will learn how to:

  • Summon primal underworld goddesses of the elemental powers
  • Walk the bone road and help trapped spirits cross over
  • Become a worthy vessel for divine possession
  • Perform as an oracle, speaking the wisdom of the gods on earth
  • Cast and break curses, the dark art of offensive magic

The powerful techniques of the Faery Tradition of Witchcraft await. Through these rituals, you will glimpse the secret inner workings of nature herself and open the doorway to unimagined sources of energy.


A Tribute to the Morrigan-2nd Edition
by Bibliotheca Alexandrina , Nicole Bonvisuto (Editor)
Paperback: 284 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2 edition (August 28, 2014)
List Price: $16.95

Phantom Queen. Night Hag. Mistress of Battles. The Great Raven.

She is both benevolent mother and righteous wrath. She is creative destruction and destructive creation. She is inspirational, and perplexing, and maddening. She drives us forward in times of defeat, and offers succor in times of pain and hardship. She is loved, and she is feared. Honored across ancient Ireland, she has never been forgotten. In this anthology, her modern-day devotees offer poems, short fiction, rituals, essays, and artwork to The Lady in all her many splendid and terrifying forms.

Hail The Morrigan!


Meeting the Good God of Ireland
by Morgan Daimler
Series: Pagan Portals
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Moon Books (October 26, 2018)
List Price: $10.95

Get to know the Good God of Ireland through mythology, history, and modern worship. The Dagda is one of the most well-known of the Irish Gods, a king of the Tuatha De Danann and mediator between the Gods and mortals after the Gaels came to Ireland. A popular God among Irish and Celtic pagans, the Dagda is a powerful figure who reaches out to us from myth and memory. For those seeking to honor him today finding information can be difficult or confusing. Pagan Portals - the Dagda offers a place to begin untangling the complex history of this deity.


Avatars of Invisible Realms
by Claude Lecouteux (Author), Régis Boyer (Foreword)
Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: Inner Traditions (October 23, 2018)
List Price: $24.00

A comprehensive examination of the intertwined mythology, folklore, and literary history of the little people ~

  • Explores the pagan roots of dwarfs and elves and their evolution in myth and literature

  • Reveals the role the church played in changing them from fearless, shape-shifting warriors with magical powers into cheerful helpmates and cute garden gnomes

  • Traces their history from ancient Celtic and Germanic lore through their emergence in the literature of the Middle Ages to their modern popularization by the Brothers Grimm and Walt Disney 

Most people are familiar with the popular image of elves as Santa’s helpers and dwarfs as little bearded men wearing red caps, who are mischievous and playful, helpful and sly, industrious and dexterous. But their roots go far deeper than their appearance in fairy tales and popular stories. Elves and dwarfs are survivors of a much older belief system that predates Christianity and was widespread throughout Western Europe.

Sharing his extensive analysis of Germanic and Norse legends, as well as Roman, Celtic, and medieval literature, Claude Lecouteux explores the ancient, intertwined history of dwarfs and elves. He reveals how both were once peoples who lived in wild regions as keepers of the secrets of nature. They were able to change their size at will and had superhuman strength and healing powers. They were excellent smiths, crafting swords that nothing could dull as well as magical jewelry, and often entered into the service of lords or heroes. They were a part of the everyday life of our ancestors before they were transformed by fairy tales and church texts into the mythical creatures we know today.

Lecouteux shows how, in earlier folklore, elves and dwarfs were interchangeable, gradually evolving over time to express very different kinds of beings. “Dwarf,” “giant,” and even “elf” did not necessarily connote size but referred to races with different skills. Elves were more ethereal, offering protection and kindness, while dwarfs reflected a more corporeal form of spirit, often appearing as messengers from the underworld. Yet dwarfs and elves could be bargained with, and our ancestors would leave a broken object outside the door at night with the hope that a dwarf or elf (or other local spirit) would repair it.

Revealing the true roots of these helpful and powerful beings, including an in-depth exploration of one of the most famous dwarf/elf/fairy beings of the Middle Ages, Auberon or Oberon, also known as Alberich, Lecouteux shows how the magic of dwarfs and elves can be rekindled if we recognize their signs and invite them back into our world.


Co-creating with the Elemental Kingdom
(Findhorn Classics) 3rd Edition, Paperback Edition of Meeting Fairies Edition
by R. Ogilvie Crombie
Series: Findhorn Classics
Paperback: 232 pages
Publisher: Findhorn Press; 3rd Edition, Paperback Edition of Meeting Fairies edition (October 9, 2018)
List Price: $16.99

A fascinating, first-hand account of the vast powers and true nature of the Elemental Kingdom ~

  • Reveals deep wisdom, eloquently shared through the author’s encounters with the great God Pan and his elemental subjects~

  • Offers a glimpse into the hidden layers of the natural world and the workings of the elemental kingdom
  • Includes chapters by Mike Scott, David Spangler, Dorothy Maclean, and Brian Nobbs as well as beautiful illustrations by fine artist Elise Hurst, who perfectly captures the energy of the natural world and its subjects as we might perceive them
  • Paper with French flaps

To anyone who may have expressed a wish to see and talk to nature spirits . . . remember it took 63 years for my wish to be granted, so don’t lose hope.”

Have you ever wished for something with your whole heart? As a child, R. Ogilvie Crombie (Roc) made a wish as he dropped a penny into a wishing well - he asked to be able to see fairies and talk to them. In Encounters with Nature Spirits, we follow Roc’s path as, many years later, he meets the faun Kurmos in the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, discovers the realm of the elementals, and, eventually, meets the great god Pan himself. In his conversations with Pan, elves, and other nature spirits Roc realizes that the elemental realm is vastly more powerful than our human kingdom and possesses an ability to create far beyond our human means.

Through his experiences, Roc becomes closely involved with the Findhorn Community in northeast Scotland where he meets further elementals who give him sound advice as to how the famous Findhorn gardens should be cared for in order to work in harmony with nature.

Encounters with Nature Spirits is a reminder to us all of the importance of our relationship with the nature kingdom. Through his example, Roc places emphasis on connecting and working in harmony with nature spirits. True co-creation with nature, working with rather than against the elemental kingdom, can bring about vital positive change to our endangered eco-system. The elementals are open to working with mankind--the question is, are we humans open to engaging with and respecting them again?

About the Author:
Trained as a scientist in his early years, R. Ogilvie Crombie (Roc) (1899-1975) was a self-taught mythologist, psychologist, historian, and esotericist. A thespian at heart, he also displayed great interest in the fine arts, music, and theatre. Roc lived in and around Edinburgh and had a close connection to the Findhorn Community, Scotland.


Reclaiming Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit
by Jane Meredith and Gede Parma
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (December 8, 2018)
List Price: $19.99

Awaken the Elemental Magic Within

Deeply poetic and rich with passion, this book helps you expand your relationship with earth, air, fire, water, and spirit through personal reflections and hands-on explorations. With brilliant contributions from members of the international Reclaiming community, this empowering book provides spells, exercises, practices, and perspectives that are taught in Reclaiming's foundational class, Elements of Magic. Discover techniques for grounding, casting a circle, trance, and visualization, as well as guidance for working with breath, raising energy, and charging an intention. If you long to experience the ecstatic practice of magic, Elements of Magic is for you.

Foreword by Starhawk.

"Gede Parma and Jane Meredith have excelled themselves in putting together one of the most comprehensive compilations of practices found in the Reclaiming Tradition."―Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone, teachers and authors of The Inner Mysteries and Lifting the Veil

"Elements of Magic is a soulful and grounded offering that honors the past while inviting the future."―Ivo Dominguez Jr., author and elder in the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel

"In this approachable, engaging guide, Jane Meredith and Gede Parma seamlessly weave together an introduction to Reclaiming and a course in the foundations of natural magic."―Thorn Mooney, Gardnerian priestess and author of Traditional Wicca

"Reclaiming has so much to offer with its insights into community work, activist magic, and bringing healing to this planet ... This book is like a dandelion seed-head, spreading wild wisdom and ecstatic practice."―Tony Rella, author of Circling the Star

"Elements of Magic will be a valuable resource for those who seek a spiritual connection to our world, whatever their tradition."―Diana L. Paxson, author of Trance-Portation

About the Authors:
Jane Meredith is an Australian writer and ritualist. Her books include Magic of the Iron Pentacle, Circle of Eight: Creating Magic for Your Place on Earth, Rituals of Celebration, and Journey to the Dark Goddess. Jane is passionate about myths and mythic realms, magic, co-created ritual, trees and rivers, and dark chocolate. She offers workshops internationally, both live and as distance courses. She is a Reclaiming teacher and one of the founders of CloudCatcher WitchCamp. Her website is

Gede Parma (a.k.a. Fio) is a witch, seer, healer, mystic, activist, and writer. She is a genderless, mercurial being who dwells in Awe and Gratitude much of the time. Ze lives in Ubud, Bali, the island of his birth, and is a world-traveller. He is an award-winning author of books on Paganism and Witchcraft and is an enthusiastic prose poet and dancer. She teaches workshops on sorcerous and shamanic magic and ritual in both hemispheres and is an initiate of both the WildWood and Anderean Threads of Craft. Gede likes to spend hir time practising potent Presence in Place and working with both humans and non-humans to defend our beloved Planet and to open the way to blessing and insight. Visit Gede online a


The Secret Practices of the German Rune Magicians
3rd Edition, Revised and Expanded Edition
by Edred Thorsson
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Inner Traditions; 3rd Edition, Revised and Expanded edition (November 13, 2018)
List Price: $16.99

A practical handbook to the history, exercises, and techniques of German rune work~

  • Explores the four traditional runic systems: the Older Futhark, the Anglo-Frisian Futhorc, the Younger Futhark, and the Armanic Futhork
  • Details powerful rune work techniques and exercises, including rune yoga and dance, runic hand gestures (mudras), rune singing (mantras), runic healing, runic tantra and sex magic, rune rituals, runic divination, and the runic theory of crystals
  • Examines the history of esoteric runology and the trailblazers of modern rune magic, including Guido von List, Friedrich Bernhard Marby, and Rudolf John Gorsleben

Although the rune renaissance began blossoming in Anglo-American occult circles in the 1970s, the runes have been part of the occult revival in Germany since its beginning in the late 19th century, with roots that go back centuries further. Exploring the history of esoteric runology and the work of the trailblazers of modern rune magic, including Guido von List, Friedrich Bernhard Marby, and Rudolf John Gorsleben, author Edred Thorsson details the secret practices and runic systems of the German rune magicians, including techniques for using runes in unprecedented ways to draw power into your life.

Thorsson explores all four of the traditional runic systems: the Older Futhark (24 runes), the Anglo-Frisian Futhorc (29-33 runes), the Younger Futhark (16 runes), and the Armanic Futhork (18 runes), developed by Guido von List. The author explains the similarities and differences between them as well as how they are all facets of the same underlying runic reality. He examines the early history and possible origins of runic symbols and systems, the renaissance of rune magic from 1919 to 1935, the effects of the Third Reich and Nazis on the runic revival, as well as the reemergence of German runology after World War II.

Providing an extensive practical section, Thorsson details powerful runework techniques and exercises, including rune yoga and dance, runic hand gestures (mudras), rune singing (mantras), rune yodeling, runic healing, runic tantra and sex magic, group rites with runes, and two powerful methods of engaging transpersonal powers: the Ritual of the Ninth Night and the Ritual of the Grail Cup. He also explores runic divination, the runic theory of crystals, runic symbolism in medieval German buildings, and runic material from the documents of the Fraternitas Saturni, the Brotherhood of Saturn.

By immersing yourself in the world of the runic pioneers and the practices they designed, you will emerge with a deeper understanding of runes as well as the magical world from which they emanate.

About the Author:
Edred Thorsson is the founder of the Rune Gild and one of the top experts on runes alive today. He received his doctorate in Germanic languages and medieval studies from the University of Texas at Austin and studied the history of occultism at the University of Göttingen, Germany. He is the author of other well-known books on runes, including Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic and The Nine Doors of Midgard.


The Craft, Lore & Magick of Sacred Space
by Jason Mankey and Laura Tempest Zakroff
Series: The Witch's Tools Series (Book 7)
Paperback: 312 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (November 8, 2018)
List Price: $15.99

Learn about the altar's role in history and mythology. Personalize your altar with candles, crystals, sacred tools, magickal objects, statues, pentacles, and symbols. Explore how different altar locations may affect your practice, and discover new ideas for elemental, seasonal, and outdoor altars, as well as altars for the dead. The Witch's Altar also includes fascinating contributions from leading writers, including Jenya T. Beachy, Lilith Dorsey, Lon Milo DuQuette, Angus McMahan, Louis Martinié, Lupa, Gwion Raven, Natalie Zaman, Andrieh Vitimus, and many more. 

Filled with spells, recipes, and tips, this book provides everything you need to help you create the altar of your magickal dreams.



by Theresa Hutch
Publisher: U.S. Games, 2018
78 Card Deck/ 64 page Guidebook in a tin
List Price: $18.95

Inspired by ancient healing traditions this charming tarot deck features endearing animals in the Court Cards, chakra colors in the Minors, and natural elements throughout. The 78 cards balance masculine and feminine energy with modern minimalist art rendered in a soft pastel palette. White Sage Tarot helps people find clarity and flow along the journey of life. Includes 78 pocket-sized cards in a tin, 64-page booklet and chakra chart.

About the creator: Theresa Hutch, artist and creator of White Sage Tarot has worked as a graphic designer, art teacher, yoga teacher, and illustrator. She has a B.A. in Design Communications. Theresa enjoys creating characters and telling stories through her art. She is also the creator of Land Sky Oracle. She lives and works in her home studio in Minneapolis, MN, where she enjoys spending time with family.


by Barbara Meiklejohn-Free, Flavia Kate Peters and Kate Osborne
Boxed kit (4 x 6) includes a 48-card gilded deck and 106-page guidebook
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (October 8, 2018)
List Price: $23.99

Explore the enlightening spirit of the shadows with the Dark Goddess Oracle Cards.

This gilded oracle deck combines all the experiences and power of the Goddesses who stir within and can be called upon to arise in times of challenge, change, and growth in our lives. In this deck, there is no fluff, no hiding, no superficiality.

Instead, the cards offer empowerment, truth, and the opportunity for real transformation.


The Kitsune Oracle
by Lucy Cavendish, artwork by Meredith Dillman
45 cards and 144-page guidebook set, packaged in a hard-cover box.
Blue Angel Publishing, 2018
List Price: $23.95

You are about to enter a magickal realm, a secret world of cherry blossom trees, gingko plants that talk, dragons that create the day and the night, and elves that guard the sacred groves. In this enchanted land, there exists the most ancient of powers – Foxfire. And the guardians of Foxfire are the remarkable Kitsune.

From their origins in ancient Eastern spirituality, it is time for you to discover the legendary abilities of the Kitsune, the shapeshifting foxes who work with the Shinto deity Inari. Loyal, wise and very, very clever, Kitsune bring good fortune, create abundance and give sound, sage advice for all matters of the mind, body, and soul. Practical and mystical, the Kitsune will weave about you strong, protective energies, bringing you peace and prosperity.

Work with this deck and you’ll discover their unique and fascinating gifts, receive their blessings and give yourself clear, compassionate readings filled with messages of insight and inspiration.

Featuring the imaginative work of fantasy artist Meredith Dillman, and written by Witch and author Lucy Cavendish, this fresh and original deck is your passport to a strange and wonderful world of transformation, adventure and mysticism.

"Foxfire: The Kitsune Oracle" features 45 stunning cards, and an in-depth, beautifully written guidebook of 144 pages, featuring clear instructions, layouts, and card messages.

Click to Enlarge



REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.

Need Spell advice? Just ask!

We have Seattle's best Psychic Readers, in house, 7 days a week, from 2pm—8pm.



We are NOW located at: 1307 NE 45th St., between Brooklyn Ave NE and University Way NE, next to the Neptune Theatre, in the University District.

This concludes our Newsletter for this month. (And, this year!)
Look For Us Again, JANUARY 1ST , 2019!!!
Raven, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter



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