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An altar depicting a three-faced god
identified as Lugh/Lugus

Gule of August ,Gŵyl Awst, feast of August, Lammas, Lughnasadh.

WELCOME to the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.
Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store.
Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 8pm.A
Call: 206-PAN-1999

We are also now on Facebook:
Become a Fan; post your event on the discussion page!

Also on Facebook: THE SEATTLE PAGAN, OCCULT AND METAPHYSICAL RESOURCE BOARD has been created in order to facilitate networking throughout the Pacific Northwest.

If you have a Magical Group, Ritual Group, Pagan Church or organization, Druid Grove, please feel free to post your events and classes here.
Meetups, talks, book signings, public rituals, etc—all are welcome here.
We'd prefer no advertisements for Professional Readers, Reiki practitioners, etc. However, if you are teaching a class, or giving a workshop or talk, feel free to post your event.
This group is specifically for sharing events of interest to the local community, it is not meant for discussing magical paths and traditions, or asking general questions about magick or paganism. Please remain civil, do disparaging posts about groups or individuals. Off topic posts WILL be moderated.

..and check out the Edge’s new TUMBLR Page!

REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

No charge if your class or event is free!

Prices subject to change without notice.

A Magical Record of Exploration in the Starry Abode
by J. Daniel Gunther
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Ibis Press (June 18, 2018)
List Price: $40.00

Here is a modern grimoire and record of a vision quest utilizing Aleister Crowley’s instructions for astral exploration as given in “Notes on the Astral Plane,” published in Magick in Theory and Practice.

Daniel Gunther provides a detailed account and interpretation of a series of visions exploring the Pylons of the Duat, or “Starry Abode.” To the ancient Egyptians, the Duat was the place where the sun god Ra made his 12-hour nocturnal journey through the underworld.

The Visions of the Pylons describes a perilous journey where the gate of each hour is protected by a fearful guardian or “watcher.” In modern Jungian psychology terms, the Duat is a representation of the unconscious of mankind, inhabited by gods and daemons, the living symbols called primordial images or archetypes.

The author’s study of the ancient texts led him to suspect that these Pylons were also hidden gateways to the higher planes of the Tree of Life, possibly including secret entrances to the thirty Aethyrs as described by Elizabethan magician John Dee.


LIBER 420:
Cannabis, Magickal Herbs and the Occult
by Chris Bennett
Paperback: 777 pages
Publisher: Trine Day; 1 edition (April 20, 2018)
List Price: $34.95

Although little known, cannabis and other psychoactive plants held a prominent and important role in the Occult arts of Alchemy and Magic, as well as being used in ritual initiations of certain secret societies.

Find out about the important role cannabis played in helping to develop modern medicines through alchemical works. Cannabis played a pivotal role in spagyric alchemy, and appears in the works of alchemists such as Zosimos, Avicenna, Llull, Paracelsus, Cardano and Rabelais. Cannabis also played a pivotal role in medieval and renaissance magic and recipes with instructions for its use appear in a number of influential and important grimoires such as the Picatrix, Sepher Raxiel: Liber Salomonis, and The Book of Oberon. Could cannabis be the Holy Grail? With detailed historical references, the author explores the allegations the Templars were influenced by the hashish ingesting Assassins of medieval Islam, and that myths of the Grail are derived from the Persian traditions around the sacred beverage known as haoma, which was a preparation of cannabis,opium and other drugs. Many of the works discussed, have never been translated into English, or published in centuries.

The unparalleled research in this volume makes it a potential perennial classic on the subjects of both medieval and renaissance history of cannabis, as well as the role of plants in the magical and occult traditions.


Restoring Hekate and Our Divine Feminine Soul
by Shira Marin
Paperback: 476 pages
Publisher: Mute Swan Publishing (September 17, 2017)
List Price: $35.95

Shards of a Broken Mystery: The Restoration of Hekate records the real-time unfolding of the relationship between the author and a Titan Greek goddess, Hekate: denigrated, discarded, and all but forgotten during the rise of the patriarchy in millennia past. The work could be called a psychoactive memoir as page after page seeds and grows a sense of inner process. This book supports the evolving nature of full, true psychological development, including a fresh perspective on the often discussed shadow aspect of the human condition.


A Witch's Handbook from the trial records of the Venetian Inquisition
by Joseph H Peterson
Paperback: 254 pages
Publisher: Twilit Grotto Press (May 26, 2018)
List Price: $23.95

A witch's handbook from the trial records of the Venetian Inquisition.

This grimoire, or handbook of magic, was confiscated by the Venetian Inquisition in 1636 from practicing witches. After decades of searching for this elusive text, I now have the pleasure of presenting and translating it here for the first time. It contains their secret techniques for dealing with the more dangerous spirits or daemons, intentionally scattered and hidden within a collection of “secrets” comprising many detailed examples. Together these provide enough clues to enable practitioners to create their own spells for working with all the spirits cataloged.

It distinguishes itself as a supplement to the better known Clavicula or Key of Solomon; whereas that text focuses on aerial spirits, this one focuses on chthonic spirits.

This text is one of the primary original sources for the popular Grimorium Verum.


by Giles Watson (Author, Illustrator)
Paperback: 174 pages
Publisher: Troy Books (February 1, 2013)
List Price: $18.95

A Witch’s Natural History, originally published as a series of essays in The Cauldron, is a meditation on the relationship between folklore and nature. The world’s dogmatic religions all have their devotional texts, and biological science, too, has its own rationalistic equivalents, from Darwin’s Voyage of the Beagle to Richard Dawkins’s The Ancestor’s Tale. Natural historians have written their works of devotion to the works of nature: a genre which has been recognisable ever since Gilbert White wrote The Natural History of Selborne. It is at work in the poems of John Clare, and the essays of W.H. Hudson, Richard Jefferies and Richard Mabey, but it also stands at the centre of the beliefs and practices of modern pagans. A Witch’s Natural History is intended as a small contribution to modern witchcraft’s own devotional literature of nature, drawing on scientific, folkloric and experiential sources.

Giles Watson explores the lore, legends and life-histories of a selection of animals which are commonly employed as motifs in the history of witchcraft: culturally maligned creatures such as reptiles, amphibians, crows and rats. He also casts light on the magical significance of more commonly neglected birds, spiders, insects and snails, before turning his attention to plants, and whole ecosystems which have cultural associations with witchcraft. He combines a call for a new reverence for nature with a fascination for some of folklore’s strangest representations of our dependence upon it: from the toad-bone amulet in East Anglian witchcraft to the seductive Queen Rat of the Toshers in Bermondsey. This is a book not only for those practitioners of the Craft who wish to be more informed in their response to the natural world – but also for anyone who is interested in natural history and its impact on folkloric beliefs and practices.

  • Pagination: 174 pages, plus 18 illustrations by the author.
  • Preface
  • Unfamiliar Spiders
  • The Witch and the Insect
  • Slugs, Snails and Sorcery
  • The Curse of the Oracle: Corvids in myth and lore
  • Yaffles, Gabble-Ratchets, Wudu-Snites and Assilags
  • Foul and Loathsome Animals’: Amphibians and the Lore of the Witch
  • Adder’s Fork and Blind-Worm’s Sting’: the Magical Reptile
  • The Queen Rat and the Hanoverian Curse
  • Cryptogams: The Spore-Bearing Plants
  • Through the Lychgate
  • The Witch by the Hedge
  • The Witch by Moor and Wood and Shore
  • Beyond the Crooked Stile 139
  • Epilogue ~ The Living Bones: A Meditation


by John Michael Greer
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Lorian Press/ Starseed Publications (July 28, 2011)
List Price: $19.95

In the midst of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, a handful of British intellectuals turned their backs on the social and cultural trends of their time and set out to reinvent the spirituality of the ancient Druids. The movement that rose out of this effort played a central role in struggles for cultural identity in most of the Celtic nations of Europe, provided inspiration to such world-class creative talents as William Blake and Frank Lloyd Wright, and inspired an innovative tradition of Western nature spirituality that remains active to this day.

The Druid Revival Reader provides the first collection of original writings from that movement. Its selections, beginning with William Stukeley's survey of Druid theology from 1743 and ending with Ross Nichols' 1947 essay "An Examination of Creative Myth," cover two centuries in the life of an evolving tradition.

Edited and introduced by contemporary Druid John Michael Greer, The Druid Revival Reader is essential for understanding the sources of modern Druid and Pagan traditions, and offers a wealth of insights relevant to the ecological and spiritual crises of our own time.


Charms, Rites, and Magical Traditions of the Roma
by Claude Lecouteux
Hardcover: 192 pages
Publisher: Inner Traditions; 1 edition (July 10, 2018)
List Price: $29.99

A comprehensive A-to-Z reconstruction of the oral tradition of the Rom--gypsies--based on sources never before available in English

Presents the origin myths and magical traditions of the gypsies, including their legendary ties to Egypt, animal ancestors, and tree spirits

Examines the three major settings of gypsy folktales--the forest, the waters, and the mountain--and shows how their world is full of spirits

Shows how the religious concepts of the Rom testify to a profound syncretism of the pagan traditions and Christianity

Although their own myths and their common name point to Egyptian origins for the gypsies, the Rom, as they call themselves, originated in India, as evidenced by studies of their language. They arrived in Europe in the ninth century and spread across the continent from East to West, reaching England in the 15th century and Scandinavia by the end of the 16th century. A nomadic people, these wanderers were reviled by local populaces wherever they went and regarded as misfits, intruders, foreigners, and thieves.

Drawing on a number of sources never before available outside of Eastern Europe, Claude Lecouteux reconstructs the gypsy oral tradition to provide a comprehensive A-to-Z look at gypsy mythology, including their folktales, rites, songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, and magical traditions. His main source is material collected by Heinrich Adalbert von Wlislocki (1856-1907), an ethnologist who lived with gypsies in Romania, Transylvania, and Hungary in the latter half of the 19th century. He presents the origin myths of the gypsies, legends which form the ancestral memory of the gypsy tribes and often closely touch on their daily life.

Lecouteux explores the full range of supernatural beings that inhabit the gypsy world, including fairies, undines, ogres, giants, dog-people, and demons, and he examines the three major settings of gypsy folktales--the forest, the waters, and the mountain, which they worshiped as a sacred being in its own right. He also reveals how coexisting with peoples of different religions led the gypsies to adapt or borrow stories and figures from these groups, and he shows how the religious concepts and sacred stories of the Rom testify to a profound syncretism of pagan traditions and Christianity.

Complete with rare illustrations and information from obscure sources appearing for the first time in English, this detailed reference work represents an excellent resource for scholars and those seeking to reconnect to their forgotten gypsy heritage.


The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny
by Mark Stavish (Author), James Wasserman (Foreword)
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Inner Traditions (July 10, 2018)
List Price: $16.99

The first book to explore the history and influence of egregores, powerful autonomous psychic entities created by a collective group mind

Examines the history of egregores from ancient times to present day, including their role in Western Mystery traditions and popular culture and media

Reveals documented examples of egregores from ancient Greece and Rome, Tibetan Buddhism, Islam, modern esoteric orders, the writings of H. P. Lovecraft and Kenneth Grant, and the followers of Julius Evola and Aleister Crowley

Provides instructions on how to identify egregores, free yourself from parasitic and destructive entities, and destroy an egregore, should the need arise

One of most important but little known concepts of Western occultism is that of the egregore, an autonomous psychic entity created by a collective group mind. An egregore is sustained by belief, ritual, and sacrifice and relies upon the devotion of a group of people, from a small coven to an entire nation, for its existence. An egregore that receives enough sustenance can take on a life of its own, becoming an independent deity with powers its believers can use to further their own spiritual advancement and material desires.

Presenting the first book devoted to the study of egregores, Mark Stavish examines the history of egregores from ancient times to present day, with detailed and documented examples, and explores how they are created, sustained, directed, and destroyed. He explains how egregores were well known in the classical period of ancient Greece and Rome, when they were consciously called into being to watch over city states. He explores the egregore concept as it was understood in various Western Mystery traditions, including the Corpus Hermeticum, and offers further examples from Tibetan Buddhism, Islam, modern esoteric orders such as the Order of the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucianism, the writings of H. P. Lovecraft and Kenneth Grant, and the followers of Julius Evola and Aleister Crowley. The author discusses how, even as the fundamental principles of the egregore were forgotten, egregores continue to be formed, sometimes by accident.

Stavish provides instructions on how to identify egregores, free yourself from a parasitic and destructive collective entity, and destroy an egregore, should the need arise. Revealing how egregores form the foundation of nearly all human interactions, the author shows how egregores have moved into popular culture and media--underscoring the importance of intense selectivity in the information we accept and the ways we perceive the world and our place in it.


Tarot's Inner Path
by Michael Orlando Yaccarino (Author), Nomandi Ellis (Afterword), Rachel Pollack (Foreword)
Paperback: 284 pages
Publisher: Mandrake of Oxford, (December 21, 2017)
List Price: $22.00

Each of us is traveling upon an ever-evolving path toward greater illumination. The Tarot can provide deep awareness on many levels. Performed effectively, a Tarot reading encourages individual strengths, while proposing options to overcoming unhelpful blocks. Revelation unfolds within the open heart. The mystical deck has fascinated both nonprofessional and paranormal scholar alike since its early development in the 15th century. Today, a myriad of books on using the cards’ to read for others is readily available. However, few works focus exclusively on the process of self-reading. Heart Vision: Tarot’s Inner Path is your in-depth, hands-on guide for a balanced path of discovery through the art of the solitary reading.

Highlights include card-by-card message interpretations; a special focus on self-contemplation; the step-by-step process of self-reading unique to this work; and a variety of simple yet powerful spreads utilizing no more than six cards original to this book, many illuminated by actual self-readings. World-leading Tarot authority Rachel Pollack provides an insightful foreword. Award-winning author and specialist in Ancient Egyptian spirituality, Normandi Ellis offers an illuminating afterword. In addition to the wisdom of diverse spiritual traditions, the text includes exclusive comments by a variety of contemporary luminaries in the realms of the mystical and magical. And acclaimed artists Scot D. Ryersson, Gary Lund, and David Palladini all contribute to the book’s stunning illustrations. Enriched throughout by the wisdom of diverse spiritual traditions, in these pages you will find an innovative pathway to inner transformation.

The author has read, taught, and written about the Tarot for many years. He holds degrees in psychology and film studies from New York University. Previous books co-authored with Scot D. Ryersson include: Infinite Variety: The Life and Legend of the Marchesa Casati, The Marchesa Casati: Portraits of a Muse, and The Princess of Wax: A Cruel Tale. Also with Ryersson, he co-edited Spectral Haunts and Phantom Lovers. Visit to learn more.


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.

Need Spell advice? Just ask!

We have Seattle best Psychic Readers, in house, 7 days a week, from 2pm—8pm.



We are NOW located at: 1307 NE 45th St., between Brooklyn Ave NE and University Way NE, next to the Neptune Theatre, in the University District.

This concludes our Newsletter for this month.
Look for us again SEPTEMBER 1st, 2018
Raven, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter



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