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Ostara (1884) by Johannes Gehrts. 

WELCOME to the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.
Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store. Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 8pm. Call: 206-PAN-1999

We are also now on Facebook:
Become a Fan; post your event on the discussion page!

Also on Facebook: THE SEATTLE PAGAN, OCCULT AND METAPHYSICAL RESOURCE BOARD has been created in order to facilitate networking throughout the Pacific Northwest.

If you have a Magical Group, Ritual Group, Pagan Church or organization, Druid Grove, please feel free to post your events and classes here.
Meetups, talks, book signings, public rituals, etc—all are welcome here.
We'd prefer no advertisements for Professional Readers, Reiki practitioners, etc. However, if you are teaching a class, or giving a workshop or talk, feel free to post your event.
This group is specifically for sharing events of interest to the local community, it is not meant for discussing magical paths and traditions, or asking general questions about magick or paganism. Please remain civil, do disparaging posts about groups or individuals. Off topic posts WILL be moderated.

..and check out the Edge’s new TUMBLR Page!

REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

No charge if your class or event is free!

Prices subject to change without notice.

Unleash the Power of Your Inner Tarot Queen
by Angela Kaufman
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: Conari Press (April 1, 2018)
List Price: $15.95

Each of the four Tarot Queens in this empowering year-long system represent an archetypal part of our personalities as well as our experience of being human. Detailed explanations of each archetype, and workbook-style exercises and practical tips are provided for aligning with and balancing the energies of each Queen.
  • We derive inspiration from the Queen of Wands
  • Passion comes from the Queen of Swords
  • Love from the Queen of Cups
  • Abundance from the Queen of Pentacles

The Queen Up system blends various metaphysical teachings and psychological concepts to empower women to navigate life's most challenging situations. In part one, the basic tenets of the system are reviewed; part two introduces us to the four Tarot Queens that embody the essential qualities for creating wholeness, and readers will be taught how to access their energies as well as look at common obstacles; and part three provides a year's supply of weekly exercises to help readers develop intuition and manifestation.

The Queens serve as a symbol of the potential of every woman. Angela Kaufman helps readers unlock this potential to harness and express their dream lives.


The Complete Guide to Your Astrological Moon
by Cal Garrison
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Weiser Books (April 1, 2018)
List Price: $18.95

Most people are familiar with their sun sign--the sign determined by your birthday. According to astrologer Cal Garrison, however, it's actually your moon sign that is the true key to your horoscope.

The Lunar Gospel is a comprehensive guide to moon sign astrology, covering the significant role the moon plays in the horoscope. Cal explores the role of the moon as it manifests in the different signs and houses, as well as its relationship to the other planets in the chart. The Lunar Gospel clearly and insightfully gives you all the tools you need to understand your own moon sign--and the moon sign of other people.

"Cal Garrison's writing is gentle, the insights intense. The Lunar Gospel is a thoroughly graceful and knowledgeable book."
-Martha Lang-Wescott, author of Architects of Time and other books

"We all have a relationship with the moon; we gaze at it nightly in the sky and feel it in our souls. Cal Garrison deepens that relationship and helps us recognize and appreciate our own lunar nature. I thoroughly enjoyed The Lunar Gospel: The Complete Guide to Your Astrological Moon. It is well written and easy to read and I came away with greater respect for this most familiar and mysterious of symbols." -Virginia Bell, author of Midlife Is Not a Crisis: Using Astrology to Thrive in the Second Half of Life

"The moon sees both the day and night, but the sun sees only the day. I am always pleased to see a book that focuses on the moon to begin to balance the amount written about the sun. Cal Garrison's book The Lunar Gospel: The Complete Guide to Your Astrological Moon will let you see yourself and the world around you from the broad reaching perspective of the moon. Whether you've just begun to learn astrology or astrology is your trusted guide in life, The Lunar Gospel will shed a beautiful light that reveals insights with every page you turn."
-Ivo Dominguez, Jr., author of Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans

About the Author:
Cal Garrison has been a professional astrologer since the 1970s. In 1992, Cal began writing weekly astrological columns for The Mountain Times in Killington, Vermont, and then later for Wisdom Magazine, Detroit Metro Times, and the Associated Press. She is the author of several books and lives in Arizona.


Rituals & Practices for a Deeper Understanding
by Jean-Louis de Biasi
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (April 8, 2018)
List Price: $22.99


The Sacred Realm of Freemasonry Awaits!

Esoteric Freemasonry takes you deep into the mystical side of this fascinating secret society and shows you how to carry out the most powerful practices. Learn how to enter your inner temple and accomplish the ancient mysteries. Discover the compelling links to Egyptian Freemasonry as you progress through the degrees of initiation. Using this guide's profound rituals and its exploration of Masonic tradition, you'll take the next step in your spiritual practice and improve all realms of life.

As a leading Mason in Europe, Jean-Louis de Biasi was appointed Grand Officer after successfully restoring the esoteric and Egyptian degrees in one of the most important French Masonic groups, the Grand Orient of France. With access to highly restricted teachings, Jean-Louis is a foremost authority on little-known rituals and practices that can be used by lodges and individually.

Freemasonry is an ancient and powerful initiatic organization, with both public and esoteric doctrines. The inner teachings and practices of the esoteric tradition are indispensable for any serious student of this often misunderstood fellowship.


The Rise of Divine Mythologies
(The Supernatural Series)
by Gabiann Marin
Series: The Supernatural Series (Book 3)
Hardcover: 176 pages
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing (April 1, 2018)
List Price; $18.95

This book is an accessible and comprehensive primer to the main gods and goddesses from across the world--from Aztec to Greek, Celtic to African, and all the gods and goddesses in between--along with their myths, rituals, and influence on popular culture.

Discover the feuding goddesses of Babylon, witness the great love affair of the Egyptian creator gods, travel with the West African goddess from the shores of Nigeria to the new world of the Americas, and meet the divine forces that may still dwell in the heavens, mountains, rivers, oceans, and stars.


The Only Book You'll Ever Need
by Philip Jones
Series: Plain & Simple
Paperback: 144 pages
Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing (January 1, 2018)
List Price: $14.95

Since originating in Japan in 1922, Reiki has been adapted to cultural traditions across the world. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a “universal energy” is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

Reiki is used for healing oneself and others and for spiritual development. It works by combining two things: initiations that awaken and open your energy channels and techniques for using your hands, eyes, and intention to direct this energy flow where needed. Anyone who wishes to do this work must prepare by following particular methods and steps, all wonderfully explained in this introductory guide.

Discover why Reiki is so unique and learn about its origins, five precepts, attunements, basic hand positions, and special treatments created by Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui. All the spiritual practices here have been specifically chosen to guide readers on a path of love, light, healing, and self-knowledge.


A Field Guide to Practical Palmistry
by Vernon Mahabal
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Weiser Books (April 1, 2018)
List Price: $16.95

Palmistry is an ancient science and an unsurpassed tool for character and emotion analysis. Everyone has the ability to tap its potential for insight, reflection, and greater understanding―and world acclaimed palmistry expert Vernon Mahabal will show you how.

Talk to the Hand reveals the tricks of the palm reader’s trade and is organized around the most popular questions and inquiries the author has received over the years. It serves as a fascinating field guide for those who want a quick, accurate way to assess their own and other people’s talents, abilities, psychology, and emotional personality. The diagrams and accompanying texts are deliberately simple and straightforward, providing quick access to vital answers and potential solutions to pressing questions. The information found here is based upon extensive background research and years of the author’s experience working with thousands of people.


Make the Most of Your Sun Sign Potential
by Cass and Janie Jackson
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing; Reissue edition (January 1, 2018)
List Price: $16.95

Some people see opportunities and go after them, while others let them slip away. How can you make the most out of your life and get what you want? Astrology for Success is a beginner’s guide to sun sign astrology, with an emphasis on what your sign can tell you about your potential for achieving success. This book will help you identify goals and give you a road map for achieving them. The chapters cover:

  • Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac
  • Positive and negative traits
  • Career paths
  • Relationship issues and health concerns
Even if you know nothing about astrology, this book will help you identify the negative traits that may be holding you back and show you how to make use of the positive traits that will propel you to reach your maximum potential.

About the Authors:
Cass and Janie Jackson are authors of over a dozen books on astrology and alternative health topics, including Astrology Plain & Simple and Crystals Plain & Simple. Cass resides in the United Kingdom. Janie died in 2016.


A Beginner's Guide to 11 Ancient Oracle Systems
by Sasha Fenton
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing (February 1, 2018)
List Price: $16.95

Baffled by Chinese astrology? Confused by Feng Shui? Author Sasha Fenton delves into 11 major Chinese divination systems based on ancient practices, providing easily accessible introductions and instructions so the beginner can put these methods to use.

Included are the following: 
  • Chinese astrology
  • Feng Shui
  • I Ching
  • Chinese hand reading
  • Face reading
  • Lunar oracle
  • Mah Jong reading
  • Lo Shu Square
  • Weighing the bones
  • Yarrow stick divination
  • Four Pillars of Destiny


43 Cards to Unlock Your Creativity and Awaken Your Intuition
by Shaheen Miro (Author),‎ Theresa Reed (Foreword)
Cards: 160 pages= Guidebook, 43 Cards.
Publisher: Weiser Books; Tcr Crds edition (March 1, 2018)
Language: English
List price: $26.95

The Lunar Nomad Oracle is a set of keys for unlocking and understanding your intuitive side, your "lunar self." As a nomad on the path of the lunar self, you will awaken your sense of wonder and discover your creative desires to facilitate introspection, awareness, and lasting change.

The Lunar Nomad Oracle is inspired by the traditional Lenormand system, but unlike the Lenormand, this deck comprises 43 cards and additional significator cards that are multiracial and multiethnic.

The Lunar Nomad Oracle cards are rich with layers, colors, and imagery, all designed to speak to the intuitive self. The book and deck allow users to explore their inner depths, looking for clues and prompts to activate their lunar side--their creativity, intuition, and inner wisdom. The symbolism of the cards helps the user formulate a story or reading.

The process will be familiar to followers of tarot, but because The Lunar Nomad Oracle does not have suits or a linear structure, readers have the freedom and fluidity to really explore the deck and add their own insights and interpretations.


Medieval Hedgewitch Magick Cards
by Priestess Moon
Cards: 120 page Guidebook, 36 Cards.
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing; Tcr Crds edition (April 1, 2018)
List Price; $21.95

Use your intuition and be guided by the natural wisdom of the medieval world with these 36 illuminated cards and accompanying book, brimming with botanical information, symbolic meaning, and kitchen magick. Create the life you want by using commonplace kitchen ingredients for bewitching recipes, rituals, and spells. Return to a time where herbal lore could cure everything from physical to spiritual ailments and let the Enchanted Spell Oracle guide you toward the answers you seek.


by Cheralyn Darcey
Cards: 96 page Guidebook, 44 Cards.
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing; Tcr Crds edition (April 1, 2018)
List Price: $21.95

Come into the enchanting Garden of the Night and explore your power and passion with this dedicated oracle of 44 cards and guidebook.

Nature author and environmental artist, Cheralyn Darcey, shares the true language of flowers with this oracle, which can also be used in any modality using flowers including aromatherapy, flower essences and flower reading. Cheralyn created the artwork for these 44 cards using traditional hand-carved block prints enhanced by moonlight washes of watercolor paint. Each card depicts a flower in its original environment and is coupled with the animals, insects, and birds of the flower’s nocturnal habitat.


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.

Need Spell advice? Just ask!

We have Seattle's best Psychic Readers, in house, 7 days a week, from 2pm—8pm.



We are NOW located at: 1307 NE 45th St., between Brooklyn Ave NE and University Way NE, next to the Neptune Theatre, in the University District.

This concludes our Newsletter for this month.
Look for us again MAY 1st, 2018!!!!
Raven, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter


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