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WELCOME to the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.
Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store.
Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 8pm.A
Call: 206-PAN-1999

We are also now on Facebook:
Become a Fan; post your event on the discussion page!

Also on Facebook: THE SEATTLE PAGAN, OCCULT AND METAPHYSICAL RESOURCE BOARD has been created in order to facilitate networking throughout the Pacific Northwest.

If you have a Magical Group, Ritual Group, Pagan Church or organization, Druid Grove, please feel free to post your events and classes here.
Meetups, talks, book signings, public rituals, etc—all are welcome here.
We'd prefer no advertisements for Professional Readers, Reiki practitioners, etc. However, if you are teaching a class, or giving a workshop or talk, feel free to post your event.
This group is specifically for sharing events of interest to the local community, it is not meant for discussing magical paths and traditions, or asking general questions about magick or paganism. Please remain civil, do disparaging posts about groups or individuals. Off topic posts WILL be moderated.

..and check out the Edge’s new TUMBLR Page!

REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

No charge if your class or event is free!

Prices subject to change without notice.

Key to the mysteries of Robert Cochrane's Craft
Series: The Star Crossed Serpent
by Shani Oates (Author), Robert Cochrane (Narrator)
Hardcover: 212 pages
Publisher: Mandrake (June 21, 2017)
List Price: $35.00

The Devil’s Crown’ is the accolade of genius, awarded to poets, and leaders of men who would speak in riddles and puns the wisdom of ages. Whether Scop or Skald, the words inspired by the Muse live on in vibrant tradition under the shining aureole of the Holy Fool. It is the arcane mark of the ‘other.’ This book illuminates some of that light, sharing insights to the precious mysteries of the Robert Cochrane Tradition. His letters and works now collated finally into a single volume ‘The Star Crossed Serpent III: The Taper that Lights the Way,’ find further expression in this companion volume.’ (Shani Oates)

If I call upon my ancestors, I call upon forces than are within myself and exterior…, now you know what I mean when I speak of the burden of Time.” (Robert Cochrane)

The tree carried by a man wearing a red cap is a symbol of many things coalescing into two parts of the True and only Faith.” (Robert Cochrane)

The first part is the masculine mysteries – in which is enshrined the search for the Holy Graal – and is the basis of the Arthurian legends. This is the order of the Sun – the Clan of Tubal Cain. ….In the distant past, the male clan was lead by a woman who was their priestess and chieftain . This is the origin of the legend of Robin Hood ….. and the tradition was followed through into the middle Ages when the Plantagenet Kings were officers of the masculine aspect of the Faith (The name ‘Plantagenet’ means ‘The Devil’s -Clan’). The effect of the masculine mysteries upon the world can hardly be under emphasized ….Law-making….and craftsmen’s guilds……The masculine mysteries were the direct creators of modern civilization as we know it now.” (Robert Cochrane)


Enochian Chess Series Vol 1
by Steve Nichols
Casedbound matt laminate 256pp - over 200 illustrations many in colour
Publisher: Mandrake (June 21, 2017)
List Price: $50.00

This is the first in a trio of books that together form The Complete Enochian Chess. Enochian Chess in part comes from the Elizabethan system of Enochian Magic originated by the Court Astrologer, Dr John Dee. It was developed into its current form in Victorian times by SL MacGregor Mathers and William Wynn Westcott. This book includes a complete facsimile and commentary of Moina Mathers’s Alpha et Omega Enochian Chess papers together with a brief history of the game, notes on play and strategy, and instructions for Active divinatory methods utilised by this system. Notes and illustrations by Ithell Colquhoun (some previously unpublished) help explain this advanced and complete system of magick in its own right.

Originally it was only taught to Golden Dawn initiates who had risen to the rank of Zelator Adeptus Minor, and required a comprehensive knowledge of Tarot, Geomancy, Kabbalah, various magical formulae, the symbolism of the Candidate, the Ceremony of the Neophyte Grade, working knowledge of the art of Invocation and Banishing, Pentagram and Hexagram rituals, formation of Telesmatic Images, Sigils, and knowledge of the Enochian Tablets. Enochian Chess subsumes other Passive systems of divination such as tarot and astrology, and has powerful prophetic properties.

Get The Enochian Chess Software at .

Steve Nichols’s fully featured Windows Enochian Chess software for one to four players can be downloaded by using the coupon code instructions inside together with evidence of purchase. The PC software makes this advanced and complex game immediately playable. Steve Nichols was the first to publish Enochian Chess sets in 1982 with support from Israel Regardie and others. Steve has given many demonstrations, readings and lectures about the game over the decades. This book includes new revelations about the Golden Dawn invention of Enochian Chess, with a particular spotlight on important Eastern occult sources previously hidden.


Hoodoo, Rootwork, & Folk Magic
by Starr Casas (Author), Orion Foxwood (Foreword)
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Weiser Books (September 1, 2017)
List Price: $16.95

Conjure, hoodoo, rootwork―these are all names for southern American folk magic. Conjure first emerged in the days of slavery and plantations and is widely considered among the most potent forms of magic. Its popularity continues to increase, both in the United States and worldwide. This book is a guide to using conjure to achieve love, success, safety, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment. Author Starr Casas, a hereditary master of the art, introduces readers to the history and philosophy of conjure and provides practical information for using it. Featuring Casas's own rituals, spells, and home recipes, the book provides useful information suitable for novices and seasoned practitioners alike.

In its pages, you’ll learn about:

Bone reading
Candle burning
Conjure bags
Building your own conjure altar


A Druid's Guide to Ritual Tools and Practices
Series: Pagan Portals
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Moon Books (July 28, 2017)
List Price: $10.95

An introduction to the ritual tools and practices found in the Druid tradition. Held deeply within Celtic mythology, the crane bag is both a symbol of sovereignty, as well as an item containing the ritual tools of the Druid. With the proper use, it can further the Druid in working with the tides of nature, finding his or her own place in the environment, living in balance, harmony and peace. In ritual, these tools and practices can guide one to deeper levels of meaning and understanding within the tradition, helping the Druid on his or her journey through life and towards integration with the natural world.

About the Author:
Joanna van der Hoeven is a Druid, bestselling author and teacher. She is the cofounder of Druid College UK. Joanna moved to the UK in 1998, where she now lives with her husband in a small village in Suffolk near the coast of the North Sea.


The British Midwinter Blessing Custom
by Simon Reed
Paperback: Pagination: 132 pages, 17 illustrations and figures
Publisher: Troy Books (June 1, 2014)
List Price: $17.95

With legends going back over a millennia, Wassailing is a fascinating and colourful part of the folklore and traditions of Britain. From the Apple Wassails of Devon and Somerset, to the Doll Wassails of Yorkshire, this ancient blessing tradition has adapted itself to every level of society from agricultural workers to Lords, even featuring in four plots to murder the Monarch of the day. This book by Simon Reed, author of The Cornish Traditional Year, examines every aspect of Wassailing with the hope that it will inspire people to revive and enjoy this important tradition.


  • Origins and Development of the Wassail
  • Wassail in Legend and Beyond
  • The Wassail Develops
  • The Visit Wassail
  • Crop Wassailing
  • Ashen Faggot Wassail
  • The Wassail Bowl
  • Wassail Dolls
  • The Wassail Today
  • Our Journey Through Wassailing

Appendix A – Specimens of Wassail songs

Appendix B – Locations of known Wassail traditions


Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life
by Azra Bertrand M.D. (Author), Seren Bertrand (Author)
Paperback: 560 pages
Publisher: Bear & Company (August 15, 2017)
List Price: $30.00

Rediscover the lost ancient mystery teachings of the Cosmic Womb

Explains how each of us has a holographic blueprint of the Womb of Creation, our spiritual Womb

Offers practices to help awaken your spiritual Womb, experience the Womb of God within, and activate the Womb’s sacred magic of creation and manifestation

Looks at the power of the moon and its connection to sacred Womb Consciousness

Explores how the lost Womb mystery teachings were encoded in folk and fairy tales, the legends of the Holy Grail, and the traditions of Mary Magdalene and Sophia

Includes access to three guided Womb Awakening audio journeys

The Ancients lived by a feminine cosmology of creation, where everything was birthed and dissolved through a sacred universal Womb. Within each of us, whether female or male, lies a holographic blueprint of this Womb of Creation, connecting us to the Web of Life. By awakening your spiritual Womb, the holy of holies within the temple of your body, you can reconnect to the transformative energy of Womb Consciousness and reclaim your sacred powers of creation and love.

Drawing on mythical and spiritual traditions from almost every culture, Dr. Azra and Seren Bertrand reconstruct the moon-based feminine mystery teachings of a lost global Womb religion, tracing the tradition all the way back to the Neanderthals and beyond. They explore how these teachings were encoded in the symbolism of folk and fairy tales; the legends of the Holy Grail; the traditions of Mary Magdalene and Sophia; the maiden, queen, and crone archetypes; and the teachings of alchemy and the chakras. They show how sages and shamans across the globe all secretly spoke of the Cosmic Womb and the sacred creative powers of Moon Blood. The authors look at the power of the Moon and its connection to sacred Womb Consciousness, offering meditations and practices to help awaken your spiritual Womb and activate its sacred magic of creation and manifestation. They explain how to activate the energetic gateways of the Womb and merge the heart and Womb to make sexual union the highest sacrament of love. Access is also provided to 3 audio journeys.

Revealing how we must reconnect with the Divine Feminine to rebirth the Divine Masculine and restore balance to our world, they show how, as we reawaken the powerful ancient path of the Womb Mysteries, we help return our world to harmony with the wild, untamed creative flows and cyclical rhythms of the cosmos.


by John Brinley
Paperback: 148 pages
Publisher: Troy Books (June 15, 2017)
List Price: $14.50

First published in 1680, A Discovery of the Impostures of Witches and Astrologers by John Brinley is an important example and contemporary account of the establishment's ideas, beliefs and debate surrounding the practices of witchcraft, magic and divination that lay behind the approved persecution of witches and other practitioners. Revealed is an acceptance of the existence of witches, the reality of the Devil and the position of magic as deeply integral to everyday life, alongside a denial of the powers possessed by witches and the abilities claimed by magical practitioners such as the Cunning Folk. Belief in them is asserted to be the product of superstition, and the efficacy of their operations is attributed to the delusions and trickery of the Devil or the deceptions of the charlatan. With kind permission of the Museum of Witchcraft, this edition, presented by Troy Books, is transcribed from an original copy held in the Museum's research archive. As closely as possible, the appearance and feel of the original text is carefully reproduced, alongside photo-plates of selected original pages for reference. The present edition is issued with foreword by writer, researcher and assistant curator at the Museum of Witchcraft; Joyce Froome.


A Story of Gnostic Illumination
by James Wasserman (Author), Keith Stump (Contributor), Harvey Rochman (Contributor)
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Destiny Books (August 8, 2017)
List Price: $16.95

A tale of initiation, adventure, and romance set within the medieval Crusades

Shares in novel form the mystical rituals and techniques of the Nizari Ismailis (the legendary Assassins) communicated to selected Knights Templar during the Crusades

Shows how the Gnostic traditions of the Cathars and Nizaris were blended to become the core of the “heretical” doctrines for which the Templars were later condemned

Sheds light on the contemporary conflict between Islam and the West and offers a natural path of reconciliation between these disparate cultures

Set within the dramatic tableau of the medieval Crusades, this story of initiation, adventure, and romance follows members of the Knights Templar and Assassins as they discover a mystical tradition with the potential to unify, protect, and liberate humankind--the very heresy for which the Knights Templar were later condemned.

The tale begins with a young Persian student, Sinan, as he witnesses his teacher deliver the heretical Qiyama proclamation, seeking to abolish Islamic religious law in favor of a more mystical approach to spirituality. After completing his initiation into the revolutionary doctrines and practices of the Assassins--also known as the Nizari Ismailis or Hashishim--Sinan is appointed head of the Nizaris in Syria.

Years later, after Sinan has become a wise and respected leader, he encounters Roland de Provence, a young member of the Knights Templar. Impressed by his courage and intelligence, Sinan selects him for initiation into the Nizari tradition. As readers follow Sinan and Roland through the process, they experience firsthand the transmission of these secret teachings and the paranormal, even magical powers of the Assassin adepts. Roland braves hashish journeys, mystical rituals, and divine epiphanies, as well as sexual awakening at the hands of Sinan’s beautiful consort Aisha.

When Roland completes his education with Sinan, he vows to share the Nizari teachings with his fellow Templars. However, he is met with strong opposition from his Templar commander, and factions within the Order quickly arise. As we follow Roland to southern France, we witness how he blends the Cathar and Nizari traditions to form the core of the “heresy” for which the Templars were later arrested and condemned. Now an outlaw, hunted by his Templar brethren, Roland is forced to choose between the beliefs with which he was raised and the realizations of his own personal truths.

Bringing to life the historical truths of his expertly researched bestseller The Templars and the Assassins, James Wasserman artfully traces the evolution of the Western Esoteric Tradition during the fertile cultural interactions of the Crusades. His story also sheds light on the modern conflict between Islam and the West--which began a thousand years ago--and offers a natural path of reconciliation between our disparate cultures.


Advice and Exercises to Unlock your Mystical Potential
by Sarah Bartlett
Series: Keys To
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Fair Winds Press; Reprint edition (March 15, 2017)
List Price: $19.99

Shrouded in mystery, the tarot was once thought to have been a set of sacred tablets saved from the ruins of an ancient Egyptian temple. It is now considered to be a symbolic mirror of opportunity that can help you make crucial decisions, confirm your true desires, and enhance self-understanding.

The Key to Tarot is a step-by-step guide to learning to read and interpret this mystical deck of seventy-eight cards. Learn to develop your own innate intuitive powers in the art of Tarot.

This book uses a combination of detailed background information and fun, simple, interactive lessons and exercises to help you build up your skills and learn all there is to know about reading the Tarot and using it for the benefit of yourself and others.

Plus, each of the book's four main sections concludes with a specially designed "masterclass" that takes you to a deeper level of understanding, if you feel ready to do so.



by Morgan Applejohn , Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard and Julia Iredale
Size: 5 1/4″ x 6″ x 1 1/2″
78 art cards and 112 pp Guidebook
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.; 1 edition (June 28, 2017)
List Price: 24.99

The Vernal equinox, Ostara, wakes the city after winter. Through 78 stunning Tarot cards and an accompanying guidebook, delve into the fantastical world of traditional symbolism and contemporary themes that will return you to the wilderness and explore the feminine. With a unique synergy of artistic styles and perspectives, discover deities and mystical archetypes in the Major Arcana that convey 22 core lessons, while the Minors employ the help of animal guides to illuminate their diverse messages connecting them to your life. Identify your relationship with the Earth and pay homage to the natural world and those romantic moments where you can again be part of the nature around you. Use keywords as well as upright and reversed card explanations to manifest your deepest spiritual renewal. Perfect for both novices and collectors. Includes cards and book.

Click to Enlarge.
About the Creators:
Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard, and Julia Iredale are four illustrators living in Vancouver, Canada. After meeting at art school and discovering a shared love for the occult, they decided to tackle the ambitious task of illustrating a Tarot deck. Since then, they have delved into every corner of their trade; their individual work ranges everywhere from comics, to murals, to children’s books, and they continue to work on collaborative projects. When they’re not drawing in their home studios, they like to spend their days exploring gorgeous Canadian vistas, traveling to far off places, and sharing good books.


by Ciro Marchetti
80 Page Guidebook, 47 card Lenormand Deck.
Publisher: U.S. Games Systems Inc. (August 1, 2017)
List Price: $21.95

Gilded Reverie Lenormand showcases the digital talents of Ciro Marchetti with captivating imagery on 47 gilt-edge cards.This Expanded Edition deck features eight special supplemental cards, including four that have not been previously published.The extra cards are: Time, Bridges, Dice, Mask, Well, Compass, Labyrinth, and Magnifying Glass. For this deck Ciro also provides an extra Man, Lady, and Owl card to enhance Lenormand readings.The 80-page guidebook provides expert instruction by Lee Bursten, Donnaleigh de LaRose and others for reading with this 47-card deck.

Click to Enlarge:
About the Artist:
Ciro Marchetti was born in Italy and brought up in the UK. He now resides in the USA.

Following a professional career as a partner of a graphic design company that spanned working in Europe, South America and the US, Ciro Marchetti has over the last few years dedicated an increasing amount of time his personal illustrations. Using his now preferred digital medium, Ciro has produced three Tarot decks. The Gilded Tarot, the Tarot of Dreams and the Legacy of the Divine Tarot.

Various other images have been licensed as posters and Jig saw puzzles world wide and reproduced in magazines.

Samples of his work can be seen at along with a lavish site themed around his tarot deck.

In addition to these projects he also teaches and gives lectures on digital imagery at the Fort Lauderdale Art Institute.

Over the last few years he has been honored with five Photoshop Guru awards, and a three time recipient of the World Wide Photoshop competition in various categories including Grand Prize winner earlier this year. Also a three time winning finalist of the Macworld Expo International digital art competition.


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.

Need Spell advice? Just ask!

We have Seattle's best Psychic Readers, in house, 7
days a week, from 2pm—8pm.



We are NOW located at: 1307 NE 45th St., between Brooklyn Ave NE and University Way NE, next to the Neptune Theatre, in the University District.

This concludes our Newsletter for this month.
Look for us again OCTOBER 1st, 2017 (Where did the year go?!?)
Raven, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter



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