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Perichoresis -Anthological Edition
Curated, assembled and edited by G. McCaughry via Anathema Publishing.
Hardcover Book. Format: 7.5 x 9.5 inches. 368 pages. Gold Foil-stamp on cover and spine, Blind Deboss on Matador Pescara Black leather (Spanish finish). Antique #80 Eclipse endpaper. Sewn & Glued binding. Printed on 160m Enviro paper. Numerous color plates. Fine typography, and elegantly illustrated throughout. + All copies of the Book shall be hand-numbered & glyphed.
List price: $87.95


The Gods, Dead and all other entities do as they will, reveal as they will for it is not their concern how Fire wrapped in flesh chooses to contact them, only that contact is established and Will is both strong an true. She may come to you after meditation, or Her voice will be heard upon the wind as you walk forlorn through woodland groves and forest-thickets. There is no limitation to where or what we receive in terms of wisdom. It may be a dream, of an incense, an impression of an arbour to take a wand from, a prayer to speak as devotion or even something as simple as an hour of the day in which you concentrate a thought on Her. Her wisdom is undeniable, Her call inescapable, for She is the revealer of the Arckanum of the Lunar-Night of both Zenith and Nadir.”
~Ash Nostro Morg, The Four Graces of Hekate

Being the Anthological Edition of the inceptive trilogy of PILLARS occult periodical journal. Be it: Issue.1 'Psychopompos,' Issue.2 'The Golden Eitr' and Issue.3 'The Ebon Kteis.' Curated, assembled and edited by G. McCaughry via Anathema Publishing.
It has been a long time coming, and a personal dream of mine, to finally be able to re-publish the material that made PILLARS journals great from the get-go. Underlining once and for all, how much our esteemed Contributors, were paramount to the ongoing evolution of Anathema Publishing’s vision. Compiled under various over-arching themes, that, however seemingly cryptic at times, do share common threads, exuding definite passion & devotion for the Mystery Arte.
The end result is a book overflowing with potent texts, crucial information, inspirational works, gorgeous art pieces, and so much craft featured therein (Articles, Poems, Incantations, Magickal Procedures, Academic Studies, Seals, Sigils, full page illustrations, et cetera)! All beautifully bound in a thick, slightly oversized, Hardcover book of utmost quality, and a most stunning presentation design by artist José Gabriel Alegría Saboga.
It has been decided that there shall be but only one official iteration of this Anthology, for the sole logical reason that the customary 'Standard' editions of PILLARS were the ones published a few years ago (which are now sold-out), and that 'Perichoresis' in itself, IS the 'Deluxe' edition of those three journals combined.
* Note that this Book shall be THE definitive and Deluxe Edition of PILLARS Volume 1,
and shall never be re-printed. Strictly Limited to 393 copies [Final].

PILLARS - Perichoresis [Anthological Edition]
CONTENTS (Texts & Visuals) by:
Shani Oates, Yoann Lossel , Sarah Anne Lawless, Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold, Asenath Mason, Ash Nostro Morg, Vaenus Obscura, José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal, Kyle Fite, Xonia Abyssos, Stewart Clelland, Angela Edwards, Matthew Venus, Mitchell Nolte, Lukasz Grochocki, Pierre Perichaud, Glyn Smyth, Leon Ka, Alexander L. Brown, Robin-the-Dart, Hagen Von Tulien, Humberto Maggi, Antithesis, Nikolai Saunders, Andrieh Vitimus, Edgar Kerval, Néstor Avalos, Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule, S. Ben Qayin, Kevin Foy, Paul McCarroll, Matthew Wightman, Lupe Vasconcelos, Santiago Caruso, Abby Helasdottir, Natalia Drepina, Members of the Temple of THEM, Semjaza 131, Patrick J. Larabee, Mogg Morgan, Akherra Phasmatanás, FN Vegas, G. McCaughry, Samuel Araya, Krist Mort.


Limited, Revised and Corrected Edition
By Kenneth Grant
London: Starfire Publishing, 2016. A FINE CLOTH COPY, sewn. With illustrated endpapers, color frontispiece, and a full color dust jacket designed by Steffi Grant. 142 pages. Octavo.
List Price: $49.95

Kenneth Grant began writing the novel in the mid 1980s. He developed it in order to explore, in a fictional setting, many of the themes of ‘The Book of the Spider’. The original intention was that Against the Light be published before The Ninth Arch, and this was achieved in 1997. Now that the Ninth Arch itself is to be republished later this year, it is fitting that the publication of Against the Light again precedes it.

This new edition of Against the Light has been re-set, and incorporates the corrections and additions which Kenneth Grant noted in his copy of the 1997 edition. New illustrated endpapers have been designed to include diary entries by the author from 1985 when the novel was started. Also, some early plot notes; the first draft of a cover blurb from 1995; and a gloss where Grant gives the meaning of symbols on the front of the dust-jacket, and a colored frontispiece that reproduces the bust of Mephistopheles, a mysterious and compelling figure, which is an integral feature of this novel, and which appears elsewhere in Grant’s work.


Lucifer in Western Esotericism
Edited by Michael Howard and Daniel Schulke
Author(s), Ethan Doyle White, Frater U:.D:., Fredrik Eytzinger, Lee Morgan, Madeline Ledespencer, Michael Howard, Raven Grimassi, Richard Gavin, Robert Fitzgerald
Artist(s), Francisco Divine Mania, Hagen von Tulien
Publication Date: October 2016, Three Hands Press
Standard Hardcover : List Price $58.50
Trade Paperback : List Price $26.95
Limited to 800 copies

The Arcanum of the ‘fallen angel’ Lucifer evokes such concepts as heresy, rebellion, pride, liberation from the bonds of demiurgic oppression, and impetus for human evolution. Meaning ‘light bearer’, Lucifer has, from his earliest origins, been hailed by religious and artistic countercultures as a patron saint of enlightenment —the essential quality embodying overthrow of ignorance and the inspired process of revelation. Allied to ancient Gnostic cosmological conceptions, the fallen angel has also found dominion within occult traditions and philosophy. Lucifer has also, in many mystical traditions, assumed a female form in the guise of Lucina, Lucia and Diana Lucifera. In his guise as the Serpent of Eden, he bestowed a magical philosophy of the Luciferian Woman, she who was not born of the clay, and was therefore especially receptive to the forbidden powers which would render one ‘as God.’

Yet, outside most occult contexts, Lucifer is commonly conflated with the Christian figure of Satan, or the Devil, a relic of early Christian propagandists eager to repudiate and tarnish rival polytheisms. Ironically, this conflation of deific forms is where Christian dogma and some contemporary forms of Satanism are in agreement.

The nine essays found within The Luminous Stone examine the evolution of the light-bringer in both traditional and contemporary occult contexts, shedding light on the Luciferic magical philosophies of such occult orders as the Fraternitas Saturni, the Order of the Morning Star, and the Cultus Sabbati, as well as the eroto-salvific Christianity promulgated by the Abbé Boullan. Also examined is the concept of Lucifer as the Witches’ God, present both in folklore and in the modern witchcraft revival, as well as his link with individual revelation, and the nature of the critical interplay between Light and Darkness necessary of Luciferian illuminism. Contributors to this third volume in the Western Esotericism in Context series include Frater U:.D:., Robert Fitzgerald, Michael Howard, Ethan Doyle White, Fredrik Eytzinger, Richard Gavin, Raven Grimassi, Lee Morgan, and Madeline Ledespencer.


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