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A Bibliography
By Henrik Bogdan
London: Starfire Publishing, 2015.
Limited to 750 copies only.
A FINE HARDCOVER COPY in dust-jacket.
List Price $49.95

Long awaited, this work has been expanded to more than 130 pages, and is replete with more than 40 pages of color and black and white plates related to the works, teachings, and writings of Kenneth Grant with some never before seen items and illustrations. With a preface by Steffi Grant, and a foreword by Martin P. Starr.

The first edition of this work was published in 2003 by Academia Esoterica Press, Sweden, but has been extensively restructured for this second edition of 750 copies only.

Newly typeset as a standard octavo, the production will be a sewn hard cover for durability, and uniform with the Trilogies. A half-tone frontispiece, two large plate sections of color and half-tone illustrations of twenty pages each, illustrated custom endpapers, and a full color dustjacket, this is sure to become the definitive reference work documenting the details of Kenneth Grant's history and published and unpublished writings. Bogdan has researched all known publications up until the end of 2014, including translations, essays and articles written for collections such as Man, Myth & Magic and Cult and Occult, as well as ephemera like the informative, attractive and highly collectible flyers issued when many of these books were first published.


Magickal Record
By Nema
Paperback: 324 pages
Publisher: Black Moon Publishing (January 13, 2016)
List Price $22.00
Nema’s chosen practice in keeping this nine month Magickal Record (1975-1976) for admittance to the Typhonian OTO was to “maintain an open channel with the Children of Maat, so they may speak through me. This to my own instruction and for the evolution of the Race… .” The Magical Record chronicles this instruction, guidance, and the rituals she used to gain and maintain this contact.

Carl R. Rogers observed, “What is most personal is the most universal.” Maggie’s attainment and her humanity shines through this record. The MR flows between the emotional heights evident in the praise of Aossic Aiwass to the angst that washes over her, “I am so tired…I wish I could die now.” in a dark night of the soul.

The full range of both human and magical experience are richly expressed. The trials and triumphs that swim in the oceans of experience common to all of us all surface in Maggie’s words.

Meticulous self-examination and self-appraisal are a significant part of the record demonstrating a profound level of introspection in which the Tao is frequently invoked.

Nema’s optimism shines like a Grail for the rest of us. Its brightness beckons us to think and act likewise. I believe we will all be the better for it.

Horus-Maat Lodge is a working occult Lodge acting as a focal point for the Maatian Current.

The publication includes:
An in depth description of the Mass of Maat as a sexual rite.
Dances of the Tree of Life
Masks of the Tree of Life.
A word by word analysis of, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”
The complete text of Liber Pennae Praenumbra
An extensive index.

Now to your Record: IT is so rich in beauty and so full of fire and fervour …”
Letter to Nema dated 16 October 1976, from Kenneth Grant.


A Howling of Women's Voices
By Mishlen Linden
Featuring contributions by Linda Falorio, Charlotte Rodgers, Mishlen Linden, Lou Hotchkiss Knives, Emma Doeve, Diane Narraway, Geraldine Lambert, Semirani Vine, Lorraine Sherwin, Dianne Mysterieux, Lilith Dorsey, Ayahna Kumarroy, Madeleine Ledespencer, Maegdlyn Morris, Sarah-Jayne Farrer, and Sharmon Davidson-Jennings.
Paperback: 194 pages
Publisher: Black Moon Publishing (January 28, 2015)
List Price: $25.00

This is a book of sexual magicks in both theory and practice from the feminine power zones and from their own points of view. Very little has been written on this. It is a compilation composed of the text and art of sixteen practicing female magickians through which the vital character of a Babalon is explored. Both the elder and younger Babalons write here in order to expand upon this almost taboo subject. Linda Falorio, one of the writers within, says “Men, read on if you want to know our deepest secrets.” This book focuses on the ‘what,’ the ‘who’ and the ‘how’ of the practice. The materials are mutli–generational, multi–cultural and multi–systematic, though with a strong emphasis on Thelemic. No ‘right’ way is posited. Often seen ‘shoulds’ are replaced by an ethic that values Choice.

Being a Babalon is both a spiritual and social challenge. There are no more optimal conditions outside of an open heart and mind. She is much more than any sexual orientation or specific sexual act. Although there is no definitive word or image which captures the totality of what it means to be a Babalon, her very nature speaks to Change. Babalon spins and the walls between worlds revolve. Her spinning gives form to the very womb of life. She rides upon a crest that peeks into the heavens, and descends into the very heart of hell.

The papers and images in this book document this journey, and the howling of women will now make itself heard!

Blood Rites of Babalon by Linda Falorio
Qulielfi: From The Shadow Tarot — Art by Linda Falorio
Characith: From The Shadow Tarot — Art by Linda Falorio
Hemethterith: From The Shadow Tarot — Art by Linda Falorio
Strange Birth — Art by Emma Doeve
A Darker Magick by Emma Doeve
At the Heart of the Labyrinth — Art by Emma Doeve
Mistress of Eros — Art by Emma Doeve
The Dæmon Lover by Emma Doeve
Gestation — Art by Sharmon Davidson–Jennings
Lucifer’s Lover by Diane Narraway
In Honor of the Lightbearers — Art by Geraldine Lambert
Lucifers Child — Art by Semirani Vine
Babalon and the Beast — Poem and Art by Lorraine Sherwin
Sexual Magick: Point to Point by Charlotte Rodgers
Lilith — Art by Mishlen Linden
In the Garden of Earthly Delights: From the Magickal Record of Mishlen Linden
Babalon — Art by Dianne Mystérieux
Watch Her Wrap Her Legs Around This World: Babalon, Sex, Death, Conception, Punk Rock, and the Mysteries by Lou Hotchkiss Knives
Untitled — Art by Ayahna Kumarroy
Sex and Possession/Voodoo Love: The Gede We Always Knew Was There by Lilith Dorsey
And you shall see the shades which she becomes —Art by Madeleine Ledespencer
The Warrior Babalon by Maegdlyn Morris
A Love Letter by Sarah–Jayne Farrer
Chant d’Automne — Art by Sarah-Jayne Farrer
Spirit House/Womb: A Place for Things to Grow —Art by Mishlen Linden
Glaistig — Art by Lorraine Sherwin
Glaistig by Sarah-Jayne Farrer
Notes on Glaistig — From Wikipedia
Outro by Lou Hotchkiss Knives
En Finale by Mishlen Linden
Babalon Community Contacts
Nuit — Art by Mishlen Linden


The Path of a New Orleans Loa, Resurrection in Remembrance
By Dr. Louie Martinie
Paperback: 222 pages
Publisher: Black Moon Publishing (September 29, 2014)
List Price: $20.00

The first book length publication celebrating the life and times of the first Dr. John (birth circa 1815 - passing 1885), this publication contains conjures meant to offer Dr. John the opportunity to become a fully present loa in today’s world.

History and folklore have Dr. John filling many posts. He was a freeman of color reputed to be a contemporary of Marie Laveaux in the voodoo on Congo Square, a New Orleans conjure man, drummer, herbalist, physician, and spiritual Doctor as well as having a coffeehouse and dealing in real estate. He was a man worth knowing and is a spirit worth working with. Reprints of the actual historical documents include a contract with Dr. John’s signature, his Marriage Certificate, his Death Certificate, and various censuses from the period providing important keys to his life. Folkloric sources of beliefs about Dr. John, both verbal and written, are extensively treated. An index and a bibliography add to the book’s ease of use.

A unique feature of the book consists of experiments, explorations, experiences, investigations, teachings, and conjures by current members of the spiritual community which are provided to bring the reader closer to Dr. John and Dr. John closer to the reader. The collection of this material is ongoing through and the reader is encouraged to participate in this great work. This book is a comprehensive reference for the study of Dr. John as well as the offering of service to the Good Doctor. So often it is heard that little is published on Dr. John. Now that is no longer the case.


And Featured Title

By Kenneth Grant
London: Starfire Publishing, 2015
Limited Enhanced Edition. A Fine Hardcover Volume in dust jacket.
The volume is sewn for durability, and matches the earlier enhanced editions in the Trilogies series. Edited by Michael Staley.
List Price: $59.95

The republishing of the enhanced editions of the Typhonian Trilogies continues with the release of the seventh volume in the series, OUTER GATEWAYS, which opens the third and final trilogy. The Typhonian Tradition discussed in this book matured and declined before even the monumental phase of the earliest civilizations though remaining in the magical and mystical lore once current in Egypt, and the Far East, and in the later alchemical writings in the West, and in the Eastern Tantric tradition. The earliest themes of Grant's series of Trilogies are emphasized and developed in this volume with material on the unearthly provenance of such disturbing messages as 'The Necronomicon' is reaffirmed, which leads into a discussion of Crowley's reception of 'The Book of the Law', and a reinterpretation of that book's implications in the light of the Typhonian Tradition. The volume concludes with the haunting transmission -- Wisdom of S'lba -- received in New Isis Lodge under circumstances outside usually accepted magical procedures.



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