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Edge of the Circle Books is pleased to present
 the following new calendars and periodicals: 

List price: $16. 00

Since 2011, the GBG "Year and a Day" calendar has shared dozens of historic photos, news clippings and quotes from Gerald B. Gardner (GBG) and the early High Priestesses who were instrumental in helping witchcraft to take root and grow:

Doreen Valiente, Patricia Crowther, Eleanor Bone, Monique Wilson and others...

This unique calendar includes Pagan feast days and interesting information
for every day of the year from Pantheons around the world, Full and New moons, Sabbats and seasonal information.

The GBG "Year and a Day" calendar is both educational and entertaining!



We'Moon on the Wall 2016

MotherTongue Ink publishes creative work by women, celebrating earth-based spirituality and visions for a changing world.

We'Moon on the Wall 2016 is a stunningly beautiful 12x12 wall calendar featuring inspired art and writing from We’Moon 2016. With key astrological information, interpretive articles, lunar phases and signs. Ideal for home, the office and as a gift.

List Price: $15.95

We'Moon 2016: Quantum Leap Year rides the currents of Change and dares toward new Possibility, even as known reality shivers and shakes around us. Invoking the mythic Phoenix and its leap from disaster into rebirth, We'Moon 2016 reflects on chaos and opportunity, upheaval and renewal, challenge and gift—eliciting our most daring personal and  collective magic.

Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink • 34 pages in full color • 12” x 12”


We'Moon 2016 Datebook: 
MotherTongue Ink publishes creative work by women, celebrating earth-based spirituality and visions for a changing world.

Your Edition:Spiral Bound $19.95
Sturdy Paperback Edition $ 19.95

This iconic astrological datebook is a best-selling, earth-spirited handbook in natural rhythms, and visionary collection of women’s creative work, now in its 35th year of publication. We’Moon 2016 reflects on chaos and opportunity, challenge and gift.

We’Moon accompanies us through solar, lunar and astrological cycles, keeping us mindful of the celestial rhythms of earth and sky that pulse through our lives. The datebook presents a comprehensive introduction to astrology, Sun / Moon / Earth cycles, and seasonal Holy Days, exploring the 13 moons of a lunar year in a week-at-a-glance format, with daily astrological aspects, moon phases and signs, complete ephemerides, astrological insights for each sun sign, month-at-a-glance and year-at-a-glance calendars, and blank pages for notes. We’Moon Astrologers—Rhea Wolf, Gretchen Lawlor, Heather Roan Robbins, Sandra Pastorius, Beate Metz, Susan Levitt and Mooncat—offer clarifying summations of cosmic events and how they may affect our challenges and opportunities in the year ahead.

Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink .



EQUINOX Lunar Calendar

Blue and Silver silk-screened Moon Phase design Calendar/Poster includes New Moons, Full Moons, Solstices, Equinoxes and Eclipses.

The EQUINOX Lunar Calendar shows the phase of the moon for every night of the year. The last moon shown in each month (for 24:00 GMT on the last day) is pictured again at the top of the next month's column (for 00:00 GMT on the first).

The Moon Calendar works anywhere in the world.
Due to the changing profile of the Moon, there are separate versions for Northern and Southern Hemisphere). To find the exact times of Full Moons and other phenomena, you must allow for the time zone you are in. Like an astrological ephemeris, all the times on this calendar are GMT [Greenwich Mean Time] aka Universal Time.

In a tropical month the Moon transits all 12 signs: 

The Moon always moves forward through the zodiac, spending a bit more than two whole days in each sign. This lunar cycle includes all 12 signs in one 'tropical month' of on average, 27.3216 days!

The Calendar Month versus the Synodic Month?

The average time from one Full Moon to the next is 29.5306 days (a "synodic month") — which is about one day less than the average calendar month, and this is why the pattern on the calendar slopes upward to the right. This pattern continues if you put calendars for successive years side-by-side.

Moon Phases and Life on Earth:

Many traditional festivals are scheduled using the phases of the Moon. The tidal pattern of the sea is linked to the Lunar phases. Some gardeners, farmers, and others working closely with nature consider that the moon's phase affects the growth of plants. Many people believe that it has a close connection with patterns of human behaviour. 

Moon Calendar Hanger

Stylish brushed aluminium pair of hangers custom made to fit the Equinox Moon Calendar.

Moon Fridge Magnet Card

Convenient fridge magnet showing the Moon Phases throughout 2016. The magnet comes is mounted on a card with information on the back and the interior is left blank for a personal greeting. 

More stuff is coming, so keep an eye out for the next posting!

Don't forget! WE HAVE MOVED!!!!!

We are NOW located at: 1307 NE 45th St., between Brooklyn Ave NE and University Way NE, next to the Neptune Theatre, in the University District.


Anonymous said…
Amazing post! I'm interested in the astro-calendars and horoscope and I want to know more about it! That's why I've found . If you believe in horoscope you should read it and you will know more about your love!) Enjoy)

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