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By Orryelle Defenestrate Bascule

London: Fulgur Limited, 2015. This edition is limited to 640 copies only a Fine Premium Cloth Copy in Dust Jacket.

The fourth volume of the "Tela Quadrivium " Series. Printed in full color on Special Papers and bound in white cloth with white dust jacket in keeping with the theme of the "White" volume.
List Price: $69.95

Distillatio is the final volume in Orryelle’s four-fold Alchymic book-web The Tela Quadrivium. For eight years Orryelle worked only in black and white (with touches of gold and silver) for the previous volumes in the series, but in the last few years he has been exploring the alchemy of Colour in diverse media for this culminating volume.

Distillatio explores the Colour phase of Alchemy, the ‘Cauda Pavonis’ or Peacock’s Tail, and also the related Albedo or White phase. This purified essence splits into a vivid spectrum of colours.

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The book seeks out the alchemy of colour in a diverse array of media, from semi-digital (incorporating photography by the artist) and gouache to large oils on canvas with gold, silver and copper leaf, also employing egg tempera for the Renaissance Misch-technique, including the artist’s own new spin on the method using peacock-egg tempera to reify an alchemical symbol with potent results.

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Each volume of the Tela Quadrivium series connects into a multi-directional and spiraling narrative of images, symbols and text to form a greater whole which has now been distilled into completion. As the culminating volume of the Tela Quadrivium, Distillatio provides the reader with the final pieces in an intricate esoteric puzzle, bringing together the book-web entire.


Cultivating the Green Path
Selections from the Viridis Genii Symposium
Edited by Catamara Rosarium, and Jenn Zahrt, PhD
Publisher, Rubedo Press
Softcover , 6 x 9
Illustrated, b&w, 150 pp.
List Price: $23.95

VERDANT GNOSIS is a poetic rendering of the Latin expression, Viridis Geniii, which refers to the collective spiritual intelligence of our botanical environment. Viridis means ‘green, verdant, growing’—all that is lush and nourishing; while genii is the origin of the words ‘genius’ and ‘genie’—the spirit, daemon, or guiding intelligence of an entity. Viridis Genii—the verdant gnosis—is thus the spiritual path of working with the intelligence of living nature.

Within this volume you will find a selection of international authorities on the Green Way, ranging from professional plant alchemists, shamanic herb-masters, to bioregional animists. Herein you will learn the ways in which you can communicate deeply with the mysterious intelligence of the plant kingdom, breaking down the barriers of anthropocentric thinking that separate humanity from nature.

Verdant Gnosis: Cultivating the Green Path presents selected articles from the inaugural Viridis Genii Symposium, which was held at the Still Meadow Retreat Center in Damascus, Oregon (Friday 31 July—Sunday 2 August, 2015). For more information on the symposium, its featured presenters, and workshops, please visit the Viridis Genii Symposium website.

Table of Contents

Catamara Rosarium and Jenn Zahrt, PhD

Green Gold: Alchemy in the Plant Realm
Robert Allen Bartlett

The Genius in the Bottle: Bioregional Animism and the Viridis Genii
Marcus McCoy

Plant Communication: Two Relatively Simple Approaches
Sean Croke

The Wisdom of the Trees
Julie Charette Nunn

Benedicaria: The Blessing Way of Southern Italian Folk Woman
Gail Faith Edwards

Um Clarão nas Matas: Working with Plant Spirits in Brazilian Quimbanda
Jesse Hathaway Diaz

Dream Grass
Ryan Wazka

Twenty-First Century Visionary Medicine Woman
Shonagh Home

The Rose in Sensorium
Catamara Rosarium

About the Editors/Creators:

Catamara Rosarium is a master herbalist, ritual artist, botanical alchemist, and proprietor of Rosarium Blends. Her extensive herbal experience is motivated by a deep attraction to plants, scents, and how they impact the senses. She has undertaken numerous unique training programs, including the Hermit’s Grove Master Herbalism Program (Paul Beyerl), the Herbal Kingdom work at the Spagyrics Institute of Practical Alchemy (Robert Bartlett), Hoodoo and Rootwork (Catherine Yronwode), and the Arte of the Wortcunning Incense Tradition (Leon Reed). For the past seven years, Catamara has co-organised the Esoteric Book Conference, and is the founder and convenor of the Viridis Genii Symposium. She has previously appeared in Sorita D’Este’s Hekate anthology, Her Sacred Fires (2010). More information on Catamara’s herbal work can be found on the Rosarium Blends website.

Jenn Zahrt holds a PhD in German literature and film from the University of California, Berkeley. Zahrt is a professional astrologer, writer, and an established editor of esoteric scholarship, including titles for Rubedo Press, Sophia Centre Press, Three Hands Press, and the journals Culture and Cosmos, CLAVIS, and Diaphany. Her trek on the green path began in November 2010, during a shamanic drumming ceremony in Marin County, California. In 2014 she spent three months living in the Cape Floral Region in South Africa, volunteering at a local organic farm and absorbing wisdom of the bioregion shared with her by amaPondo and Swazi sangomas, both in Cape Town and in their homesteads in the Transkei. She currently lives in Seattle.


The Master of Horror's Influence on Modern Occultism
By John L Steadman
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Weiser Books (September 1, 2015)
List Price: $22.95

Explore Lovecraft's Deep Connections to the Dark Arts~

Modern practicing occultists have argued that renowned horror writer H. P. Lovecraft was in possession of in-depth knowledge of black magick. Literary scholars claim that he was a master of his genre and craft, and his findings are purely psychological, nothing more. Was Lovecraft a practitioner of the dark arts himself? Was he privileged to knowledge that cannot be otherwise explained?

Weaving the life story of Lovecraft in and out of an analysis of various modern magickal systems, scholar John L. Steadman has found direct and concrete examples that demonstrate that Lovecraft's works and specifically his Cthulhu Mythos and his creation of the Necronomicon are a legitimate basis for a working magickal system.

Whether you believe Lovecraft had supernatural powers or not, no one can argue against Lovecraft's profound influence on many modern black arts and the darker currents of western occultism.


By Robert M. Place
Hermes Publishing, 2015
79 card Tarot Deck
List Price: $30.00

Born out of the mystical vision of artist Robert M. Place, The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed is a full 79 card Tarot deck that demonstrates the close link between alchemical symbolism and traditional Tarot imagery and illustrates that the Tarot, like the alchemical quest, is designed to lead one to the gold of inner wisdom. One of the most beautiful and sought after modern Tarot decks, the out of print first edition Alchemical Tarot has sold at auction for over $2,000. Now it is back in print at an affordable price.

The fourth edition of The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed is a digitally redesigned version of the original with improvements in the drawings, reproportioned so that the art is more prominent, and colored with transparent colors on a rich antique paper background, like antique alchemical illustrations. The cards are 4.75 x 2.75 and come in a tuck box. They are printed on heavy card stock with a durable finish and die-cut edges. The deck also includes the original Lovers card that was censored in the first publication along with the one that was first published.

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The 4th Edition has additional alchemical symbols added, such as the symbols for the alchemical operations correlated with each trump card, and a new card back. Each card in the fourth edition of The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed is beautifully drawn and captures the enigmatic symbols of alchemy that are natural vehicles for communication with the unconscious mind. It can be used by Tarot readers at any level.


By Robert M. Place
Hermes Publishing, 2015
Semi-Traditional Lenormand Deck (has Playing Card images inside the Lenormand Card images)
List Price:$20.00

The NY Lenormand is a recreation of an historic Lenormand oracle in two versions: one with traditional playing card correlations and one with the equivalent Tarot cards.

From the creator, Robert M. Place~
The inspiration for this deck came when I bought an original copy of The Mystic Cards of Fortune, a Lenormand oracle deck that was published by McLoughlin, in New York, in 1882. These cards were based on one of the oldest German Lenormand decks, the Hoffmann and Kroppenstedt cards, published in Berlin, in 1854. Each card was redrawn but followed the original closely with some changes. For example, the Ship card depicts an American brig flying the American Flag instead of a German ship.

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My copy has the line drawings without color (which would have been hand painted) and the box at the top, meant to depict a playing card, was left blank. I decided to reproduce the deck in its colored version and to add cards at the top. The coloring is transparent as the original watercoloring would have been. I made two versions of the deck, one with a 19th century style playing card on each (designed by me) and one with the equivalent Waite Smith card on the top.

The Waite Smith cards that I have included are the black and white line drawing for the pips and royal cards that are the equivalent of the original playing cards with French suit symbols. These were first published in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, by A. E. Waite, in 1910, and I have used them before in my book, The Tarot: History, Symbolism, and Divination. The Waite Smith cards offer a figurative image designed for divination and provide one interpretation for the cards included with each image. The Waite Smith interpretation is rooted in French occultism and the teachings for the British occult society, the Golden Dawn, and are not necessary the same as the German associations for these cards. At times they offer a pertinent comment on the image and at times they seem to be going in a different direction. However I have also found that the playing cards originally included with each Lenormand subject do not always seem to be in harmony with the image. I offer this deck with either the Waite Smith cards or the French/German playing cards included so that the associations may be observed and studied, but also, to further the divinatory possibilities.

The cards are printed on an off white paper with square edges and a blank back, as was the original. They measure two and a half inches by three and a half inches, and come in a white linen drawstring pouch.”




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