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Edge Of The Circle Books Is Pleased
to Present These New Titles

Collected Works (Unabridged)
By Gary St. M. Nottingham
Series: Foundations of Practical Sorcery
Hardcover: 848 pages
Publisher: Avalonia; Unabridged edition (March 20, 2015)
List Price: $95.00

A seven volume set of magical treatises, presented in this Collected Works, unabridged, being:

Vol. I - Liber Noctis
(A Handbook of the Sorcerous Arte)
Liber Noctis explores the attitudes, training and preparation required for success in ritual, and, as the title suggests, does not shy away from the 'darker' aspects of magic. Practical, experiential, lucid and non-judgmental, this book lays the groundwork for the successful study and practice of sorcery in the modern world.

Vol. II - Ars Salomonis
(Being of that Hidden Arte of Solomon the King)
Ars Salomonis is a practical manual for working with the talismanic figures found in the Key of Solomon, the most significant of all grimoires. Including two methods for empowering and activating the planetary pentacles, the author makes this vital work safely accessible to beginners. It is an ideal entranceway into the grimoire tradition.

Vol. III - Ars Geomantica
(Being an account and rendition of the Arte of Geomantic Divination and Magic)
Ars Geomantica explores the medieval system of Geomancy, one of the simplest and most practical of the divinatory arts. The inclusion of detailed instructions on the creation of geomantic staves, elemental fluid condensers, and talismanic construction and consecration make this work a superb introduction to the extensive assortment of magical and divinatory principles.

Vol. IV - Ars Theurgia Goetia
(Being an account and rendition of the arte and praxis of the conjuration of some of the spirits of Solomon)
Ars Theurgia Goetia presents a precise and practical guide to working with the spirits of this neglected text from the Solomonic grimoire cycle, the Theurgia-Goetia, giving the full seals of the spirits for the first time. The complete ritual sequence of preparation, conjuration, and license to depart is lucidly demonstrated, making this work suitable for both the beginner and the experienced practitioner.

Vol. V - Otz Chim
(The Tree of Life) Otz Chim is a practical exploration of the magic of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the glyph that concentrates the essence of magic and mysticism within the Western Mystery Tradition. This book focuses on lesser-known aspects such as the angels associated with the paths, their seals, and invocations and includes the previously unavailable Massa Aborum Vitae.

Vol. VI - Ars Speculum
(Being an instruction on the arte of using mirrors and shewstones in magic)
Ars Speculum is a concise and practical work on the use of mirrors and shewstones in magic. In it the author explores skrying and working with the four elements of air, fire, water and earth - both with elemental condensers and different elemental creatures. Other techniques include contacting other levels of being, the conjuration of spirits, binding and ligature, and healing and protection.

Vol. VII - Liber Terriblis
(Being an instruction on the seventy-two spirits of the Goetia)
Liber Terriblis is a practical study of how to work with the seventy-two spirits of the infamous seventeenth-century Grimoire, the Goetia. It also explores the vital and often neglected use of the seventy-two binding angels of the Great Name of God, the Schemhamphorasch. This volume will be of value to all levels of students and practitioners of the grimoire traditions, being based upon the work of a small group of occultists who have explored it in practice.

Individual Paperback Volumes:

(A Handbook of the Sorcerous Arte)
By Gary St. M. Nottingham
Paperback:178 pages, March 2015.
List Price $24.99

Liber Noctis is a practical and experiential handbook of the Sorcerous arte by English alchemist and sorceror Gary Nottingham. It explores the attitudes, training and preparation required for success in ritual, and as the title suggests, does not shy away from the ‘darker’ aspects of magic.

Essential components of successful ritual such as the construction and empowering of magical tools, the hallowing of the compass points, protection, ritual timing and use of divination are all covered in depth, along with the use of plants through elemental condensers and the creation of magical servants. The benefits of planetary energies, and their use in sigils, together with the fixed stars and Psalms, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Middle Pillar, as well as an introduction to the use of Geomancy all add to the wide spectrum of material integrated into this manual of practice.

The use of curses, binding, summoning the dead and spirits of the deep are often perceived as being negative, but are elucidated by the author without judgement to demonstrate the arsenal of practices available to the modern sorceror and magical practitioner. Both necromancy and the evocation of Goetic spirits are considered, with examples of the author’s own experiences of these artes. This comprehensive book provides an excellent introduction to the essentials of ritual magic.

Liber Noctis explores the attitudes, training and preparation required for success in ritual, and, as the title suggests, does not shy away from the ‘darker’ aspects of magic. Practical, experiential, lucid and non-judgmental, this book lays the groundwork for the successful study and practice of sorcery in the modern world.


(Being of that Hidden Arte of Solomon the King)
By Gary St. Michael Nottingham
Paperback: 92 pages, March 2015.
List Price: $18.99

Ars Salomonis is a practical manual for working with the talismanic figures found in the Key of Solomon, the most significant of all grimoires. The Key of Solomon has a unique place in the history of magic, having heavily influenced the development of various traditions including ceremonial magic and Wicca.

English alchemist and sorceror Gary Nottingham includes the planetary pentacles and sigils of the associated planetary spirits for the first time, both vital to their successful use in sorcery. The author describes two methods for empowering and activating the planetary pentacles: first a simple practice using the Kabbalistic Middle Pillar exercise, followed by a more traditional and complex form involving the conjuration of the spirits into a crystal shewstone. In so doing he makes this vital work safely accessible to beginners as an ideal entranceway into the grimoire tradition.

Including a full description of all necessary and appropriate preparations, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, the Middle Pillar, altar construction and the consecration, use and deactivation of the pentacles, this work provides a practical guide to the talismanic magic of the Key of Solomon suitable for all levels of practitioners.


(Being an account and rendition of the Arte of Geomantic Divination and Magic)
By Gary St. Michael Nottingham
Paperback: 68 pages, March 2015.
List Price: $14.99

Ars Geomantica explores the medieval system of Geomancy, one of the simplest and most practical of the divinatory arts, and one which crossed the boundaries of class and station due to its effectiveness. The sixteen symbols, their meanings and how to read them are lucidly demonstrated in a concise and lucid style.

Alchemist and sorceror Gary Nottingham goes far beyond simply providing a thorough exposition of the techniques and interpretations of Geomantic symbols in this work. He demonstrates their applications for working with the elemental energies of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, as well as their application in talismanic work and use as symbolic doorways for accessing the subtle realms.

The inclusion of detailed instructions for the creation of geomantic staves, elemental fluid condensers, and talismanic construction and consecration make this work a superb introduction of wide scope to the principles of magic and divination.


(Being an account and rendition of the arte and praxis
of the conjuration of some of the spirits of Solomon)
By Gary St. Michael Nottingham
Paperback: 176 pages, March 2015.
List Price: $24.99

In Ars Theurgia Goetia, English alchemist and sorceror Gary Nottingham presents a precise and practical guide to working with the versatile spirits and wandering princes of the Theurgia Goetia, part of the seventeenth century Lemegeton, one of the most influential and significant of all grimoires. The full seals of the spirits are given for the first time, plus material from the Steganographia of the Renaissance mage Abbot Trithemius, an earlier work which heavily influenced the formation of this grimoire.

Unlike many grimoires, the Theurgia Goetia heavily stresses the direction and conjuration time at which each spirit must be summoned. This is explained using the complex image known as the Compass Rose, which shows the hierarchy of the spirits and the thirty-two directions of their mansions. This work thus offers practitioners unique access in both time and space to the spirits and wandering princes of the Theurgia Goetia.

The author includes detailed instructions on the magical tools needed for working with the spirits, including consecrations, the construction of the magic circle and triangle, and the preparation of the altar. The full ritual sequence of preparation, conjurations and license to depart is lucidly demonstrated, making this work suitable for both the beginner and the experienced practitioner.


(The Tree of Life)
By Gary St. Michael Nottingham
Paperback: 128 pages, March 2015.
List Price: $18.99

Otz Chim is a practical exploration of the magic of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the glyph which concentrates the essence of magic and mysticism within the Western Mystery Tradition. English alchemist and sorceror Gary Nottingham introduces the symbolism and imagery of the ten Sephiroth and twenty-two paths of the Tree, including their appropriate colours, scents and tools. Lesser-known aspects of the Tree are also included, such as the angels associated with the paths, their seals and invocations.

This is a manual of practical Kabbalah, and included in the rites are the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, the Middle Pillar exercise, the Malkuth Temple, and the Massa Aborum Vitae (The Mass of the Tree of Life), a previously unavailable rite based on the aspects of the Tree and used by the author’s ritual magic group.

The author provides an ideal introduction to practical Kabbalah that will appeal to students and practitioners of ceremonial magic, the grimoires and western esotericism.


By Gary St. Michael Nottingham
Paperback: 48 pages, March 2015.
List Price: $14.99
(Being an instruction on the arte of using mirrors and shewstones in magic)

Ars Speculum is a concise and practical work on the use of mirrors in magic. Mirrors and reflections have always fascinated mankind, and are found throughout folklore, mythology and literature. English alchemist and sorceror Gary Nottingham guides the reader through the development of the clairvoyant faculty to its use for skrying in mirrors as well as crystal shewstones.

The author travels far beyond the art of skrying to explore the diverse range of magical practices using mirrors. These include working with the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, both through elemental condensers and different elemental creatures. Other techniques within this gem of practical magic are contacting other levels of being, the conjuration of spirits, binding and ligature, the appropriate use of herbs use, and creating powerful tools for healing and protection. The construction and consecration of a magic mirror are detailed, along with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Certain spiritual beings particularly associated with mirror magic are included in this primer, specifically the archangel Gabriel and the elemental beings Sylphs, Salamanders, Undines and Gnomes. With his lucid and eminently practical style, the author has shone a light ensuring that magical practitioners of any level no longer need to stare ‘through a glass darkly’.


By Gary St. Michael Nottingham
Paperback: 200 pages, March 2015.
List Price: $24.99

Liber Terribilis is a practical introduction to working with the seventy-two spirits of the infamous seventeenth century grimoire, the Goetia. This work draws upon the experiences of a small group of occultists who have explored the methods of conjuration given in the grimoires. English alchemist and sorceror Gary Nottingham gives clear and workable instructions to allow the reader to explore and work with these spirits – which tradition declares King Solomon bound to his will, and who helped to build the great Temple of Solomon.

The author argues convincingly that these spirits are real and will attend on the will of the conjuror so far as their office allows them to do so. He also explores the vital and often neglected use of the seventy-two angels of the Great Name of God, the Schemhamphorasch, which assist in the binding of the spirits and also have their own offices to perform. This work allows the conjuror to interact with both the Goetic spirits and their controlling angels.

The tools of the arte and their consecration, the preparation required of the serious practitioner, and the full process of Goetic conjuration are all covered, together with the seals of the spirits and angels, their appropriate colours and fragrances. This excellent volume will be of value to all levels of students and practitioners of the grimoire traditions.



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