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The Hidden Temple of the Blackened Serpent
( Opus IV, Esoteric Publication )
Edited by Edgar Kerval
Various authors & artists, including: S. Ben Qayin, Louie Martinié, Carlos Montenegro and Aion 131.

Publisher: Transmutation Publishing, 2014. First Edition Hardcover. 8vo. vi + 208pp. Full black leather illustrated and titled in metallic crimson, with raised bands to spine, thick black endpages, silk page marker.
Edition limited to 111 hand-numbered copies.
List Price: $152.95

Within the darkness of the Abyss, lies the whispered chant of the Blackened Serpent…”

Through the sacrifice of blood and libations, the Blackened Serpent is called forth to guide the Initiate deep within themselves, to descend into the spiraling labyrinths of primordial sub-consciousness only discovered within the power zones of Chaos itself. The Serpent speaks of ancient wisdom through its writhing dance of ancestral rites…rites laced with carnal lust and shattered sanity.

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This transcendence of limitation, connects the Black Magician with the concealed regions of the Astral Plane, where the psyche is transformed into a representation of the Blackened Serpent itself, thus self sustaining through the creation of a universe in the deepest recesses of the human mind. At the core of this sinister process, the Black Magician begins to crystallize and perceive his own true essence, which is in itself, the center of the inextinguishable Black Flame of Chaos manifest…

Click to enlarge.

It is by true Intent alone, that the Initiate is able to traverse the hardened and lonesome path of illumination that lies in still darkness. It is by sheer determination and want of truth that empowers the Black Magician to explore the inner realms of self, which lie inside the mind and spirit.

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Within this dark anthology, one will find a collection of the many teachings of the Blackened Serpent, as can only be told by true practitioners of the LHP. These teachings take many forms, each unique to the Black Magician revealing their own hard and personal lesson…on the winding path of Midnight’s Serpent…

The Blackened Serpent lies coiled inside, ready to strike with deadly accuracy; the ignorance of the Initiate who wanders careless. If one is to walk this perilous path, it is best done with a sharp intuition and mind alike. For if this warning is not headed; Midnight’s Serpent will most certainly consume one from within…”

The Pieces And Authors Include:

“Nepsis” by, Tau Palamas ~

“The Spiritually of Nothing in the Voids Womb” by, Angela Edwards ~

“A Hieroglyphic Exegesis of the Gholem Gnozis” by, Sean Woodward ~

“The Rites of Wrath” by, S. Ben Qayin ~

“The Ybte Myth Cycle” by, Luckaz Grochocki ~

“The Path of a New Orleans Loa: Resurrection in Remembrance” by, Louie Martinié ~

“Golachab and Gasheklah: Severity and Mercy In Extremis” by, Cort Williams ~

“Rite of the Abyss” by, Chaos Therion ~

“The Quimbanda Goetia” by, Carlos Montenegro ~

“Honoring The Forgotten Ones Of Panphage” by, Aion 131 ~

With Visual Art By:

Hagen Von Tulien

Anderson Lucifero

Claudio Cesar Carvalho

Barry James Lent

Edgar Kerval

Sean Woodward

Tau Palamas


The Inward Journey, Books II & III
By J. Daniel Gunther
Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Ibis Press (October 1, 2014)
List Price: $40.00

A guide to the Great Work, Initiation, and Spiritual Evolution as taught by Aleister Crowley
Offers insights into the oral instructions of the modern A.’.A.’.
An examination of the more advanced Mysteries of Initiation.
The long awaited follow-up to the author’s ground breaking first book, Initiation in the Aeon of the Child.

In this companion to Initiation in the Aeon of the Child, author J. Daniel Gunther provides detailed and cohesive analysis of the two major spiritual crises in the career of the aspirant in the Aeon of the Child—the Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel and the Crossing the Abyss between the divine realms and the human. Expounding on the sublime Formulas of Initiation confronting those who would aspire to these Mysteries, the author draws deeply from Jungian psychology, world mythology and religion, and the doctrines of the classic Mystery traditions, explaining how the revelations of Thelema apply to the individual.

In 1904, The Book of the Law declared the advent of a new period in the course of human history—the Aeon of Horus or Aeon of the Child. The doctrine codified in the Book of the Law, and numerous other Holy Books, is known as Thelema (a Greek word meaning “Will”). Aleister Crowley was revealed as the Prophet of the New Aeon.

The Angel & The Abyss is written in clear, precise language that will aid those students who seek to navigate the difficult terrain of this advanced stage of the Spiritual quest. More knowledgeable students will find tantalizing clues to serve as guideposts and eventual confirmations of their direct experience.

The book offers copious illustrations (some in full color) and numerous diagrams. It features detailed references that encompass ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, the Old and New Testaments, the Apocrypha, Greek Philosophy, Alchemy, Hermetic Qabalah, and Tarot, as well as the writings of Carl Jung, Eric Neumann. and Aleister Crowley.

About the Author
J. Daniel Gunther is a life-long student of esotericism, mythology, and religion. For over thirty years a member of A∴A∴, the teaching Order established by Aleister Crowley, he is considered one of the foremost authorities in the field, and serves on the editorial board of The Equinox, and as a consultant and advisor for numerous occult publications. He is the author of the Ibis Press title, Initiation in the Aeon of the Child, now available in paperback, and has lectured worldwide on the doctrines of Thelema.


DEUSA Enterprises
By Link

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Since 2010, this unique calendar project has shared photos, news clips and quotes from Gerald B. Gardner (GBG), Doreen Valiente, Patricia Crowther, Eleanor Bone, Monique Wilson, Lois Bourne, Barbara Vickers, Edith Woodford-Grimes and others, covering over six decades of Craft history.

As something special for 2015 you may find some photos you have not seen before. None of the images repeat photos or articles used in previous GBG "Year and a Day" Calendars.

This year includes Edith Woodford-Grimes, the witch who first introduced Gerald Gardner to the Coven into which he was initiated. Dafo, a nickname which Gerald used fondly for Edith, was part of the Rosicrucian Theatre group near the New Forest, where Gerald made many discoveries that eventually brought him into the "Witch Cult." As Dafo touched Gerald's life, she in turn has also touched all of our lives too, and for that we honor her!

Special thanks to Philip Heselton for making several photos of Dafo and Gerald available, and to the Doreen Valiente Foundation as well for their support of this calendar project.

Hundreds of Pagan Feast Days are included from cultures around the world to help tailor your own rituals, learn more about specific deities, or to better sense the unique energies of that day. Full and New Moons are also shown, including the Zodiac sign where the Moon is for that day.

Image Descriptions
2015 shows images never used in previous year's calendars before.

The 2015 calendar includes:

- Gerald working with great care and precision on something mysterious.

- Doreen Valiente with her Tarot cards.

- Photos of Edith Woodford-Grimes (Dafo) at various phases in her life.

- Doreen wearing Dorothy Clutterbuck’s pentagram necklace.

- Gerald in full Scottish Regalia (and Kilt!)

- Doreen outdoors, communing with Mother Nature

....and other images, quotes and photos!


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