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Archaeological Museum in Herakleion. 
Statue of Isis-Persephone holding a sistrum. 
Temple of the Egyptian gods, Gortyn. Roman period 
( 180-190 A.C.) Wolfgang Sauber.

Mabon: Autumn Equinox - September 21st-23rd

WELCOME to the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.
Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

We are located at: 701 E. Pike St, corner of Boylston Ave., just two blocks west of Broadway, on Capitol Hill. Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store.

Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 9pm.
Call: 206-PAN-1999

We are also now on Facebook:
Become a Fan; post your event on the discussion page!

REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays,
Saturdays, and Sundays!





- by George Sieg

New evidence of Adolf Hitler's interest in magic and the occult has been found by way of a little-known copy of a book that he marked in the margins and kept in his private library. Dr. George Sieg explores the significance of this clue that Hitler's interest in the occult was not exclusively oriented toward Aryosophical race-theories, but rather that Hitler engaged with ideas about practical magic and Satanic methods that were part of an inter-war model of magic presented by German professor Dr. Ernst Schertel in 1923.

The discovery of Hitler's heavily marked and well-read copy of Schertel's book, *Magic: History, Theory, Practice*, may recover ideas previously considered only in crank speculation or farcical fantasy and revive serious inquiry into Hitler's real perspective on magic and the occult.

Dr. Sieg's lecture presents that five years ago, translators working for a publisher called "Catalog of the Universal Mind" produced a barely adequate English translation of *Magic: History, Theory, Practice*, enabling researcher J.H. Kelley to begin to address Hitler's reception of Schertel's work. Schertel, as a researcher of dance, sadomasochism, and the occult, utilized a technical approach to magic that relied heavily on physicality and carnal ecstasy, and Hitler's interest in his book suggests a new
perspective on the role of magical and occult thought in the rise and development of the Third Reich. Despite the potential impact of this avenue of research, with the exception of an Amazon review by Dr. Michael Aquino, this text has remained unremarked within the esoteric and occult communities, as well as the academic community which studies them.

Building on the research of his mentor, the late Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke who authored *The Occult Roots of Nazism* and became the world expert on inter-war German occultism and its peripheral influence on the Third Reich, Dr. Sieg continues to explore this connection. In his lecture, Dr. Sieg will introduce the background and setting of Schertel's work as well as compare and contrast its contents to other previously known esoteric influences on Hitler's world-view, further examining Schertel's
approach with reference to Aryosophical currents of the period. Dr. Sieg will also identify possible influences on Schertel's work, and compare its esoteric and occult significance to more widely known figures such as C.G. Jung, Julius Evola, Ludwig Klages, and Alfred Schuler. Finally, he will address Schertel's possible contribution to contemporary esoteric practice
in relation to systems influenced by these figures, such as neo-Gnostic, Traditionalist, and "cosmic" gnostic world views, as well as Left-Hand Path approaches such as that of Dr. Aquino, the only major practitioner to publicly comment on the Schertel's text so far. In conclusion, he will suggest some aspects that individual practitioners may wish to consider in experimentation with the perspectives and techniques which Schertel describes and advocates.

Dr. George J. Sieg is a professor of humanities and social sciences, teaching religion, history, philosophy, and psychology at the University of New Mexico. He holds one of the world's rare doctorates in Esotericism, awarded by the University of Exeter Center for the Study of Esotericism in 2010 for his doctoral thesis on occult war. He received his Master's degree in 2006 in the Study of Religion from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, specializing in Zoroastrianism and mysticism, with a thesis on themes of dualism and demonization in Zoroastrian tradition. Dr. Sieg has published extensive articles on
subjects including occult war, Nietzsche, the Left-Hand Path, and the Sinister Tradition, and he lectures regularly at a variety of conferences.

This is his second pre-EBC lecture at Edge of the Circle Books.

This lecture is free and open to the public. It will begin at 7:00pm, with time for questions and discussions thereafter.




Kook Teflon a Seattle-based doll maker & will be teaching a class about spirit dolls and the power they can hold for manifestations, mementos for loved ones passed and protection or as altar pieces.

Erzulie will be our spirit focus in September! I also wanna make lil altar boxes to replicate this image so gather gold trinkets, gold teeth, gold bones, gold glittery everything to include, Champagne must be savored , roses n mucho femme empowerment!

$45 per student (+ $10 for supplies)

Pre-Pay through Paypal

Suggested items to bring-
fabric (old piece of clothing you cherish)
cemetery dirt
needle n thread

(Also Edge has a great selection of special hoodoo oils and candles to choose from )

I will bring additional scraps n supply the doll form, unless you have one already (please lemme know)

Space is limited

$45.00 USD

Note: all prices are subject to change without notice.


The Practice of English Folk Magic, 1550-1900
by Jim Baker , David Rankine (Foreword)
Paperback: 556 pages
Publisher: Avalonia (July 11, 2014)
List Price: $39.99


"The desire to understand magic in any specific cultural context is an intellectual puzzle not only for scholars but believers."- Jim Baker

The Cunning Man's Handbook is a monumental work of phenomenal scope and scholarship,a comprehensive and challenging exploration of the practices and beliefs of Cunning Folk in Britain and America between 1550-1900, their heyday.

Exploring the social and theological milieu of the period, the author demonstrates the essentially Christian nature of Cunning practices, presenting an illuminating discourse on the concept of magic and its perceived methodologies. Operating at the boundaries of the law and society, between medicine and magic, Cunning men and women occupied a liminal role as healers, charmers and magicians.

Drawing from a huge range of sources, the range of services offered by Cunning Folk is thoroughly expounded, from divination through astrology and geomancy to dream interpretation, from charms, spells and curses to conjurations and treasure hunting. As author Jim Baker states, "The focus here is on the practice of folk magic and divination for access to the preternatural".

The evolution of Cunning practices as a living tradition over a three hundred and fifty year span is explored in depth, illustrating their practical and contemporary nature. The analogous practices of African-American conjure and root work are also discussed and offer insights into oral fragments of Cunning practices lost to history, presenting a compelling example of how modernity modifies tradition. Referencing dozens of Cunning men and women and their practices, this work offers a unique glimpse into magical history, and the opportunity for readers to reclaim the practical essence of Cunning Magic.


A Course in Iamblichus' Philosophy, Theology and Theurgy
By Jeffrey S. Kupperman
Paperback: 282 pages
Publisher: Avalonia (May 7, 2014)
List Price: $24.99

Living Theurgy is a masterpiece combining scholarly excellence with lucid practicality.

Theurgy ('god-working') is a combination of ritual mystical practices interwoven with philosophy and theology. It was developed by Iamblichus and other Neoplatonists inspired by the works of philosophers including Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras, and Julian the Chaldean.

Author and scholar Jeffrey Kupperman elucidates and makes accessible the core ideologies and practices of Theurgy, which evolved through more than 1000 years of Platonic philosophy and cultural transformations. Kupperman guides the reader through the contemplative and theurgical practices used by the Neoplatonists to create effective spiritual transformation in the practitioner.

Philosophia (Philosophy) as the foundation of Theurgy is explored through techniques such as lectio divina ('divine reading') contemplation and visualisation. It focuses on discussion of key concepts including virtue, wisdom, bravery, temperance, justice, evil, political philosophy, beauty and love.

Theologia (Theology) considers the One, also known as the Good, which is the source of all, through the spectrum of monotheism, polytheism and panentheism. It also explores different views regarding the nature and functions of the Demiurge, angels and daimons, and the human soul, and the practices of Theurgy, including the use of hymns and prayers.

Theourgia (Theurgy) focuses on the practices, from purification and the use of signs, symbols and tokens to talismancy and the ensouling of eikons (divine images). The work concludes with a complete guide to the Invocation of the Personal Daimon, an essential step in the theurgic process of purification and illumination in seeking the Divine. Living Theurgy is a literary psychopomp for practitioners seeking effective methods of developing their knowledge and relationship with the divine through Neoplatonic praxis. It is essential reading for all those interested in traditional forms of magical, philosophical, and religious practice, and the history of the western mysteries. "Philosophy is purifying, religion illuminating, but theurgy is uplifting."

Introduction, Jeffrey Kupperman


by Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule
Publisher: Avalonia
Publication date: 6/12/2014
Pages: 362
List Price: $28.00

From Greek Chronos and Hindu MahaKala to the feminine mysteries of Fate - from the Moirae to the Hoerae - this mythic HirStory (a union of history and herstory) explores the far reaches of time & its warp in the Web of Wyrd.

Whereas Hawking's Brief History of Time is a scientific apprehension of the subject, this tome follows Time's spiralling course through art, verse and magic, bringing us to the eternal present then offering ways to carry the ideas presented into the future through personal application :- practical ritual frameworks for using web mandalas to map time onto a spatial plane and explore different potentialities of our mutable destiny.

Included is the Arachnean Grimoire 'The Book of the Spider' and commentary.

Meet the Author:
Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule is a ChaOrder Magickian and Baphometic avatar somewhat obsessed with physical reification and Manifestation.

While s/he does enjoy shamanic and astral journeys via occasional extreme entheogens and other deep trance work, s/he is not content to just travel to other dimensions, rather intent upon bringing back aspects thereof to the physical plane.

S/he is thus constantly reburbishing hir Temple, that is the physical form seen as a malleable tool: Physical mutations as magical acts (chakra piercing and weaving, Tattoo Tarot Tantra), Visual Art (drawing, painting, photography, video, sculpture), Esoterotica, Ritual Music (violin, voice) & Performancy, Dance; and Installation/Environment Sculpting.


The Life & Times of Doreen Valiente
By Jonathan Tapsell
Publisher: Avalonia
Publication date: 5/1/2014
Pages: 128
List Price: $18.99

Ameth is the first definitive biography of Doreen Valiente (1922-1999), an English Witch who became known as 'the Mother of Modern Witchcraft'.

Based on the author's work collating her artefacts, interviewing people who knew her, reading and researching numerous personal magical documents and correspondence bequeathed by Doreen, this book gives unparalleled insight into her magical life.
Evocatively recreating the atmosphere of British Witchcraft post-1951 after the repeal of the Witchcraft Act of 1735, the author explores Doreen's magical journey, including her initiation and relationship with Gerald Gardner. We are guided on a journey from the 1950's through to the early 1970's as she worked and interacted with Charles Cardell and the Coven of Atho, Robert Cochrane and the Clan of Tubal Cain, as well as the Regency coven.

Ameth chronicles the whole of Doreen Valiente's colourful and varied life. It emphasises her fight to establish Pagan rights, and her subsequent role as one of the leading spokespersons for the pagan revival from the 1960s until her death in 1999. Through her own published books and her contribution to the work of Janet and Stewart Farrar, she has reinforced her position as one of the most significant and influential priestesses of the twentieth century. Her research to find Dorothy Clutterbuck may have saved the credibility of traditional Witchcraft, and took her to what was arguably the height of her achievements helping to shape the world's fastest growing religion - Wicca.

As an author, priestess, researcher and pagan spokeswoman, Doreen Valiente occupied a unique position in leading the resurgence of magic, perhaps best exemplified by her creation of the Wiccan Rede - "an it harm none, do what ye will". Possessed of a fiery spirit and willingness to challenge dogma in her search for truth (the meaning of Ameth, her witch name), Doreen's tireless quest serves as an example of the power of the human spirit to accomplish transformation on a major scale.

"Within Doreen's teachings, one feels she is conveying a message to all, of a gateway to the Goddess and personal enlightenment" - Jonathan Tapsell


A Reintroduction to an Ancient Egyptian Goddess
By Lesley Jackson
Publisher: Avalonia
Publication date: 5/14/2014
Pages: 312
List Price:$24.99

"Her cult, and encounters with her, was full of music, love and laughter. No stern, demanding deity, she rejoiced in her followers' happiness and many could say 'she placed joy in my heart'." - Lesley Jackson

Hathor: A Reintroduction to an Ancient Egyptian Goddess is a comprehensive and thought-provoking study of one of the most important Ancient Egyptian deities. Primarily a Cow Goddess, Hathor was multifaceted, and her importance was emphasised through the many titles and roles she held. She was the goddess of the sky, sun, love, sex, dance, music, fertility, precious metals and gemstones, as well as being Protectress of Foreign Lands, Eye Goddess, Goddess of Desire, Lady of Drunkenness, and Lady of Fragrance. Present in all aspects of life, Hathor was a goddess of childbirth, who protected her worshippers during life and offered protection on the journey into the afterlife.

Daughter of the Sun God Ra, she was linked to other cow goddesses, as well as other major deities such as Isis, Bastet and Horus. She was intimately associated with the lioness goddess Sekhmet, who was both an aspect of Hathor and a significant and powerful goddess in her own right. The Seven Hathors, a seven-fold manifestation of Hathor, predicted the destiny of newborn children and the time and manner of a person's death and were invoked in love spells and protection charms.

This extensive work provides a welcome and much-needed exploration of one of the most influential goddesses of the ancient world. It explores Hathor's different roles and titles, her associations with other deities, alter-egos and assimilations, her temples, worship, festivals and her subsequent decline in popularity towards the end of the Greco-Roman period.

Author Lesley Jackson draws on a wide range of historical sources, including magical papyri, stelae, statues, jewellery, ritual objects and archaeological evidence, employing these to reveal the captivating history and numerous functions of this mesmerizing goddess. In doing so, she succeeds in reintroducing Hathor to us as a sovereign, powerful, beautiful and lovely goddess, She 'whose Ba is powerful'.


Exorcise the Monsters Within and Unleash the Scary Side of Your Sun Sign
by Stella Hyde
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
Publication date: 9/1/2014
Pages: 112
List Price:$14.95

Everyone knows their astrological sign, but how many of us know what monsters lurk within the zodiac? You may have your suspicions: the glowing red eyes after a night on the town, an irresistible attraction to a white neck, a few lost days every month, a feeling of supernatural superiority, but what you probably don't know is that your star sign influences your evil incarnation of choice.

Let Horrorscopes explain why you are what you are, how your ruling planet forces you into evil ways, how your rising sign can mask your true monstrous reality, what you would do on a really bad day, and how you can fight your evil twin and exorcise your monster within—that is, if you really want to.

Bestselling author Stella Hyde reveals the dark side of the 12 sun signs, from Aries the Fire Demon to Pisces the Sea Wolf. For each sign the Jekyll and Hyde traits are revealed along with aspects like "Your Deadliest Sin" and how your monstrous side manifests itself at work, at home and at play.

Horrorscopes is something new under the astrology sun—fun and a bit scary!


Transformative Techniques from the Cauldron of Awen
By Kristoffer Hughes
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.
Publication date: 8/8/2014
Pages: 384
List Price: $19.99

Delve into the depths of a magical current that spans over two thousand years. The Book of Celtic Magic provides the unsurpassed power of practical magic and the transformative forces of ancient Celtica.

Druid priest Kristoffer Hughes invites you to explore the pantheon, myths, and magic of his native Wales. Discover the magical allies, the gods and goddesses, and the spirits of place that form the foundation of this vibrant tradition. Practice rituals that draw you closer to the divine energy of the trees, plants, and animals that surround you. Work with spells, conjurations, invocations, and magical tools that have been developed and refined from genuine Celtic sources. Complete with exercises and a glossary of terms, this step-by-step guide is a definitive source of authentic Celtic magic.

Meet the Author:
Kristoffer Hughes (Wales) is Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order, a Mount Haemus Scholar, and a member of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. He is a teacher, writer, workshop leader, and guest speaker at Pagan conferences, camps, and festivals throughout the United Kingdom and Europe. Hughes has also contributed to Welsh and English television and radio.


The Musings & Mischief of a Do-It-Yourself Magus
By Lon Milo DuQuette
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.
Publication date: 8/8/2014
Pages: 336
List Price: $16.99

Practical magick takes center stage in DuQuette’s (Low Magick) latest effort. He may have 40 years of practice under his belt, and 16 books to his name, but DuQuette never takes himself too seriously.

This time around, he encourages others to follow suit; he shows readers how to explore magickal rites and rituals in the context of everyday life. The esoteric scholar uses gentle, self-deprecating humor to explain why you needn’t seek the Holy Grail if you want to learn magick. A suitable cup, sword, wand, and pentacle can all be found at the bar on the corner: a bottle cap, a plastic cocktail sword, a swizzle stick, and a coaster will get you on your way. Instructions for using your new tools are clear and concise, and carry the authority of a longtime practitioner of the craft. Family photographs extend DuQuette’s homespun tone, which fans will recognize from earlier works like The Book of Ordinary Oracles, and complement his discussion of family dynamics in the magickal home.

Meet the Author:
Lon Milo DuQuette (Costa Mesa, CA) is a preeminent esoteric scholar, singer-songwriter, and recording artist. The author of sixteen critically acclaimed books on magick and the occult, DuQuette is one of the most respected and entertaining writers and lecturers in the field of Western magick. Visit him online at .


Ebenezer Sibly on the Spirit World and Magic
By Ebenezer Sibly, Introduction, Editor, John Madziarczyk
Topaz House Publications
Trade Paperback, 180 pages
Published, 2014
List Price: $14.95

Between 1784 and 1788, Ebenezer Sibly issued "A New Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology" in four parts. While parts 1-3 dealt almost purely with astrology, the fourth part consisted of a brief overview of the rest of the occult world as Sibly saw it, going into such topics as life after death, ghosts, angels,demons, heaven and hell, as well as magic in general.

"The Station of Man in the Universe" reproduces the entire fourth part of "A New and Complete Illustration", as well as including two essays from the first part that deal with Sibly's view of the esoteric universe as a whole, touching on both astrology and the hermetic conception of the elements, as well as the angelic world.

It is prefaced by an introduction by the editor that situates Sibly in his place and time, giving a glimpse into the esoteric world of the late 18th and early 19th century in Great Britain.


Ebenezer Sibly was a magician, astrologer, and physician who wanted to be taken seriously by the scientific establishment. Known for casting the horoscope of the United States, he was perhaps the last great representative of the British magical worldview of the 17th century best exemplified by astrologer William Lilly, herbalist Nicholas Culpepper, and the translator Robert Turner, among others. To the list can be added Thomas Vaughan and Elias Ashmole. Living at the end of the 18th century Sibly fought valiantly to reconcile astrology, natural magic, and herbalism with both science and mainstream medicine, and to justify it to an increasingly skeptical public. To help in the fight he enlisted Swedenborg and Mesmer. It was a losing battle. Sibly's point of view would peter out after his death, until the occultism of the 17th century ceased to be a living tradition.


A Complete Course in Magick and Witchcraft
By Lady Sable Aradia
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
Publication date: 9/1/2014
Pages: 288
List Price: $19.95

In his Book of Shadows, Gerald Gardner writes about the witch's Eightfold Way as a means of developing one's magickal abilities. In this contemporary take on the Eightfold Way, author, Witch, and High Priestess Lady Sable Aradia invites readers to explore the eight different components of evolution in witchcraft.

Using exercises, meditations, and practical magick, any serious student of witchcraft will be able to master these eight paths and improve the effectiveness of their magickal work. From spells to sex rites to trance to flying ointments, Lady Sable has created a step-by-step guide to mastering the advanced arts of witchcraft.

Editorial Reviews from the Publisher

"Lady Sable Aradia has provided a succinct, applicable and integrative guide for 'walking the 8-fold path with practical feet'. In this book, this much beloved and respected core Wiccan teaching is fleshed out and given muscle; so that all witches can hone their intent and refine their magic." --Orion Foxwood, author of The Candle and the Crossroads and The Tree of Enchantment

"Lady Sable demystifies the Eightfold path of Witchcraft, providing powerful doorways to magical awareness using time-honored methods adapted for today's modern Witch. Witches have long used the Eight paths of power to part the veil between the worlds and, through this book, Lady Sable has opened those paths anew that we may draw wisdom from the well-trod path." --Christian Day, author of The Witches' Book of the Dead


Become the Woman You Are Meant to Be
By HeatherAsh Amara, Foreword by don Miguel Ruiz
Publisher: Hierophant Publishing
Publication date: 9/1/2014
Pages: 192
List Price: $17.95

The Path to Your Inner Warrior Goddess

It's no secret that women today are juggling a lot. We now make up more than half the workforce in the United States and are busier than ever with partners, children, family and friends, often putting the needs of others ahead of our own. And if we feel overwhelmed by it all or fall short of perfection, many of us have learned to be our own worst critic rather than our own best friend.

That's where our inner warrior goddess comes in.

In Warrior Goddess Training, bestselling author HeatherAsh Amara provides the antidote to the flawed idea that you are not enough. Direct, honest, and unapologetic, Amara will show you how to release the layers of expectations to finally see yourself for the authentic, perceptive, perfect woman you really are.

If you don't love and honor yourself with every fiber of your being, if you struggle with owning your power and passion, if you could use more joyful play and simple presence in your life, then it is time for an inner revolution. It is time to claim your Warrior Goddess energy. --from the book

Drawing on the wisdom from Buddhism, Toltec wisdom, and ancient Earth-based goddess spirituality, the Warrior Goddess path includes personal stories, rituals, and exercises that will encourage and inspire you to become the true warrior goddess you are meant to be, so that no matter what life throws your way you will feel healthy and whole always. Because your Warrior Goddess self is a force that can not only improve your own life, but the lives of others around the world too.

Editorial Review from the Publisher

"HeatherAsh Amara is your coach and impeccable teacher in the life-ceremony offered in this book."
--Ana Forrest, bestselling author of Fierce Medicine and founder of Forrest Yoga

Meet the Author:

HeatherAsh Amara is the founder of Toci--the Toltec Center of Creative Intent and the author of The Toltec Path of Transformation: Embracing the Four Elements of Change. She lives in Austin, Texas and travels extensively. Visit her at .


Abraham Abulafia’s Path of the Divine Names
Translated by Avi Solomon
By Hadean In Guides to the Underworld
Hadean Press, 2014
List Price: $5.50

Amidst the rich panoply of Jewish Kabbalah, Abraham Abulafia (1240-1291) resonates the most with modern, philosophically minded seekers of direct mystical experience. Abulafia was unique amongst Jewish mystics in providing precise instructions for personal spiritual practice. Despite a severe rabbinical ban, the subterranean influence of Abulafia’s complex of ideas and meditation techniques is evident upon many central figures in the history of Religion and Philosophy, including Chaim Vital, Pico della Mirandola and Spinoza.


(p. 225, The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick: 1977-1979, ed. Don Herron, Underwood Books, 1993.)

In The Heart of Jewish Meditation: Abraham Abulafia’s Path of the Divine Names, Avi Solomon has translated three of Abulafia’s meditation texts to provide reliable access to this fascinating historical figure for modern acolytes of the heretical eternities.

Please note that Hadean Press has published the printed Guide as well as the epub edition. The Kindle edition was previously released by the translator and can be found here. The Kindle edition is an earlier release and differs from the Hadean Press editions.

Avi Solomon is a Technical Writer and Gardener engaged in faithfully translating rare and classic Jewish texts from Hebrew into English for the benefit of a wider reading public.


The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman
By Jean Shinoda Bolen
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
Publication date: 9/1/2014
Pages: 272
List Price: $22.95

In Jean Shinoda Bolen's best-selling, game-changing Goddesses in Everywoman, myths came to life in a whole new way that resonated with our own lives. Even fictional character Bridget Jones was reading that book.

Now comes Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman, a groundbreaking new book that explores the archetype of the activist. Indomitable means untamed, unsubdued. It is the one-in-herself quality in girls and women who will not be victims, no matter what. To bring the Artemis archetype to life, Dr. Bolen delves deeply into the myth of Atalanta, the famous hunter and runner in ancient Greek mythology, a mortal woman who is identified with Artemis the Greek Goddess of the Hunt and Moon. Atalanta began life abandoned and left to die because she was born a girl. She faced the Calydon Boar and drew first blood; she was the runner who would demand to be beaten in a footrace by the man who could claim her as his bride. Atalanta exemplifies the indomitable spirit in competent, courageous girls and in the women they become. This is grit, the passion and persistence to go the distance, to survive, and to succeed.

Dr. Bolen paints a vivid picture of Artemis women in current media, including Princess Merida from the animated film Brave and Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games. In all these examples and those of real-life women who grow into their Artemis spirit, she provides the means through which readers can navigate their own personal exploration to become their authentic selves. Bolen dedicates this book to women and girls who embody the archetype of Artemis, who discover her uncrushable spirit in themselves or others.

Editorial Reviews from the Publisher

"In the lineage of Joseph Campbell, Bolen weaves a powerful and vivid connection between ancient myth and our post-modern world. With her unique voice as a psychiatrist and her work inspired by her work in Jungian psychology, she gives us many models of perseverance in an age fought with challenges, especially for women and girls. Within these pages you'll find many images and stories that will lead you to the power of your own imagination."
Justine Willis Toms, Co-founder, host 'New Dimensions Radio', author of Small Pleasures: Finding Grace in a Chaotic World

"Whether or not women know it, Artemis is the archetype or goddess who can inspire us to be activists in the world. In Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman, Jean Shinoda Bolen provides ancient and modern ways to be our authentic, courageous, and passionate selves. Jean herself is an Artemis."
--Gloria Steinem

"Once again Jean Shinoda Bolen inspires us with her magical ability to connect our daily behaviors and realities with archetypal stories and patterns. Like Goddess in Every Woman, I couldn't stop reading Artemis. It left me with a much deeper understanding of what women face around the world, as well as food for thought to reflect upon the daily realities of female empowerment. I couldn't recommend it more."
-Zainab Salbi, founder of Women for Women International

"Artemis is emerging in the popular culture as a new source of strength, power and integrity. She is the protector of life, the activist who never gives up, the idealistic heroine who cannot be subdued. In this beautiful, inspiring book, Bolen shows how a woman can draw upon her courage and her passion to change the world."
Isabel Allende, author of House of the Spirits and most recently, Ripper

More reviews from the Publisher

"Once again Jean Shinoda Bolen inspires us with her magical ability to connect our daily behaviors and realities with archetypal stories and patterns. Like Goddess in Every Woman, I couldn't stop reading Artemis. It left me with a much deeper understanding of what women face around the world, as well as food for thought to reflect upon the daily realities of female empowerment. I couldn't recommend it more."
-Zainab Salbi, founder of Women for Women International

"In the lineage of Joseph Campbell, Bolen weaves a powerful and vivid connection between ancient myth and our post-modern world. With her unique voice as a psychiatrist and her work inspired by her work in Jungian psychology, she gives us many models of perseverance in an age fought with challenges, especially for women and girls. Within these pages you'll find many images and stories that will lead you to the power of your own imagination."
Justine Willis Toms, Co-founder, host 'New Dimensions Radio', author of Small Pleasures: Finding Grace in a Chaotic World

"Artemis is emerging in the popular culture as a new source of strength, power and integrity. She is the protector of life, the activist who never gives up, the idealistic heroine who cannot be subdued. In this beautiful, inspiring book, Bolen shows how a woman can draw upon her courage and her passion to change the world."
Isabel Allende, author of House of the Spirits and most recently, Ripper



Lifting the Veil between the Worlds Every Night
By Stacey Demarco, Jimmy Manton
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd; Blue Angel Publishing
Publication date: 9/8/2014
Boxed Kit, 36 cards, accompanying guidebook
List Price: $22.95

Unleash your inner monster and trick-or-treat your way into a connection with the most magical and scary night of the year: Halloween! Festivals of the Dead like Halloween have been celebrated for thousands of years across many different world cultures. They serve to honor those who have passed and to celebrate death as a natural part of life and an opportunity to welcome in a new beginning. During Samhain, the ancient Celtic festival from which Halloween originates, the veil between this world and the next was believed to be at its thinnest and so since the very beginning, Halloween has been an occasion for effective and potent divination—a chance to connect with "the other side" or get a glimpse into your future.

Now you can harness the eerie power of Halloween every night of year, encountering black cats, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, jack-o-lanterns, skeletons, mummies and characters from the Mexican Day of the Dead tradition (including Lady de los Muertos), exquisite candy skulls, and more! Each of the 36 richly illustrated cards has an accompanying meaning in the guidebook featuring rhyming couplets like those used in ancient storytelling as well as a message of divination for you based on an aspect of Halloween tradition.




Our Tarot class at The Edge of the Circle is growing, and we are having fun getting to know each other as well as getting familiar with a great system for personal development!

We meet weekly in the downstairs room at Edge of the Circle bookstore
Tuesdays, 6:45 – 8:45 PM.

My name is Kathy Eckert, and I have the honor of working with this great group of people! I’d love to hear from you, if you want to email me at, but advance registration is not really necessary. Anyone is welcome to drop in for one session, some, or all of them. Walk-ins are a delight during any of the sessions.
This class is casual and curious, and spontaneity is much more important than formality. We’d love to have you join us whenever you can. You won’t be behind, because each week is a new and exciting growth experience for all of us, whether we have been here from the start or are new to this group.

This class will extend into early December. When we finish the numeric analysis of the individual cards, we’ll go on to work on applying that knowledge in reading for ourselves and for others. We’re learning already that the human contact it brings is the greatest gift of the Tarot!

The weekly cost for this class is $7.00 per session.

Hope to see you soon!

The cost is $7.00 per session.
Walk-ins are welcome, and you may join the class at any point.


  • Every first Sunday of each month--SEATTLE CHAOS MAGIC
We meet at 3:33 pm. on the first Sunday of each month, at Edge of the Circle Books, 701 E. Pike St., Seattle, WA 98122. Anyone practicing, curious about, or otherwise interested in Chaos magic is welcome to attend.



REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!
We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.
Need Spell advice? Just ask!



Tarot readings by Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler
"I've been reading Tarot for more than thirty years, and reading professionally at the Edge for a decade. My belief is that Tarot is best used for putting you in touch with your own subconscious, allowing you to make healthy decisions that can change your life for the better. My readings tend to be rather commonsensical. They are often geared toward helping the client deal with the often self-imposed obstacles in their lives in a healthy, self –affirming way, so that they can achieve their goals and fully enjoy the fruits that life has to bring."

Please inquire about Tarot Parties, classes and other events.
Available every day except THURSDAYS-- 12:30-8.30PM.
Sundays 12:30-8:30 PM


This concludes our Newsletter for this month.
Look for us again October1st 2014!
Raven, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter



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