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New from Three Hands Press, Fulgur, and Hadean Press!


Edge Of The Circle Books Is Pleased
to Present These New Collectible Titles:

Three Hands Press Occult Monograph No. 5
Aqueous Magica and the Cult of Holy Wells
By Gemma Gary

Three Hands Press, 2014

136 pages, with illustrations by the author.

Standard Cloth Hardcover with Letterpress Dust Jacket, limited to 1,000 copies: List Price$38.50

Curse tablets, defixiones, were formed from sheets of lead, inscribed with the ill intent of the curse, and the name of the victim. The tablet would often be rolled, or folded, before being stuck through with a nail; a magical act of defigo; ‘pinning down’ or ‘fixing’ one’s will and intent upon the target of one’s work. Such an act is not isolated to malefic working, and is cognate with the ‘creative act’ and fertility; giving life unto the magician’s will. In curse magic however the act embodies the triune powers of torment, fixing and intent-enlivenment. The completed defixio was then, in further conjuration of the Underworld virtues and dark intent upon the victim, buried in the ground, or dropped into the chthonic waters of a well.

The sheer diversity of popular magic connected with sacred wells and springs is remarkable. Inseparable from the ancient cults of saints and spirits of place, the natural springs and wellheads of the British Isles have come to be famed loci of healing, divination, and spiritual revelation. Some, possessing long traditions of votive and sacrificial offerings, have assumed powers of spirit-guardianship, or, indeed, divinities of water. Other such wells are the repositories of eldritch lore connected with the cult of the skull and the Holy Head. Additionally, bodies of magical practice have developed around some wells, serving a variety of magical purposes, including blessings and curses, healings and the dispensation of prophetic power. In almost every case, there is a specific magical relation between the waters as a medium of spirit, and the surrounding features of the land.

Wisht Waters is the fifth book in the continuing Three Hands Press Occult Monographs series, and the first book for Three Hands Press by Gemma Gary. It examines both the lore of holy wells as well as their associated cultic activities, whether religious or earthed in the practical magic of folk-sorcery. While examining many a well in Britain and Ireland, much of the text focuses on the lore in the West Country and Cornwall.


By Jack & Marjorie Cameron Parsons

London: Fulgur Limited, 2014. Limited Edition.

A Fine Volume bound in premium custom blocked cloth, with special matching end papers, and printed throughout on an exquisite Italian paper. 176 pages. Colored illustrations and drawings. 4to.

List Price: $79.95

Original material was inspired by the affair between Jack Parsons and his artist lover, and magickal confidante, Marjorie Cameron. For Parsons, Cameron was a muse, a fellow student of Thelema and magick, and a primal force of nature – a woman he proclaimed as his ‘elemental’ in a letter to Aleister Crowley.

Without doubt, Marjorie Cameron fascinated, troubled and inspired Parsons. This volume not only features the original verse written by Parsons to document his feelings toward his often absent lover, but, for the first time, the images from the hand of Cameron which illustrated and echoed the most intimate of themes.

After Parsons’ death in June 1952, due to misadventure, Cameron continues the notebook in which this work was recorded. Though bereaved from the loss, Cameron offers a hand-written diary of the magical working which took place at Lamb Canyon, California in the period after the loss of Parsons. In the stark desert, her words become a raw lament as she attempted to gain contact with her Holy Guardian Angel. Throughout the Working, the memory of Jack Parsons is never far from her mind.

Partial contents:
The poems, drawings and diary entries published together for the first time; A facsimile of the original 1950s notebook with text by Jack Parsons and illustrations in watercolor by Marjorie Cameron; The texts have also been corrected and typeset alongside a second suite of pen and ink drawings that Cameron produced for the work after 1952: Contextual commentaries from William Breeze, George Pendle and Margaret Haines.


36 Faces:
The History, Astrology and Magic of the Decans
By Austin Coppock

Three Hands Press, 2014

The book is 336 pages, available for purchase in two editions:

A trade edition paperbound, limited to 1296 copies: $25.00 each

A standard hardcover with dust jacket, limited to 432 copies: $48.50 each
There is a thread that runs through over four millennia of astrological and magical history, a cord that binds ancient Egypt with the Hellenistic world, the Arabian empire, India, the European Renaissance and even touches the present. That thread is the Decans, a division of the earth’s sky into 36 sections. These 36 ‘Faces of Heaven’ are more than just a curious footnote in the history of archaeo-astronomy. First emerging in ancient Egypt, they have moved with the corpus of Hermetic material, reincarnating in the starry wisdom of culture after culture.

Ostensibly a gear in astrology’s encompassing clockworks, the Decans have also long been a key to accessing legions of spirits. For several millennia and in multiple cultures, magicians have looked at these 36 faces and seen gods, choirs of angels, hordes of demons, and a host of daimones staring back at them, each with its own unique powers. Far from going undocumented, this gallery of faces has been painted and drawn by a host of astrologers, sorcerers and artists, and they can be found on walls of Italian villas as well as in the pages of grimoires.

Weaving together astrology and magic, divination and sorcery, time and sky, this thread of esoteric history deserves more than the footnotes it has so far received. In this work, Austin Coppock follows the Decans through history, charting their trajectory through time and culture. Using the ring of keys which history provides, the 36 doors are flung open, revealing their mysteries to magician and astrologer alike. Each decan, its image, and its specific powers are examined in detail, as well as its permutations in the planetary aspects. Featuring original images specially created for each Decan by Bob Eames, 36 Faces is an invaluable resource for magicians, astrologers, and historians of magical semiotics.


By Rik Garrett

London: Fulgur Limited, 2014. Limited edition of 550 copies only. A FINE COPY.

Bound in premium Italian paper, custom end papers, and specially blocked cloth binding. Limited to 550 copies only. Large quarto, 70 pages.
Hardback Issue List Price:$69.95

The first work from Fulgur of the Chicago-based photographer, Rik Garrett, which offers a glimpse into the earthy realms of magic populated by the mysterious witches of an otherworldly landscape.

First published as a small artist's edition – now long out of print – here Garrett's EARTH MAGIC has been expanded to include a range of haunting new images, and an introduction by Pam Grossman. Produced in both standard and deluxe issues, EARTH MAGIC evokes another world through the archaic processes of analogue photography. London: Fulgur Limited, 2014.


The Sorcerer’s Treasure
A devotional work by author and Cyprianista José Leitão

(A translation with extensive commentary of the Livraria Económica edition of O Grande livro de S.Cypriano ou thesouro do feiticeiro, present in the Portuguese National Library in Lisbon — a book so dangerous it needs to be kept in chains.)

522 pages, available in both hardback and paperback editions.
Publisher: Hadean Press (May 29, 2014)

List Price: Hardcover Edition: $61.00
List Price: Paperback Edition: $25.00

In this book you will not find the evocations of glamorous demon princes or mighty and powerful angels. There is no high or low magic to be found here. This is a book of the ground, of the dirt, it is not of the mind, it is not of the spirit, it is not of the heart, it is of the viscera. It is the book of the empty stomach, of the bare feet of poverty, the broken heart, the foolish ambition, the maddening envy, the hard cock, the unwashed hands of labor, the agonizing afflicted and all the follies of the world of men. –José Leitão

“…522 pages of sheer awesome.” — Jason Miller (Inominandum)

José Leitão has taken the famed Book of Saint Cyprian from the shadows and put it within our grasp, setting ablaze the magical world.” — ConjureMan Ali

“…a magnificent compendium of Iberian folk magic containing a wealth of authentic Cyprianic lore from this important and under-appreciated part of the Western tradition.” — Jake Stratton-Kent

The book is quite simply a masterpiece endowed with St. Cyprian’s vitality. It is truly a Sorcerer’s treasure.” — Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

An extensively commented translation of one of the most complete Portuguese grimoires attributed to St Cyprian of Antioch. A labyrinthic unveiling and re-veiling throughout the history of Western Iberian Bruxaria and Feitiçaria, Catholicism, the blood war of Old and New Christians, the slave trade and the Empire.

In this work, The Book of Saint Cyprian is revealed as a manifestation of vaster and pre-existent magical and folkloric traditions and is inserted into its proper cultural background, providing the reader with the keys to its unwritten content including the Book’s connection to the vast mythical corpus of the Mouras Encantadas.

An essential read for all those interested in folk magic, be it diabolical or saintly, fey traditions, the largely unknown West Iberian magical current and its various traces and manifestations in the modern Ibero-African-American cults of Brazil.

To read this book is a sin, but who reads it will rise to the clouds without wings…

Author and translator José Leitão has done the English-speaking world a great favour by not only translating the grimoire, but also by placing it in its proper context, in this way increasing its usefulness for the modern practitioner by treating it as a magical text as well as providing clues for its usage along with an analysis of its folkloric elements. Writing in a style that will educate, instruct, and amuse you, he provides a glimpse into the magical universe of rural Portugal, and follows the continuum of the Cyprianic current through the various manifestations of The Book, finally placing it firmly in the hands of the people: the rural folk, the poor and impoverished, the hungry — people who will do anything to grasp at power, even if that means making a pact with the Devil himself.

Publisher’s Note: Because of the scope of the Introduction to this work, we did index those references within the Introduction that we felt were of relevance to the reading of the text, or to the understanding of the material presented.

American English is used throughout: American punctuation however is not strictly adhered to — this because to Erzebet’s international eye, some US standards are simply wrong. If this offends anyone, we apologise. As much as was possible, we duplicated the layout of the Livraria Ecónomica edition of The Book of St. Cyprian: The Sorcerer’s Treasure, the same edition as is translated here.

We follow in the footsteps of Bernardo Barreiro, as you will see on page 257 of this book, in releasing the paperback edition as inexpensively as possible, so as to prevent anyone from “squandering all their possessions on the purchase of The Book”.

Any errors remaining in the text are ours.

By Hadean In Trade Editions


Reflections on the Monastery of the Seven Rays
by Tau Palamas
Full Color Hardback: 200 pages
Publisher: Hadean Press

The two worlds of Voudon and Gnosis merged together within the unique expression of a religious community called the Monastery of the Seven Rays. Having a history that is as colourful and mysterious as the variety of individuals involved in this esoteric movement of the spirit, the Monastery stands apart from traditional expressions of monasticism in the East and in the West by existing on a physical plane, but more especially—by also being a psycho-spiritual locale, accessible to all who knock upon her celestial doors. For each Postulant of this Monastery, there is a particular work to do, a particular gnostic space to dwell within and a particular sacred injunction to fulfill for the betterment of the globe. Syzygy by Tau Palamas is one such legacy. It is simply the reflections of one student of this delightful and challenging superstructure of mind-stuff — The Monastery of the Seven Rays.

As interest in the growing fields of Voudon and Gnosticism increases, it becomes important to have works that explore these subjects from distinct angles and from diverse perspectives. From childhood, Tau Palamas has been steeped in traditional Christianity, and so this piece is coloured by that experience, exploring the differences and the deep connections between the Classical Monasticism of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches and the Gnostic and Magickal work of the Monastery of the Seven Rays. More than being a product of research, Syzygy is a result of experience and work within the Monastery. Lavish, full-colour illustrations by the author are further demonstration of the unity of both tradition and creativity within this supernatural cloister.

The hardback edition includes full colour artwork by the author, Tau Palamas.

Syzygy is a fascinating exploration of the Voudon-Gnostic philosophy of Michael-Paul Bertiaux and the Monastery of the Seven Rays. The author, a Gnostic Bishop, takes us through his practice and experiences, telling us about meditation and prayer, Saints and spirits, magick and healing and even death and the dead. In the second half of the book, he offers practical ritual techniques to experience what he calls ‘the Otherworld’ for oneself. I suspect students of the Voudon-Gnostic coursework will find this text an invaluable companion for their studies.”
Aaron Leitch, author of Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires and The Essential Enochian Grimoire.

Tau Palamas (Coptic Gnostic Church) is the founding Bishop of the Chapel of the Gnosis and the contemplative fraternity, the Order of the Three- fold Path. He is active in the Confraternity of Oblates of the Monastery of the Seven Rays and an Adept in the OTOA-LCN. A Freemason and Martinist for over a decade, Tau Palamas enjoys integrating diverse channels of the Western Esoteric Tradition with his writing, art and home life in the North Georgia mountains.

By Hadean In Trade Editions



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