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On the Cusp of Spring!
WELCOME to the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy. 
Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix-

WHO WE ARE: Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking.

We are located at: 701 E. Pike St, corner of Boylston Ave., just two blocks west of Broadway, on Capitol Hill.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store.

Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 9pm.
Call: 206-PAN-1999


 We are also now on Facebook:
Become a Fan; post your event on the discussion page!


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays,
Saturdays, and Sundays!






Upcoming lectures:

Practical Egyptian Theurgy: Sunday Feb. 23, 3:30-5 PM

Mechanics of Sorcery: Thursday, Feb. 27, 7-8 PM

Golden Dawn System of Initiation: Sunday, March 9, 3:30-5 PM

Archangelic Evocation: Thursday, March 13, 7-9 PM

History of the Esoteric Tarot: Sunday, March 23, 3:30-5 PM


A Really, Really Introductory Course on Wicca, Magick and Everything
This five-session class includes instruction, exercises, and question-and-answer time.

The dates and times for the Spring 2014 Session of Skiing the Magickal Bunny Slope are:
 Friday, March 28, 2014 7PM – 9PM
 Friday, April 4, 2014 7PM – 9PM
 Friday, April 11, 2014 7PM – 9PM
 Friday, April 18, 2014 7PM – 9PM
 Friday, April 25, 2014 7PM - 9PM

Enrollment is open to all, but note that due to the class structure and content, attendance at the first day’s class is required. If you can’t make it the first day, please join us when the next series is offered in Spring 2015. If you’ve taken the class before, you’re welcome to come to any session you may have missed previously, or re-take any you found particularly interesting.

This class is completely, absolutely, 100% free of charge! It is presented once a year as a community service of OLOTEAS, and is supported by donations from our ritual events. Many thanks to Edge of the Circle Books for allowing us to use the space at no cost!

These are some of the materials that are given to students of our Skiing the Magickal Bunny Slope classes:
Here’s where to go for links to download the materials for the class:

A Brief Guide to Pagan Etiquette
Some Tips for Aspiring Herbalists
Magical Ethics
Basic Circle Casting
Correspondences - Key of Solomon
Magickal Weapons and Tools
The Oracle™
The Tree of Life
Temple Arrangement
The Wheel of the Year
Recommended Reading List
Here’s where to go for links to download the materials for the class:


Note: all prices are subject to change without notice.

The Occult Life of London's Legendary Artist
By Phil Baker , Alan Moore (Foreword)
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: North Atlantic Books; 2 edition (February 4, 2014)
List Price: $18.95

Austin Osman Spare is the definitive biography of the controversial occultist and artist, an enfant terrible of the Edwardian art world whose work was both hailed as genius and decried as immoral decadence. As George Bernard Shaw reportedly said, "Spare's medicine is too strong for the average man."

Trained as a draughtsman, Spare enjoyed early acclaim when, at the age of seventeen, his work was shown at the Royal Academy in London. But his star soon declined; Spare went underground, falling out of the gallery system to live in poverty and obscurity. After a brief association with Aleister Crowley, he became absorbed in occultism and sorcery, voyaging into inner dimensions, while developing his own magical philosophy of pleasure, obsession, and the subjective nature of reality. All the while, Spare continued to produce extraordinary art, and held his exhibitions outside of the conventional art world, in London pubs.

Today Spare is both forgotten and famous, a cult figure whose modest life has been much mythologised since his death; the world's largest Spare collection is held by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin. Biographer Phil Baker separates fact from myth, providing wide-ranging insights into Spare's art and mind, reconnecting him with the art community that ignored him and exploring the rich tapestry of the culture that surrounded him, interweaving the birth of psychoanalysis, the historiography of the occult, and the British class system. This richly readable and illuminating biography, containing 50 black and white and 8 color photographs of Spare's art, takes us deep into the strange inner world of this enigmatic artist.


Ritual, Myth and Oracle in Shang Period China
By Jan Fries
Paperback: 838 pages
Publisher: Avalonia (September 1, 2013)
List Price: $49.99

"Those who do not forget the past are the masters of the future" Sima Qian, Historian, 1st century BCE Dragon Bones is a masterly and insightful exploration of ritual, myth and oracles in Shang Period China (16th-11th century BCE). Combining wide-ranging scholarship with pragmatic practicality, the author shines a light on one of the most obscure and least-known areas of ritual practice in the ancient world, demonstrating its value and connection to the development of magical practices in China over a period of many centuries. Combining historical accounts, myths, practical meditation and the oracle bone inscriptions themselves, Dragon Bones elucidates an arcane system of divination and offers its wisdom to the modern world.

To provide a relevant context for the dragon bone oracle, the reader is guided through a wealth of material by Chinese philosophers including Kongzi (Confucius) and Laozi, exploring philosophies such as Daoism and its cosmology. The offerings, sacrifices and rituals which form the mystical matrix from which Chinese magic developed are considered with an elegant perspective which explores both the practices and their use and relevance, considering their development from early shamanic practices into more stylised forms of social and cultural ceremonies which contributed to the evolution of formal rites to serve communities. As well as its detailed discussion of the historical and mythical figures, gods, spirits, ancestors, mountains, rivers, animals, types of weather and implements which provide the context and provenance of the development of the dragon bone oracle, Dragon Bones includes a dictionary of over three thousand inscriptions, the most comprehensive of its kind created. As the earliest recorded Chinese texts, the dragon bones reveal unique glimpses of a period where history and myth merge, shaped by philosophy, political power and magic, and whose lessons are as relevant today as they have ever been.


Seven Decades of Counterculture, Magick & Paganism
By  Carl Llewellyn Weschcke , John C. Sulak , Oberon and Morning Glory  Zell
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (February 8, 2014)
List Price: $24.99

This is the stranger-than-fiction story of two soul mates who rejected the status quo and embraced higher ideals . . . and had a whole lot of fun while they were at it. Reclaiming Pagan as a spiritual identity—and living in an open marriage for over four decades—Oberon and Morning Glory Zell truly embody the freedom to think, to love, and to live.

Telling the stories of their singular lives in this unique oral history, Oberon and Morning Glory—together with a colorful tribe of friends, lovers, musicians, homesteaders, researchers, and ritualists—reveal how they established the Church of All Worlds, revitalized Goddess worship, discovered the Gaea Thesis, raised real Unicorns, connected a worldwide community through Green Egg magazine, searched for mermaids in the South Pacific, and founded the influential Grey School of Wizardry.

Join Morning Glory and Oberon as they share the highs and lows of their extraordinary lives, and explore the role they played in shaping the community of Witches and Pagans that thrives in the world today.

Includes a 16-page color photo insert.


Expanding Your Practice with Techniques & Traditions from Diverse Cultures
By Melanie Marquis
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (February 8, 2014)
List Price: $16.99

Magickal Inspiration from the World’s Great Traditions…

Join Melanie Marquis as she explores an amazing assortment of magickal techniques gathered from the annals of world folk magick. Discover traditional practices from Zulu herbal medicine to the enchanted ovens of Polynesia; from Germanic fertility dances to the love potions of Papua New Guinea; from Greco-Roman bloodletting ceremonies to Malay word charms . . . and many more!

Providing instructions on how to unite classic beliefs with modern practice, A Witch’s World of Magick uncovers the universal principles that underlie decoy magick, curse breaking, potion making, number magick, and an abundance of other techniques. With these new perspectives on the common threads that weave throughout our magickal world, you will achieve higher levels of insight and success.

“An invaluable resource for gleaning the many modes of magic that will be useful to the new and experienced witch alike.”—Orion Foxwood, author of The Tree of Enchantment-


By David Rankine and Paul Harry Barron
Paperback: 250 pages
Publisher: Avalonia (August 7, 2013)
List Price: $32.99

"I conjure thee, Oh BOOK to be useful and profitable unto all those who shall read thee for success in their affairs."
~ Conjuration for the Book, Grimoire of Pope Honorius

The Grimoire of Pope Honorius is the first and most important of the French 'black magic' grimoires which proliferated across Europe in the 17th-19th centuries.

Combining a grimoire of conjurations to demons of the four directions and seven days of the week with a Book of Secrets full of simple charms, the Grimoire of Pope Honorius was second only to the Key of Solomon in the influence it exerted on magicians, charmers and cunning-folk in both rural and urban France. This grimoire also played a role in social events which rocked France, being used in the Affair of the Poisons which scandalised the French royal court in 1679, and by the young priest who assassinated the archbishop of Paris in 1857.

The Complete Grimoire of Pope Honorius contains material translated from all four of the different French editions of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius, including the complete text of one manuscript version never before seen in English (Wellcome 4666), and a new translation of the later corrupted German version of 1845. All of the material and its variations found in the five different editions of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius is contained in this work, presenting the entire corpus of this grimoire in print for the first time. In addition to tracing much of the material to sources such as the Heptameron, the works of Agrippa and earlier religious texts for the first time, the derivation of much of the material into later grimoires including the Grimorium Verum, the Grand Grimoire/Red Dragon and the Black Dragon is clearly demonstrated.

As well as charms for health, wealth, sex and protection, the Grimoire of Pope Honorius also contains a substantial number of agrarian charms by the Norman magician Guidon for protecting livestock, emphasising the popular rural use of such charms until at least the 19th century. The corpus of charms comes from diverse sources, including Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584), and some like the Letter of St Anthony can be dated back to at least the 13th century. Including numerous illustrations, and tables tracing the derivation of the material through the different editions and into other grimoires, the Complete Grimoire of Pope Honorius demonstrates the versatility and significance of this grimoire, cutting past outdated misperceptions to a viewpoint which reflects more accurately the position of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius in the development of magic since the seventeenth century.


Exciter to Frenzy
By Vikki Bramshaw
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Avalonia; First edition (December 6, 2013)
List Price: $24.99

"There was 'no god more present' than Dionysos: that is, out of all the ancient gods Dionysos was one of the few who people felt that they could reach out and touch" ~ Chapter 4: A God of Many Forms

Dionysos: Exciter to Frenzy is a phenomenal scholarly exploration of one of the most complex, liminal and paradoxical gods of the ancient world. In this journey through the realms of Dionysos, the author Vikki Bramshaw guides the reader through the mysterious world of the multifaceted Dionysos, revealing his hidden faces and forms, demonstrating his presence in different cultures, the growth cycles of nature, the establishment of theatre and even the ancient Greek calendar. The roots of the wine god Dionysos, like his vines, spread throughout the ancient world. From the Cretan Zagreus, to the Thracian Sabazios and the Egyptian Iachen, his stories permeated the myths and traditions of both the untamed wilderness and the culture of cities such as Athens.

Joined by slaves and rulers, wild flesh-ripping Maenads and vegetarian Orphics, wine-makers and hunters, the thrice-born Dionysos danced his way through the challenges of rebirth and initiation, with the liberating ecstasy of trance and possession. The god Dionysos unites opposites, he is many-formed, dying yet eternal, chthonian and heavenly. His ancient myths, mystical symbols, pagan rites and incarnations represent a uniquely detailed and relevant perspective of the transformation he brings through prophecy and personal liberation which is still relevant today.


Understanding Our Love Affair with the Immortal Dark Side
By Margot Adler 
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Weiser Books (March 1, 2014)
List Price: $18.95

"Vampires. Why do we care? In these pages you will find what is very simply, the most literate, imaginative, and just plain fascinating answer to that question ever written." ─Whitley Strieber

In a culture that does not do death particularly well, we are obsessed with mortality. Margot Adler writes, "Vampires let us play with death and the issue of mortality. They let us ponder what it would mean to be truly long lived. Would the long view allow us to see the world differently, imagine social structures differently? Would it increase or decrease our reverence for the planet? Vampires allow us to ask questions we usually bury."

As Adler, a longtime NPR correspondent and question asker, sat vigil at her dying husband's bedside, she found herself newly drawn to vampire novels and their explorations of mortality. Over the next four years--by now she has read more than 270 vampire novels, from teen to adult, from gothic to modern, from detective to comic--she began to see just how each era creates the vampires it needs. Dracula, an Eastern European monster, was the perfect vehicle for 19th-century England's fear of outsiders and of disease seeping in through its large ports. In 1960s America, Dark Shadows gave us the morally conflicted vampire struggling against his own predatory nature, who still enthralls us today. Think Spike and Angel, Stefan and Damon, Bill and Eric, the Cullens.

Vampires Are Us explores the issues of power, politics, morality, identity, and even the fate of the planet that show up in vampire novels today. Perhaps, Adler suggests, our blood is oil, perhaps our prey is the planet. Perhaps vampires are us.


Initiation in the Celtic Mystery Tradition
By Mara Freeman 
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Destiny Books; Original edition (January 24, 2014)
List Price: $19.95

An experiential guide to the spiritual path of the Holy Grail

• Traces the evolution of the Holy Grail from the sacred vessel of the Celtic goddess to the Cup of Christ and how it represents the longing for the divine feminine

• Provides exercises, meditations, and rituals to connect you with the powers of the Cauldron of Rebirth, the Chalice of Healing, the Sword of Light, and the Holy Grail

• Explains how attaining the Grail brings full consciousness of the soul and Divine influence for the healing of self and others

The primary myth of Western culture, the quest for the Holy Grail persists through the centuries like a recurring dream, embodying the longing for the divine feminine suppressed for more than two thousand years. The Holy Grail emerged not only as a symbol of the feminine but also as a symbol of the soul, for hidden within the sacred Grail legends lies an initiatory path that leads to the highest realms of consciousness and spiritual illumination. By working with the symbols of the Grail tradition we can gaze into our own hidden depths and heal the separation between masculine and feminine, Spirit and Matter, and Heaven and Earth.

Mara Freeman traces the evolution of the Grail from the sacred vessel of the Celtic goddess to the Cup of Christ, revealing a spiritual path rooted in the mysteries of the Goddess, the Grail, and the Sword. She explains how the Sword has dominated over the Goddess and the Grail for far too long, leading to a spiritual wasteland as foretold in the Grail stories. She provides a practical workbook of exercises, visualizations, and magical rituals to restore the power of the divine feminine through spiritually transformative experiences with the Cauldron of Rebirth, the Chalice of Healing, the Sword of Light, and the Holy Grail itself.

Drawing on folk traditions and medieval Arthurian romances as well as alchemy and the wisdom of the mystics of Glastonbury, Freeman reveals the ancient Celtic teachings of the Western Mystery tradition. She shows that attaining the Grail involves achieving full consciousness of the soul. Then, as a Grail-bearer, you can bring the light of the Grail into the world for the healing of self and others.



Deck & Book Set
By Paulina Cassidy

Hardcover: 204 pages, 40 Card set
Publisher: U.S. Games Systems Inc.; Crds/Pap edition (January 10, 2014)
List Price: $21.95

Paulina Cassidy introduces her 40 wonderful Witchlings in this enchanting new deck and book set. The Witchlings share their easy and uplifting spells to help you access your own powerful energy and natural abilities. The 200-page illustrated guidebook includes clear instructions for more than 150 spells with tips and insights from each individual Witchling. Whether used for incantation or inspiration, Witchlings will help you reach your positive goals.


By Regula Elizabeth Fiechter (Author) , Urban Trosch (Illustrator)
Publisher: U.S. Games Systems Inc.; Crds/Pap edition (February 2, 2014)
36 cards
Card language: English
Instruction booklet: English
List Price: $14.00
The German system of fortune telling, which dates back over 100 years, has been given a vibrant new look. Key words on the cards and an informative 52-page booklet make the Mystical Kipper method easy to learn.
The traditional Kipper cards gleam in a new mystical splendor. After the Mystical Lenormand, Regula Elizabeth Fiechter introduces us to her new Mystic Kipper deck, another treasure for those interested in divination. Urban Trösch painted the 36 cards in the classical egg tempera technique. The result is a work of art with great luminous power and exactitude.



·         Every first Sunday of each month--SEATTLE CHAOS MAGIC
We meet at 3:33 pm. on the first Sunday of each month, at Edge of the Circle Books, 701 E. Pike St., Seattle, WA 98122.  Anyone practicing, curious about, or otherwise interested in Chaos magic is welcome to attend.

·         Every 1st Monday of each month CELTIC RECONSTRUCTIONIST GROUP 7-9PM


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!
We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.
Need Spell advice? Just ask!


Tarot readings by Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler
"I've been reading Tarot for more than thirty years, and reading professionally at the Edge for a decade. My belief is that Tarot is best used for putting you in touch with your own subconscious, allowing you to make healthy decisions that can change your life for the better. My readings tend to be rather commonsensical. They are often geared toward helping the client deal with the often self-imposed obstacles in their lives in a healthy, self –affirming way, so that they can achieve their goals and fully enjoy the fruits that life has to bring."

Please inquire about Tarot Parties, classes and other events.
Available every day except THURSDAYS-- 12:30-8.30PM.
Sundays 12:30-8:30 PM

This concludes our Newsletter for this month.
Look for us again April 1st, 2014!
Raven, Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter



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