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Edited by: Stephen Skinner
Hard Cover with Dust Jacket, 312 pages
Pub Date: May 2013
List Price: $65.00

The famous journals of Dr. John Dee—Hermetic scholar, royal astrologer, and Renaissance luminary—document his conferences with angels and spirits, the development of the Enochian language, experiments in alchemy, and more. The Key to the Latin of Dr. John Dee’s Spiritual Diaries translates more than 50,000 Latin words from Dee’s diaries. Latin passages and their English equivalent are featured side-by-side on facing pages.

This book is an ideal companion to Dr. John Dee’s Spiritual Diaries, the first reader-friendly, revamped, and corrected edition of A True & Faithful Relation of what passed for Many Years between Dr. John Dee . . . and Some Spirits . . . Together, they provide full access to Dee’s spiritual diaries from 1583 to 1608.



Spirit Work in The Norse Tradition 

By Raven Kaldera and Galina Krasskova
Paperback: 360 pages
Publisher: Destiny Books; Original edition (November 14, 2012)
List Price: $18.95

A step-by-step guide to working with the spirits of ancient northern Europe

• Explains how to build relationships with Earth, Sun, Moon, Plants, Animals, Water, Fire, Craft, Air, and the Ancestors through 83 practical exercises

• Explores the role of altered states in spirit work

• Outlines the ancient cultural rules and taboos to avoid spiritual debt or offense

We are all surrounded by spirits. Many people feel called to work with them, but few know where to begin. Enjoined by the gods and spirits to fulfill this need, Raven Kaldera and Galina Krasskova have reconstructed the indigenous spiritual traditions of northern Europe and Scandinavia extinguished more than one thousand years ago by the spread of Christianity. Arising from basic survival needs, these practical traditions are fundamentally tied to the elements found in the harsh world of the ancient North.

Beginning with the skills tied to the Earth element, necessary for grounding prior to the more demanding aspects of the practice--working with Sun, Moon, Plants, Animals, Water, Fire, Craft, and Air--the authors explain, step by step, how to build relationships with each elemental spirit and the Ancestors. Offering 83 practical exercises, from cleansing with the Moon or borrowing the legs of Reindeer to making sacred space with Mugwort or creating an ancestor altar, they also explore building spirit relationships through altered states. Emphasizing the proper management of your spirit relationships to avoid spiritual debt or offense, the authors outline the ancient cultural rules and taboos that circumscribe these practices, essential knowledge for successful and fruitful spirit alliances.

Detailing the beginning set of skills needed to work with the spirits of this ancient world, this comprehensive workbook offers a unique ancestral spiritual outlet for those of northern European descent as well as an accessible guide for anyone trying to fulfill their shamanic callings.

From the Back Cover

“Those with a genetic, cultural, or spiritual link with Northern European culture will find this book especially satisfying.”
--Kenn Day, author of Dance of Stones

We are all surrounded by spirits. Many people feel called to work with them, but few know where to begin. Enjoined by the Gods and spirits to fulfill this need, Raven Kaldera and Galina Krasskova have reconstructed the indigenous spiritual traditions of northern Europe and Scandinavia extinguished more than one thousand years ago by the spread of Christianity. Arising from basic survival needs, these practical traditions are fundamentally tied to the elements found in the harsh world of the ancient North.

Beginning with the skills tied to the Earth element, necessary for grounding prior to the more demanding aspects of the practice--working with Sun, Moon, Plants, Animals, Water, Fire, Craft, and Air--the authors explain, step by step, how to build relationships with each elemental spirit and the Ancestors. Offering 83 practical exercises, from cleansing with the Moon or borrowing the legs of Reindeer to making sacred space with Mugwort or creating an ancestor altar, they also explore building spirit relationships through altered states. Emphasizing the proper management of your spirit relationships to avoid spiritual debt or offense, the authors outline the ancient cultural rules and taboos that circumscribe these practices, essential knowledge for successful and fruitful spirit alliances.

Detailing the beginning set of skills needed to work with the spirits of this ancient world, this comprehensive workbook offers a unique ancestral spiritual outlet for those of northern European descent as well as an accessible guide for anyone trying to fulfill their shamanic callings.


RAVEN KALDERA is a Northern Tradition shaman who has been a practicing astrologer since 1984 and a Pagan since 1986. The author of many books, including Moon Phase Astrology and Pagan Astrology, Kaldera lives in Hubbardston, Massachusetts.

GALINA KRASSKOVA is a Heathen priest and Northern Tradition shaman with a master’s degree in religious studies from New York University. The author of many books, including Runes: Theory and Practice, and coauthor with Raven Kaldera of Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner, she is a columnist for Witches and Pagans magazine. She lives in New York’s Hudson Valley.


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