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(Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic Series) Translated and edited by Ioannis Marathakis, Foreword by Stephen Skinner
Cloth Edition
Pages : 376, HB with d/w
57 Illustrations, many in colour
23 Tables
List Price: $75.00

This is the true ancestor of the Key of Solomon. Containing the full translation of the Hygromanteia, a Solomnike. This book is sometimes called the Hygromanteia, and this book has hidden behind the mistaken idea that all of it is a work on water divination, a scholarly mistake that has hidden the true value of this book for centuries. Throughout history thousands of people have been fascinated by the grimoire the Key of Solomon. This is the original Greek book of magic that was the source of the Key of Solomon, and in turn the ancestor of most of the grimoire-based ceremonial magic practiced in Europe and the US today.

This is a ground-breaking work. For the first time (outside of a handful of pages in academic works) the full Greek original of the Key of Solomon appears in English.

Contrary to popular opinion the Key of Solomon was not translated from a Hebrew original. During the gradual decline and fall of the Byzantine Empire, this precious text, along with many others, was taken to Italy. This may even have happened when Constantinople was sacked in 1453. It is quite likely that it was taken to Venice, where parts of it were translated into Latin and Italian.

Abridged Latin copies entitled the Clavicula Salomonis circulated in Europe, going through many changes, languages and versions to become the Key of Solomon as we know it (some of those manuscripts are published as Volume IV of the present series). Now for the first time you can read the whole text (large portions of which were left out of the Latin translations) arranged clearly in the order in which it was meant to be read.


DR JOHN DEE'S SPIRITUAL DIARIES (1583-1608) A True & Faithful Relation Of What Passed For Many Yeers Between Dr John Dee... & Some Spirits...Revised Edition
(Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic Series)
John Dee (Author), Stephen Skinner (Editor)
, Meric Casaubon (Preface)
Hardcover: 680 pages
Publisher: Golden Hoard Press Ltd (October 28, 2011)
Cloth Edition
Pages : 680
H/B with d/w,
Illustrations: 26 B/W
Published: 28th September 2011
List Price: $95.00

This is a completely revamped and reader-friendly edition of A True & Faithful Relation of what passed for many Years between Dr. John Dee... and some Spirits, transcribed and prefaced by Meric Casaubon in 1659. Now edited by Stephen Skinner, with a detailed introduction, appendices, extensive footnotes, supplementary texts, additional illustrations, and a Dee timeline.

This book contains John Dee's Spiritual Diaries for 25 years (1583-1608), now made available for the first time in an organized and readable form. For any scholar or practitioner of magic, easy access to Dee's Enochian system is one of the most important parts of the Western Esoteric tradition. This book covers Dee's invocation of the angels, the reception of their Enochian system of magic, his experiments in alchemy, and experiences in the courts of the crowned heads of Europe.

This book has been totally re-set, re-formatted and updated, incorporating corrections from the original notes of Meric Casaubon, Elias Ashmole and William Shippen, with reference to the original manuscript written by Dee. Sections which were originally missing from Casaubon's edition have been added. Angels, spirits, people, places, dates and times have been fully footnoted, and many of Casaubon's errors corrected. The reader will find this a much more accessible entrance to the world of Dr Dee's conferences with angels and spirits, and a welcome improvement.

Stephen Skinner was responsible for initially stimulating the renewed interest in John Dee and Enochian magic by first re-publishing Meric Casaubon's True and Faithful Relation... in 1973.


(Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic Series)

By Don Karr (Editor), Calanit Nachshon (Translator), Stephen Skinner (Foreword)
Hardcover: 296 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications; Bilingual edition (March 8, 2012)
Language: English
Pages : 200, HB with d/w
Illustrations: 13
Published: 28th September 2011
SWCM : Vol. 7.
List Price: $65.00

Liber Lunae has been transcribed from a sixteenth-century English manuscript,annotated, and supplemented with modernized English. The three major sections include: The Mansions of the Moon, which describes the operations of the twenty-eight constellations of the lunar zodiac, their magical virtues, and their names; The Hours of the Day and Night, which describes the operations of the twelve hours of the day and the night, their virtues, talismanic images, angels to invoke, and names; and The Figures of the Planets, which describes each planet’s magic square, virtue, suffumigation, magical directions, and inscription. There’s also transcriptions of related material (on talismanic images) from other sections of Sloane MS 3826.

Also included: A. W. Greenup’s 1912 edition of Sefer ha-Levanah, a Hebrew version of the Liber Lunae material, along with a full translation by Calanit Nachshon.

Liber Lunæ is a composite text containing three major sections:

  • The Mansions of the Moon, describing the operations of the 28 constellations of the lunar zodiac, their magical virtues and their names.
  • The Hours of the Day and Night, describing the operations of the 12 hours of the day and the 12 hours of the night, their names, virtues, talismanic images, and angels to invoke.
  • The Figures of the Planets, describing each planet's magic square, virtue, suffumigation, magical directions, and inscription.
    Liber Lunæ is fully transcribed from a sixteenth-century English manuscript, annotated, edited, and supplemented by modernized English versions of 'The Hours of the Day and Night', 'The Figures of the Planets', and 'The Mansions of the Moon', combining both Liber Lunæ and Sepher ha-Levanah.
Transcriptions of related material on talismanic images and on the virtues of different hours and their names from other sections of Sloane MS 3826 are also included. The full introduction places the material contained in Liber Lunæ into the general scheme of magical literature.

Stephen Skinner began his career as a Geography lecturer and magazine publisher, but his long term interest has always been Western magic.

During the 1970s he was the driving force behind Askin Publishers, producing a number of classic magical works by Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, Austin Osman Spare, Aleister Crowley, and others. During the 1970s he co-wrote many books with Francis King, including the still popular Techniques of High Magic. Also with Francis King he wrote Nostradamus. His interest in prophecy stimulated by this book, he went on to write the best selling Millennium Prophecies.
Stephen is credited with bringing the art of Feng Shui to the West, and in 1976 he wrote the Living Earth Manual of Feng Shui, which was the first English book on feng shui in the 20th century.

Stephen has written more than 20 books, which have been published worldwide in 17 different languages. These books have had introductions by such diverse people as Colin Wilson, HRH Charles Prince of Wales, and Jimmy Choo, shoe designer to the stars.

Stephen lives in Johor Bahru near Singapore.



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