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A Serious Joke – 
Michael Maier’s Alchemical Aviary
Trade Cloth Edition.
Full foil-stamped bookcloth with printed dust jacket. Alchemical Aviary folding plate. Fine typography with emblematic ornaments.
Publisher: Ouroboros Press
List Price: $45.00
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Jocus Severus was originally published in 1617 by Count Michael Maier and is here rendered into the English tongue from the Latin text by the remarkably able translator Darius Klein. Like his work on Giordano Bruno’s Cantus Circaeus, this is the First English Translation.

 In addition to the new translation, the Ouroboros Press edition of Jocus Severus distinguishes itself by employing new emblematic illustration work by Benjamin A. Vierling, who in keeping with our publishing style has produced fine illustrative ornaments and a fold-out plate depicting the aviary creatures of the text. These graphic elements complement the typographical details with an effect befitting a piece of fine Renaissance book art. 

Michael Maier is well known in the historical milieu of alchemy due largely to his important work on alchemy and music; Atalanta Fugiens, yet his other works have remained obscure and unobtainable until now. An excellent biography of Maier can be found in the work of Hereward Tilton, The Quest for the Phoenix: Spiritual Alchemy and Rosicrucianism in the Work of Count Michael Maier (1569-1622 (de Gruyter). In the foregoing work Tilton indicates the thrust of the Jocus Severus thus: The Jocus Severus takes the form of a court of judgment upon the bird of wisdom sacred to Pallas Athena, the Owl – in this instance embodying chemia as the highest science. The Owl stands accused of a number of misdemeanours by an assembly of squawking and cantankerous birds, who represent the various critics of chemia. Council for the defense is the Hawk; presiding over the court is the Phoenix, the symbol of the Work’s perfection . . . . After facing her fellow birds’ accusations, the Owl and her Art are eventually vindicated by the Hawk’s expert defense, and she is adjudged Queen of the Birds by the Phoenix. 

We now have the newest issues of Hex Magazine in stock!

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Now printed with a color cover and B/W interior.
List Price: $11.95

Reynardine the Shape-Shifter
[T]hat folk songs by their very nature change or are changed over the years cannot be disputed, and the ones that survive do so because they are powerful and/or have something important to say. The version of Reynardine that A. L. Lloyd left us with is undoubtedly one such example. Indeed, Winick himself acknowledges this in the same paper…Article by Michael Berman

The Gods in Our Bodies: Dance as a Voice of the Heathen Spirit
I worship the gods in many of the traditional Heathen ways. I offer them drinks of wine and good meals. I pray to them. I dream of them. I study their history. And I have found that there is an extremely important method of grounding myself in my body and the Earth that is often ignored by modern Heathens—dance.
Article by Salena Glassburn

The Language of Myth: The Highest God
Were you to ask anyone possessed of even the faintest familiarity with the Norse myths which god in the pantheon they believe the most preeminent, you will almost invariably receive the answer “Odin.” After all, as Snorri informs us: “He is called All-Father, but in Asgard the Old, he has Twelve names: One is All-Father, a second is Herann or Herjan, a third is Nikar or Hnikar, a fourth is Nikuz or Hnikud, a fifth is Fjolnir, a sixth is Oski, a seventh Omi, an eighth Biflid or Biflindi, a ninth Svidar, a tenth Svirir, an eleventh Vidrir, and a twelfth Jalg or Jalk […] He lives through all ages and governs all things in his realm. He decides all matters great or small. […] He has made heaven, earth and the skies and everything in them. […] Most important, he created man and gave him a living spirit that will never die, even if the body rots or burns to ashes.”
Article by Antonius Block

Heathenism: An Earth-Centered Religion
It has recently come to my attention that there are some Heathens who believe that our ancestral religion has little to do with ecology or reverence for the earth. Such colossal and inexcusable ignorance on the part of people who ought to know better requires a response. Reverence for the numinosity of nature was so pronounced that worship itself was centered in sacred groves. In addition to quoting classical sources as well as native Heathen sources, I will be extensively citing from modern studies of sacred groves in India which underline their religious and ecological importance, for this is the material which amplifies and brings into both focus and significance the former sources.
Article by Siegfried Goodfellow

Therapeutic Ancestor Worship
This essay is about örlog – the layers of causality which shape the present and anticipate the future; and it is about rethinking the nature of ancestor worship. It is about healing and growth, which I take as being the highest expressions of reverence one may have for one’s roots.
It is also an invitation to my reader to embrace the challenge of coming to terms with the multi-generational patterns under which each of us live – often without much awareness.
Article by Henry Lauer

Searching for Sahsnôt
Though Sahsnôt may be taken to mean “companion of the Saxons” this still does very little to cast light on his identity. On this question there seem to be three popular proposals. The first is that Sahsnôt is a god unique to the Saxon peoples, entirely unknown to the Norse. The second connects him with Tiuu (ON: Týr). The third identifies him as Frô (ON: Frey). In searching for Sahsnôt, each of these theories should be given its due consideration.
Article by Thorbert Línleáh

Now printed with a color cover and B/W interior.
List Price: $11.95
How Hex Magazine Changed My Life
Old Ways and New Days: A Multi-Issue Poll of Heathen Thought and Practice
Uuúdenes Rid (Woden's Ride)
Seasonal Recipes
Six Questions to Six Heathen Hexologists and Their Six Hexes
Winter Traditions

The Language of Myth: Sky-Father, Folk-King, and Warlord
The Importance of Sooth in Heathenism
The Sacred and the Holy
Speckled Snake and brother Birch: Amanita Muscaria Motifs in Celtic Legends
Cover Art: Baba Yaga by Ravenari


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