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By Kenneth Grant

Number One of the Typhonian Trilogy series.

First published in 1972, this New edition is limited to 1500 copies only. Bound in black cloth, sewn, illustrated end papers & printed on custom book stock.

With a new frontispiece, a section of seventeen plates (many in color, some unpublished) and includes a 1954 unpublished photograph of Spare, inscribed to the Grants.

A full-color dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Octavo. 274 pages. When the original manuscript of this book was submitted for publication, the author was told he had provided "too much material for one book". This proved to be correct.

Price listed at $59.95

The work here presented - in an enhanced edition - became the first volume of three Trilogies.

It provides a detailed analysis of certain occult traditions which existed long before the Christian epoch, survived its persecutions and anathemas, and reappeared in recent times with renewed vigor.

The continuity of this magical current as reflected in the work of Aleister Crowley, Austin Osman Spare, Dion Fortune and others is here traced through the Tantrik Tradition of the Far East, the Sumerian Cult of Shaitan and the Draconian, Sabian, or Typhonian rites of the 'dark' dynasties of ancient Egypt.

Sexual magick and mysterious rites have always been practiced; drugs and other substances have constantly been used to induce ecstasy, to produce visions and to facilitate traffic with the denizens of other worlds or planes of consciousness; but an initiated rationale of the process such as presented here has been rarely forthcoming.

The genuine magical tradition as revived by Adepts like Crowley is here related to its ancient sources and brought into line with phases of contemporary occultism that are evolving a New Gnosis to supersede the sterile superstitions bred of an aeon-long misunderstanding of the old.

As a contribution to occult lore, THE MAGICAL REVIVAL and its companion volumes have become standard source-books in their special field.

Andrew D. Chumbley

Opuscula Volume One contains nine essays written between 1990 and 2003, including one previously unpublished. This volume also includes an Author’s Introduction never before published, as well as an expanded version of the interview with Chumbley in The Cauldron. The essays reflect a degree of magical insight, clarity of vision, and creativity seldom equaled in occult writing to this day.

Standard Hardcover Edition: Cloth with dust jacket, limited to 726 copies, at $68.50 each.

The Opuscula Magica treats in four volumes the short exegetical works on magic by the British occult author Andrew D. Chumbley (1967-2004). The series presents his magical essays, homilies, and other obscure works which originally appeared in small-circulation occult journals now out of print. Each volume presents a series of collated works, some revised or updated prior to his death, as well as a number of writings and illustrations previously unpublished. Together with his grimoire-texts of the magical order Cultus Sabbati, these ‘minor works on magic’ are the origination-point and foundation texts of Sabbatic Witchcraft and Crooked Path Sorcery, two of Chumbley’s most important contributions to the Art Magical. With the intent to make these works more widely available to scholars and magical practitioners, the series is printed and bound in a fine book format suited to their study and preservation. The series editor is Daniel A. Schulke.

Volume I: Essays on Witchcraft and the Sabbatic Tradition

152 pp, illustrated
Release Date: April 2010

We are also carrying the following new statues:

Artemis with Stag in Bronze: 

Hermes as Divine Herald in Bronze...

And Posideion/Zeus in Bronze.


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