Welcome to the 33rd edition of the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. I've got great plans for this newsletter. Hopefully, as time goes by, it will only get bigger and better. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy. Regards, Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, Editrix golanv1@yahoo.com
Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult. This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events, post articles, and do a bit of networking. We are located at: 701 E. Pike St, corner of Boylston Ave., just two blocks west of Broadway, on Capitol Hill. Edge of the Circle Books strives to be everything that you could want in a Magical Pagan store. Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 9pm. Call: 206-PAN-1999
Edge of the Circle Newsletter is looking for writers and artists! Our Focus has been on the Pagan community, Sabbatic Witchcraft, Hoodoo, Western Ceremonial Magic, African Traditional Religions, Asatru and Heathenry, Wicca, Celtic Paganism and more obscure aspects of the Occult. If you have an article or art to share, please email golanv1@yahoo.com with "Newsletter" in the subject line. Please send only original material. All Copyrighted material will be honored and credited to/as the property of the original writer.
Many thanks to Janice Van Cleve for the use of her wonderful article, “Walking in a Wiccan Wonderland”.
by Janice Van Cleve
The market is full of all kinds of books on Wicca. They speak of Sabbats and spells, recipes and charms, and a few even go so far as to address correspondences and history. Yet rarely do they really investigate the deeper religion and mindset of Wicca.
It is important, therefore, to touch if ever so briefly, on some basic concepts that underpin walking in a Wiccan Wonderland. The human species, by its inherent nature, seems to have a proclivity for creating religions. There is something about consciousness that wants to connect to the realm of the spirit. Some say that our consciousness remembers a prior existence in a spiritual realm. Others say that our essence is spirit and our consciousness yearns to be freed from its temporary attachment to a material body. Still others say that our consciousness is aware of a spiritual plane beyond the material and that it seeks connection to it. Whatever is the impulse for creating religions, they generally fall into two groups: the supernatural and the natural. Supernatural religions reach beyond the natural world and fabricate nonsense (literally not of the senses) which cannot be reached by either sensory or rational means. Supernatural religions are faith based religions because the doctrines they propose often fly in the face of what our senses and reason tell us.
The only way one can follow a supernatural religion is by making a leap of faith to believe in things that cannot be proven by natural means. Supernatural religions often propose a deity and a moral code of behavior. They often attempt to encompass the whole universe to answer questions such as creation, the meaning of life, and life after death and base their beliefs on a sacred scripture. Natural religions, on the other hand, remain solidly rooted in the natural world and they are informed completely by the senses and by mental analysis. Natural religions are experience based because they depend on individual and group experiences. For this reason they are often lacking in doctrines, rigid moral codes, and answers to ineffable questions. Practices and concepts that are similar or held in common are most often based upon mutual agreement rather than upon strict hierarchical demands by some authority. Natural religions by and large tolerate diversity because they see diversity all around them in nature and they understand that each person’s experience of nature is different.
Supernatural religions, on the other hand, generally do not tolerate diversity because faith in one belief is by definition “one size fits all”. It is for this reason that supernatural religions are driven to proselytize or persecute while natural religions live and let live. The caveat should be made here that assigning specific religions totally to either the supernatural or the natural category from their beginnings to the present day would be stretching the point.
Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, and a host of other religions and philosophies have displayed aspects of both categories through history, sometimes even simultaneously.
However, as a generalization, understanding these two groupings is a helpful heuristic is finding the Wiccan Wonderland. Wicca is a branch of Western European Paganism, which is a natural religion. The word “Wicca” is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning wisdom. Wiccans or witches (both come from the same root) are the wise ones. They study and explore and experience nature to develop their knowledge. They may specialize in herb lore, astrology, spells, counseling, science, philosophy, or any other branch of knowledge. That is why Wicca is sometimes called “The Craft.” It is a learned body of knowledge and skills. Wiccans do not “believe” in their religion. They work at it and learn it until they know it. The more obscure questions of creation, the meaning of life, etc., are well outside the Wiccan experience and they are generally content to leave them there and not to offer any hypotheses about them. One part, therefore, of walking in a Wiccan Wonderland is the constant thirst for knowledge. For this reason Wiccans are not called “the chosen people”, “the elect”, or “the saved”. Rather they are called “seekers” because they continue to seek for knowledge and to perfect their skills.
Some find satisfaction in accumulating this knowledge for its own sake or in teaching it; but for many Wiccans, the purpose of knowledge and skills is to use them. Knowledge helps us make informed choices. Living by choice is a significant part of walking in a Wiccan Wonderland. It is amazing how many things over which we really have a choice once we think about it. For example: Nobody makes us happy or makes us sad. These reactions are how we choose to respond to a situation. Likewise we don’t have to go to this meeting or that party, eat up all our food, or send a card for a birthday or buy a gift. We can choose not to do these things. All the social rules of etiquette and manners, as well as ethics and morals, are culturally learned behaviors.
A Wiccan’s only guide, besides her own experience, is the Wiccan Law which is variously expressed as “And ye harm none, do what ye will.” This does not, to be sure, give Wiccans free license to run riot. Choice bears consequences. We are free to choose not to go in to the office, but the boss is then empowered by our choice to fire us. We are free to drive over the speed limit, but the officer is then empowered by our choice to pull us over. We learn from our mistakes and add the knowledge gained to our experience. Of course we don’t have to reinvent the wheel by learning everything from personal experience. More often than not, we choose to go along with laws, manners, and other culturally learned behaviors because these are usually the result of the learned experience of others or they make rational sense. As children we are conditioned by parents and peers, pastors and professors, to follow a whole laundry list of rules. Later as we grow up and are exposed to a broader set of experiences, we begin to question some of the things we were taught and we begin to make up our own minds. When we decide that something we were taught is not true or no longer serves us, we intentionally get rid of it.
Conversely, when we figure out something new that does seem to serve us, we intentionally adopt it. By the same token, when a Wiccan finds a practical application of Wicca in her life that suits her needs, she dumps old mindsets and habits that get in the way and adopts the new application. One of the basic new applications made by Wiccans is the rearrangement of time. Time is an artificial construct. Hours, days, and months are completely arbitrary. The natural structure of time is the seasons.
So another part of walking in a Wiccan Wonderland is structuring our lives around the seasonal calendar. This is a tough one because schools, jobs, and modern social institutions are formed around measuring time by clocks and Gregorian calendars. But let’s think about it. The most holy Christian holiday is Easter but Roman and Orthodox Catholics celebrate it on two different days. The Jews have Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Passover and a whole host of other holidays that the mainstream does not. Professions have their own calendars, too. Politicians follow three seasons of the year – legislating, blaming, and fund raising. Accountants have four seasons, which correspond to their quarterly reports. If all these people can rearrange time according to their needs, certainly Wiccans can organize their time around the eight Sabbats of the year. If a Wiccan seriously applies the eight Sabbats to her daily life, she goes a long way toward walking in a Wiccan Wonderland.
The eight Sabbats occur in the natural world. We feel the quickening of spring at Candlemas and we see the daffodils at Spring Equinox. We know the warming of Beltane in our hearts and all around us. We experience the long light of Summer Solstice, the late summer flowers at Lammas, and the falling leaves at Autumn Equinox. At Samhain we feel the nip and chill of winter and at Winter Solstice we rest in quiet peace – to the degree we can escape the commercial madness artificially created by the American material culture around us. The natural seasons reflect the accomplishment of our wills – our intentions. We set our intentions each year at Candlemas. Through the year, we grow in our enjoyment of life, our appreciation of new sensations, filling our seeking with new knowledge, and intentionally pursuing our goals. Then in autumn we take stock, fulfill our debts, forgive our injuries, and look back in satisfaction at what we accomplished even if we did not complete all the grand plans we made. Then at Samhain we release it all. We die. We surrender to the inevitable ending of all things. We close the book. We put away the score sheet. That tally is done. We empty ourselves and become completely free. In winter we lie in quiet and peace, carrying no baggage from the past nor imposing any requirements on the future.
We don’t have to.
We know - as opposed to having faith – we know as Wiccans that we will be reborn and that new possibilities and opportunities await us when Candlemas comes round again. We know that we will grow in the Craft from new knowledge and new skills. Christians speak of new life, new zest, and new possibilities when they are “born again” – and they only get born again once! We Pagans get to do it every year! Wiccans bring home this cycle of the year with daily prayer.
Daily prayer is key to walking in a Wiccan Wonderland. We begin by grounding and centering ourselves in alignment with the four elementals – Air, Fire, Water, and Earth – and their corresponding directions – East, South, West, and North. This in itself is a powerful renewing and rewarding practice. It is a statement that we are here and we know where we are. It is a statement that we intentionally take a position in the spiritual realm and in that position we claim access to the forces of spirit that operate there. After grounding and centering, it is useful to express first gratitude for the blessings and accomplishments appropriate to that direction. For example, I am a writer. I thank the East for any writing I accomplished the day before, for ideas that popped into my head, for emails that I wrote, letters to the editor or to legislatures that I sent. In the South, I express gratitude for the instances in which I showed courage, where I stood my ground, or for journeys I made safely. In the West, I am thankful for friends and relationships, for a date the night before, and for nice things people have said to me. In the North, I am thankful for healing of the various aches and pains that my aging body seems to acquire in increasing frequency, for money that has come to me, and for the material things that provide me comfort and enjoyment. Many of these thank you’s are for things I asked for in prayers the day before. After thanking, I ask for things I want this day.
Asking – receiving – thanking is a daily loop that helps me remain conscious of the spirit realm while I am working in this material realm. This daily loop also replicates in a micro way the macro pattern of the seasons. In conclusion, walking in a Wiccan Wonderland can be summarized as living intentionally, full in the knowledge of who we are, of what we want, of what we’re doing, and of what is happening around us.
Walking in a Wiccan Wonderland is making conscious choices and taking full responsibility for them. It is a land of ever renewing seasons – ever knowing, ever growing, ever changing, ever lasting.
Blessed Be!
Janice Van Cleve is a priestess of the Women Of The Goddess Circle
in Seattle. Copyright 2009.
We have finally been able to procure the very rare John Mason books from Yoruba Theological Archministry. We now have the following books in stock: “Black Gods: Orisa Studies in the New World” “Four New World Yoruba Rituals” “Who's Knocking On My Floor:Esu Arts In The Americas” “ Orin Orisa: Songs For Selected Heads”
And: We also have Yoruba Jewelry available from John Mason's company Iron Pot.
by Andrew D. Chumbley
Publisher: Xoanon Publishing Ltd List
Price $98.00 Binding: Hardcover Second Edition.
STANDARD EDITION (New) The standard edition is limited to 700 copies, and is hardbound in black cloth with blue endpapers.
Xoanon, Sole Publisher of the Sabbatic Craft Tradition, announces publication of the Second Edition of Qutub or, The Point, by Andrew D. Chumbley, late Magister of the Cultus Sabbati. Marking the 13th Anniversary of its original release, the Second Edition has been newly typeset and bound by Xoanon. Long out of print, Xoanon is proud to re-release this classic and long sought-after volume. Qutub defines and illustrates the Design of Crooked Path Sorcery through a series of 72 poetic verses, each representing a specific arcanum of Draconian Gnosis. Arising from diverse initiatic currents and spiritual streams, this Wisdom encompasses the ancient Persian sorceries of the Maskarae and Yatukan; the pure mysticism and beauty of the Sufi Way; the Yezidis, collected Kurdish tribes comprising the "People of the Book", and the modern-day exemplar of the Witches' Sabbatic Cultus. Together, these sources inform and inspire the verses of Qutub, Point and Axis f the World, weaving a rich tapestry to which is appended a scholarly commentary. This Illumination ultimately comprises the body of the Dragon of Eld, the Ancient Serpent of Light whose totality manifests within the microcosmic earth as the Great Opposer, whose Rite is included in the book.
by Jake Stratton-Kent
The True Grimoire is a substantial octavo book of 280pp. The text is profusely illustrated with characters, sigils, magic squares, and pontos riscados. It is bound in verdant green book cloth, bloody endpapers and stamped with a rubeus memento mori. This is a volume with presence, as befits one housing so many spirits. It is released in a strictly limited and hand-numbered edition of a thousand copies.
The True Grimoire is a major contribution to the practice and study of Goetic magic. The neglected Grimorium Verum has been restored to it's rightful place as a potent and coherent system of Goetic magic. Jake Stratton-Kent has reconstructed a working version from the corrupted Italian and French versions of this important grimoire. As a practicing Necromancer with 37 years of experience his Verum is a clear exposition of how to contact and build a relationship with the spirits.
The True Grimoire springs from the source of Goetic magic, enabling us to unlock the secrets of the other grimoires. We are given insights into the Dragon Rouge, Key of Solomon, Lemegeton, Abramelin, Honorius and the Black Pullet. This is a treasure trove for the student of magic. The True Grimoire lets us experience a grimoire tradition with links back to the Graeco-Egyptian Magical Papyri and the necromancy of the original Goes. It also places Verum within a living tradtion, one which has taken root in the New World, finding expression in Quimbanda and the Legion of Exus, the 'People of the Cemetery' who have clear Verum equivalents.
This is a constistently illuminating text. The copious notes of a working magician, combined with a scholarly attention to detail, enable us to use this text for it's original purpose. The hierarchy of Verum and Goetic spirits is restored, the nature of Astaroth is definitively set down. The planetary hours are explained, as are all the ritual requirements and preparations.
List Price: $ 64.95 Hardback, limited edition numbered copies 280 pages
Publisher: Scarlet Imprint MMIX , 2009
by Sorita d'Este & David Rankine
"The four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth exist as spiritual essences, as philosophical
concepts, as energy states and as a tangible physical reality. " Working magick with the
elements helps to connect us to the tangibly present natural powers in our physical world,
whilst at the same time we are returning to the building blocks of magick by rooting our feet in
the material world. Since Empedocles formalized the system in ancient Greece in the 5th century
BCE, the four elements have become an integral part of the Western Esoteric Tradition –
passing from ancient Greek magick, through the Qabalah, & Grimoire Traditions into modern
derivative traditions of ceremonial magick and paganism. In Practical Elemental Magick the authors
provide an unprecedented combination of research and techniques for working the magick of
Air, Fire, Water and Earth, as well as the spiritual creatures associated with each.
The Elemental Gods, Archangels, rulers and other types of elemental beings (including Sylphs,
Salamanders, Undines & Gnomes) are discussed and explored. Both the spiritual and physical aspects
of the four elements are considered, together with how they interact with each other and their
appropriate use for magickal work. The creation and use of Elementaries (Elemental Thought
Forms); Elemental Tools, the Elemental Tides and correspondences are all considered in detail,
together with previously unavailable original ritual & meditative material including the Unification
Rite, the Inner Talisman, the Elemental Pyramids, the Elemental Magick Circle & the Elemental
Temples. In mastering the four elements within & without we master ourselves, bringing the
external forces of the natural world & the internal forces of our existence into harmony.
List Price:$24.99
Paperback: 188 pages
Publisher: Avalonia (August 24, 2008)
Edited by Sorita d'Este
Priestesses, Pythonesses & Sibyls The Sacred Voices of Women who speak with and for the
Gods Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls lifts a veil to reveal the mystery of trance as experienced
by female magickal practitioners today.
Through happiness and sorrow, myth and legend, art and poetry, through ritual and dance each woman expresses
her own unique and personal transformative experiences of trance. Whether through trance possession, medium-
ship, Drawing Down the Moon, oracular or mantic states, dance, dreams or formal ceremony the experiences and knowledge gained during trance states can bring dramatic changes to one's life. The practices represented in
this volume are drawn from the experiences and research of more than twenty women from around the world, each providing a unique vision of their own experiences of the Divine. The book begins with "Ecstatic Histories" a section
of three scholarly essays. The first, Mantic Voices by Sorita d'Este provides an overview of the role of mantic priestesses in the major oracles of the ancient world, with a consideration of the resurgence of the role of the priestess in the modern Western magickal traditions.
This is followed by Caroline Tully's The Pythia exploring the history and role of the Oracle at Delphi and
Kim Huggens' Silent Priestesses which looks at female priests and prophetesses in early Christianity.
Then in "Sacred Utterances", the second part of this anthology, eighteen modern day Priestesses,
Pythonesses and Sibyls share their own personal experiences, wisdom and research on the practice
of trance. These women come from a wide spectrum of magickal and pagan traditions, including Goddess
Spirituality, the Western Mystery Tradition, Thelema, Wicca, Candomble, Voudou and Seidr.
Sharing, sometimes for the first time, deep spiritual experiences and insights gained through the work
they have performed as Priestesses serving in their own unique way, they provide the reader with
insights into their practices which could not be found anywhere else.
This section includes essays by authors such as Janet Farrar, Naomi Ozaniec and Vivienne O'Regan, Wiccan Priestesses Galatea, Diane Champigny, Yvonne Aburrow, Emily Ounsted and Sorrell Cochrane, and Priestess of Avalon Jacqui Woodward-Smith. It also includes Seidr practitioner Katie Gerrard, Priestess of Apollo Bolina
Oceanus, Cathryn Orchard a Priestess of the Gnostic Catholic Church, Voudou hounsi bossal Sophia
Fisher, Orixa devotee Andrea Salgado-Reyes, Teacher and Priestess Connia Silver, and dancers
Mariëlle Holman and Nina Falaise.
Unique, powerful and insightful, this book expresses the liminal world of trance in an accessible way for the first time.
List Price: $24.99
Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: Avalonia (November 17, 2008)
By John Canard, An English Root Magician
Have you ever been cursed?
How would you know?
What would you do about it?
For centuries curses, hexes and the ‘evil eye’ were seen as part of daily life in rural England, resulting in a rich heritage of folklore & apotropaic magickal practices. Such charms as Witch Bottles, Witch Balls, Hagstones, Horseshoes and Brasses, Magick Squares, Abracadabra, Rowan and Red Thread, Flint Arrowheads and Pebble Charms were often made from readily available natural materials. They seemed simple, yet when constructed properly and empowered with secret rhymes and other mysterious enchantments, they were both very popular and considered to be very effective.
Here English Root Magician John Canard provides insights on how to find out if you have been cursed, detecting the perpetrator through dowsing, how to destroy magickal links, nail footprints, work with Church Grims and construct the Archangel Haniel’s charm. He also discusses many other protective charms, growing protection in your garden, protecting the home against negativity, as well as enlisting both Angels and the sprits of the Dead for help! There are quick fixes and methods to ‘return to sender’ and thoughts on when cursing might actually be justified. Drawing from his own extensive research of English folk magick, the grimoire traditions, witchcraft and cunning - as well as his own experiences as one of only a small number of practicing English Root Magicians today, the author shares many unique insights and rare lore never published before.
Whether your interest is out of pure curiosity, or through a genuine need for neutralising or reflecting a curse, this throrougly practical book is a unique, balanced and invaluable study of one of the darker and rarely discussed areas of magick.
List Price: $14.95
Paperback : 120 pages
Publisher: Avalonia, August 2008
Translated from the French by Paul Harry Barron
Introduction by Stephen Skinner & David Rankine
Between the worlds of the Renaissance magician and the modern witch lie the Books of Secrets.
Bridging the complexity of Grimoires and the practicality of folk magic, A Collection of Magical Secrets is a treasure trove of simple charms made with easily available materials for healing, love spells, good fortune, gaining familiar spirits, making magical rings, regaining stolen property, and communicating with spirits and angels. A wide range of sympathetic magic techniques such as dreaming, poppets, using bread, herbs, mirrors and sieves, are utilised to ensure the success of the charms.
A Treatise of Mixed Cabalah contains four parts, three of which fit together to develop a greater knowledge of the practical Qabalah.
This includes a ritual sequence of prayers and actions for increasing knowledge, practical instructions for the construction, consecration and use of wax pentacles for absent healing, a technique for angelic dream incubation and a system of divination with 112 possible answers. The two parts of this book were previously bound together in a late eighteenth century French manuscript, Wellcome Ms 4669, with The Clavicule of Solomon and The Universal Treatise of the Keys of Solomon. These are reproduced along with The Keys of Rabbi Solomon, in the most significant grimoire publication of modern times, The Veritable Key of Solomon by Stephen Skinner & David Rankine. The inclusion in the beautifully copied manuscript of these two diverse parts captures the essence of a time when books about magic were starting to become more available to the masses.
Despite their recent production date of 1796, both of these parts draw on techniques with their roots in the practices of the ancient world, reaffirming the continuity of practice over the millennia also seen in the Key of Solomon. FROM THE PUBLISHER: Many of the simple charms in the first part, A Collection of Magical Secrets, resemble the writings of Albertus Magnus and also the nineteenth century French pseudo-grimoires of black magick, such as the Grimoire of Pope Honorius III, the Red Dragon and Grimoirum Verum. The charms referred to as coming from Agrippa include a wider range of material. As well as many healing cantrips, there are a number of examples of how to gain a familiar spirit, plus the inevitable charms for winning in love and gambling. There are a large quantity of charms for regaining stolen or lost property, showing a wide range of sympathetic magick techniques such as dreaming, poppets, bread and sieves.
Amongst the material in the first part, is also a conjuration of a Prince of the Thumb, an angel onto the olive oil-anointed thumbnail of a virgin child or pregnant woman, along with associated practices. The first part of Concerning Miscellaneous Cabalah is a description of the ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life with their main qualities, i.e. name, divine name, archangel, order of angels, heaven, as well as which biblical character was ruled by the archangel. This is followed by a ritual sequence of prayer and actions for maintaining purity and leading a good life, performed over a series of days for increased knowledge of Cabalah or other revelations from the angels. The second part of Concerning Miscellaneous Cabalah is largely concerned with practical instructions for the construction, consecration and use of the seals. This is followed by sections on Properties of the Verses and Scriptures, and Verses for Illnesses & Infirmities. The section on the properties of the Verses and Scriptures mirrors the type of use of the Psalms described in Sefer Shimmush Tehillim, although some of the uses are different.
The third part of Concerning Miscellaneous Cabalah is a technique for angelic dream incubation. The prayers and seals are given for the planetary angels, with a very concise and lucid set of instructions on their use. The fourth part of Concerning Miscellaneous Cabalah is a system of divination based on 112 answers.
The material was originally bound with the material which was used by Stephen Skinner and David Rankine in their groundbreaking work "The Veritable Key of Solomon" (Golden Hoard & Llewellyn 2008), which is the first new Key of Solomon grimoire material to be published in more than a hundred years since the compilation by MacGregor Mathers, one of the founding fathers of the Golden Dawn, was first published 1889. It is likely to appeal to both scholars of the Key of Solomon and the grimoire traditions, as well as those interested in Qabalah and a range of other subjects of interest to practitioners of the western esoteric traditions of magic.
List Price: $ 19.99
Paperback : 166 pages
Publisher: Avalonia Books, February 2009
By Kat Black
The brilliant Kat Black is back with her best tarot deck, zooming in on the premise that we have the answers we need within ourselves in this fresh yet classic "old world" stunner. Demonstrating the evocative and universal qualities of human expression, this is the first set of Renaissance-art-inspired cards to consist entirely of portraits—most looking directly at the viewer to form a connection between the reader and the card.
Each visage conveys an easy understanding of the cards unique meaning, allowing the deck to be used straight from the box without any special knowledge. Complete with a straightforward and informational booklet, the rich, dark colors and sumptuous costumes brings an antique look to this set based on the popular Rider-Waite-Smith card style. Kat Black is a performer and an artist, using a wide variety of media, including painting, video, and digital collage. She is the creator of the Golden Tarot card deck.
List Price: $32.95
Publisher: Kunati Inc.; Crds/Pap edition
Pub Date: May 2009
200 pages, Trade Paper, 3.5 x 5 78 Color Illustrations
by Nigel Jackson
Wander through the garden of divine love... Tread the sacred path of the Sufi and behold the spiritual reality of divine beauty with every step.
A beloved saint, teacher, and poet of the Sufi tradition, Rumi celebrated love and its ability to set the soul to flight. Let yourself be transported by Rumi's sublime poetry and the enchantingly exotic imagery of this tarot kit—and seek your own spiritual bliss.
This mystical tarot deck beautifully combines Nigel Jackson's original artwork with the inspirational writings of Rumi, depicting the soul's journey toward ultimate truth.
The Rumi Tarot Kit includes:
~ Mesmerizing artwork, based on the Rider-Waite tradition, that captures the mystery and opulence of the Orient
~ Suggested tarot card layouts, spreads, and an in-depth historical background of the Sufi tradition
~ Clear instructions for using this tarot deck for divination, meditation, visualization, and chanting
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nigel Jackson, born in 1963, lives in Manchester, England and is a well-known artist and illustrator specializing in the symbolism of Western Esoteric Tradition: he is deeply immersed in the traditional Tarot of 15th century Italy, the magical teachings of medieval-renaissance astrological magicians such as Ficino, Agrippa and Bruno and in bringing to life the talismanic images inherited from ancient sources of arcane lore such as the Arabian grimoire The Picatrix. He has worked intensively in researching the magical system of the 28 Mansions of the Moon. Nigel has been involved for the last quarter of a century in pursuing the inner wisdom of the hermetic mysteries and in expressing the symbolic 'language of the gods' through his visual art which he views as a living 'alchemy of the imagination'.
List Price: $28.95
Paperback : 312 pages
Publisher: Publisher: Llewellyn Publications; Crds/Pap edition (May 2009)
OLOTEAS presents…
Skiing the Magickal Bunny Slope:A Really, Really Introductory Course on Wicca, Magick and Everything.
May 1, 2009 from 7PM - 9PM
Edge of the Circle Books is located at 701 E Pike on Capitol Hill in Seattle.
Enrollment is open to all, but we ask that no new students attend after the first class date.
If you've taken the class before, you're welcome to come to any session you may have missed previously, or re-take any you found particularly interesting.
Please send email to dana@oloteas.org to let us know if you're planning to attend (so we have some idea how many chairs to put out and handouts to make!).
This class is completely, absolutely, 100% free of charge!
It is presented twice a year as a community service of OLOTEAS, and is supported by donations from our ritual events. Many thanks to Edge of the Circle for offering us free space for the class!
These are some of the materials that are given to students of our Skiing the Magickal Bunny Slope classes:
A Brief Guide to Pagan Etiquette
Some Tips for Aspiring Herbalists
Magical Ethics
Basic Circle Casting Correspondences -
Key of Solomon Magickal Weapons and Tools
The Oracle™
The Tree of Life
Temple Arrangement
The Wheel of the Year
Recommended Reading List
Website: http://www.oloteas.org/ Email: oloteas@oloteas.org
For More info: http://www.aquariantabernaclechurch.org/
Open Circle, Wiccan Meets at the Edge every Sunday from 5PM -8PM
Subject Line: Holy Well
UnCommonSense Tarot
Tarot readings by Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler
Please inquire about Tarot Parties, classes and other events. Available every day except Thursdays, 12:30-8.30PM, Sunday 3:30--8:30.
Kelly Marjorie Kelleher
Daughter of the Ancients Psychic, Healer, Muse...
Thursdays at Edge of the Circle Books
Edge of the Circle Newsletter is looking for writers and artists!
Our Focus has been on the Pagan community, Sabbatic Witchcraft, Hoodoo, Western Ceremonial Magic, African Traditional Religions, Asatru and Heathenry, Wicca, Celtic Paganism and more obscure aspects of the Occult.
If you have an article or art to share, please email golanv1@yahoo.com with "Newsletter" in the subject line. Please send only original material. All Copyrighted material will be honored and credited to/as the property of the original writer.
This concludes our Newsletter for this month. Look for us again on the first of June .
Raven Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter







