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Class: October 6th: Skiing the Magickal Bunny Slope!

OLOTEAS presents... Skiing the Magickal Bunny Slope: A Really, Really Introductory Course on Wicca, Magick and Everything The fall 2007 session will be three consecutive Saturdays: October 6th, 12:30pm - 3:30pm October 13th, 12:30pm - 3:30pm October 20th, 12:30pm - 3:30pm Where: Edge of the Circle Books, 701 E Pike on Capitol Hill inSeattle Enrollment is open to all, but we ask that no new students attendafter the first class date. If you've taken the class before, you'rewelcome to come to any session you may have missed previously, or re-take any you found particularly interesting.Please send email to jayson(at)oloteas(dot)org to let us know ifyou're planning to attend (so we have some idea how many chairs toput out!). This class is completely, absolutely, 100% free of charge! It ispresented twice a year as a community service of OLOTEAS, and issupported by donations from our ritual events. Many thanks to Edge ofthe Circle for offering us free space for the class! Visit the classes page for more info, including directions to thestore, class schedule, and materials. These are some of the materials that are given to students of ourSkiing the Magickal Bunny Slope classes: A Brief Guide to Pagan Etiquette Some Tips for Aspiring Herbalists Magical Ethics Basic Circle Casting Correspondences - Key of Solomon Magickal Weapons and Tools Spellcraft The Oracle™ The Tree of Life Temple Arrangement The Wheel of the Year Glossary Recommended Reading List


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