EDGE OF THE CIRCLE BOOKS IS PROUD TO PRESENT THE FOLLOWING NEW TITLES FROM RUBEDO PRESS CYPRIANA: Old World Edited by Alexander Cummins,, Jesse Hathaway Diaz & Jennifer Zahrt Publisher: Rubedo Press, 2016 Softcover , Illustrated, b&w, 208 pp. List Price: $26.00 FROM THE PUBLISHER: CYPRIANA: OLD WORLD gathers the lore and praxis regarding the good Saints CYPRIAN and JUSTINA of Antioch, the famed sorcerer-saint and the steadfast virgin-martyr, through bringing together diverse and divergent essays regarding Cyprianic traditions and practices. Recently the focus of a resurgence of interest in the English-speaking world, the Saints CYPRIAN and JUSTINA stand at a crossroads of the Old and New Worlds, and form an intermediary nexus of Christian thaumaturgy and older pagan mysteries uniquely celebrated in European Magic and its permutations world-wide. Our Saints inspire through their patronage both the Devout and the Heretic alike to new...