OPUSCULA MAGICA VOLUME II: ESSAYS ON WITCHCRAFT AND CROOKED PATH SORCERY By Andrew D. Chumbley, Edited by Daniel A. Schulke. 128 pp, illustrated Publisher: Three Hands Press Release Date: July 22, 2011 Standard edition: hardcover w/dj, Limited to 726 copies List Price: $66.95 FROM THE PUBLISHER: OPUSCULA MAGICA
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The Opuscula Magica treats in four volumes the short exegetical works on magic by the British occult author Andrew D. Chumbley (1967-2004). The series presents his magical essays, homilies, and other obscure works which originally appeared in small-circulation occult journals now out of print. Each volume presents a series of collated works, some revised or updated prior to his death, as well as a number of writings and illustrations previously unpublished. Together with his grimoire-texts of the magical order Cultus Sabbati, these ‘minor works on magic’ are the origination-point and foundation texts o...