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Welcome Spring!

WELCOME to the 53rd edition of the Edge of the Circle Newsletter. This newsletter has come about as an effort to reach out to the Pagan/ Occult community (particularly in Seattle where we are based) to inform the community of what events are happening at our store. I've got great plans for this newsletter. Hopefully, as time goes by, it will only get bigger and better. Without further ado, welcome, and enjoy.
Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler,

Edge of the Circle Books is Seattle's resource for Paganism & the Occult.
This newsletter seeks to provide the Seattle community with a place to list events,
post articles, and do a bit of networking. We are located at: 701 E. Pike St,
corner of Boylston Ave., just two blocks west of Broadway, on Capitol Hill.

Edge of the Circle Books strives to be your ideal Magical Pagan store.

Open 7 days a week, Noon 'till 9pm.
Call: 206-PAN-1999

We are also now on Facebook:

Become a Fan, post your event on the discussion page!

REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

Classroom/Ritual Space is available-- please call for details!

We've got two new beautiful new Egyptian Statues—Isis and Osiris!

Also, check out our new Faery Statues! 

SPECIAL THANKS: To Dorothy for her beautiful poem to Athena!

By Dorothy Wood

Protectress and Strategist.
Your voice rings truest, in the feeling in my heart
Help me live in Justice today
Fair and Pure One,
Help me to fulfill my duties,
Help me to be tolerant, and patient
To know when to proceed
When to pause.
Help me smile
Even in times of trouble for others or myself
And know that I am doing all I can to help
Help me to do all I can to help those around me to
Live without injustice
Help me to suspend all unfair judgment
Help me have peace in my heart and reason in mind.
Gray eyed Athena, Loving supporter,
Help your daughter/son today.
I praise you, and honor you,
Oh Owl friended one.

(Inspired by Marion Weinstein's Words of Power Statement, detailed in her book “Positive Magic”)

It's That Time Of Year!
Here's a spell to help facilitate healthy weight loss.

Light a brown 7-day candle and a pink 7-day candle. (If you are male, sub a red candle for the pink. )
Say the following – until it rings your inner bell (until it feels true.)

Words of Power Statement For Perfectly Healthy Weight Loss (Wiccan-Pagan Flavor)

There is One Universal Power,

Which is also the Goddess and the God.

Who Also manifest Themselves as The Goddess and the God, Diana and Apollo, (just examples, you could also use Freya and Frey, Oshun and Chango, or Morrighan and/or Lugh), a good Greek Goddess for this would be Athene--

And Who are also the essence of athleticism; perfectly healthy weight loss, health and self-esteem.

And I (your name here) am a Witch and Priestess (or simply, a follower) of the Goddess and the God.

And therefore I , (your name here) am a perfect manifestation of perfectly healthy weight loss, health and self-esteem.

I hereby draw into my life perfectly healthy weight loss, health and self-esteem.

Specifically in the healthy, effortless, loss of the weight of ____ pounds, which leaves me feeling happy and healthy.

I hereby release any causes, effects, forms, manifestations, or essences of worry or fear that may be preventing the free flow of perfectly healthy weight loss, robust health and the application of self-esteem in my life.

And there is no negative power in this seeming to be impossible.

Instead, the Infinity of Solution works perfectly to bring about perfectly healthy weight loss, health and self-esteem.

And ultimate perfectly healthy weight loss, health and self-esteem is mine, here and now.

I work these Words of Power,
With Perfect ease and Perfect timing,
For the Good of All,
According to the Free Will of All,
With Harm to None,
And So It Must Be.


A very General version:

(adapted from Marion Weinstein):

There is one Power, which is perfect_____.
And I, ____, am a perfect manifestation of that Power.
I hereby draw to me only perfect ______, specifically as ____ resulting in ___.
I hereby release any cause, effect, form, manifestation, or essence of worry that may be preventing the free flow of ____ in my life,
And ultimate ____ is mine, here and now.
I work these words of Power
With perfect ease and perfect timing,
For the good of all,
According to the free will of all,
With harm to none,
And so it must be.

© Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler, 2011, All Rights Reserved

A Catalogue of Art Works in the Collection of the Southwark Council
Author: Various Authors
List Price: $119.95

This lavishly illustrated publication accompanies the Austin Osman Spare exhibition held this Autumn at the Cuming Museum, London.

This landmark book,featuring Several Essays and a Catalogue of Artworks by AOS in the Southwark Art Collection, is comprised of:

An introduction by Robert Ansell

A Cartographic Study by Gavin W. Semple

Biographical Essay by Geraldine Beskin

Map section with annotations by Gavin Semple with many period postcard images and shots of private views in pubs from Frank Letchford's archive.

Essays by the curators Christopher Jordan and Stephen Pochin, plus detailed commentaries on the works in the collection by renowned AOS commentator Dr William Wallace.

Cloth with illustrated dust jacket. 100 pages, 140 color images. Limited Edition of 900 copies, numbered.

Also includes a DVD - "The Bones Go Last" - a biographical documentary showing footage of Spare's London, then and now.

The first visual material of its kind on this subject! Featuring interviews with Robert Ansell, Phil Baker, Dr. Christopher Jordan, Stephen Pochin and Dr. Robert J. Wallis.

All Regions Disc. 33mins.

P. Sufenas Virius Lupus
Paperback: 170 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace (October 22, 2010)
List Price: $20.00

Antinous, the deified lover of the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117-138 CE), was syncretized to a large number of deities and heroes in his ancient cultus, and the process didn't stop when that cultus ended in the fifth century. Archaeologists, scholars, artists, and admirers of male beauty continued to link him to a great many figures from Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology. In this book, you will find out about the familiar as well as the more obscure syncretisms of Antinous, from Hermes to Herakles, Dionysos to the Dioskouroi, Apollon to Apis, Adonis to Attis, Pan to Poseidon, Achilleus to Aristaios, Endymion to Eunostos, Eros to Echmoun, and many more! You will also find resources to guide you in getting to know these syncretisms further, and ideas for devotional practices based upon them.

P. Sufenas Virius Lupus is a founding member of the EkklesĂ­a AntĂ­noou and a contributing member of Neos Alexandria. Lupus' previous book, The Phillupic Hymns (2008), has been called " a marvelous collection, whether you simply want to read it, or incorporate the verses in your own ritual work” (Lupa, Pagan Book Reviews), and has been praised as "A vital entry into a growing field of devotional literature within the modern Pagan movement" (Jason Pitzl-Waters, The Wild Hunt Blog). You can find Lupus' further poetry and writings in Datura: An Anthology of Esoteric Poesis (2010), and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina devotional volumes for Artemis, Hekate, and Isis and Serapis. You can also find Lupus' blog at .

by Chad Hensley
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Creation Books (March 1, 2011)
List Price: $24.95


"EsoTerra discovers that realm where pop culture collides with the occult.” -- Adam Parfrey, Feral House

"Chad Hensley's magical magazine, EsoTerra, brought together rock stars and demons and scary visionary thinkers. It pulled no punches, presenting provocative glimpses into a new and improved consciousness. EsoTerra was like the Bible of Extreme Culture!” -- George Petros, Art That Kills

"More than a year's worth of high weirdness packed into one issue of this zine. If you thought you were jaded, get this and feel like an innocent child." -- Factsheet Five

ESOTERRA was an underground magazine focusing on extreme culture, published for almost a decade. The zine featured interviews with musicians, writers, and artists beside articles on fortean subjects, bizarre phenomena, and the occult. Some of the diverse personalities who appeared in the magazine include Marilyn Manson, H.R. Giger, Alan Moore, Adam Parfrey, Genesis P-Orridge, David Tibet, Thomas Ligotti, Leilah Wendell, Stephen O'Malley, Masami Akita, Boyd Rice, and dozens of other alternative luminaries who, in many cases, were both the subject of an in-depth interview and contributor to the magazine. ESOTERRA the book collects these and the other best interviews, articles, and art from the magazine into a single high quality volume, including material from the unpublished final issue.

Chad Hensley is a writer on cultural extremes, especially in music and art, as well as crafting horror fiction and verse. His work has appeared in a wide range of publications including the books Apocalypse Culture 2, The Darker Side: Generations of Horror, and the magazines Terrorizer, Seconds, Gauntlet, Hustler, Juxtapoz, Morbid Curiosity, and Super7. He currently lives in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
By Carl Abrahamsson

In the history of mythology, a demon, as opposed to an angel, is a malevolent force that can only act when commanded by a human or divine will. There are many demons in all cultures, and most of them seem, just as angels, merely to reflect characteristics and traits within the human psyche. Call greed Mammon, call poisonous betrayal Samael, call the enjoyment of decay Beelzebub, and you'll know what I mean. All demons reflect the so-called darker side of Man's nature, and whether one wants to accept this fact or not is just basically a matter of intellectual maturity in the individual. "Glamour", or to glamorize, means originally to fascinate, to bewitch, to attract subconsciously. A person with a lot of glamour can make people do things without actually expressing this in words. It has to do with looks, reputation, that person's aura, and many other things. To glamorize someone is then to catch someone's attention without that person really knowing what exactly is going on. To use techniques other than language or gesture. To use unseen or unfelt forces. Occult forces. Cinema is a fine example of the most demonic art form to this day, and the cinema-theatre is like a pagan temple where believers get together and receive messages from other realms, other planes of consciousness, complete with idols, a set morality, satisfaction (or at least titillation) of religious, sexual and other personal needs. We are completely alone in the dark. There are no impressions except for the ones that stream from the screen and from the speakers straight down into our selves. The size of the screen, the colors, the movement, the action, the soundtrack all interact to create a vision of wonder and illusion that is unsurpassed, with the exception of true religious or mystical visions. It is undoubtedly an extremely powerful medium, and can naturally be used for both good and bad. Effective propaganda films brainwashed millions of people during the communist and national socialist regimes, and helped to create those evil empires. But film as such, we mustn't forget, is just a medium, and it can naturally just as well be used for creating visions, and thereby results, of love and life and strength and art and magnificence. This is true of all techniques in magick. The technique itself is just a technique, and how one should look upon a magical operation must have to do with the magician and the aim of that magician. ...

Marion Pearce , Emily Carding (Illustrator)
Paperback: 228 pages
Publisher: Avalonia (November 26, 2010)
List Price:$24.99

The Norse gods are as vivid and powerful as the rugged elemental landscapes they ruled over. From Scandinavia the Vikings raided, traded and settled across Europe and beyond, leaving their mark through their deities in place names, literature and particularly through the derivation of the names of the days of the week from Tuesday to Friday. Marion Pearce sets the major Norse gods like Odin, Thor, Loki, Tyr, Baldur, Freya and Frigg into a context of both time and place, telling their tales in a unique manner and through doing so she introduces numerous other gods, giants, heroes, dwarves and monsters from the Norse myths and legends. The author also writes on the Germanic Saxon gods, who sprang from the same roots, and explores the conflict between the Norse and Saxon gods and Christianity. The influences of the Norse and Saxon gods are considered further through their survival in British folk customs and significant calendar festivals. Drawing on numerous sources, including the Eddas and Sagas, the tale of Beowulf, contemporary Arabic writings and early British laws, the author demonstrates the threads which unite the days of the week and the Norse and Saxon gods with other early civilizations and classical sources from Pliny, Tacitus and Ravenna to the Old Testament. From the world tree Yggdrasil to its gods and creatures, from the Norse creation myths to the cataclysmic Ragnarok, from magic charms to ritual practices, The Viking Gods by Marion Pearce is an evocative journey through the rich tapestry of Norse paganism, history and cosmology, illustrated with numerous original line drawings by visionary artist Emily Carding. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Marion Pearce is the author of numerous articles on Celtic, Norse and Roman history and culture published in magazines in the UK and internationally. She is the editor of Pentacle Magazine, the biggest independent pagan magazine in the UK, which she founded in 2002; and was formerly the editor of Pagan Dawn, the magazine of the Pagan Federation.


Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: New Page Books (March 15, 2011)
List Price:$14.99

When we lie awake at night listening to mysterious sounds, we imagine all the things that could be making those strange noises. The rumbling is the sound of the refrigerator; the knocking is from the old furnace; the creaking is nothing more than the house settling...isn't it? Although the modern world has denied the existence of things that go bump in the night and has taught us that the occult couldn't possibly exist, we know there are things that science has yet to explain.

Defense Against the Dark introduces the reader to many of those unsavory magickal creatures and occult happenings that exist outside of fairy-tales. Our ancestors knew these threats were real, and took precautions to protect themselves from whatever evil was lurking in the shadows.

Defense Against the Dark will teach you:
- Common lore and mythology of predatory entities such as goblins, vampires, imps, and ghosts
- How to identify malevolent spirits and understand how curses actually work
- How to master different protection methods, including shielding, banishing, and hex breaking
- Easy, concrete methods for protecting yourself in everyday situations

by Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold
A strict edition of 639 copies
With a further 63 fine bound.

Palo Mayombe - The Garden of Blood and Bones is an initiates account of this much maligned religion and cult whose central nigromantic mystery is the prenda, the cauldron containing the human skull or bones, re-animated by living spirit.

A masterful study of 240pp with four tipped in colour plates of the author's prendas, and the firmas/signatures of the principle spirits rendered in pen and ink.

The boards are bound in gunpowder grey book cloth stamped with an elegant bone white design.

The hardback Blood and Bones edition of Palo Mayombe comes in a strict edition of 639 copies and can be yours for $84.50.

Palo Mayombe will also be available in an unlimited Bibliotheque Rouge paperback edition.

Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold traces the roots of Palo Mayombe back to Kongolese sorcery, the warrior and leopard societies, and the impact of the Portugese Mission. The original African faith is carried in chains across the abysmal waters of Kalunga and it flowers in Cuba as a New World Creole religion and cult. Yet Palo Mayombe can only be truly understood in the light of a highly developed African cosmology.

In drawing parallels with both the Ancient Greek practices of Necromancy and Nigromancy, and the Grimoire tradition, Nicholaj also illuminates the Western Tradition, showing what we have lost in our denial of the dead and the cult of the ancestors. The magical head of Palo Mayombe in it's three legged iron cauldron has implications for understanding our own histories, whether Odin, Baphomet, Bran, John the Baptist or Orpheus. The Misa Espiritual suggests one way in which we can reforge that vital connection and resurrect both our dead and ourselves.

In Palo Mayombe the golden vein of fire still transmits the ancestral wisdom and transforms the Paleros into true spiritual warriors who are the walking dead.

The Garden of Blood and Bones gives explicit detail of the workings of Palo Mayombe for good and ill. The method of divination, the herbs, animals, trees and plants, powders, baths and waters, the songs and chants. It presents a complete living system one which embraces both the arts of healing and resurrection, and those that remove life.

This is a serious study which confronts the sinister and violent aspects of the cult, but rather than purveying lurid sensationalism expresses the deep dignity and integrity of its nature.

This is a book written from inside the cult, and will serve as a guide for practising Paleros and those seeking initiation, not simply a Western audience. With access to rare materials, pamphlets, booklets and unpublished field notes, this is the most comprehensive study of Palo Mayombe to date.

Santeros and practitioners of Vodou will also find much to ponder within these pages.

Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold is an anthropologist and psychologist who over the course of the last fifteen years been studying, both academically and practically, African and Afro-derived cults in the New World. This has led to a multiplicity of initiations into Vodou, both from Benin and Haiti, Santeria, Kimbanda, Palo Mayombe and Ifá. He makes part of the council of elders in the Ogboni society of Abeokuta, Nigeria.

He has for the last decade lived in Brazil where his studies and involvement in traditional forms of metaphysics, faith, cult and witchcraft is a constant theme in his life.

We are delighted to be making this precious work available.


By Corrine Kenner, John J. Blumen
Book and Deck Set
Book-264 pages
Deck-78 Cards
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications; Crds/Pap edition (May 8, 2011)
Price: $28.95

Step through the doors of Mandrake Academy . . . where you will don the robes of a magical apprentice and learn from your instructor—the tarot. Featuring gorgeous, intricately rendered digital artwork by John J. Blumen, this wonderfully unique tarot deck presents a full course in basic magic while teaching you the timeless art of reading the cards.

Progress through the 78-card Rider-Waite-based deck and explore twenty-two enjoyable lessons, as taught by the Empress, professor of herbal magic; the Hierophant, professor of mythology; and other traditional figures who hail from the Major Arcana.

—Gain skills in spellcasting, herbalism, runes, astrology, astral travel, shapeshifting, and other essential topics

—Practice four schools of elemental magic, represented by the four suits of the Minor Arcana: fire, water, air, and earth

For a study guide and more, visit

Corrine Kenner specializes in bringing metaphysical subjects down to earth. Her work on the tarot is widely published, and her classes and workshops are perennial favorites among students in the Midwest. Corrine is a certified tarot master, and she holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy from California State University, Long Beach.

Corrine is the author of Tall Dark Stranger, a handbook on using tarot cards for romance, and Tarot Journaling, a guide to the art of keeping a tarot diary. She was also the creator of Llewellyn's Tarot Calendar. She is a contributor to the 2005, 2006, and 2007 editions of the Llewellyn Tarot Reader. A former newspaper reporter and magazine editor, Kenner edited Llewellyn's popular Astrological Calendar, Daily Planetary Guide, and Sun Sign Book. She is also the author of Crystals for Beginners.

Corrine has lived in Brazil, Los Angeles, and the Twin Cities of Minnesota. She now lives in the Midwest with her husband Dan and her daughters Katherine, Emily, and Julia.

You can find her website at .


OLOTEAS presents… Skiing the Magickal Bunny Slope: A Really, Really Introductory Course on Wicca, Magick and Everything.

The next series of classes will be presented on Fridays in April at Edge of the Circle Books: APRIL FROM 1, 8, 15, 22, AND 29; 7 PM - 9 PM

Classes include instruction, exercises, and question-and-answer time.

Enrollment is open to all, but note that due to the class structure and content, attendance at the first day’s class is required. If you can’t make it the first day, please join us when the next series is offered in Spring 2012. If you’ve taken the class before, you’re welcome to come to any session you may have missed previously, or re-take any you found particularly interesting.

Please send an email to to let us know that you’re planning to attend (so we have some idea how many chairs to put out and handouts to make!).

This class is completely, absolutely, 100% free of charge! It is presented once a year as a community service of OLOTEAS, and is supported by donations from our ritual events. Many thanks to Edge of the Circle Books for allowing us to use the space at no cost!

These are some of the materials that are given to students of our Skiing the Magickal Bunny Slope classes:
A Brief Guide to Pagan Etiquette
Some Tips for Aspiring Herbalists
Magical Ethics
Basic Circle Casting
Correspondences - Key of Solomon
Magickal Weapons and Tools
The Oracle™
The Tree of Life
Temple Arrangement
The Wheel of the Year
Recommended Reading List

Our Lady of the Earth and Sky
12345 Lake City Way NE, Box 195
Seattle, WA 98125-5401


When: SAT, APRIL 9, 4PM – 6PM
Where: Edge of the Circle 701 East Pike Street, Seattle WA

This FREE two hour workshop is specifically for those who live or work in the city. Increase your awareness, prevent being hassled in a crowd, improve your work area, and safeguard your home. Includes auric control, magickal camouflage, wards, witch bottles and more. Appropriate for beginning
through adept magick practitioners from any path.

From the author of:
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: New Page Books (March 15, 2011)
List Price:$14.99

When we lie awake at night listening to mysterious sounds, we imagine all the things that could be making those strange noises. The rumbling is the sound of the refrigerator; the knocking is from the old furnace; the creaking is nothing more than the house settling...isn't it? Although the modern world has denied the existence of things that go bump in the night and has taught us that the occult couldn't possibly exist, we know there are things that science has yet to explain.

Defense Against the Dark introduces the reader to many of those unsavory magickal creatures and occult happenings that exist outside of fairy-tales. Our ancestors knew these threats were real, and took precautions to protect themselves from whatever evil was lurking in the shadows.

Defense Against the Dark will teach you:
- Common lore and mythology of predatory entities such as goblins, vampires, imps, and ghosts
- How to identify malevolent spirits and understand how curses actually work
- How to master different protection methods, including shielding, banishing, and hex breaking
- Easy, concrete methods for protecting yourself in everyday situations

From the Author's Website:

When I first entered the world of magick and metaphysics I was delighted to find a spiritual and philosophic satisfaction I had never found in more mainstream systems of belief. In my naĂŻve eagerness I dove in head first, with little thought to the strange and dangerous creatures that might be lurking beneath the surface. I learned the hard way that some old wives tales are true and that there are things that go bump in the night. At the time I had a very hard time finding information on how to deal with and protect myself against such things. Now, many experiences later, I’ve written the book I wish someone had handed me all those years ago

Defense Against the Dark introduces the darker denizens of the magickal world and the dangers they can present. You will learn common lore surrounding malevolent creatures and malicious magick and how to deal with them should that become necessary. With each listing you will find information on how common that particular entity is, how dangerous, what other names it might be called, common symptoms that indicate their presence, and concrete, practical methods for alleviating the danger they present.

This book clarifies what negative entities and magick do AND do not do. The magickal world is full of misconceptions and misinformation. How to avoid mistaken mythology is included in the lore for many entries. Learn how curses actually work, that faeries aren’t always nice, and that modern vampires do exist but really aren’t that dangerous.

One of the features of which I am most proud is the Index of Symptoms. This lists all of the common symptoms that malevolent magick and creatures create and list what might be responsible. With this tool you can readily identify the most likely magickal culprit in any situation. However, use this with caution and don’t let yourself be carried away. Just because you experience symptoms commonly caused by a goblin doesn’t mean that it isn’t just bad curry and lack of sleep. Most of the time there is a rational mundane explanation for what you experience. This book is for the times when the rational explanations fail.

© 2011 Emily Carlin. All Rights Reserved.



Noble School of TaiChi and QiGong Training

  • Internal Cultivation
  • Inner Strength
  • Overcome Fears, Anxieties, Stress
  • Rebuild Body and Mind
  • Inner Harmony (Yin & Yang)

Dates: Tuesday Evenings: 5:30PM—7PM (NO class 1st Tuesday of the Month)
Thursdays, 7PM—8:30PM,

Price: $10.00 (Intro Price)

Learn Ancient QiGong:Yi Ren QiGong
  1. Improve Energy Levels, & Sleep
  2. Activate Chakras & Acupuncture Pathways
  3. Balance Hormones: Enhance Vitality
  4. Self-Healing, Stay Healthy & Vibrant
  5. Synchronize Mind/ & Much More...

Money Back Guarantee--
If you are not satisfied with the first class!

Work Trades and Discounts available!

Brendan Thorson, LMP, 10 Years teaching experience, student of YI Ren QiGong Master Dr. Guan-Cheng Sun

Phone: (206) 354-8216

(Every 1st Monday of each month)
For More Information:

(Every 4th Thursday of each month)

(Every 4th Monday of each month)
For the past 30 years, we have been teaching the basics of Wicca, lecturing at
festivals, writing articles and books on Paganism, and acting as priest and
priestess of StarWyrm Coven. We are now starting a new series of meetings for
the those sincerely interested in Wicca, open to all seekers. If you are
seriously considering making Wicca your own brand of spirituality but wonder
what you might be getting into, this is a great starting point. This is NOT a
recruitment or any sort of proselytizing device. The aim of these meetings is to
give information and trade perspectives so you may make up your mind.
Blessed be,
Blacksun and Shadowhawk


REMINDER: We buy used Occult Books! Our buyer is in on Wednesdays,
Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays!
We also have classroom/ritual space-- please call for details.
Need Spell advice? Just ask!


Tarot readings by Erica (Raven) Branch-Butler

" I've been reading Tarot for more than thirty years, and reading professionally
at the Edge for a decade. My belief is that Tarot is best used for
putting you in touch with your own subconscious, allowing you to make healthy
decisions that can change your life for the better. My readings tend to be
rather commonsensical (hence the name) and are geared toward helping the client
circumvent the often self-imposed obstacles in their lives, so that they can
achieve their goals and fully enjoy the fruits that life has to bring."

Please inquire about Tarot Parties, classes and other events.
Available every day except THURSDAYS-- 12:30-8.30PM.
Sundays 12:30-8:30 PM

Daughter of the Ancients
Psychic, Healer, Muse...
Thursdays at Edge of the Circle Books 2-8:30pm


This concludes our Newsletter for this month.
Look for us again MAY 1st 2011!
Editrix, Edge of the Circle Books Newsletter


Dr. Phil said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your continued, excellent, hard work on this, Raven!

(And thanks for the advertising as well!)

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ADDENDUM: MID-JUNE, 2014 We are also now on Facebook: Become a Fan; post your event on the discussion page! EDGE OF THE CIRCLE BOOKS IS PROUD TO PRESENT THE FOLLOWING COLLECTIBLE TITLE FROM XOANAN PUBLISHING: THE DRAGON-BOOK OF ESSEX By Andrew D. Chumbley Published, June 2014 Quarto format, 832 pp., single volume. Containing numerous illustrations and sigillae by the author throughout. Standard Edition: Limited to 808 hand-numbered copies, full bookcloth over heavy boards, with gilt blocking on cover and spine. List Price $292.95 FROM THE PUBLISHER: O’ Milcham-i-Azh’rail! Lift Thou Thy blade to Heaven, seven times tongued with flame, there to cut open the heart of the Sun, that its lifeblood may flow into Thy mouth; thus to empower Thee as the Messenger Divine– the catalyst for the translation of the Seeker’s Mind into the Circle of the Seven Stars . This